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Author Topic:   Bye for now,

Posts: 238
From: MOther & Father GOd
Registered: Feb 2008

posted February 03, 2007 02:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
my ggodness!

she's 16 years young, what if she was your daughter?(by the way, I didn't let my 15 and 16 year young daughters on this site)

Forgiveness and Understanding. ...

we are all learning and growing together... .

respect for all...

Neptune5 you and I have had our run ins, but I have seen an not stop, if you can handle this, you can handle life...

Lots of LOve to ALL of YOU...

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Posts: 238
From: MOther & Father GOd
Registered: Feb 2008

posted February 03, 2007 03:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
it is truly sad to me, that here, on this site, we could treat each other so harshly...

is there no safe place?

has the entire world, just completely forgotten about compassion?

are these young one's to blame, for their lack of respect? Or, has it just become acceptable in society to treat each other like dung?

Things really need to many people look on this site, and read our words?

what kind of an example are we showing?

heavy sigh... .

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Posts: 5301
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted February 03, 2007 03:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message

The harshest thing written on here was penned by her.

Again. Accountability.
Nothing wrong with that.

Go ahead and show compassion. If I feel the need for some, not that I have been without, I will absolutely do so.

If someone's acting like a cow, Ignoring them doesn't make the moos go away.

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Posts: 238
From: MOther & Father GOd
Registered: Feb 2008

posted February 03, 2007 03:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
Honestly, I have seen much harsher things, and had my life threatened...

while no one said a word!

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From: Ontario Canada
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posted February 03, 2007 03:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
So I'm sure she'll appreciate your compassion.

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Posts: 238
From: MOther & Father GOd
Registered: Feb 2008

posted February 03, 2007 03:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
I really don't understand how you can be so harsh, on someone that age!?

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posted February 03, 2007 03:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Motherkonfessor     Edit/Delete Message

she is 16 years old. Not 4.

If we are going to play the game 'she is too young to understand' than lets stop dancing to the tune of 'oh, she is soooo mature.'


EDITED: you can d@mn well bet that if I did have a 16 year old daughter, she would already understand you better be able to take what you dish out. Pisces or not.

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posted February 03, 2007 03:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Motherkonfessor     Edit/Delete Message

Pix- can I borrow that cow quote? I laughed so hard I nearly piddled....


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posted February 03, 2007 04:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for eatbooks     Edit/Delete Message
i think both sides have made really valid points,
i think you need to take a break from LL, feeling is you soak way too much energy and need to reenergize....
you have been abrasive on LL, and a lot of the times I didnt like you for it, made me ignore your posts to avoid saying anything mean,
I think you have a lot to learn, youre young, but that doesnt excuse you, time and again, you say some outrageous things then you apologize...doesnt seem geniune you know...

I get ya on this MK, really I do,
we also need to be better examples for someone at a impressionable age, yes tell her shes wrong, point out what shes done wrong, but try to put yourself at the mind frame of 16...... be critical if reason to arises, but use more tact, maybe if she sees the examples of a respectful way to disagree with others, she'll start using this tactic in her everyday life...shes still growing and learning...

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sue g

Posts: 8591
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posted February 03, 2007 05:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sue g     Edit/Delete Message
neptune is 16 yrs old

Not old enough to drink, barely old enough to have sex

She is caught between being a woman and an adolescent, it is not an easy transition

Have some compassion will ye guys

I remember what I was like at that age...

Oh my...I actually thought I knew everything

Its fine to point out peoples' shortcomings, and give guidance (God knows we all need it), but there is harshness here which isnt necessary..

How about some kindness?

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Posts: 2512
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posted February 03, 2007 10:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eleanore     Edit/Delete Message

Well .... neptune5 did apologize on that same thread.

Posts: 1408
From: Paradise in Pisces or The Black Moon
Registered: Jul 2006
posted November 24, 2006 12:42 PM
motherkonfessor, I thought you knew I was Virgo Rising, 8'57 degrees, born on Nov 26 at 12:11 in the mourning, or maybe my intuition is right and it was just another one of those well deserved insults for me, either way, don't apologize, if you do, i won't accept it, because i'm at fault here, and I must take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions.

Everyone, especially Salisa, I deeply apologize, I'm usually such a soft person, and warm and caring, and I regret that Salisa has not seen that usual side of me. To tell the truth, t'is my fault because I misread the thread thinking that she wanted us to say something negative about it,

I think that your interpretation has been a bit harsh,Neptune5. Salisa might be insecure with her Chiron square Ascendant which can indicate a wounded person whether physically or emotionally who can feel inadequate about herself as well as her physical appearance. Her Sun quincunx Saturn can indicate insecurity..especially limited,restricted in self depression. This can be a depressed,limited ego. Her t-square of Moon in Aries,Mars in Cancer,Neptune in Capricorn can indicate emotional insecurity ....her feelings,emotional nature in stress,conflict with the polarization issues between her emotional,nurturing assertions/energy and her inspiration/imagination. There is a possibility of having passive-aggressive tendencies

Thanks for the heads up Raymond, I clearly let my own insecurities (7 Squared moon & 6 squared AC) take pre-dominance over me and squander my personality at that moment. Which I would like to admit that my foolish reply (which I had not pre-calculated) shows that in the heat of the moment, I was the person at all fault, Salisa is completely innocent and will remain that way

Alanabelle, you were right, i am naturally blunt & honest,

But I believe that all of you, through all of your replies, only meant to say one thing.
Neptune5 should use her innate tact & diplomacy, because without it one is seen as a person of unlikeable traits.

I'm going to pray right now, i'm going to pray not just for the spirit of Salisa that she may not listen to my previous words which meant absolutely nothing, but for persons who are persistantly challenged by the everpresent force of malicious words, jealousy, unkindness, anger, thoughts and acts of terrorism, domestic & spousal abuse, and for those same persons who are indignantly facing the challenge of controling feelings that could mean harm to someone of other.

Whether anyone chooses to have this or that opinion about the apology itself is another issue. It was still offered and without straight solicitation ... which is more than can be said for some who have likewise spoken harsh words to others in their time, here or elsewhere, and generally with more age and experience than neptune5.

Anyway, not really much of my business but was just trying to catch up on the threads and landed here.

That said, breaks can be good at times. May we all have the wisdom and discipline to step back from people, places and things that inspire in us feelings, thoughts or actions that we know aren't good for us or anyone else. Rest, recharge, and return if you must. LL will still be here.

"You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it to be. You are here to create the world around you that you choose while you allow the world as others choose it to be to exist also." - Esther Hicks

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Posts: 2036
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posted February 03, 2007 12:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for neptune5     Edit/Delete Message
eleanore, thats fine and its sad to say that once you make a mistake someone doesn't see you for who you really are. You want to know what happened...well the reason why i spoke that way to salisa, even though i did not know her, was because my nature is really to be nice and to love everyone, and i said to myself while posting, well 'why not be mean to someone i don't know, and see everyones reaction' and it was sort of a risk i took, and I didn't understand then that the consequences of that risk was...well everyone hating me, but now i know.

And whats really destructive is when you begin to hate something you don't see it for what it is, for example at my institution (school), girls hated me for the first 2 years, and now they see what they call this 'ethnic' side of me that they've never seen before and it scares them that they held so much hate for me earlier years.

i originally wanted people to view my post as not for what it said, but for the strength it held, that i could defend them and be there for them anytime they needed aid with anything. But I see they haven't viewed it that way. And nothings going to change it, unless they see where i'm coming from, and thats not human nature, so nothigns going to change that. So thats why i'm taking this break.

Virgo Rising 8'57, Sagittarius Sun/4thH 3'26, Pisces Moon/6thH 8'22

"Our passions are not too strong, they are too weak. We are far too easily pleased." - C.S. Lewis

"Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror." - Kahlil Gibran

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Posts: 3521
Registered: Dec 2005

posted February 03, 2007 01:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
The difference is that we don't hate you.
We just aren't letting your behavior slide. There is a big difference. Pix and I are Mommas and yes, if my daughter was toying with cruelty as a form of self-expression and power over others, and I wasn't watching, I would hope other big sisters and mothers would show her the truth of her actions before she pushed another young person over the edge.
Has anyone missed the post directy after mine when Salisa finally spoke up and said she had eaten a bowl of pills the week before or so and went to the hospital to get her stomach pumped? If everyone remembers what it was like to be young then surely you remember how important others' opinions are to teens?
I believe Sue was kindly pointing out to Neptune that you "never know" what is going on with someone when you make personal comments. It's all part of the lesson.
We mothers call it
"How would YOU like it if..."

Do you like it, Nep? Or do you think being gentle with other's feelings so that the Universe brings the same treatment back to you is the better choice?

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Posts: 238
From: MOther & Father GOd
Registered: Feb 2008

posted February 03, 2007 01:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
The Universal Laws

you get what you give

what about unconditional LOve and Understanding..
and respect for ALL?

how about not lowering ourSelves to that level?

two wrongs don't make a right!

Forgiveness. ...

LOve to ALL of YOU... .

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Posts: 2036
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posted February 03, 2007 02:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for neptune5     Edit/Delete Message
mystic melody,

i agree with you completely, i was going stop replying for some time, but i have to reply to this because i don't want to disrespect your comments by not answering them. and i tend to take things to the extremes which i'm sure has annoyed people, as well as myself, so thats why i'm suggesting that a quiet time out for me would be beneficial for everyone as well as my relationship to Lindaland, so thank you. if anyone else has anything to say, please feel free to post and comment.

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Posts: 1976
From: Arizona
Registered: Jul 2006

posted February 03, 2007 02:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for libraschoice7     Edit/Delete Message
We all have said things that we didn't mean, that is human nature to make mistakes, and yes Neptune5 did apologize for what she said to Salisa. Can't we forgive and forget? She is very young and needs assurance and understanding(not to say it's an excuse to be mean to others). All of us have been that age and remember some of the silly things we did or said. We live and learn, and sometimes the hard way, but just the same we all need a helping hand along the way. This is LindaLand a place where there is unconditional love and understanding

Sun in Libra
Moon in Cancer
Jupiter in Cancer
Venus in Virgo
Mars in Cancer
Ascendant in Cancer

I "FEEL" therefor I am

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Posts: 3521
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posted February 03, 2007 02:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah Lotus, so all the kids of the Columbines of the world got what was coming to them, eh? It ALL would have been made ALLLLLLL better if we would have just told those boys over the loudspeaker:

>>>>"what about unconditional LOve and Understanding..
and respect for ALL?

how about not lowering ourSelves to that level?

two wrongs don't make a right!

Forgiveness. ...

LOve to ALL of YOU... .<<<<<<<"

Do you ever leave your house?

Try telling that to the average teenage boy and see how much "good" you do for him and for the world. When you're protecting children you have to deal in REALITY.

Btw, how bad can I get with you before you start changing your tune and you aren't able to just copy/paste the same platitude over and over? How quick will you prove my point ? Show me whatcha got.

***~~~~*****Love to ALL*****~~~~***
(*skippping around strewing flowers in everyone's path*)

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Posts: 238
From: MOther & Father GOd
Registered: Feb 2008

posted February 03, 2007 02:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
The Truth is
I don't even know how to copy and paste. ...

and I deal with the real world everyday
I practice what I preach
lead by example... .

The people I see everyday
call me Sunshine
cuz, I brighten their day!

this is the world of Illusion

and we are the co-creators with God
we are responsible
for this mess...

and it begins with each
and every one of Us. ...

LOve and Magic!

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Posts: 3521
Registered: Dec 2005

posted February 03, 2007 02:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
Cool, Neptune. If you want my opinion, I think you might want to speak to MK and Pixie and let them know what lessons you have learned from this. I think that anything SINCERE that you say will go a long way toward... another chance. Don't say it if you aren't sincere though, because people will be watching now. That is the beauty of our world here. In the "real" world people rarely tell you when you have lettuce in your teeth.
Everyone has issues. Good luck.

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Posts: 3521
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posted February 03, 2007 02:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MysticMelody     Edit/Delete Message
Now, THAT was sincere, Lotus. I enjoyed it very much and think it will be helpful to everyone.
The truth coupled with sincerity just "sounds" different, doesn't it?

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Posts: 3291
From: nevada
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posted February 03, 2007 02:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message
something to think about

A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others. ~Author Unknown


The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." - William Ward


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Posts: 238
From: MOther & Father GOd
Registered: Feb 2008

posted February 03, 2007 02:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
I'm not sure I understand...
I am honest in the things that I say...
take my time and contemplate
wait for affirmations

some days are better than others, lol

I truly do LOve ALL..I am truly grateful
for being here on Earth, and finding the
Divine within me...
My heart is on Fire
I truly desire
peace and harmony

I know we cannot have one without the
but we are really off balance
and I worry that
MOther Earth
will slip/shift
if we do not

this harmony
brings many years of extended life. ...


LOve LOve LOve

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Posts: 238
From: MOther & Father GOd
Registered: Feb 2008

posted February 03, 2007 02:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message

your post means the World to me, thanks

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Posts: 1976
From: Arizona
Registered: Jul 2006

posted February 03, 2007 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for libraschoice7     Edit/Delete Message
Are you sure you aren't the unknown author of that great saying Lalalinda?

Sun in Libra
Moon in Cancer
Jupiter in Cancer
Venus in Virgo
Mars in Cancer
Ascendant in Cancer

I "FEEL" therefor I am

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Posts: 1530
From: Wonderland
Registered: Aug 2006

posted February 03, 2007 02:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for InLoveWithLife     Edit/Delete Message

The difference is that we don't hate you.
We just aren't letting your behavior slide. There is a big difference. Pix and I are Mommas and yes, if my daughter was toying with cruelty as a form of self-expression and power over others, and I wasn't watching, I would hope other big sisters and mothers would show her the truth of her actions before she pushed another young person over the edge.
Has anyone missed the post directy after mine when Salisa finally spoke up and said she had eaten a bowl of pills the week before or so and went to the hospital to get her stomach pumped? If everyone remembers what it was like to be young then surely you remember how important others' opinions are to teens?
I believe Sue was kindly pointing out to Neptune that you "never know" what is going on with someone when you make personal comments. It's all part of the lesson.
We mothers call it
"How would YOU like it if..."

Do you like it, Nep? Or do you think being gentle with other's feelings so that the Universe brings the same treatment back to you is the better choice?


this is precisely what i wanted to say. but since i am not a mom, i thought i'd keep my mouth shut.

I noted Salisa's subsequent post. and if i had been in neptune's place i wud never have had the courage to show my face at LL for a long long time. i wud hv been calling salisa and apologizing to her like mad. seriously.

there is a limit to overlooking other's fault's. being a 16 yr old doesnt not excuse u from taking responsibility for your actions.

neptune, i had another thing to say to you. please dont mind, but this feeling has been growing on me for a long time. if there is any way in which we can help you, please let us know. we all come to this forum with our problems from time to time, looking for help, looking for support. but i have never seen a single post like that from you. it either means tht all is hunky dory with you, and i hope it is, but then that does not explain your weird behaviour here at LL (attention seeking, passing judgement on others). i hv this nagging feeling tht there is something troubling you, bcoz of which u r displaying this immaturity (and i am not saying this from my vantage point as an adult...).

LL is a lovely place. and just let us know if there is anything at all that is troubling you. we r here to listen.

and like MM said, anything sincere and heartfelt from you wud be much appreciated. the truth has a whole different ring to it, you know.


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