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  I just had a bad dream....

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Author Topic:   I just had a bad dream....
Heart--Shaped Cross
posted August 14, 2006 06:38 AM           Edit/Delete Message
t.Saturn is Squaring my Stellium -
In two days, my t.Saturn Square Venus
will be exact, and, just yesterday,
I ended the last of my unhealthy relationships...

The Dream:

There was a lot going on before this (someone brought over these used books, but i had read them all - dostoevsky, tolstoy, fitzgerald, etc.), but, I'll skip to where it gets really bizarre....

I am in my home with a few guests. My friend Mike ((who called me recently, in real life, trying to get me to take him to buy Adderall, "even though my girlfriend will break up with me if she finds out," and I had said, playfully, "clean your colon, mike," and he had said, "yeah, that's what I want to hear right now," in this nasty voice, and when I said, "sorry, I cant help you get addies," he said, "fine, I'll find another ride on my own," again, in a nasty voice, and hung up on me, - he sounds like a zombie when he calls, not at all like the sweet, clever Libra w/ Pisces Moon, that he used to be, and I hadnt heard from him in weeks, now he just calls to see if I can help him get drugs)), and some girl I dont know - some fourteen year old hairspray queen, who is being a real pain, - and, lastly, my grandmother (for some reason), who is in a rotten mood. And they have been there for a while, and I want them to leave, and I fed them all this great food, but they never left, and now I am trying to eat some pasta, and the girl makes some nasty comment about how i didnt bring her any, and then said something else rude, and so, I got upset, and started ushering her out, but she is taking her sweet time, and I am getting more aggressive, and then she gathers up her stuff and goes into the hall in a huff, and i think she's gone but she's just loitering, and meanwhile she left half her sh!t in my house, and I try to gather it up, but there's too much of it, so i let her back in to collect her stuff, and then, I am wearing braces ((I dont wear braces)) and a section (front, upper) of my teeth comes loose, with the braces attached, and i try to fit it back in my mouth,...

now I am told that my former best-friend Dan ((who is now a full-blown junky - in real life - and I havent talked to him in over a month)) is outside, doing something to my father's car, so, I go out, trying to fit the teeth in my mouth, to tell Dan to leave, and he is inside the car, which is full of strange kids, and also surrounded by strange kids i dont know, and one of them looks like Dan, and I am telling him to leave, but he says, "I'm not Dan," and then I am knocking on the car window, and Dan is in the backseat, ranting to his new friends about how i abandoned him or something, and I tell him to leave, and he is like, "just a sec, just a sec", and meanwhile, the yard and driveway are filling up with weird, sketchy kids, and on my way back inside I see the cops are here, but there's just two of them and they arent getting the people to leave, and I am telling the people that it is not a party and they need to go home, but nobody is listening to me, so I go back inside and lock the door, and that girl is still gathering her stuff and messing around, and I tell her to leave, and she says, "but there are people outside", and I go upstairs, and another section of my teeth dislodges, and it is scaring me, and now I look out the big window up there and the yard is full of people, and I go back into the hall and they are getting inside the house, but Patrick Swayze comes out of nowhere and pushes some of them outside and locks the door again, but he cant get all of them out, and someone always unlocks the door, so I leave that part of the house for a safer part, and another section of teeth comes loose,...

then I go to the other upstairs, where i knock on my parents door and they let me in, and I show my dad my teeth and at first he is upset with me, but then concerned, and he sets the sections of my teeth down in a clear mold, shaped like the inside of my mouth, on an ironing board, in my parents bathroom, and I am telling them how the house is filling up with sketchy people, and they ((my parents)) are not listening to me, and another section of teeth comes loose (with braces on it, of course) and I set it in the mold and now the mold is full and my mouth is empty and it is hard to talk, and i am hoarse, and my mom is complaining that she is trying to get ready to go out and i am being a pain, while I'm practically choking on the fumes from her hairspray, and now i am shaking her and trying to tell her how serious this is, and "just look at my teeth", but my dad grabs me and is about to flip me over ((like a wrestler)), but suddenly there is a flash from outside, and we look out the window, and down in the driveway is Ted Danson with a poloroid camera (trying to get our attention), and we hear through a megaphone, "they are getting closer to where you are, you will have to jump" and these three cops are holding out a stretched "sheet" the size of a shirt for us to jump into, and I go and pull a bureau in front of the door, and my dad is getting ready to jump, and I am totally scared, --

and then I woke up, really relieved, but still shook up.

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Posts: 136
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 14, 2006 07:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
I'm guessing, from the info you provided, that you feel like you are losing a part of yourself as you leave behind your old friends. I think the young girl represents an immature feminine or immature emotions and that image is tied up with the mother (you mentioned hairspray for both). So maybe while you feel you are losing part of yourself, you realize the danger of the friends and you realize that immature emotions might be connected with all of it... and you realize that you want that immaturity out of your "house," (the house represents You in dreams by my understanding). Seems like "immaturity" (hair spray queen) is taking over your house (leaving her belongings everywhere, won't leave, rude, etc).
I found it interesting that Patrick Swayze was able to halt the intrusion... he is tied up for me as the role of the older man who protects the dreams of the young girl in Dirty Dancing ("Nobody puts Baby in a corner!)(meaning he is protecting YOUR dreams, or emotions) and the role of the bouncer in Roadhouse. I took that symbol to mean those things, but I don't know if that is what he symbolizes to you.
Ted Danson will always mean "Cheers" to me. "Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your name..." hehe apt symbol for friends, tied up with the bar (alcohol (drugs) tied up with the connection feelings with friends) thing, maybe?
Polaroid would mean capturing or viewing things the way they are now, due to it's instant nature?
Looks like the cops (authority/God?) aren't really offering a safe place to land from your view.
I also think there is something there with your Dad protecting Mom from your frustration with her and her feminine ways that are related to the original hairspray Queen symbol girl.

What an interesting dream. Thanks for sharing. I hope something I said helps you fill in a blank somewhere or helps you take things on a new symbolic journey through your mind.

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Heart--Shaped Cross
posted August 14, 2006 09:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Wow, Mystic, thanks!
That's a pretty brilliant analysis.
I'm impressed.
Thank you for taking the time and thought.

I had some theories of my own, but I think you did a good job of following the old rule, that everyone in the dream is essentially a part of the dreamer. I'm sure there are multiple levels of interpretation, though, just as people and situations in our life, signified by people and situations in the dream, also signify aspects of the self.


The used books which I had already read signify old ways of thinking which I am still fond of, but tired of rehashing, and old habits that die hard, and keep coming back.

The girl is definitely linked to a girl in my own life with whom I just broke contact. And, no doubt, she is linked to immature emotions in my self which I am still in the process of outgrowing/discarding. It is no wonder she is reluctant to leave, after I "fed" her.

The look-alike "Dan" suggests my feelings about how my friend Dan has changed so much, and is not himself, and how his true self is locked inside (the car), and unable to reach.

I remember reading that the house is often a symbol for the body, and I have had issues with health, food, and detoxification lately. I do things to detox (from toxic chemicals, toxic emotions, people, and situations), and then I undue them. This could be represented by the undesirable people coming in and out of my house, and refusing to leave.

I connected Swayze w/ the new age guru character he played in 'Donnie Darko', who spoke about the conflict between fear and love, - and I also connected him with a healthy, albeit somewhat "uncool" or boring lifestyle. The suggestions you made seem very likely, especially the bouncer character in Roadhouse, lol. Very apt. Particulary, when we recall that that character's whole deal was that he was all about self-defense, and kept getting reluctantly drawn into escalating conflicts. That's how I've felt with my friends, with food, lifestyle choices,... everything. Also, wasn't that character afraid of his power, and conflicted about his use of force, due to misusing it in the past?

The bathroom signifies cleansing, and a need to retreat into a place of safety in order to cleanse myself and my body of old thoughts and feelings, without letting in any new foreign, toxic entities.

Losing teeth is a common occurance/theme in my dreams, which is said to signify an identity crisis - also, saying too much; two things I definitely relate to. I connected the braces with attempts to keep my identity "straight". These were not working, evidently, and only served to hold my identity together in fragments, which were objectified (taken out of context - out of myself) when they fell out. Trying to fit them in to the mold suggests some kind of reordering of the identity, and trying to conform my thoughts and words with this preconceived identity (which is, most likely, no longer valid). It's interesting that the masculine (left brain) character is assisting me in this. I connected the ironing board w/ "ironing out the kinks" in my thinking, and, specifically, how I think about myself.

My frustration with the mother could be purely personal (my mother and I do not see eye to eye at all), and/or, could suggest my frustration with the obtuseness and superficiality (hairspray, extroversion - she was getting ready to go out) of outdated (she's old!) emotions (feminine). The outdated ideas, then, signified by my father, are acting to protect her from me, unnecessarily (I was only attmepting to shake some sense into her, geez!), and threatening to topple me in the process.

The connection of Ted Danson to Cheers, and, from there, to "friends and drugs" was also inspired. (I was wondering what he was doing there!) And the poloroid definitely reflects a need to catch myself in those moments when conflict is escalating and about to get out of hand.

Jumping out the window may correspond to frequent thoughts I have about leaving the body and/or the self.

The shirt can suggest the torso, or heart area, and both, the need to leave the old self and take a leap of faith into God, and/or the authority (cops) of the heart, as well as my fear that God and/or my heart just isn't big and strong enough to receive me.

Anyway, hope I didnt bore you.
Thanks again for the suggestions.
Very helpful and very impressive.

take care Mystic,

'Would you know your Lord's meaning in this thing? Know it well. Love was his meaning. Who showed it to you? Love. What did he show you? Love. Why did he show it? For love. Keep yourself therein and you shall know and understand more in the same. But you shall never know nor understand any other thing, forever.'
- Julian of Norwich

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Posts: 136
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 15, 2006 12:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
"It is no wonder she is reluctant to leave, after I "fed" her."

Whoa!!!! I missed that! Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

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Posts: 136
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 15, 2006 12:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
Nope, didn't bore me at all. The mind is fascinating

"The look-alike "Dan" suggests my feelings about how my friend Dan has changed so much, and is not himself, and how his true self is locked inside (the car), and unable to reach."

Ooooh, I loved that too. Lots of great ideas. Very interesting and perceptive. I've been having some vivid dreams lately too. Will have to write them down and post an interesting one soon.

I only saw Donnie Darko once and it was a long time ago... I don't remember it very well. My brother loved that one.

Oh, I liked what you said about the bathroom and the shirt too... oh, and the mold. It was all good but those were "ohhh" moments

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Heart--Shaped Cross
posted August 15, 2006 09:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message

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posted August 15, 2006 10:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Patrick Swayze's character in Donnie Darko was a portrait of a guru who did not walk his talk. He had a very dark secret.
But he WANTED to be a good person and he was broken because he kept failing.
Well at least in one reality of the story.
I love that movie.

Age is a State of Mind. Change Your Mind!
~I intend to continue learning forever~Enigma
~I am still learning~ Michangelo
The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords.~Enigma
The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes.~NEXUS
Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages.~Enigma
In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem.

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Heart--Shaped Cross
posted August 16, 2006 04:00 AM           Edit/Delete Message

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D for Defiant

Posts: 588
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 16, 2006 08:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for D for Defiant     Edit/Delete Message
OK, never mind, then!

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posted August 16, 2006 10:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message
MysticMelody's interpretation to be quite impressive,

>>>I agree!

Age is a State of Mind. Change Your Mind!
~I intend to continue learning forever~Enigma
~I am still learning~ Michangelo
The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords.~Enigma
The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes.~NEXUS
Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages.~Enigma
In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem.

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