posted November 13, 2006 01:35 AM
first off:there is no right or wrong way! remember that as you move foward..
sit indian style/cross legged.
sit up straight, spine straight, good posture, than loosen up ever so slightly till it feels comfortable
relax shoulders
look at the floor directly in front of you
close eyes slowly
open mouth gradually and ever so slightly, so it is comfortable
move tounge behind your top teeth/touching roof of mouth. the point is to prevent saliva from forming so move around till you are able to
place hands on thighs, in a comfortable position
breath slowly in and out, start an easy slow rythum
don't think about anything
when you catch yourself thinking, say "thinking" and go back to mediating
RELAX The point in every step is to be comfortable, while maintaining good posture at same time
sometimes when breathing at the start of mediation, think of a problem as you breath in and as you breath out, pretend you are blowing (breathing) it out, allowing it (and the stress) to exit you, do this until eventually you are able to stop thinking.