posted March 22, 2007 05:03 AM
SignsPisces (Fish): You have a talent for swimming but have not yet developed lungs. If you're reading this out of water then you're probably dead. Likes: plankton. Dislikes: Captain Birdseye, toilets.
Aries (Ram): You are not a born leader. You tend to follow in a group and be quite plain and unnoticeable. People tend to use you and you can be often taken for a ride. However you are dependable and can be counted on, unless you're a K-car. Likes: grass, large groups. Dislikes: getting your hair cut, being taken for a ride.
Taurus (Bull): Unlucky, you're the bull-headed Taurus. Thinking is not your strong point. I'm surprised if you can read this. Likes: goring things, spreading bull. Dislikes: the colour red, Spanish people.
Gemini (Twins): This one is easy, you have multiple personality disorder. You never make up your minds about anything but you're fun to have at parties. Likes: flowers, cars. Dislikes: cars, flowers.
Cancer (Crab): You have too much unsafe sex. Buy some condoms. Likes: unsafe sex, pinching people. Dislikes: lice, fishnets.
Leo (Lion): You are strong, clever, brave and have an unnerving passion for taking down large mammals. All the fat people recently left your neighbourhood. Likes: red meat, hair curlers. Dislikes: guns, gnus, snug and nugs.
Virgo (Virgin): You have an unbridled passion for Danish film stars who kill Orcs in their spare time. Likes: the Lord of the Rings. Dislikes: Swedish people.
Libra (Scales): Know it all. Likes: reading. Dislikes: contact with the opposite sex (they scare you).
Scorpio (Scorpion): You kill people for fun, and have quite a sting in your tail. Likes: the Rock, the Mummy Returns. Dislikes: Brendon Fraser.
Ophiuchus (Snake Bearer): A dude holding his snake, which, judging by your usage of the internet, you are too. He was invented in 1930 to **** off wishy-washy astrologers. Likes: ruining your **** , Neon Genesis Evangelion. Dislikes: going outside, talking to humans.
Sagittarius (Centaur): You are very in touch with your animal side. It could, in fact, be said that you like animals a little too much. You are very in touch with animals. Have I made myself clear yet? Likes: that should be obvious. People under the sign of Aries. Dislikes: anti-bestiality laws.
Capricorn (Goat): Goats aren't funny. You aren't funny. This one is quite pathetic. Just ignore it. Likes: un-funny things (like this). Dislikes: non-goat related things.
Aquarius (Water Carrier): You are blessed with a good memory, a large stomach and a bladder of seemingly infinite volume. Likes: liquids, tsunamis, 'Depends' under garments, Aquaman. Dislikes: warm days, the desert, straws.