Topic: Hey PixieMamaLicious!!!
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 2681 From: ohio Registered: Aug 2004
posted January 04, 2007 10:00 PM
How ya doing? I saw (somewhere around here) your belly pic. Awwww! Are you tired yet of people coming up and telling you how "cute" you are? It's all fun and games until the last ten weeks or so. You all must be getting so excited! I'm excited! See all the !!!'s in this post??? Anyway, I haven't spoken with you in a while, so I wanted to say hello. I also saw that you had decided on Gabriel Lennon. It's been in my head for about a week now. I love it! Hang in there, girly... you're almost there! IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted January 04, 2007 10:53 PM
*curtsies*Hello gorgeous!!! As you know,(wink, wink) you can never tire of people telling you how cute you are.. it beats the hell out of "Hiya, Heifer".. which never fails to produce a banshee scream from my chest. I went to the Midwife today.. little man is looking great.. he's head down and growing well. Our homebirth seminar thingy is next week. I have about nine weeks left, *YAY*, but they will be long weeks. I'm trying to be stoic and graceful about it... this is my last after all, and I should relish it.. but man oh man, am I ever feling huge! I can't even sleep anymore, I just grab naps when I shouldn't. I have incredible heartburn and acid reflux, as a result of little toes in my ribs, and my ribs themselves feel like i have pneumonia and haven't stopped coughing, they are so stretched and bruised. I also have a bruised belly button. I'd love to talk to Cancerian Moon, see how she handled her third, let alone her sixth pregnancy!!!! I am one of those 'love to be pregnant' chicks.. but not anymore. I do though. there are parts I love.. but it's a lot harder now. I'm also older.. maybe that's the key.. I don't mean to complain, but I know you'll rememebr the aches at the end. It crept up on me and kablam! and assorted other emphatic comic book noises. I'm a big mama. I'm glad you like the name we chose.. I do too.. I really do this time. It's the one. How's our lovely Indie-Grace? How are you feeling now? On clouds of butterflies with your complete family? *sigh*
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future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 2681 From: ohio Registered: Aug 2004
posted January 05, 2007 05:36 PM
"Hiya Heifer!" Cracks me up!I'm feeling like a bit of a heifer these days and Indie is my lovely, tubby calf. You're having a homebirth? Is this the first? I didn't know or I would have spent the last seven months pestering you about it. I want to know everything! I didn't get my waterbirth this time (the tub was in use... I don't know if I ever told you about it.) I'm hoping next time I'll get to try it. The third will also be my last. Unless it's not. But that's the plan. I so hope this works out well for you. Don't you wish you could wrap up these last few weeks and keep them in a box somewhere? Already I can't remember *exactly* what it feels like to be with child. Marc and I did a very late pregnancy photo shoot and I'm so glad we did because, honestly, I've forgotten. Take care! IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 05, 2007 02:40 AM
Funny.. I must have disappeared for a day and this forum got busy and then we lost it... Let's continue!!!It's been a month since we talked here and I have 31 days of pregnancy left. I keep forgetting to take an updated pic.. but my hubby looked at my belly tonight and went "WHOA" he's usually better, as he knows I am sensitive.. but I think something has changed even from yesterday!!! You're not supposed to 'drop' in sunsequent pregnancies, until you're ready to deliver, but I don't know what else to call it.. I've been having pelvic/hips pain and I can barely walk sometimes. Fun stuff! Home birth..... I went to the seminar, and am stoked. I must say.. I am usually pretty stoic about handling cramps and pains in life, and I did my daughter's birth naturally, as well as the first few days of my first birth, but he was turned funny and it was prolonged without progress.. so I had to do something about that. Anyway.. these braxton hicks contractions are strong! The last few days anyway.. I have faith that I can handle it, especially having proven it before, I almost have to, it becomes pride issue, and you know scorpios and their pride!!!! I love the idea of a home birth. If he comes on time, all systems are go for that. I have a midwife appointment this week, and then the next one is at my home, and she'll drop off the kit then. ( I will be technically full term then, at 37 weeks-less than two weeks away!!!) My email is working better now ( it upgraded and now I found all those addresses I had lost and it's formatted better than it was) So I will write out the birth story once it happens, and I'll let you know. I'd love to hear yours as well. Sorry to ramble on , but I am heartburning, and though I am sleepy, I am uncomfortable.. so this is helping. I have to say; Though I fell in love with the name Gabriel, and I love the middle name Lennon with it.... I have to confess something. ( I am never happy with these names!) I HATE the nickname Gabe. HATE IT! I hate that I hate it, and i didn't realize how much I hated it, until people ask me "How is Gabe?" I want to say His name will be Gabriel.. then it occurs to me, I have NO control over it. Nicknames happen to everyone.. even ones who aren't born yet, and they will continue throughout life.. so if I don't like a nickname, then I am screwed. But you know? Who knew until I saw it in action. I didn't know I would have such an extreme reaction to it. Well.. Gabriel was the middle name forever anyway.. we just put it in front, because no first names passed the proper mustard. It's now a middle again. Yes, I love it, but.. I have a problem in that it is number '28' on most popular list, and the shortened version is bugging me. Honestly.. have you ever heard of a Gabriel that no one calls Gabe? It's not going to happen. No one shortens middle names. SO I think it will be; Bennett Gabriel Because to shorten it ( I will use the full name) but if someone shortens it to 'Ben' I'm cool with that. It's strong. The 'ett' reminds me of Everett' which I like.. and Lennon... which I adore but doesn't work as a first name. Plus, the syllables, if I go with Bennett Gabriel and then my last name..... go 2, 3, 4. And that works out really well. That's ma' news. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.. but now I have and I made up for it by typing forever! Lots of hugs! I'll email you!
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Motherkonfessor Knowflake Posts: 1140 From: Registered: Oct 2003
posted February 05, 2007 02:56 AM
I don't mean to butt into this thread... but I have to say hi...and also say that I wish I had the guts to be a mother, and that I am in awe that you are making a homebirth your choice. Seriously- if I knew women who were this strong in my physical life... I think Bennett is lovely, and I have always thought "ben" is a wondeful name.. (not that my opinion on the name of your child matters.) pix- i still have your email from years ago, if it is still the same... love to all~ MK IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 05, 2007 02:59 AM
Send me one and we'll see if it is still the same.. I think it is!!Are you kidding? Of course it matters! I'm glad you like it and I feel the same way. I feel like saying 'Oh shuddup' I'm not that strong.. I feel like a wimp somedays, and i'm getting anxious.. but you take it a moment at a time, you just do! Email me!!! But I am feeling more tired, so I'll see if my heartburning heart can take lying down. It's actually not so bad anymore... G'night!!
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Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2512 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted February 05, 2007 07:38 AM
pixelpixie, hello! Sneaking into your preggie threads, sorry. Just wanted to say that I've known a few Gabriels that no one calls Gabe. I hate that nickname, too. Actually, one of them was called Gabby for a while in HS (like a semester), which he utterly despised, and then someone tried the Gabe thing. He firmly put his foot down and everyone since just calls him Gabriel. He's also a Scorp, btw. Anyway, he says it's because his mom always told him about his name and the angel and the history, yada yada, and he just refused to let people ruin (his word, not mine) his name. It was just important to him and he let people know, you know? Anyway, just chiming in because I simply love the name Gabriel. Hope you're all doing wonderfully well! ------------------ "You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it to be. You are here to create the world around you that you choose while you allow the world as others choose it to be to exist also." - Esther Hicks IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 05, 2007 09:02 AM
Thanks Eleanore!For the record... Anyone who'd like can come and post on my thread here!!!! PLease!!! I even don't mind silliness!!! You can post about hotdogs and stuff, and i'm good! I do love the name Gabriel.. it's been the only consistent one. It's been a problem the last few weeks especially. It's not only that the name has a nickname I didn't realize I despised so much.. but it's also irking me because it's getting so popular. I am just trying to be realistic. It is amazing to me how nothing feels 'destined' There was a sense of 'destiny' with my other two kids' names. I just knew thats what they were and that was it. This one? I just can't picture the perfect name. They all don't pass muster. I haven't totally given up hope on the Gabriel front....... but I might have to put it in the middle. Oh!! If anyone has a lovely inspiring birth story, I'd love to hear it!!!
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themysteryclub Knowflake Posts: 320 From: United States of America Registered: Nov 2005
posted February 05, 2007 10:00 AM
Bennet Gabriel sounds very strong and I really like it. My best friend's name is Gabriel and we all call him Gabe...since I have been calling him that since I was 3 years old it never occurred to me that it is an undesireable nickname. But I understand! My intended name was Gabriel (feminate) and my Mom changed her mind last minute because then everyone would have called me Gabby or Brie. Good luck on your pregnancy! It is awesome! TMC IP: Logged |
somommy66 Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Shaker Heights, OH, USA Registered: Jan 2007
posted February 07, 2007 05:19 PM
Hi, pixie, I had to jump in because I have a great birth story!I had my first child in 2000, and had hoped and dreamed and planned for a home birth. Unfortunately, things did not proceed as I had hoped and I ended up in the hospital. It worked out fine, baby was healthy, I was fine, but it was not the birth I'd dreamed of. We moved in 2001, and in 2005, I became pregnant with my second child, and did not at all know what I would do in terms of a birth plan because we were in a new area and I didn't know of any home birth practitioners. I was thinking I would try a hospital birth with midwives, but a friend of mine told me about a lay midwife in the area who did home births. I decided to check her out, and was convinced that I should again try for my "dream birth". Glad I did. I also found two wonderful doulas, one of whom ecouraged me to hold a Blessingway ceremony preceeding the birth. Having that circle of beloved women blessing me and my unborn baby girl was such a profound experience. I had lots of worries in my third trimester; I had a severe gallstone attack that landed me in the ER at 34 weeks, the baby was head up for a very long time and I was at one point convinced I'd need a c-section. Having that circle of women supporting me helped me navigate all of those issues. Especially my midwife who was my rock throughout my pregnancy As it happened, my baby turned the right way round in my 38th week. I had been reading all sorts of theories about breeches, and the one that rang true was baby's desire to be close to & connected to Mommy's heart. She eventually trusted that if she put her little head down and headed out, I'd pick her right back up again, and rest her on my chest. My original due date was 8/21, but when I went to the hospital for my gallstone attack, they did an ultrasound and said she was measuring quite big, and moved my due date up. I should have never listened to all that jazz, because it made me overly anxious that every set of contractions was the real thing. I had my midwife come over on 8/18 in the early afternoon to check out another set of strong contractions. She asked me if I wanted her to do a little gentle cervical massage to encourage the labor. I enthusiastically took her up on that offer. Within 20 minutes, the contractions were coming stronger and faster. We called all my Blessingway women, and we cut the strings we had bound around our wrists at the ceremony, symbolizing that the labor would proceed swiftly and safely, and with all of their support. I also sent my hubby out for a bouquet of pink roses, which symbolized my daughter to me. The midwife hung out and supported me.. I went to the tub and had her pour warm water on my back and I just wept as I realized it was finally happening, and exactly as I had wished. My doula came within a couple of hours and not long after came the midwife's assistant. The labor was progressing nicely; I wandered around as I felt and spent a lot of time in standing positions - it felt so good to be able to go wherever I wanted to go and not have any tubes or wires attached. To be safe and snuggly at home with my hubby and 3 women I truted completely. My first labor was so painful and frightening, and this one was so different. I felt so strong, so powerful. I used my voice to help ground me in the intensity of it all, sometimes even moaning,"OOOOOpen, OOOOOpen.." An amazing thunderstorm had struck up and at 6:30PM there was a huge clap of thunder while, at the very same moment, my water spilled all over the floor. At this point we were in the bedroom with lots of flowers and pink candles burning... I swiftly moved to the bed because I knew she was big and moving down fast. I didn't want to tear so I reclined backward with my husband supporting me. The only thing I remember as being really painful was when she crowned - I really yelped at that point, but I knew we were almost home free! 20 minutes after my water broke, she was there, so beautiful and perfect - 8 pounds 14 ounces of chubby sweet perfection, huge brown eyes blinking, my beautful Sofia Rose. I held her on my chest and she started nursing right away while the midwives massaged her with towels. My midwife thought I should have a couple of little stitches, so the doula held the baby while my husband held my hand. I was terrified of the stitches, but my midwife was so gentle and respectful during the process, it was okay. I couldn't even sleep after everyone left and the baby fell asleep because I was so "high" from the birth. Being in control of my body and being with people whom I trusted and loved made all the difference for me. I really need to go I'm supposed to be making dinner! Ha Ha! I just hope your birth is as perfect for you as mine was for me. Blessings to you and to all the other mommas hereabouts! IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted February 07, 2007 06:01 PM
YOU'RE PREGGERS????????? Does this explain the hippo in the swimming pool dream you had some time back? (you or sheaa) Congrats!!!!! P.S. It'll probably be Gabriel, you'll be screaming for any angel while you're giving birth! (JK) I hope all goes GREAT! I love Bennet too.IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 07, 2007 09:13 PM
Oh Somommy!!! Thank you for the wonderful and inspiring birth story! What a great second experience!Likewise, my first child's birthing experience was not the best.. many factors.. overly 'hospitalized', under explained, underprepared, and under confident.. but my next birth was beautiful! It was in a hospital but with midwives. I had no meds for that one.. I laboured at home for the most part, and then went to the hospital, and was dilated to a four. She came two and a half hours later, at 4:43 in the afternoon. I left the next morning at about 11 am. So I figure, i'll just continue with this one at home and cut out the middle man. That birth was not an overly hospitalized experience, not clinical at all. But this one will be even less so. I get to snuggle up in bed afterwards with my newest family member. I am psyched. Yes, Philly," I'm a preggo mama, and yes it was my dream about the hippo in the back yard.. and though I am feeling like one.. ( especially this week, I seem more bloated and definately more uncomfortable...) I am pretty sure I already figured out ( somewhat) that dreams meaning.. it had more to do with the manifestation of my 'perfect' imagined lifestyle with my real one. Big Daddy Saturn took care of it for me, and as a result, took care of me. ( and gave me a baby!) Oh, I look really bloated in this pic, I don't know how I will grow anymore.... But this is me at 36 weeks. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 07, 2007 09:38 PM
Oh, I had hat head too ( I'm Canadian, I was wearing a hat outside) and YES that is an orb in the pic! Someone's blessing my boy child! My twelve year old son took the pic, so it's a bit of an upward angle. I still have some height on him. IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted February 08, 2007 12:14 PM
YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!! Love to you and your family.IP: Logged |
somommy66 Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Shaker Heights, OH, USA Registered: Jan 2007
posted February 08, 2007 02:00 PM
What a pretty tummy. Thank you for giving me a reason to share my birth story... it made me all warm and fuzzy to remember it! It is nice to be at home so you can just snuggle up with baby and not have anything interefere with the sacredness of those first moments. IP: Logged |
somommy66 Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Shaker Heights, OH, USA Registered: Jan 2007
posted February 08, 2007 02:01 PM
What a pretty tummy. Thank you for giving me a reason to share my birth story... it made me all warm and fuzzy to remember it! It is nice to be at home so you can just snuggle up with baby and not have anything interefere with the sacredness of those first moments. IP: Logged |
Kamilla Knowflake Posts: 860 From: NJ USA Registered: Apr 2006
posted February 08, 2007 02:36 PM
PixieYou look awesome! I can only wish I was brave enough to go throught the childbearing experience more than once. Actually, my pregnancy was easy and it only took my daughter about 4 1/2 hours to make her grand appearance. However, she was born 10 days earlier than it was expected. At this point her father and I, and the rest of the family were nowhere near agreement on the child's To make things even more confusing I didn't want to find out the sex of the baby before hand and for some reason we beleived it would be a boy. So we had Alexandra, Maria, Joanna and her father wanted to name her Kamilla like me. Then, somehow the name Karina came up and to this day I can't think of anything that would fit her better Good luck with everything. I'll be thinking about you IP: Logged |
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted February 08, 2007 04:32 PM
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SunChild Moderator Posts: 4032 From: Australia Registered: Jan 2004
posted February 09, 2007 06:59 AM
Wow nice, you're huge!! And a very happy orb in that pic too! Zoom in and you can see its cute face! IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 09, 2007 07:40 AM
Thanks for all the comments.Bluemoon.. that little dolly with the mama.. I wonder if the other side of that snap-mouth is her breast? I know that's what I will feel like the first little while. Sunchild.. lovely woman, I know you didn't mean anything nasty by that.. but you need to learn the rules of pregnancy.
I know you will still retain your elasticity and beauty..and probably have a tiny little belly..... But under no circumstances are you permitted to say the words "You're Huge" to a pregnant woman. It's best you learn that now, from a friend. You will thank me when you're a whale like me and you are privy to everyone's opinion.. even if you are measuring perfectly, or mesuring large, or measuring small.. you'll be 'huge' to someone.. true or not, my bum always zooms in my mind, not my belly. It's the hormones doing it to me. You'll see. I know it's true though. I'm nine months pregnant. I have 27 days left. check out my three weeks difference, in the belly ( and now my face is swollen) This is 33 weeks and then my newest, 36 weeks
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merry_sherry Knowflake Posts: 25 From: Registered: Feb 2007
posted February 09, 2007 07:45 AM
Hi!It's great to read you ladies' stories...thanks for sharing, those are really moving. As I read them I felt almost as thrilled as a real mom-to-be myself! Pixelpixie, you look fabulous! Let us know how it goes- expecting a baby always makes people full of anticipation! IP: Logged |
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted February 09, 2007 09:20 AM
Yes, pix! She is a breast feeding doll. IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted February 09, 2007 11:18 AM
just stopping by to check on your progress miss pixie. you look positively wonderful. you truly do. I thought I looked like a beached and bloated whale too, but looking back at the pictures I looked pretty good. (no stretch marks. yay!) I just felt like a beach and bloated whale. Ahh ... to be 8 months pregnant in August! Although occasionally I miss the belly, it was a relief to get my body back. But you know all this. my 2 cents - Both Bennett and Gabriel are fantastic names, but I hear you with the Gabe thing. Good luck to you pix. IP: Logged |
somommy66 Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Shaker Heights, OH, USA Registered: Jan 2007
posted February 09, 2007 04:29 PM
Yeah, SunChild, please no words like "huge" to a pregnant Mommy! Goodness, I remember those comments, and I would think to myself, "Like I don't KNOW how big I am?" I mean, I was the one having to pry myself out of bed in the morning! lolYou are in the home stretch now, pixie. Can't wait to hear your (third) birth story. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted February 10, 2007 03:25 PM
There is so much out there on the internet these days.Check this out: Go here: Go to U. Kingdom on the left. Scroll down through the channels beyond the 'S's to "The babychannel". Channel for pregnant women. Oh, I just clicked on it, and it doesn't seem to stream as well as the Music channels I've tried. Here's their website link: . Maybe that will work better. EDIT: The website works well. IP: Logged | |