Topic: Literature Fanatics!
neptune5 Knowflake Posts: 2036 From: Registered: Jul 2006
posted September 07, 2006 06:25 PM
Does anyone else (besides me) out there really like to read. Not just read, but analyze, comprehend and interpret. Not just books, but articles, and signs, and just about everything in sight. It's called exaltation of communication . I highly regard that. This can be a thread where we can just chit chat about books and anything you've read or want to read thats interesting. Don't forget to include your favourite Novel or book or genre.. (i'm into poetics) ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
cat71 Knowflake Posts: 926 From: Neverland... Registered: May 2002
posted September 07, 2006 08:05 PM
I Looooove Books and reading! I don't do newspapers - too depressing, and only buy spiritual type magazines and keep them so I can go back and read them overMy favourite book of all time is Of Mice and Men, but I, like millions of others, really enjoy the HP series. I like books with a twist, keep u guessing and just when you think you've worked it out, it throws you a curve ball Even thought I love romantic movies, I'm not a big fan of the romantic novel - I can't stand cheesy lines like... " he pressed himself against her, she could feel the proof of his desire..." - Give me a break...
------------------ have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever... IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted September 07, 2006 09:06 PM
I'm a compulsive reader. I've been known to resort to the backs of cereal boxes when nothing else presents itself. It's really quite embarrassing. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted September 07, 2006 09:22 PM
I love to read too........and Tink, I think "what started" my love for reading, WAS reading the back of ceral boxes when I was a kid eating breakfast.... Remember the Snap, Crackle and Pop cartoon on the back of the RICE KRISPIES cereal boxes? (Oh probably don''re too young)..... Sorry... IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2512 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted September 07, 2006 09:55 PM
Compulsive reader here, too, Tink. I'll read cereal boxes, shampoo bottles, electronic manuals ... whatever is around if I find myself getting bored. There is no room in our house without some kind of reading material in it. And I'm afraid when we move we might have to get rid of some furniture just to make sure all the books can go (weight restrictions yada yada). Thanks for this topic, neptune5. Let's see, I love Tolkien and JK Rowling, but who doesn't? Linda, of course. Steiner. Dion Fortune. I'll admit that I do read one author's romance novels ... and that's Nora Roberts. But only the non-sleazy ones, really! I like the Sandman series of comics but I haven't read enough to call myself a real fan. Have shelves of classics with some recent additions I've yet to read. I need more time. I find myself having to read more than one thing at a time, usually a blend of fiction and non-fiction. Otherwise, I tend to get bored. I also really like crafting and gardening books. I don't read newspapers mainly because I find them awkward to hold. Plus your hands get all inky, yuck. Magazines? I used to subscribe to National Geographic and Smithsonian but I never renewed my subscription ... hmm, I didn't even realize that until now. I buy lots of gardening and home design magazines from the store usually. We do get Parents delivered but that's because it was a free deal when we ordered baby pics. Then there are endless catalogs everywhere, mostly gardening and occult. Yeah, I love reading. IP: Logged |
and unregistered
posted September 08, 2006 05:00 AM
when i was a kid i would spend my allowance on books....:P------------------ "WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit" "Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation" -Khalil Gibran IP: Logged |
mysticaldream Knowflake Posts: 806 From: Registered: Jan 2006
posted September 08, 2006 08:13 AM
I read constantly but usually nonfiction. I like to read on a variety of subjects (of course metaphysics being a big one). As far as classic books, my favorite it To Kill a Mockingbird (pretty typical for a Libran, I think)... I love all genres of books EXCEPT those cheesy paperback romance novels. The heroine's usually make me barf and the whole premise makes me roll my eyes....... I am convinced they lower the IQ by at least 10 points by simply reading the cover, LOL!IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted September 08, 2006 09:06 AM
Dictionaries dictionaries etcetera! Decline and Fall Of The Roman Empire! A total scream! Tesla,Archaeology,Velikovsky,Ancient history. Science. Medicine. Nix on Romance and Comedy. Very little fiction. Taught myself to read at age 4. Read over 2000 books by age 18. My home is a book habittrail. ------------------ Age is a State of Mind. Change Your Mind! ~I intend to continue learning forever~Enigma ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords.~Enigma The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes.~NEXUS Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages.~Enigma In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS-
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Yang Knowflake Posts: 2296 From: A temporary home Registered: May 2004
posted September 08, 2006 09:39 AM
I love reading too! My favourite book is Dracula! Also, I like the Bible, possibly for the way it is written. The English in it, is incredible. IP: Logged |
neptune5 Knowflake Posts: 2036 From: Registered: Jul 2006
posted September 08, 2006 09:00 PM
The point is, reading makes life pleasurable. I don't really dislike anything, except for1. Crap Fiction (written by amateur writers who the underground booksellers call "novelists" without talent) 2. Harry Potter (Really, think about it, what is the point of these books, what is the point of J.K. Rowlings Writings, how does it contribute to global society, or maybe its just me, lol ?) 3. The Da Vinci Code - Horribly Excellent Speculatory Fiction, notice I said speculatory fiction, a writing that some historians speculate to be true when dogma quotes it could never be fact. Even if it was true, who would want to gain monetary profit off of it? Theoretics is really interesting too, like all that philosophy that began global revolutions. Great Stuff! I don't have favourite books, instead I have comfort books (i'm sure you all know what those are) One that really comforts me is Lorna Doone (Richard Dodridge Blackmore), its a long, but great read (its an english romance classic, i'm still reading it, i'm about halfway through it but i'm reading it slow. Speaking of reading pace...who likes to read slow and who likes to read fast? (depending on which way you comprehend better)
I comprehend quickly but I prefer to read slower, to savour the flavor of the novel. ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |
lovely* Knowflake Posts: 2141 From: CA Registered: Jul 2003
posted September 08, 2006 10:34 PM
I like to read cliff notes ..IP: Logged |
salome Knowflake Posts: 1521 From: Registered: Nov 2005
posted September 08, 2006 10:50 PM
quote: Not just read, but analyze, comprehend and interpret. Not just books, but articles, and signs, and just about everything in sight. It's called exaltation of communication...
yup yup yup... IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2512 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted September 08, 2006 11:14 PM
I tend to read pretty fast. If I really enjoy something, I'll reread it more slowly. And reread and reread. ******
neptune5 Well, since you asked ... I think JK Rowling's works are worthwhile just for the simple fact that they dragged kids away from the mindlessness of TV even if for a little while. That alone makes them wonderful in my mind. But I've always enjoyed fantasy. I don't think a book has to directly contribute on a global level to be good, either. Some of the books that I've valued over the years are books no one I know has ever heard of or that deal with very personal issues to me. They may not be changing the whole world directly but they are helping people on an individual level ... and it's people who, in the end, are responsible for the state of the world. Harry Potter is like that for me. Yes, it's fantasy and unrealistic. But I can relate to Harry much simply because, growing up, I honestly wished something similar would happen to me ... at least as far as the first book goes. It was like JK Rowling had siphoned parts of my own imaginary wonderland into her books. Then I was just hooked. Anyway, I know there are plenty of people in the world who don't like Harry Potter or who've never even heard of it. No biggie, either way. I believe we all find the right books to read at the right time for us ... and it's not just one size fits all, you know? I did enjoy The DaVinci Code as a story. It was funny, too, because earlier that year I had read Holy Blood, Holy Grail for the first time. Kowinky dink? I think not.
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fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted September 09, 2006 12:24 AM
I usually am reading at least 4 books at a time or more. I guess I study more than read.IP: Logged |
DayDreamer Knowflake Posts: 4841 From: Registered: Jul 2003
posted September 09, 2006 01:29 AM
hehe same here lovely...actually in highschool i only read the summaries of the cliff notes I also have a habit of reading cereal boxes too. Lol Rainbow, actually I think I have read cartoons on the back of that cereal before. Im a compulsive reader of all things non-fiction. IP: Logged |
lovely* Knowflake Posts: 2141 From: CA Registered: Jul 2003
posted September 09, 2006 02:11 AM
Eleanore, you've stated exactly how i feel regarding Harry Potter books. These books are out-of-the ordinary, so rich in fantasy and design..for children and adults. It may not be your genre, but you would certainly have an appreciation for them, especially if you own children Rainbow, how about those cereal boxes? Yes I read them too Did you know Rice Crispies are organic now? I also read nutritional values on everything i buy. I read labels on garments to see what washing instructions are best. I read people....but that's a whole nother thing edited to add.. DD, I also did that. I didn't have the patience. Something about my mind was fkucked and different. It was on bigger things .. like how i could be batman. IP: Logged |
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 2681 From: ohio Registered: Aug 2004
posted September 09, 2006 03:21 AM
My apartment is overflowing with reading material... books, books everywhere. And magazines. And cereal boxes, too. One of my pet peeves is being caught with unexpected downtime and nothing to read. Yay for bookworms! IP: Logged |
neptune5 Knowflake Posts: 2036 From: Registered: Jul 2006
posted September 09, 2006 08:08 PM
Thats my pet peeve tooo oh my god! lolSince youve read over 2,000, whats your favourite (or your comfort books) fayte m? or at least favourite genre? ------------------ Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon IP: Logged |