Topic: Spiritual Bragging.
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 17, 2007 01:00 AM
AG,I'm talking to the people who claim to be interested, and to want to know what's going on here, so they can help themselves and others evolve.
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AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted March 17, 2007 01:08 AM
Self-knowledge is a stage in anyone's maturity, and I think that requires a knowledge of all your strengths, so that can't be a bad thing. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted March 17, 2007 01:13 AM
Doesn't mean they won't resent you for reading a chapter ahead. They may be stressed about a test on chapter 5, so telling them about chapter 6 may be premature.(I'm just playing devil's advocate, you know. ) IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 17, 2007 01:21 AM
Waaaaaaah waaaahahhaaaaaaaa! They can go home and cry to their mommies, go back to Chutes and Ladders. hehe That's what SEPARATES THE MEN FROM THE BOYZ FOLKS! You gotta REALLY want it to sit there for hours just WATCHING Rubiks Cube Genius at work, trying to catch even a glimpse of his genius. Then you have to put up with his gruff and brutal disregard for your poor wittwle emotions. Hasn't anyone else seen a Kung Fu movie??? LOLIf you don't want it enough, go home. Now... go wash my car. hehehe There was a freaking Rubiks Cube in THE MUSEUM when I went last month. Right next to the leg warmers... *sigh*
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MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 17, 2007 01:28 AM
BR, HSC, and AG, too bad you guys don't live down the street. We could get a fine game going. (RPG, not Chutes and Ladders) I wonder if anyone one else would play. Yeah, AG, I didn't even ask if you wanted to... hehe Bring your guitar... hehe IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted March 17, 2007 01:36 AM
lol, I'd be happy to bring my guitar.If I play I have to be able to be of a somewhat chaotic temperment, and I'd never play a brute.  IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 17, 2007 01:51 AM
Roamer, are you calling me stupid, ugly, socially err blunted, lazy, or WHAT?!?!? Just kidding. I know what you are saying... you gotta put those low rolls somewhere but! if you keep your character for many "lifetimes" you grow in power and abilities.Necromancer MWAHAHAHA I know exactly what you mean about the club. How boring! Current games with more futuristic/apocalyptic themes offer cyborg enhancements. I am always surprised at men who would CHOOSE to chop off their hands/arms/legs etc to replace them with enhanced cybernetics. I talk to them about losing the sensation in even the tip of one finger and what a great loss that would be due to an accident, let alone choosing to remove an entire hand (or both!). Most of them just look at me like I'm talkin' that crazy wimin talk again. Bunch of Storm Troopers. IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 17, 2007 01:55 AM
That's it, I'm starting a thread! IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 17, 2007 02:03 AM
AG,That's a clever analogy about the chapters, but I really don't think it applies. This is not a mystery novel, this is a genuine mystery. Believe me, you want to know "who done it". I'm trying to save people a lot of unnecessary (and painful) mistakes. We're talking false accusations and the condemning of innocent people. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 17, 2007 02:04 AM
I appreciate that, Mel. Thanks.IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 17, 2007 02:54 AM
"There must be some kind of way out of here," said the joker to the thief, "There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief. Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth, None of them along the line know what any of it is worth.""No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke, "There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke. But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate, So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."
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MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 17, 2007 03:08 AM
Mercury in Aquarius  What did you appreciate more, Steve, my taunting or my shouting? You two are so mellow and I'm electrified. Weird  I've been on Spring Break and de-stressing on chick flicks so my brain is sparking again. It's been tired lately. *edited to say: Nice tunes now I can be mellow too* IP: Logged |
thirteen Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004
posted March 17, 2007 12:31 PM
To HSC, No, i saw the pics of you in another post. At first I thought Kobain was you too then i realized it was not.Sometimes i think to have a lot of knowledge like that is karma, it challenges one to deal in world where a lot of others aren't going to have that insight and it can be damned frustrating. And ag, some of those points were not considered by me before. You mean everone is not just exactly like me and wants to know and discuss every little thing just like me? ( my aqua ascendant) O c'mon yes they do. LOL Another thing that interests me is the content of those christ letters. some of what i read seemed pretty darned good! Did anyone here think so too? Im gonna print the material out today and read it over again. IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted March 17, 2007 01:37 PM
You know, Steve (may I call you Steve?), there was a reason I found you an excellent choice for the new Yellow Wax moderator. I wonder if it might be better for you to haunt that forum rather than this or UC. Of course, it's only a suggestion. I'm no sage or prophet. I have no ability to see particularly clearly into the hearts and natures of men. I can only speak from my own experience and a small degree of outside observation that art can very often bypass a pesky intellect.IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 4598 From: The Asylum Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 17, 2007 01:48 PM
Alright, you know what... I apologize for going on the defensive last night...not really a good weekend for me. Although i was sure I made it clear to whom I addressed my post, I will make myself clearer next time.IP: Logged |
jwarner Knowflake Posts: 3 From: Belmont,U.S.A. Registered: Jan 2006
posted March 17, 2007 02:00 PM
Heart-Shaped-Cross, I see you enjoy sufi stories. Is this the one you alluded to? There was a man sleeping under a tree. A giant snake crawled up to him and entered the man's open mouth. A wise man was watching and ran up to the man. The Sage took a large stick and began to beat the man. The man woke in fright and began to run. The Sage chased him. After further beating, running and torment the man collapsed in a heap and began to heave. After some time he threw up and out came the snake Seeing himself free of this parasite, the man turned to the Sage and said "Thank you for helping me, but why did you beat me so severely?" Why didnt you just tell me there was a snake inside me and we could work together on the problem?" The sage replied "if you had known that which existed inside you, you would have died of fright. nothing I could do would have saved you." Are you familiar with the Seven Levels of the Nafs? Peace Friend IP: Logged |
Lialei Knowflake Posts: 1887 From: blank canvas Registered: Jul 2005
posted March 17, 2007 03:34 PM
Boasting would imply imbalance to me. Is there equal reception? Listening?Openness? Gratitude?Are the future grueling climbs ahead, being foreseen from the Summit? As always there will the next fall; more challenging climbs yet awaiting. Is their awareness of and patience of these cycles? Is the recent wisdom discovered, patient with and allowing of time and experience to yet season it into a flowing Truth? As a writer, I appreciate the value of the written word. But evenso, I equally elate and glorify the unspoken realms that exist alongside. I like the freedom-- the gift of discovery there in those unspoken realms. So subtle they may be. I witness, I watch. I wait. Are words lived? I agree with what BlueRoamer wrote about appreciating the gift a writer leaves hidden/awaiting in the tapestry of his writing for discovery. I often enjoy your writing for just such reasons,HSC. I admire that BlueRoamer is a writer himself, so apparent in his every post, yet he has never proclaimed such. He allows me the freedom to recognize such treasure on my own. I admire that, for all the wisdom I'm so aware he contains, he quietly, modestly endures outshined. The squeakiest wheels get the oil in this world, as the saying goes and it's sadly most often true. My heart feels for the buried treasures that go unrecognized for not proclaiming. Even moreso am I compelled to search these treasures out and honor their quiet existance. When all under Heaven know beauty as beauty, already there is ugliness; When everyone knows goodness, this accounts for badness. Being and nonbeing give birth to each other, Difficult and easy complete each other, Long and short form each other, High and Low fulfill each other, Tone and voice harmonize each other, Front and back follow each other- it is ever thus. For these reasons, The sage dwells in affairs of nonaction, carries out a doctrine without Words. He lets the myriad creatures rise up, but does not instigate them; He acts but does not presume; He completes his work but does not dwell on it. Now, Simply because he does not dwell on them, his accomplishments never leave him. Lao Tsu/The Tao Te Ching Tao Te Ching Verse 81
True words aren't eloquent; eloquent words aren't true. Wise men don't need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren't wise.
The Master has no possessions. The more he does for others, the happier he is. The more he gives to others, the wealthier he is. The Tao nourishes by not forcing. By not dominating, the Master leads. 
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MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 17, 2007 04:41 PM

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AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted March 17, 2007 11:15 PM
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 6485 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted March 18, 2007 12:54 AM
..... Lia ..... IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 18, 2007 01:33 AM
Lia ------------------ ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged |
solar_third Knowflake Posts: 146 From: Registered: Oct 2005
posted March 18, 2007 01:33 AM
Spiritual bragging, or boasting, is like having come to orate at a solar elipse, where one assumes the apocalypse is about to occur. I.e. there is nothing left to brag about. S_T IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 3944 From: Calm Blue Ocean, Calm Blue Ocean Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 18, 2007 01:54 AM
Lia I don't know if you are aware of this, but I believe you are describing yourself much more than you are describing me. You paint dreams with words and manifest the subconsious in a very powerful way. Moreover, your posts emanate a love and forgiveness that I should only hope to achieve.One who brags is surely not aware of the waxing and waning of the tao, you are right, all peaks must become valleys, all tidal waves must crash, and forests must burn. I believe many people on this website have something of a messiah complex. I'll admit to the fact that I like to appear spiritual and forgiving, and often will refrain from posting if the post doesn't fit into that schema. It's easier to remain in control online, and so maybe its good practice for the real world? But the personaltiy I project here tends to mask the less desireable parts of me, such as despondency, envy, hate, rage, and bias. And I'm sure that goes for many people here, many of us are not as we appear. I often feel like there's an unspoken contest going on, who has the deepest most profound wisdom? IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 18, 2007 02:51 AM
Well, I OBVIOUSLY don't participate in THAT. hehe I'm far too geeky to only present my "best" side. I'm more careful with my words when I am trying to make a point that is important to me though. But I think, overall, I'm more casual here than most. I treat everyone as my "buddies" and the ones who respond "connect" and the rest just give me anywhere from a 'smiling, tolerant' eye roll to a 'if only they could strangle me' eye roll. I'm also not above the occasional slang or profanity, which is viewed as highly unspiritual by many. But, I will get by...  Must be getting early Clocks are running late Paint by number morning sky Looks so phony Dawn is breaking everywhere Light a candle, curse the glare Draw the curtains I don't care 'cause It's all right I will get by / I will get by I will get by / I will survive I see you've got your list out Say your piece and get out Yes I get the gist of it but it's all right Sorry that you feel that way The only thing there is to say Every silver lining's got a Touch of grey I will get by / I will get by I will get by / I will survive It's a lesson to me The Ables and the Bakers and the C's The ABC's we all must face And try to keep a little grace It's a lesson to me The devils and the East and the free The abc's we all must face, try to save a little grace. The ABC's we all think of Try to give a little love. I know the rent is in arrears The dog has not been fed in years It's even worse than it appears but it's all right. Cows giving kerosene Kid can't read at seventeen The words he knows are all obscene but it's all right I will get by / I will get by I will get by / I will survive The shoe is on the hand it fits There's really nothing much to it Whistle through your teeth and spit causeit's all right. Oh well a Touch Of Grey Kind of suits you anyway. That was all I had to say It's all right. I will get by / I will get by I will get by / I will survive We will get by / We will get by We will get by / We will survive ~Grateful Dead-Touch of Grey IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 3944 From: Calm Blue Ocean, Calm Blue Ocean Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 18, 2007 03:05 AM
Well MM you're a cool cat, you wouldn't need to repress parts of yourself cause you're all good cheese.  IP: Logged |