Topic: Spiritual Bragging.
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted March 20, 2007 05:36 PM
tink, to answer direct questions requires contemplation.Sincere contemplation is an effort rarely spent when one believes they have the answers already and then uses anothers efforts (contemplations) to support them. Just a thought   ------------------ ~ What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world is immortal"~ - George Eliot IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 20, 2007 05:38 PM
"Thy Unveiling"Carnival of Carnage, The Ringmaster, The Riddle Box, The Great Milenko, The Amazing Jeckel Brothers, and The Wraith looks like were all out of time brother! Everybody's out of time! F*** It, We gots to tell them All secrets will now be told no more hidden messengers this is it yall times up everything be out right here no need for the reverse talking the truth. Now we have been told this carnival s*** has touched many lives. People have f****n ` sworn to us they too can feel it inside. What is it that draws you in, this magic that compels you? We`ve been waiting six f****n ` joker cards to finally tell you. This messengers and hints were there, all though most never picked up on them. We snuck em` in subliminally with that wicked s*** around them. We mentioned more and more of this on every Joker's Card. The bottom line always the same, you ain't have to look hard. We wickedly kick it, inflict it, you get it, get with it and dig we don't preach it flat, cause some ninjas don`t wanna get with ya, they quick to forget ya without the hatchet and gat out. So we rose the hatchet, do or die, now Juggalos standing tall, after all 6 have risen the end of time will consume us all. It ain't got nothing to do with us, It ain't Psychopathic Records! All we`re doing is pointing this s*** out to you, we in this together! Who`s behind the Dark Carnival, the Gatherings and the hatchet? Who`s beind Dark Lotus, the circus and everybody at it? Who inveted Juggalos and Juggalette and F****** Faygo showers? What about that feeling you get when bumping our s*** , who`s behind these Juggalo powers? This ain`t no f****** fan club, It ain't about making a buck. Don`t buy our f****** action figures b**** , i don't give a s*** . It ain't About Violent J or Shaggy, the Butterfly or seventeen. When we speak of Shangri-La, what you think we mean? Truth is we follow GOD, we`ve always been behind him, The Carnival is God and may all Juggalos find him! May The Juggalos Find Him! May The Juggalos Find Him! May The Juggalos Find Him! He's out there, He's Out there! We`re not sorry if we tricked you! We don't care what happens now. We`re not sorry if we tricked you! We swing our hatchet and we`re proud. We`re not sorry if we tricked you! Painted faces in the crowd. We`re not sorry if we tricked you! The Carnival will carry on. He`s Out There! May The Juggalos Find Him! He's Out There! May The Juggalos Find Him! We`re not sorry if we tricked you! The Carnival will carry on. We`re not sorry if we tricked you! The Carnival will carry on. We`re not sorry if we tricked you! Painted faces in the crowd. We`re not sorry if we tricked you! Our carnival will carry one. yeh, he`s everywhere! I'm saying he's anywhere! juggalos, hes out there! yeh, yeh, everywhere! He's Out There Come see the show, big top show, Walk in and hang with the dead carnival Dead dirty carnies, dead juggalos Walk in and hang with the dead carnival he`s out there! Juggla, Juggla, **** with the juggla Juggla, Juggla, **** with the juggla Juggla, Juggla, **** with the juggla ya cant **** with the juggla May the Juggalos find him! May the Juggalos find him! He's out there! May the Juggalos find him! May the Juggalos find him! He's out there! He`s out there! We all gonna die, but I`m not gonna fry Even though most never try. I`m not gonna let this pass me bye, no. This is our world! This is our world! This is our world! SO GET THE **** OUT! This is our world! This is our world! This is our world! SO GET THE **** OUT! We`re not sorry if we tricked you! We don`t care what happens now. We`re not sorry if we tricked you! We swing our hatchets and we`re proud. We`re not sorry if we tricked you! Painted faces in the crowd. We`re not sorry if we tricked you! The Carnival will carry on. Suck My Nuts! b**** , f*** You! Suck My Nuts! ***** , **** You! Inner City Posse got the Dog Beats ICP we got the dog beats! Inner City Posse got the Dog Beats ICP we got the dog beats! 3 rings, a ding-a-ding-ding people love to point and stare 3 rings, a ding-a-ding-ding its the same as everywhere Murder Go Round,Murder Go Round How ya gonna **** wit a wicked clown! Murder Go Round,Murder Go Round How ya gonna **** wit a wicked clown! He's out there! We don't care what happen's now! We swing our hatchets and we`re proud! Painted Faces in the crowd! The Carnival will carry on! The Carnival will carry on! Painted Faces in the crowd! The Carnival will carry on! The Carnival will carry on! Thank you! ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us We hope you`ve enjoyed the Wraith's exhibit of Shangri-La and soon as you die, this will be yours! Thank you for joining us! Thank you byyyatch! hahahaha, always remember to **** off! **** Off! good bye! ~ICP IP: Logged |
alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 699 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: Sep 2003
posted March 20, 2007 05:41 PM
quote: Determinism has the benefit of being true, for one thing. And it leads to profound understanding and insight into human motives/human nature, as well as the connectedness of the universe. Determinists never blame anyone. Determinists understand everything is what it is, and everyone is who they are. Determinists seek to help people grow, not punish them for being flawed. "Free will" is untrue, and is used to justify abandoning, blaming, hating, condemning, and punishing others. It leads inevitably to violence and war. It distorts perceptions of God and people. It distorts, if not prevents entirely, the mystical experience of Oneness.
And a relativist would respond, that all depends on your perspective of things 
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lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted March 20, 2007 05:44 PM
MysticMelody,this is about the false God, the One that tricked Us, from the One and Only you speak of reptilians, and sacrifice... all of the False god... do not feed the false god, is what I recommend... then he is powerless... please, do not feed the negative forces. ... IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 20, 2007 05:45 PM
juni -Does it bother you to make such unfounded and unflattering speculations about my motives? Do you know anything about the particular case you are discussing? Do you know how many arguments I make myself, for every single quote I post, which express concisely my own positions? I've voiced so many original thoughts and arguments, its not even funny. Here is .00000001% of my original thoughts (there's one or two that are unoriginal in there somewhere, actually): Judgment is the antithesis of understanding, and hatred of evil is the craftiest and least well-known of vices, so easily is it mistaken for love of good. "All is One,"... There is nothing else worth knowing and understanding. The rest are details, for the tourists! Truth is context. Nothing teaches, and nothing prejudices, like experience. Silence is the wisdom of the foolish, and the folly of the wise. The words of a wise man never reach the ears of a fool. Hatred of evil is the craftiest and least well-known of vices, so easily is it mistaken for love of good. Judgement is the antithesis of understanding. It is superfluous to judge a man if he is guilty in his own eyes, and ridiculous if he is not. Crime may make a man a criminal, but only conscience can make him guilty. If a man is unfit to judge himself, who is fit to judge him? I will surely take responsibility for myself, but who will take responsibility for ME? In order to know him, it is not enough to walk a mile or two in a man's shoes. One does not come to understand the nature of drunkenness after a single drink. Humility works hard to satisfy its pride. People with little to be proud of are always begrudging the pride of others. They are quick to counsel humility, being so easily humbled themselves. You'll find they are humblest of their pride, and proudest of their humility. Patience isn't waiting for something. Good men find their greatest pleasure in being virtuous, while the rest of us find great pleasure a virtue. Some people take the hint, and some people take the hit. The tragedy of human existence is not that things change, but, that they change before we have an opportunity to get sick of them, and refuse to change long after we have. Hope is always disappointed, but never disappointing. Cause IS Correspondence. Will is desire unimpeded; where there's a way, there's a will. Ignorance does not create error; error reveals ignorance. It is the same with a man and his actions; he does not create them, but they reveal him. The miracle is not that God became a man (that happens every day), but, that a man became God; something far more rare. To turn the other cheek is just to look the other way, but trading blow for blow is the worst kind of hypocrisy. Who said, "There are no contradictions,"? He only spoke half-truths. Every word is an abstraction. All things are needful. Words find the ears for them. Only the inevitable is ever truly possible. Some speak boldly for action, and say "nothing comes from inaction". But action comes from inaction, and who can draw that thin grey line where inaction ends and action begins? What changes we've seen in a sudden instant were prepared for ages underground. The Sun is a brilliant light, But light must be carried underground. And only a candle can serve. Have you been blinded in the darkest depths? You will be blinded in the light, as well. Look around you now. Good men are not free to do evil, and evil men are not free to do good; A warm heart cannot fail to give warmth, nor a cold heart chills. To know the good is to will the good. The moral sense is strong in some and weak in others. But, even in this, the strong still persecute the weak. Fight to win the argument and you will surely lose the peace. We tend to lose sympathy for a person to the extent that their suffering, having quite overwhelmed them, begins to affect ourselves. We generally reproach a man for the immodesty of his suffering when it is ourselves who cannot bear so much as the suggestion of it. There is a season to give, and a season to receive... Trying to cry on each other's shoulders, we only end up butting heads. Some resist the will of God, and some accept it, - but all obey. Great thoughts are doorways onto otherworldy vistas. Who is more unreasonable: The man who possesses no respect for human life, or the man who expects it of him? A man who has never known great or prolonged suffering has no real claim upon his happiness. Who is to say it will not abandon him at the first scent of trouble? We are tried by suffering, baptized or burnt, and it is only having passed through its flames that we come to know what we are made of. Equanimity, in itself, is not a virtue; more often it is the result of weak passions than strong wills. Only strong passions can give birth to strong wills. A strong man can make his peace with life, for it fears him, and will seek an alliance, but a weak man must grab life by the horns, and wrestle it to the ground; life won't hesitate to trample a weak man. Before he can make his peace, he must first become strong. The key to happiness?: Demand nothing of yourself and settle for anything. When we need a reason to forgive, a reason can always be found. The trick is not needing one. Self-contempt is the highest form of pride. Whether confident or insecure, self-rapport is the same in every man. The self to which we remain attached is always the self that detaches, and never the self from which it is detached. The horizon recedes on the crest of an eternal dusk. The beautiful is a stain on the sublime. Mother God is unconditionally loving, Father God makes impossible demands, And, where they meet, a Messiah is born. If suicide is cowardly, how much more so is the fear of death? If a man is not slightly crazy, he is completely mad. Christ said: "I did not come for the righteous, but to bring sinners to repentance; For the well need not a physician, but them that are sick." Still, people await the second coming, thinking that the righteous shall be delivered. But the righteous (if indeed they are such) already have their reward. It is the "sinners" who must be delivered! Flesh is not merely the corruption of Spirit, it is also the Divine Manifestation; the Fall is also the Incarnation. Herein lies distilled the mystery and essence of the Christian cosmo-conception. The problem with the Gospel, as it is handed down in its present form, is that Jesus always knew he was the Christ. If the Spirit is to speak the Word clearly through the Letter, and the analogy become truly universal in scope, we must imagine that this knowledge was revealed to Jesus at some point durring his maturation. Perhaps it was the Baptist who saw divinity in him first, and awakened it with water, the emotional element. Isn't this how it happens, to all of us, eventually? Everyone praises those virtues which they seem to possess in themselves and finds a way to criticize those which they clearly do not possess; cool hearts sing the praises of independence and gushing hearts praise affection before all things; the silent praise silence, the expressive praise expression; the meek praise meekness, the bold praise boldness; the sensitive praise sensitivity, the rugged praise ruggedness; the reflective praise reflection, the active praise action; the original praise originality, the consistent praise consistency; the selfless praise self-sacrifice, individualists praise self-possession;... and so on. Meanwhile, the complete person praises all of these, and wisely observes the appointed season for each. And, while those who lack the power to reason, and must find a way to truth through intuition, will tell you that reason is a dead end, and only intuition lights the highest paths, - those lacking intuitive power, but well-armed with reason, will reason their way to the heights, and remark only upon the pitfalls of following intuition. Each seems to find fault in the method, and rarely acknowledges it in themselves. Again, to the wise, all things have their uses, and nothing is without merit.
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Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 20, 2007 05:46 PM
juni -I am one of the only people on this forum who systematically refutes, point by point, by the sheer force of my own understanding, the arguments made against my own. You are so wrong it is scary and sad. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 20, 2007 05:49 PM
mezzoelf -There may be other "ways" but they'll lead you to Determinism eventually. I agree, it may all be a big sneeze. My concept of "God" is not refuted by this. IP: Logged |
mezzoelf1 Knowflake Posts: 119 From: Registered: Jan 2007
posted March 20, 2007 05:50 PM
determanists be damned but really - the idea that they blame no one for their actions?! So, if one of the kids in my class hits another member of the class I don't tell them off because on some higher level they were going to do it anyway?! Good Lord! HSC - by your very own dictate you are 'destined' to be misunderstood by lots of people on this site but they in turn are 'destined' to find many of your ideas so off the mark they can't help but make a comment. SO! We are all determined to **** each other off and there is nothing we can do about it?!Sorry if the tone sounds flippant but if we don't take responsibility for our actions, who else does? What makes us 'human' is an ability to recognise and understand the concept of consequences. I must read up on it again but as I recall Determanism fails by its own criteria....or is that communism? Oh poo...where is Kant when you need him?! IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 20, 2007 05:52 PM
alchemiest -I dont think the two views are contradictory in the least. Determinism is all about perspective. The whole point is that your perspective determines your choices, and you do not determine your perspective. How could you? Whose perspective would you determine it from?  IP: Logged |
alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 699 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: Sep 2003
posted March 20, 2007 06:00 PM
Ah, but why would you need to determine your perspective from someone else's? *edited to add* If one postulates that an entity is incapable of determining its own perspective, what justification could one offer in support of this premise? It is insufficient to say that such determination is not possible, based on the further premise that this determination must arise from some third party perspective. This is not a justification, merely a further postulation which in turn must be justified in order for one's argument to hold.
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mezzoelf1 Knowflake Posts: 119 From: Registered: Jan 2007
posted March 20, 2007 06:01 PM
Now you're just playing with language! Wittgenstein (spelling?) talks about 'language games' and how we 'learn' the language specific to an area of life (game) e.g. golfers know what 'putting' is while the rest of us merely speculate - this also relates to 'spiritual' and 'philosophical' games. HSC -have you ever considered your concepts and ideas to be out the sphere of others on this forum? Not everyone is well versed in the finer points of Determinism. Are you 'playing a game' in which the rest of us are ultimately excluded from for lack of information? Nothing in this life is clear cut - Jesus did not say 'and lo! Determinism is the answer'. He actually said all we need is love! Now, do tell me how love leads eventually to Determinism...IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted March 20, 2007 06:06 PM
HSC, You took my reply to tink personal? I was making a general observation on the human condition. This thread is about Spiritual Bragging not HSC, right?  ------------------ ~ What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world is immortal"~ - George Eliot IP: Logged |
alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 699 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: Sep 2003
posted March 20, 2007 06:20 PM
Mezzoelf: quote: Oh poo...where is Kant when you need him?!
Aah, I cannot count the many times I have asked myself that very same question.  IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted March 20, 2007 06:24 PM
Well, mezzoelf understands my point: quote: determanists be damned but really - the idea that they blame no one for their actions?! So, if one of the kids in my class hits another member of the class I don't tell them off because on some higher level they were going to do it anyway?! Good Lord! HSC - by your very own dictate you are 'destined' to be misunderstood by lots of people on this site but they in turn are 'destined' to find many of your ideas so off the mark they can't help but make a comment. SO! We are all determined to p!ss each other off and there is nothing we can do about it?!
If you understand Determinism, then you should understand that you can talk for eternity and not convince someone who is predisposed not to be convinced by you. quote: Everything is determined, but we can't know which of our actions will make a difference.
We can if we understand where people are coming from. You've experimented enough to know what absolutely doesn't work for a lot of people, right? Are you satisfied with the number you've educated? If you're not, what can you do to become a better teacher? Many teachers understand that there are multiple and different ways that people learn. Are you addressing the different ways? Are you understanding your would-be students? I don't think you are, and I'm pretty sure that this is the reason you get the response that you get. quote:
"Free will" is untrue, and is used to justify abandoning, blaming, hating, condemning, and punishing others. It leads inevitably to violence and war. It distorts perceptions of God and people. It distorts, if not prevents entirely, the mystical experience of Oneness.
This is an astonishing statement for a Determinist to make. First, it's astonishing in that you're railing against something that was pre-destined to exist. How, as a Determinist, can you rectify that? These people are destined to believe in Free Will for as long as has been destined. Forcing the issue could work, but it could also not work. Either way it wouldn't be up to you to decide. Secondly, it's astonishing in that you say Free Will causes behaviors. A Determinist wouldn't say that the idea of Free Will causes behaviors. You (as a Determinist) believe that one's behaviors are a result of one's mental faculties of which one has no means of affecting, so how in the world could Free Will cause behaviors? Further, if you take Determinism out of the debate, and simply focus on Free Will, it's plain for most people that Free Will can also cause good and positive behavior. Much of the idea of Free Will centers around one becoming better than they were previously. Free Will is synonymous with self-improvement for most; i.e. choosing to do the right thing. IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 20, 2007 06:33 PM
LotusExactly right Now, who can go down into this insanity and spread the Light? Too bad the kids don't see what you and I see... the unfortunate thing is that some come to see PART of what you and I do, and this evil genius... with tiny seeds planted in the dark, that grow from the young person's Light... twists and distorts it until the truths we all see as so OBVIOUS are seen as the enemy. So, who is EQUAL to THAT? Equal distance away from the equator maybe. It IS true, that you could learn a lot there though.
I went down to Understand and I made it back with my soul. These boys used to look at me with tears and hope in their eyes and tell me I would never understand because I didn't. Lotus, your words mirror to me who I used to be (which is not a bad thing). You sit 5 steps above the equator and when you look down the stairs into the darkness, all you can tell is that it looks and Feels dark and it's no where a sensible person should go. I couldn't leave them there. I loved them too much. And when I went deep enough to reach out my hand, I saw all of the others. Robin Williams - What Dreams May Come I had to keep dragging myself back up the stairs to the Light and then I could just slide back down the slide into the darkness. You can re-grow your soul, did you know that? You can give away pieces of it to help another have the strength to crawl up the stairs. This is spiritual/SELF-HELP blasphemy, so I don't discuss it. I could leave the teens, I suppose... But when you watch an innocent child slowly being consumed... which of you could just turn your back? Yeah, I could become a spiritual f-cking Master and then my mere presence would be enough to help them... Well, guess what, it was. And it still can be. I do less work now because I have my own child to protect. There is no one that can argue with me because if you have been there, you won't argue, and you haven't... you don't know. The few songs I posted probably disturbed most people enough. A few complained about it getting dark in here, and a couple bothered to question what was going on, but for some reason, everyone wasn't scrambling to turn on the switch. It's a brave act to shine a light on the crawling stench that is coming from the basement. Or the backpack. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 20, 2007 06:41 PM
juni -it looked like you were responding to tink's comments to me. sorry. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted March 20, 2007 06:41 PM
MysticMelody, I truly believe, that LOve can Overcome ALL ODDS. ... I believe that karma, has alot to do with things... I blieve the reptilians, haven't got a chance, and that when this black eyed people, see the power of LOve and the True God... that, that will be their end... I do not feed them, I do not want to acknowledge them, for this gives them power... everything that has happened, has happened for a reason... I Image, Heaven on Earth  and we will overcome this!
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MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 20, 2007 06:53 PM
And here I thought the name of this thread wasLook We Have A Chance To Knock Steve Down A Peg IP: Logged |
mezzoelf1 Knowflake Posts: 119 From: Registered: Jan 2007
posted March 20, 2007 06:54 PM
Alchmeist - feelin the vibe dude! I enjoyed your postulating, I miss such things. Lotus - a light to us all You are an inspiration. We DO have the choice. We ARE FREE! But that is so wonderful(one rule done for u(s)) is that we make this choice REGARDLESS of what life is or has done to us. PEACE x IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted March 20, 2007 06:59 PM
I wanted to add...that some reptilians, have become just like Us, and are good... the ones that are not good, have really bizarrre black eyes, that do funny things... these bad ones, shrink in my presence, I have seen them, and do not Fear them. . . Fear is what gives them Power... and we must teach our Children... that anything negative cannot be fed... have you dealt with the shadow entities... they evaporate into thin air...when you give them no energy or notice... we must be careful what we post and write... I'm pretty sure, they were delighted with what you posted, that it gave them energy... I say this sincerely, because I want you to know, you have power of them... by not acknowledging them otherwise we will breed FEAR and Fear is not going to help anyOne... LOve and Light in the Truth, of the One and Only True GOD is required none of this would have happened, had we not turned our backs on the True God... this is about Karma, the Universal Laws, that we broke... God does not judge, we are judged by our actions through all incarnations... . LOve to ALL. . . IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted March 20, 2007 07:03 PM
Mezzoelf1 you are very sweet, thanks! we are all the Light and LOve,and of course there is the opposite...eek! I hope my last post didn't freak anybody out... if it did, I am sorry. ... LOve LOve LOve IP: Logged |
SLAYER Knowflake Posts: 578 From: Resurrected Registered: Oct 2006
posted March 20, 2007 07:04 PM
quote: if you believe in an infinite being, you must not let that being be limited by your own finite perceptions and limited understanding. Chaos theory says there is a certain randomness to the universe that modifies the order imposed by the laws of physics. This coincides completely with Eastern thought, specifically the Tao, which sees a duality, the yin and yang as two forces that balance each other. Likewise our awareness informs us of this dual nature of reality and our personal choices determine whether we "go with the flow" or oppose the balance, which causes stress and disease. Now if God is the omniscient creator of everything, then God has created an infinite range of possibilities from which to choose. What does this mean? It means every second of our lives we act acccording to our awareness and intent, and make free choices among the infinite variety of choices presented. What we choose in one moment determines what we are presented with in the next. All possibilities exist in every moment, in every choice we make. When we make a choice, our consciousness proceeds upon that path, ignoring and never experiencing the infinite "what ifs" that we have chosen not to follow. Many people believe that these other possibilities do exist, and other versions of ourselves explore those. But having a more finite consciousness than God, we can only experience one of these possibilities in any moment. God by definition must be aware (omniscient) of all these possibilities. So our free-will is exercised every moment we exist. We are then responsible (on some level) for everything we experience. Exercising our free-will is simply using that power that God (in Its infinite wisdom) has granted us to experience God's creation according to our own needs. Do you grasp what this means? It means we have TOTAL FREEDOM to be whatever we choose. But of course with that unlimited freedom comes a load of responsibility. To be truly aware means to understand the consequences of your actions. To be responsible means to accept those consequences, to deal with them in the most aware and reponsible way, and to learn from those experiences. That is how we grow. So an unlimited concept of God sees that God has created this field of energy for all awareness to play in. Each of us being a portion of God's awareness, following a path of energy over time (an illusion that separates us from God). On the one hand, this energy field that we exist in is predetermined, yet what games we play in that field is our choice. Therefore the paradox of determinism and free-will is possible. As I said "What we choose in one moment determines what we are presented with in the next (moment)." So the exercise of free will "determines" what happens to us.
Words of a Hippy. I couldnt agree more.  IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3521 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 20, 2007 07:04 PM
I know what you are talking about Lotus. I read about the reptilians. Keep on shining the Light. It helps me get back quicker. Maybe someday I will be able to drop the dark children at your door and you can bless their wounds while I go back down and tear more from the jaws. I knew this was one key you and I shared from the very beginning. I just won't waste my energy battling you or defending my views. I've got other plans for it. You are a big girl and you will someday make it to where you want to be and do what you want to do, if you are "an empty rice bowl". IP: Logged |
alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 699 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: Sep 2003
posted March 20, 2007 07:04 PM
Mezzoelf-  MM- I don't see anyone gunning for HSC. I certainly am not. This thread certainly did not begin in order to put him or anyone else down. However, if he (or anyone else) decides to post an argument on this thread (or any other), then he (or whoever else posted an argument) also bears the burden of defending that position when it is questioned. It's really great that you jive with HSC's views. However, a lot of other people do not, and therefore (rightly) question those views. There is nothing wrong in that. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted March 20, 2007 07:08 PM
MysticMelody,rest assured, I save many of them... it is a ceaseless work... I'm by your side, hehe, sometimes invisible... but still doing the right thing... IP: Logged | |