posted September 21, 2006 06:15 PM
Are there any writings that exist from Evangeline Adams' personal astrological notes? I know of her four books:
-Astrology: Your Place in the Sun
-Astrology: Your Place Among the Stars
-Astrology For Everyone
-The Bowl of Heaven (autobiography)
I just finished reading "The Bowl of Heaven", and with some incredible examples of her own abilities, she painted herself to have amazing skill in interpreting charts. And I know she has always been regarded as being among the best in her field.
In "The Bowl of Heaven" she mentions having a huge library of astrological notes, and I figured they must have been preserved by either her students or her contemporaries.
Being a woman with such a deep passion for this science, and having understood the need for proper astro education, I can't imagine why she wouldn't have made her notes and her personal "astrological Bible" readily available to the masses upon her death.
Does anyone know if any of her work exists besides the four books listed above?