posted July 09, 2006 05:53 PM
This crisis is an opportunity....They say,
"The Eagle never lost so much time,
as when he submitted to learn from the crow."
- native american proverb
But, really, the Eagle lost just as much time,
when he submitted to teach the crow.
"... if someone doesn't want to hear the song of the reed flute,
it's best to cut conversation short, say good-bye, and leave."
- Rumi
Whether it is a case of pearls before swine,
or husks before deep-sea divers...
We are all eagles!
We are all crows!
One person's pearl,
is another person's husk.
One person's silence,
is another's reed flute song.
If communication creates more conflict than resolution,
the discussion has lost sight of its original purpose,
and ought to be abandoned, or, else,
approached from an entirely different angle.
"So leave the wise to wrangle, and, with me,
the conflict of the universe let be;
and, in some quiet corner of the hubub couch'd,
make game of that which makes as much of thee."
- Omar
"Close both eyes to see with the other eye.
Open your hands, if you want to be held.
Sit down in this circle.
Quit acting like a wolf,
and feel the shepherd's love filling you. "
- Rumi
Wanting only to be "right",
how quickly we forget to be good.
One cannot fight to be good.
One can only cease fighting,
in order to be good.
Fight to win the argument,
and you will surely lose the peace.
"My father's kingdom is not of this world.
If it were, His people would fight for me."
- Jesus
Spiritual "fighting" is surrender.
The spiritual warrior is one who lays down his arms.
He is fearless who neither fights,
nor flees the battle in disgust,
but stands and sings an immortal song of love
to the one who would strike a mortal blow.
Love is his fight, song is his sword.
"... and creatures comelier than angels even
seem in a dagger to have devils' faces.
Your dagger will never tell you true from false;
it will never serve you as a mirror."
- Sanai
Hatred of evil is the craftiest,
and least well-known of vices;
so easily is it mistaken for love of good.
Let he who is (momentarily) without sin
blow the first kiss.
I love all of you.
I cast a black-magick spell of shame
on none of you; that is not my place.
I know nothing that you do not know.
I can only remind you of what you
have forgoten, and hope that you
will be here to remind me,
when I have forgotten,
as I surely will, -
and hope that I have enough presence of mind
not to take your gentle reminder
as a self-righteous rebuke against my (momentary) poverty.
We are all the same.
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase 'each other'
doesnt make any sense."
- Rumi
And when you can hear every angry word
as a desperate cry for help....
And when you can respond with
understanding, compassion,
and sincerely gentle instruction, -
without harsh words;
without accusations and condemnations, -
then, you will know what it means
to be truly wise, and truly evolved.
My prayer is that we will all remember this,
and someday know what it means
to be truly wise, and truly evolved.
It doesnt matter who is wrong,
or who is first to admit it, or forgive it.
We are all children;
all foolish, stubborn, sensitive,
headstrong, and well-intentioned.
We are more beautiful than the angels,
for all that we contain.
Let's shake each other's little hands.
Let's kiss and make up.
Doesnt that feel good?
Isnt it better than fighting?
What are we learning here?
That, if you must compete,
Compete in being virtuous.
Give way to another,
and win the race.
"For whosoever seeks to be first,
shall be last, and whosoever seeks
to be last, shall be first."
- Jesus