posted February 12, 2007 05:27 PM
Hi All, I'm pretty new here ,but I thought this might be the place to share the lyrics of a pretty little song. It's from a movie called "Knightriders" by george romero that I recently saw again.The movie's about a modern day troupe of "knights" who perform at fairs and festivals.The movie's ok,but it was the song I really liked I've never been able to find the song on a cd. I don't even know it's name. I worte the lyrics down from memory so they may not be exact.I hope you like them.I was very taken by the song and thought it was very pretty and sad.
Sitting here alone in my father's home ,
Some day I'll be leaving, I'll be on my own,
To the hills like a child I'll roam,
But I'd rather be a wanderer than to never go at all,
In my soul a song lies sleeping ,
Waiting to be born ,I can hear her weeping,
Deep inside I can feel her dance,
Go and run to me lover,
Touch my innocence,
I see that life is an open road,there'll be people stay,there'll be people go,
You know at first it pains me so,
To think I'm just learning how,
to let go,
A pity there's just emptiness,
But with sorrow there comes joy,
And I would rather die in a hurricane,
Than to never know a storm,
Fears, I know , I've faced them,
That my castle walls would fall,
Oh ,but I would let those,
Castle's tumble,
Than to never love at all.
Isn't it just a pretty little song ?