Topic: Spiritual Bragging.
thirteen Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004
posted March 15, 2007 10:04 AM
Im putting this question out for general discussion and debate.What impression do you get when someone engages in spiritual bragging. What about that makes it negative? What if the person feels proud of their accomplishment. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 15, 2007 10:12 AM
It reminds me of a "Cathy" cartoon... Everyone is in a meditation when Cathy suddenly jumps up and yells.. "I FOUND MY CENTER FIRST!"  It is not a contest.  IP: Logged |
thirteen Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004
posted March 15, 2007 10:46 AM
hey fate! Ok then it is ok to talk about ones level of growth? In what manner. Examples needed of good and bad.(ps my name is kathy) IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted March 15, 2007 10:46 AM
Spiritual bragging = oxymoron, yes? If one is Spiritual, would s/he be bragging about their lofty perch? If one is bragging, is s/he a Spiritual Being emiting Love & Sister/brotherhood?  ------------------ ~ What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world is immortal"~ - George Eliot IP: Logged |
thirteen Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004
posted March 15, 2007 10:48 AM
what if one is trying to teach? Or trying to provoke others to say to themselves ( i want that too!) can bragging be a driver then? Is it always a negative? HELP ME UNDERSTAND IP: Logged |
Sheaa Olein Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: London Registered: Jul 2004
posted March 15, 2007 10:50 AM
juni! so good to see you, how are you? I couldn't have put it better myself, and I did try a few times before reading yours  IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife Knowflake Posts: 1530 From: Wonderland Registered: Aug 2006
posted March 15, 2007 11:02 AM
i don't know whether feeling proud is justified. but pride is a feeling which sometimes steals upon us without our knowledge. and sometimes it is difficult to say whether what u feel is pride or just plain feeling of being glad (someone pleeeease help define pride !! )i think it wud be considered bragging if it made u feel uncomfortable. talking about spiritual experiences should make u feel inspired, not belittled, if it was related in the right spirit. IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted March 15, 2007 11:59 AM
Greetings Sheaa, llamas & I are well  One can be sure they`ve stepped into a braggarts cow pie when they call another ignorant, blind or deaf when their piece of Truth is questioned. We Teach by example.  ------------------ ~ What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world is immortal"~ - George Eliot IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 1699 From: Canada Registered: Dec 2006
posted March 15, 2007 12:05 PM
Actually... I would argue that having a balanced egotistical side isn't such a bad thing. People usually define anyone with a sense of self-confidence as egotistical because they usually can't comprehend or relate to such a person on the same level due to their own self-doubt.I am gonna be quite critical about this ppl; I have seen too many over the top whiners online... I mean WAYYY too many. So much so that the online world have gotten to the point of labling them "emos." Seriously, picture a high school cafeteria senerio. You have this one person in the middle of the table going on and on about his/her drama. At first people will wanna help but usually (not always but usually) this person just continues on with a sob story each and everyday just to get attention he/she usually doesn't gets. The result: Everyone else just walks away from that cafeteria bench and move away to other tables. I am all up for Sympathy but if a person really doesn't wanna identify the problem his/herself and would kinda get a bit less burned from others who do take pride in who they are, then all I can say is Adios amigo. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted March 15, 2007 12:31 PM
I think real spiritual enlightenment humbles us, as we learn to see the God-spark in everyone, and know that everyone has to walk their own path to enlightenment. Some choose to learn through self-inflicted pain, and that is their perogative. The trick is in knowing when someone is reaching out for your help, and so of course you would want to give it, or if they're just setting themselves up for some much needed lessons via pain. In that case, we shouldn't impose ourselves on their choice of method. When they get it, they'll really get it...but in their own time, not ours. I think it's ok to talk about spiritual aha moments that were amazing to experience. But, I don't think we can MAKE someone have the same experience, no matter how good our intentions are. Bragging is never received well, because it suggests an air of superiority, and that in itself is anathema to enlightenment. We are all precious to God. We all have a course of study to work on here in earth school. None is superior to another, just different. Those who are further along the path can certainly reach a hand down to those not so far along - But, in absolute humility and in service to God, not our egos. IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted March 15, 2007 01:09 PM
Interesting you brought this up at this time in my life! I believe I had a spiritual experience, and I guess my ego needed comformation from other spiritual people. I was very excited that I got a wake up call from a source outside my normal thinking. (after all, I was desperate to believe-in something) I am humbled that this happened to me, but I'm experiencing the pain of not being belived. OUCH! Now I see I didn't get the humbleness until after the fact. Thanks for reminding me the more I experience, the more I should celebrate myself instead of opening my mouth.IP: Logged |
Hexxie Knowflake Posts: 934 From: :::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon::: Registered: Jul 2005
posted March 15, 2007 01:13 PM
Good morrow all!brag - "boastful talk." braggart - "an offensively boastful person." boast - "to talk, esp. about oneself, with too much pride; brag. to brag about; glory in." pride - "an unduly high opinion of oneself. haughtiness; arrogance." [yet it's also..] "dignity and self-respect. satisfaction in something done, owned, etc. a person or thing in which pride is taken. to be proud of." When I hear someone 'spiritually bragging' I can be silently happy for them. I do not feed their swelling heads though! I think that they are either very happy and proud of their accomplishment -or- they are trying to compete with imagined competitiors. Either way this is just where they happen to be at on their journey. It's where they are in regard to being conscious. Where one is, is perfect for their learning here. Having said the above, I do not personally feel it's necessary to brag or even reveal what I know unless I am directly and earnestly asked. That's just me! What makes 'spiritual bragging' negative is the energetics behind it. If a person is saying i can do this and that, or they're implying that they are above you because they were 1st, or can so something you can't, or whatever it may be, treat them gently as if they were just a child in this area. "Make no judgements where you have no compassion." - Anne McCaffrey It also depends on how well you know this person. We often times tell our friends of our accomplishments and because of our heart attachments it's ok and they are genuinely happy for us. But if we tell a stranger/acquaintence the same things it isn't really special to them. There is no heart attachment and it may even incite jealousy or annoynace. "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." I also think the equal and opposite is perfectly true too...When the teacher is ready the student will appear!! They will be magnetically vacuum-sucked to each other  ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
aqua inferno Knowflake Posts: 1106 From: hopping about Europe Registered: Oct 2006
posted March 15, 2007 02:16 PM
*edit*I don't think you can because bragging would mean ego, and ego means you're still in the sea of samsara ie you're haven't found peace. Cause the closer you get to peace, the more the illusion of ego dies. But that's if you're into Buddhism. ******************** also want to add ( we hardly ever talk about this kinda thing - I love it!!! ) Bragging and ego is all about insecurities. How do I know this? cause it takes one to know one. It's like in school I'd brag about my dad's work and how much he made ( even tho we'd never talk, he'd just send cheques ), because then everyone would think highly of me, which gives me permission to think highly of myself. If I already thought highly of myself, I would not need others to reinforce that. Same with when I spend a small fortune on my hair, so others will think I'm beautiful, cause if they don't, then I wont. And if they think I'm pretty, they'll think highly of me. It doesn't matter if I'm rich or poor, pretty or ugly - it's irrelevant. What matter is me proving my worthiness by bragging. Knowing this, I would not want to learn from a spiritual bragger. Cause, well frankly they're no better than me. **hope my post isn't giving off a bad vibe, I was just rushing it**  IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 15, 2007 02:33 PM
lioneye68  Well said!  quote: I think it's ok to talk about spiritual aha moments that were amazing to experience. But, I don't think we can MAKE someone have the same experience, no matter how good our intentions are.
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fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 15, 2007 02:46 PM
quote: thirteen Knowflake Posts: 827 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004 posted March 15, 2007 10:46 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey fate! Ok then it is ok to talk about ones level of growth? In what manner. Examples needed of good and bad. (ps my name is kathy)
Hello Kathy with a "K"!  Yes I think it is ok to share one's experiences with others if that is what the topic is about. Unfortunately there will always be those who become envious or even ridicule. But usually most folks enjoy hearing of another's eurekas and epiphanies. What I find annoying is folks who brag too much about themselves, often out of context, and are not simply telling/sharing their spiritual experience, but are using it as a brag fest,not a true sharing. Those types go about tooting their own horn too often.(yeah yeah..we heard you the first time! You are the love (insert word) you are the great(insert word) you are the powerful(insert word)person.... So unless they are trying to preach and not truly share, or are bragging, I do not usually mind. In fact it is often interesting if a true sharing from the heart it is! I think too, that upon hearing one's sharing, we must take into account.. were they simply sharing? Expecting no comments or questions... or was it meant as a segue to a more in depth discussion and or debate? Sometimes sharing is just sharing. IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 3944 From: Calm Blue Ocean, Calm Blue Ocean Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 15, 2007 03:19 PM
The question is, can we be spiritual enough to understand where this bragging is coming from, tolerate it, and still have compassion and understanding for that person?IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 15, 2007 04:13 PM
Yes indeed we can. 
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Xodian Moderator Posts: 1699 From: Canada Registered: Dec 2006
posted March 15, 2007 04:14 PM
quote: "Make no judgements where you have no compassion." - Anne McCaffrey
Interesting how her novels convaey that message so clearly. I personally loved "Pegasus in Space." (No people... It has nothing to dowith a Winged horse Lol!) IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 15, 2007 04:18 PM
quote: "Make no judgements where you have no compassion." - Anne McCaffrey
I like that quote.  IP: Logged |
Inner depths Knowflake Posts: 327 From: The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth City! Registered: May 2006
posted March 15, 2007 08:44 PM
IN comment of my post because I shared something important about an event this week.There can be various lines of thoughts here and many theories as to why this is. Now I hardly speak up or post on this site. (sometimes I just stop in, read a few posts and go - not wanting to share any of what I know or wanting to particpate in threads) As time goes on I find myself going away from messageboards for some reason. The first thought is this what you hate reading in a post inwardly is what you hate about yourself. Your own EGO gets offended and one can't see the person for who she/he is. (Ever read DR Wayne Dyer's book called Your Sacred Self - it's a must read). What does your self image/esteem say to you? Maybe you think that the seemingly annoying person is that they are so full of themselves and should shut the hell up. Who the hell gives a crap about this person and possibly they should go crawl back under that rock they were under? (I bet some people are thinking this). I'm want to be blunt and get right to the point here. This the saying from the Talmud - we see things are we are, not how they actually are. However on the flipside, maybe this is a big accomplishment in their life. Extraverts talk about themelves all the time - they have a sense of pride in themselves. However some can take it too far. With an introverted person going out on stage and finally showing themselves in the spotlight - is like an explorer going out into unchartered territory. There are discoveries that can be big and maybe the person never thought that just by being who they are can inspire others - maybe in the past they were too caught up on everything another person said to them that the individual coming put serious restrictions on his/herself. Another question is this - this is an internet community. How many people have met each other in person or really know the other posters on close level? The internet can hide many deceptions. Look at the number of danger on the internet stories there are out there. Fact is you don't really know the other person, in the flesh. Does the person who is shut inside themselves are aware of the impact they make on others around them? Are they even aware of others around them of or they too shut in and scared to be around others.....selfishly hoarding themselves away. One of my biggest issues for myself is appearing concieted when I would talk about myself. My friends saw a person who treated herself very poorly and always put her self last. Somebody once told me that I treated everybody like number one and myself last. I couldn't live in my own skin and I dressed down and would appear so unattractive that others would avoid me or not want to talk to me. For 30 some odd years I kept to myself and said nothing at all. I live like a hermit and hardly see my friends. I have learned to distance myself away from civilization. On that note I would rather be HATED for who I am than loved for the person I'm not. If I have any enemies, it means that some point in my life I stood up for something I believed in and not retreated cause somebody thought my beliefs were stupid.
Don't think I misunderstood things here.I'm just expressing and opinion. Pointing out some facts. Threads and posts are just words on a screen and sometimes it may very well show what the person is like - but in a virtual world things are an illusion. My 2 BLUNT cents worth.... IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 1699 From: Canada Registered: Dec 2006
posted March 15, 2007 10:34 PM
InnerDepths... Probably the most strightforward and to-the-point post I have seen thus far in this month and I gotta tell ya, I come across a lot of crap online. Do you mind if I quote you on this for an entry I am weriting? (You can stay annoynomous if you like... Not even a mention of your sign in name.) IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 4598 From: The Asylum Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 15, 2007 10:48 PM
Spiritual bragging, eh? Like the "I'm more elightened than you" nonsense? Yahhhh....  IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 3944 From: Calm Blue Ocean, Calm Blue Ocean Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 15, 2007 10:52 PM
"On that note I would rather be HATED for who I am than loved for the person I'm not. If I have any enemies, it means that some point in my life I stood up for something I believed in and not retreated cause somebody thought my beliefs were stupid."Absolutely fantastic.  I have definitely been in this situation. I am usually very passive when it comes to conflicts. When I make an enemy I know its because the other person has pushed me so far or wronged me so obviously that I was right to make them into an enemy. I think sometimes we expect so much of ourselves, to love and have compassion for everyone, even those that harm us, but it's not that easy to do. IP: Logged |
Mirandee Knowflake Posts: 4812 From: South of the Thumb - Taurus, Pisces, Cancer Registered: Sep 2004
posted March 16, 2007 01:12 AM
Humility always goes hand in hand with spirituality. I would consider it bragging, not teaching, when someone even suggests that they have reached a higher level of spirituality than someone else. No one can know the souls of others so there is no way of knowing who has reached higher levels of spirituality. As someone said here, it's not a contest anyway. I walk away from any religious discussion that turns into an argument of "who's right and who is wrong". It is not productive at all. It is not self-confidence when people are always talking about themselves and bragging. That, in fact, shows a lack of self-confidence or self-worth that a person has to go to those lengths to get attention. It is self-confidence when a person knows who and what they are and therefore can just be themselves. They don't need to put on a show or pretend to be something they are not. They are confident in showing themselves to others flaws and all and there is no need to compete with others. IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife Knowflake Posts: 1530 From: Wonderland Registered: Aug 2006
posted March 16, 2007 01:14 AM
Hi thirteen, ok, now i know the context of this post  i was not clear what you meant by spiritual bragging in the first place. I suspect that i too am sometimes guilty of it. though i try not to, but when you are trying to interact, to discuss something spiritual, sometimes it becomes difficult to draw a line. there are certainly some gray areas, and i, for one, need to guard against this tendency ferociously, to tell the truth. It is a constant struggle against the baser nature. (and i don't always win) Ok, now let me come to the post in question. (I am sorry but i can't look at things objectively). One big reason why it was considered 'bragging' was that most people don't believe that it is true in the first place. right ??? I don't think this kind of bragging can ever be justified. Simply because it is not based on the truth (at least that is my assessment, and that of the majority here if i am right). How can it ever inspire if most people who read it shake their heads with disbelief ??? It simply does not hold. ILWL P.S. I also believe that if it had been true, that person would not be posting it on a message board. It is something too sacred to share so trivially, imho. P.P.S Above was my opinion tailored for this particular case. for the general case of spiritual bragging, i agree with blueroamer, lioneye, mirandee, and inner depths  IP: Logged |