Topic: annoyed with astrology
Iqhunk Knowflake Posts: 2132 From: Chennai Registered: Oct 2005
posted February 05, 2007 12:54 PM
Sufficient statistical proof exists for astrology. Simplest being the haircut on a full moon doubling hair growth. The murky secret being surgeries on the day the Moon is in the ruling sign of the affected part leading to complications or death. Curiosly, more than 90% of days where Mars sq Neptune have a fire accident involving oil. And more than 80% of women who have Mars sq Uranus end up with hysterectomies, that too at earlier than average age for women where this placement does not exist.It is a Natural law that pyramid structures exist in all aspects of life. For 100 billionaires, you must have 10000 multimillionaires, several million millionaires and billions of masses convinced to work 2 jobs , pay taxes and die poor (Reference: Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad". ) Likewise, 1% of public will get awareness of astrology and 1% of that 1% only will get the actual insights once years and years of self research is undertaken. I feel we all here can make it to the magical 0.01%. IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 4598 From: The Asylum Registered: Mar 2006
posted February 05, 2007 01:01 PM
quote: And more than 80% of women who have Mars sq Uranus end up with hysterectomies, that too at earlier than average age for women where this placement does not exist.
Whoa, are you serious? IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted February 05, 2007 01:58 PM
Those stats are fascinating, IQ. Where did you get that data? From your own independant research? I mean, you're not just pulling numbers out of thin air, are you? IP: Logged |
mezzoelf1 Knowflake Posts: 119 From: Registered: Jan 2007
posted February 05, 2007 02:22 PM
anyone here with any experience of horary astrology? I had a reading done the other week by an excellent horary astrologer and i was amazed at how accurate it was - she didn't need any 'personal' info e.g. sun sign and birth date, but simply drew up a chart from the time of day she received the question! apparently they used to use it for all sorts of things including solving crimes and so forth.thought i'd add that to the discussion... IP: Logged |
cyber nomad Knowflake Posts: 16 From: *~~the solar system~~* Registered: Feb 2007
posted February 11, 2007 01:10 AM
just annoyed with some folks who dismiss astrology entirely, or some others who get upset after a reading because they're not happy with the interpretations...but i wouldn't give up on astrology. it's fun and fundamentalIP: Logged |