posted March 31, 2007 12:39 AM
The Adventures Of Nuckeagle GoodheartThe boy had climbed high upon the cliff and although his mind was deeply troubled, his concentration fixed on every footstep and every handhold for he knew the sacred way of Life; he knew the doorway to Freedom swings open only in the Now and that The Force flows through Now and is available only in the now time and that is why, although his mind was greatly disturbed, he made sure none of his movements escaped his most perfect attentions and with his thoughts, he breathed a mighty battle indeed, letting go...letting go...letting go.
After a while he stopped to rest and sat silent and still in the grass; aligned, earthed, connected, enjoying the sensations of aliveness running like a mighty river within him. Expanded and aware, he looked out over the ocean, breathing deep the vision, fuelling himself with Light and then, in his mind, she came again and his brow grew heavy with clouds as the same stormy thoughts of she blew up another gale of madness.
Nuckeagle Goodheart, a Gentle Warrior, began to climb again, more hurriedly and lacking the self-control and discipline he had possessed before. He was anxious to see the young master; only the master could help with this problem and he needed guidance, for his heart was wounded, his emotions boiling like a sea and his mind, full of stormy weather the like of which he had never known.
At the porch of the young master's house, before ringing the small bell, he stood a while in meditative prayer and let the silence heal him somewhat. Presently, the master came and looked deeply into the eyes of the boy. "What troubles young friend?" the master softly inquired.
The boy replied slowly with some trembling emotion. "Good sir, I have loved a woman and now there is great pain all around my heart and much madness in my head and I am all wild and stormy inside." The young master opened his arms for the boy to step forward, which he duly did, and wept upon his breast. The master said nought and stood tall and strong as a tree and opened his heart to the boy and the angel of compassion flowed from within him and the boy's deep sadness was set free and how the boy did cry, O how the boy did cry. By and by Nuckeagle stood away, breathing deep and strong. "'Tis a joy to breathe again Sir, I do declare."
"Come," said the young master. "Let us to the trees a go."
And so they walked, down to where trees embrace waters of the lake and much Nature whispers wisdom of Love; and they opened their hearts and minds and listened to a long and glorious majestic moment and their thoughts became as still as the lake and they both absorbed much Goodness and were filled by The Love that nature gives so freely and they were glad to have grown together.
After a while, the young master spoke slowly and this is what he said: "Young friend, you have drunk heavily from the waters of Love in which you have bathed with this woman but because your understanding of Love and therefore of Life, is not yet ripe, you have not respected Its Power which is no less than The Force of Creation Itself. Your thirst for knowledge has given you an unquenchable desire to know and you have drunk far too much of this most potent and magical potion and now you are poisoned in madness and heartache, is this not so?"
"It is, my good master," replied the boy. "I now know the madness of a lunatic and the woman I have loved with enough force to create a world, lies in the arms of another and my heart is all cut in pieces and I find this sweet, sweet pain almost too much to endure."
Again there was silence before the master spoke once more. "The pain you have suffered is a consequence of ignorance, not necessarily only of this and your lifetime. The purpose of human Life is the evolution of human consciousness and consciousness evolves through experience. As we experience, directly, through the heart, more of Life's depth and subtlety, so we grow, awareness expands, sensitivity increases and our recognition of Life's eternal mystery becomes more and more acute and our consciousness becomes more and more pure and thus Humanity evolves.
“This is the slow process of human evolution which, today, appears to be in acceleration. Although the framework of creation's shifting, mystical, matrix-illusion remains the same, the experience for those of us awakening within it is intensifying dramatically; new energies are making themselves felt, a new age dawns, a well prophesied, pre-programmed phase of world history that heralds a new era of human expression is upon us. A universal change in season, if you will, to stimulate the next phase of our development as an evolving race; a perfectly natural occurrence, one that is regularly mirrored on a much smaller scale throughout all creation. It is directly because we are so out of touch, so out of harmony, with the Nature of existence and ignoring so much The Living Truth of Life, that we are experiencing so much unnecessary pain and suffering, as energy shifts and the consequences of disharmony unfold."
The young master paused for a moment and then said, "We are like flowers growing in the meadow and our springtime is here and some of us are opening before others and as we become more of whom we actually can be, we are blessed as holders of the vision and wisdom born from these experiences and we are then, and only then, qualified to guide those many, many, frightened and confused souls who are emerging reluctantly from beneath the heavy stone of ignorance that The Forces of Goodness are lifting from Humanity's tired and aching back.
“It is essential that Truth may be recognised for what It is and the ignorance that perpetuates this needless suffering be finally and eternally cured. You are one such flower Nuckeagle Goodheart and you must be the wholeness of who you are and stand tall in the meadow of Life so that your brothers and sisters may be guided by your presence. You have a role to play in the unfolding plan of creation, as indeed do all, and Life has sought only to awaken you so that you may better play your part. The moment is ripe and the most fitting circumstances have manifested automatically to awaken you from your dream so that you may better assist The Plan of unfolding creation, this infinitely flexible and most glorious, Natural revolution. This pain, as is all pain, is a call from Life for change; what say you in answer to It's cry, do you accept the challenge of change?"
"I do indeed sir," replied Nuckeagle without hesitation.
"It is, in fact, the shell around your heart that has been broken, so that The Love of God Itself, as a rhythmic uninterrupted flow of Natural Goodness, may fill you with It's presence and Power, for within our souls we are One with The Creator and that infinite Love would express through us constantly."
"The soul is a spiritual heart" continued the master, "an umbilical cord through which the unconditional Love, wisdom and power, of The Great Spirit, The Source of all things manifest, may experience human life; 'tis when we become unaccepting, in forgetfulness, of this sacred bond that the shell of our false ideas begins to form and Life, through whatever means are most appropriate, must break that shell. You are indeed blessed, my young friend, to suffer such pain so young; Life, the teacher, has great destiny for you and bids you pay attention in these early learning years. Life has willed that your heart be released from its shell so that you may become fuller and wiser with Truth. The shell was born out of your ignorance, your forgetfulness, your stubbornness, your insensitivity and your lack of humility, for 'tis not our will that shall be done but that of The Higher Will and we can only truly know that Will by cultivating the sensitivity and awareness of our very own Higher Nature, The God Self, that wills to express through us all; pain is the result of the shattering of our creation, not God's, for the opening of the human heart flower may be as painless as it is for any flower before its sun; we have only to yield to the gentle stimulation of Life's Loving energy that flows from deep within and around us all and we must Love that place and never turn our backs upon it, not even for a moment, 'tis the most sacred place of all. Life has brought you pain to remind you of all this".
The boy was thoughtful for a long moment before he asked, "Sir, is it wrong to look for Love in another person?"
'’tis more than wrong if we look to anyone or anything outside of ourselves for our primary source of joy; 'tis a grave misunderstanding of Life," replied the young master. "Our first obligation as Human Beings is to Love God within ourselves and to love others as ourselves, to love all that lives, to pierce the enchantment of illusion and recognise our common Oneness so modern human reality may evolve through us and we may be born anew, constantly, out of that flowing Loving relationship. It is our responsibility to give birth to our True Selves, our Higher Self, for, in Truth, we know not who we are or, more exactly, what the I am is, only Life knows and in the becoming we receive the greatest gift of all.
“Our duty is to Love Divine Oneness within and at the same time Love all equally without, for Life shines in all and our Love affair is with all of Life, this is our True Love, we should adore the eternal mystery of Spirit equally in everyone and everything and constantly within ourselves. We should strive to return the Love of Spirit, in clarity, with the constancy it is given. God does not favour the rose over the pig; God Loves the fish as much as the mountain and so should we if we wish to be in Harmony with Natural Will and what are we here to do other than Creator's will? This is our duty; but in all of this we must never let go of the inner relationship that we have with our spiritual hearts, not even for a moment, for Life is Love's constant business and our fears must not interfere with that creative flow.
“Our desires, emotions and thoughts move constantly and draw our attention outward and, very often, away from ourselves, away from Peace in us, but this road does not lead home, it does not lead to Pure Love, only the inner road leads home, only True Love of Self inside can take you home. The wise desire only to be, the wise strive to Love within themselves as they Love all equally without, this is where the wise direct their energies of creation; but when two with knowledge are united in common purpose and Love, and their hearts are pure of intent and their wills have the steadfastness of mountains then much progress along the Sacred Path may be made; but if they lose the path of purity and balance and, by focusing excessively on the animal passions, use The Power of their Love to carry them down into the depths of dishonest desire then The Magic will surely die, for The Power of Love is The Power of Creation and must be respected as such. That is why The Divine must be adored in the one you love above all others, The Divine must be seen and thus brought forth and nought but the highest, most positive thoughts must enter the mind of they who are supercharged by The Power of Love, for their Power to Create and destroy is so increased.
“Energy follows thought," the master continued, "if a lover thinks only of his sexual desires then he becomes not an animal, but a beast, he creates his fall from grace. To be in Love is a blessed gift from Life and should be treasured as such. Young friend, do not hurry to find Love in another until you have found it with your Self, the place where all must find it one day. Love thy Self and all will be revealed, make the bond with God in you, weld your outer self to your deeper Self, then and only then may you be strong enough to grow from the infinitely magnified intensity of two in Love together".
When he recognised the mistakes he had made, Nuckeagle felt a wave of emotion rising from his depths and gentle tears spilled softly before it and he excused himself for his lack of self-control.
"'Tis as natural for a man to cry as it is for a bird to fly in the sky," said the young master compassionately.
"Indeed, 'tis a most healthy sign of flowing with Spirit and what are we born to do other than flow with Spirit? The man who cries freely throughout his Earthly years is a wise and blessed man indeed, 'tis a necessary and Natural part of being Human. Life is a Love affair, an eternal journey with many, many experiences to share and many, many tears to be shed. If we are not Human enough to shed tears for Life when She moves our hearts then we are resisting The Will of God and we are saying that we know better and we are saying no to evolution, no to God's Plan and we are saying no to growing, for we know that tears are part of growing: we see this so clearly in babes and young children; Resisting The Will of creation only creates suffering. They who deny their tears freedom as they grow old, grow not in Spirit and thus only increase the burden their souls must carry through eternity until the tears that are owed have duly been shed. When we resist the will of our tears, we place a foot against the door of our opening hearts and thus prevent Life Force flowing and feeding our being with It's all healing Love, wisdom and power. 'tis through this process that we grow an ever more pure expression of Life's Way and it is fear, born out of ignorance, that prevents so many of us from allowing our heart flowers to open by giving our tears the freedom that they seek, the same tears that are the sweet gentle heralds of new Life, new Love, new adventure; 'tis always best to cry my friend, 'tis always best to cry."
Nuckeagle saw the vision of a deeper Truth forming in his mind and recognised that Life speaks to us all constantly through our spiritual hearts and that we must cultivate the sensitivity to hear this often silent voice. The young master then revealed to Nuckeagle secrets of creation:
"God speaks silently through the light and sound of Nature and the wise listen well; they listen with humility and they listen with knowing. God speaks silently through the waves and the way the sunlight moves upon the water; through the wind and the song of birds and the light of the setting sun; and through the clouds, the breeze and the rain. Many people believe this is true but one must know; because until one knows, one can never understand; one can never understand that through Nature, God sings a silent song of magic and that this musical vision is powerful enough to heal all the aching hearts in the world and to make us whole again if we only knew how to listen; until one knows, one cannot appreciate that this music is the living song of Truth and the highest food for our whole Being, an ambrosia for our soul and without knowing, one cannot accept a most important Truth: that part of us is also in the wave and in the sunlight and in the song of the bird and that part of the bird and the wave and the sun is within us also; but if we can know all this, as we listen to the voice of creation, then we can realise these things and much more.
“We must always know that The God Force illuminates every particle of creation and that we are an inseparable part of Nature, we must always know that our most nutritious food is in the light and sound of the power within Natural creation and that we grow truly from this food. This food is Life, this food is wisdom; this food is Power and this food is Love. This Love surrounds us and flows from deep within to the shores of our souls and we need only open our mind and heart to It's infinite possibility and trust in It's constant presence to allow It's magic to fill our lives and present us with our Truest Self, the Self that only God knows. For this is The Love of God and a Human Being can only Truly become whole from The Love of God, it is what we are born to do."
Nuckeagle contemplated all this for a long moment and felt the exhilaration of the growing process as he allowed The Truth of Life to flow into and from his deepest inner Being.
"Good master," he began, "are we not as the trees and the flowers, in that we grow from the energies of Earth and sky?"
"The natural forces are vital for our well being young friend Nuckeagle, except that our roots and branches are invisible, yet as sure as the tree possesses both, so do we and it is by these invisible veins that the Nature spirits and angels of creation, the Living Life Forces, flow into our Being and blend in a living Oneness with our physicality. It is from this union in Love, of Divinity and physicality that pure Human consciousness is born and constantly born again; the more we allow and breathe this Divinely inspired synthesis into place, then the more, in consciousness, we evolve and thus Humanity’s landscape is bound to change.
“We are a flux of electromagnetic Life in constant metamorphosis with many facets, levels, frequencies and shades and it is where we choose to concentrate our awareness that dictates whether we grow in or out of harmony with creation’s invisible flow. It is very easy to understand why so much disharmony exists throughout the world today, as so many individuals have no comprehension of these Truths. One does not need to understand these matters, to benefit from them, one simply needs to become aware and merely by welcoming their contemplation into the rich grazing pastures of our deepest inner knowing, feed the yearning of our hungry souls”.
Again silence settled and Nuckeagle sat with a broad, beaming smile as he felt the stimulation of the moment flowing through his being.
"My awareness therefore, should always be concentrated on God within myself and at the same time in all that surrounds me."
"Exactly so!" said the young master. "This is the fastest and most natural way to go, the direct route to Love. Concentrate on the pure point of life within you, the point that you are and at the same time be at-one with the infinite field with which you interface.
“So many of us walk through Life like candles, waiting for someone or something to set us aflame so we may burn bright with our purpose for being; but we are not those candles young friend, we are The Light. The flame is our understanding, yet what use is the candle before the light of the mid-day sun? We are The Light I say, the Light that is always there even in darkness. The flame merely allows us to see what was always there. The sun is knowing. When we know, we have no use for understanding, it is bypassed, redundant. The lighted candle is of little use when the sun is high. Know thyself as Light, as spirit ever-present, we are the eternal essence that is in the candle, the flame, the light and the darkness, we are a part of The Great Spirit clothed as Human Being and yet we are forever individualised, at-one, yet unique and free. Know this and do not seek to understand it. A bird does not seek to understand the dynamics of flight, the bird knows, it does not need to understand."
The master breathed a long slow breath that seemed to draw for an age and Nuckeagle noticed he had been speaking all the while in perfect harmony with his breathing, allowing pure Soul to flow from his deepest inner depths and then, transforming invisible Life Force, into understandable wisdom, by the addition of perfectly crafted words. Nuckeagle felt that somehow he would have understood even if the young master had stayed silent, such was his harmony with The Living Truth of Life.
"Human beings are like the waves," began the master once more, "created by the storm, we are born from the ocean, yet never lose our Oneness with it; we are part of the ocean of Life with a powerful sense of separate identity, a false idea of individuality, real in one sense but not in Truth and we ride upon the surface of the great sea of Life in imagined separation, with a borrowed identity, a miraculous gift of Nature; yet we are carried by The Ocean and are the subjects of Her changing moods and tides and She carries us to our waiting shore which is our death time and some of us make a grand splash before we die, but when we die we find it is merely change and we return to that which we never left, we only dreamed we had and, in time, perhaps, we are born again, wiser from experience, yet in our spiritual hearts ever One with God. We are the waves of Life born by the grace of God from The Storm of Creation. Life is The Ocean and we belong to She, forever."
All this was spoken slowly from the soul of the young master and Nuckeagle knew that these were the words of Truth Itself and he gazed deep into the eyes of his friend and their souls were one, yet never for a moment did he let go of God within himself and awareness of the Oneness of Life all around them. Nuckeagle had listened well.
"We should not pretend," continued the master, "to be the candle or the wave, for we are more, much more and this is the challenge of existence, the challenge before us all, to be, simply to be. All our efforts to understand are the labours of the candle and the wave; a candle can never realise it is not a candle and a wave can never realise it is not a wave. We must experience ourselves as we are. We can only know through being. Ideas may bring us to the doorway of freedom but they can never open it. A bird must fly to know the secrets of flight and a man must be, to know the secrets of Life. Go and be, young friend, go and be."
Nuckeagle lifted himself smoothly from the floor, never once releasing his gaze from the eyes of the young master. A Great Love flowed between them, a Divine connection born out of this most profound interaction and though Nuckeagle never once saw him again, they were together in God always.