posted March 14, 2007 11:42 AM
->there is a 23-24 degree difference in the position of the lines of cusp of all houses and also the planets.
eg. if ur sun is in aries at 23 or 24 degrees in western astrology it will be at 0-1 degree in indian astrology. same for the ascendant.->western astrologer have the circular natal charts which are 'exact' maps of the sky and make all the predictions and analysis from it.
whereas indian astrologers split this exact charts into many different kinds.
ex. lagna kundli (lagna =ascendant, kundli = natal chart) where the first house is entierly given to the ascendant sign even if it is at 29 degrees.
chandra kundli (chandra = moon) where the entire first house is given to the moon sign.
and so on.
while the signs and the planets have nearly the same meaning, the house meanings are somewhat more elaborate in indian astrology and thus exact.
-> there is also a significant importance (as much as that of any other planet) placed on rahu (north node) and ketu (south node).
-> indian astrology also considers the nakshatras (moon's mansions) as very important and also assigns them planetary rulerships.
in modern india, indian astrology has many schools of thought and thus many different approaches to its study. while these schools of thought have their own significance, as a whole, they fail to provide a perfect synopsis of a person's personality and life events.