posted April 30, 2007 08:03 AM
You are either a Owl or a Wild Dog personality.
But you may also be a Bison personality. NOTE: Although you share characteristics with these animals, you are ONLY one of these personality types..
Read the descriptions of each animal to determine which one you are.
Genera and species: Tyto alba
Collective Term: A parliament of owls
The owl is the tranquil face of the bird personalities. A creature of great integrity, its quiet serene demeanor accords it an air of mystery and diffidence and it is known as the serene, wise observer of human society. Always well groomed, it is a noble individual with elegantly chiseled features that borders on the fine edge of beauty and homeliness. It's large eyes are often framed by handsome eyeglasses.
But like all birds, the owl has a penchant for remaining above the fray and can be quite eccentric in maintaining their individuality. With a tendency to lose themselves in the pursuit of knowledge, owls are prone to disconnect with the relationships that are so important to them. But, they are the first to admit their shortcomings and manage to disarm their critics with a genuinely humble self-appraisal. Abraham Lincoln used this technique rather effectively in his reign as president.
Owls have developed quite a reputation for intelligence but it's really their calm and insightful nature that gives this impression. Instead of an intellectual approach to life they use their deeper spiritual senses to guide them, and like their nocturnal cohort the bats, have a deeply philosophical bent.
Unlike the terrestrial creatures, the owl is not a prisoner of its sex-drive, but with its air of refined sensuality is hardly shy about throwing itself into the physical aspects of a relationship. When it focuses its sharp ardor on its lover it ignites a steamy and animated encounter. The owl views sex as a complement to its relationships and certainly not as a key component. It would do well to recognize the significance of physical affection outside the bedroom, for its partner is often starved for non-sexual reassurance.
A discussion with an owl is both enlightening and challenging. It somehow manages to spin the most mundane subjects into philosophical musings on the nature of humanity and the state of the world. While these discussions are provocative and engaging, they often obscure the real purpose of communication -- the revealing of one's heart and mind. Take heed, wise owl. Remember that sometimes things are just what they seem!
Careers and Hobbies
Bank manager Judge
Diplomat Head of state
Reading Debating
Chess Philosophy
Famous Eagles
Madonna, Brad Pitt, Ethan Hawke, Don Henley, Cher.
Wild Dog
Genera and species: Canis canidae
Collective Term: A tribe of wild dogs
Most people who meet a wild dog are struck by its energetic, demonstrative and restless behavior. This mid-sized individual differs from its domestic dog and wolf cousins in a number of notable ways: it is physically more powerful than the domestic dog, and its social structure differs dramatically from that of the lone wolf. It is difficult to describe the wild dog's personality without explaining it in terms of its pack of friends, for wild dogs don't see themselves as rugged individualists but rather as members of a social team that demands constant bonding and cooperation.
Thinking of bringing that new invention of yours to the market? Put a wild dog in charge. For no one can take an idea and run with it, better than this hardy individual. Its powers of endurance and canine enthusiasm make for such a powerful combination, that wild dogs are consistently amongst the highest wage earners. So why don't they simply run their own businesses and reap the rewards? Well for one thing, they don't possess the leadership and entrepreneurial talents of their canine cousins. Instead, by concentrating on relationship building and teamwork, wild dogs achieve the kind of job satisfaction that no salary can replace.
Wild dogs are highly principled individuals although they take a while before placing their trust in others. Employers should give them a lot of freedom since they do not perform well in structured environments. When it comes to stamina, they are without equal and are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. Versatile in their skills, their sharp minds can adapt to almost any environment,
A wild dog will not overwhelm you with its beauty, nor can it match the suave Tom Cruise style of the wolf. Instead, its mating strategy is summarized in two words: persistence and endurance. By wearing down its quarry with an endless offering of flowers, cards, and romantic dinners, the prey eventually succumbs to sheer exhaustion. The wild dog is clearly a dog at heart and is willing to romp with the best of them but manages to maintain its dignity under the most demanding bedroom conditions.
Careers and Hobbies
Policework Engineer
Military Journalist
Running Writing
Horse riding Surfing the net
Famous Wild dogs
Martina Navratilova, Vladimir Lenin
Genera and species: Bison bison
Collective Term: A convention of bison
As is typical of a herbivorous personality, the bison is a resourceful, determined individual with a strongly conservative bent. Not one to rock the boat, it avoids drawing attention to itself while it quietly goes about it business. It is a pragmatic, strong shouldered individual who excels in the art of compromise and is resourceful and dedicated to the pursuit of resources.
No one would ever accuse bison of being handsome; they have plain, placid faces that are difficult to remember, and their staid temperaments complement their looks. Although their large frames can handle any physical confrontation, they would never go looking for trouble.
By keeping a low profile with their heads down, their reputations as methodical plodders often elicit unkind remarks from jealous associates. As a consequence of this backbiting, their implacable expressions sometimes mask a deep seated inferiority complex.
A bison is a wonderful provider and its family never has to worry about life's essentials or being able to afford the obligatory annual holidays. And it controls the purse strings masterfully. Not that it's stingy though -- for friends actually find the bison to be extraordinary generous and altruistic.
It's the bison's powerful herding instincts that shape its parenting technique. Youngsters are well versed in the lessons of uniformity and are encouraged to join socially conforming groups like the Boy Scouts or the 4H Club. These family-oriented individuals would never go on a vacation without their children, and prefer educational destinations rather than theme parks and pleasure resorts. All told, the bison's children grow up in a traditionally stable environment and seem none the worse for wear.
But, bullhead is the bison's middle name, and its inflexibility is not unlike the stubborn obstinacy of the warthog. It's just that once a bison has ruminated on a problem, it sees no need to second-guess its conclusions; so changing a bison's mind requires a patient and novel approach.
. Careers and Hobbies
Accountant Manager
Politician Banker
Lawyer Judge
Vacationing Long walks
Chess Golfing
Famous Bison
Al Gore, Bob Dole, Gerald Ford.
Not sure if any one specifically fits me but all have certain elements that do. An interesting read, though. Thanks, Highly_Inflammable.