posted March 03, 2007 10:05 PM
I'm not sure I understand the question.I'll try blundering through it, for whatever it's worth. A "proven" psychic, which I guess means one that has convinced his/her client of his/her abilities, describes spirit guides of the client.
The client (you?) then takes this to a "respectable" psychic. I'm not sure what you mean by "respectable," but I'll hazard a guess that you mean one that has a track record that speaks well of the said psychic.
Now I'm not sure what exactly spirit guides are. Are they objective spiritual entities with their own identities? Are they symbolic manifestations of one's own mind or even higher consciousness? Are they something belonging to the "collective unconcsciousness" that speaks to your consciousness? And is what the psychic sees objective or symbolic (after all, not seeing with physical eyes with physical light)? And do these guides, whatever they are, change form the same way we change clothes or even present ourselves based upon mood?
Besides, daimons (which some see as guiding entities while others see as tricksters, and others still see as both) are well known for changing their shape and form, as if they don't want to be--or can't be--classified.
I don't know. But I suppose if you told a psychic with the ability to see these forces, whatever these forces/spirit guides are, then the psychic may be able to seize upon that image and visualize/perceive them that way. OTOH, maybe each psychic views them according to their own reality tunnel. For example, maybe a Wiccan psychic would see a fairie while a Christian psychic would see an angel while a Hindu psychic would see a diva and a UFO-type psychic might even see an entity from another world. And it could just be that's how they perceive such forces which are more of a symbolic way, a "map of the territory" so to speak, and thus might not be able to see the same guides in the same way as the other psychic did.
Anyway, that's the best I can do for you now. If I ever see a spirit guide myself I might understand it better (or be tricked) and come back to this. ;-)