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Author Topic:   Emotional Infidelity

Posts: 1699
From: Canada
Registered: Dec 2006

posted May 21, 2007 06:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Xodian     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry for reviving old threads but this was just way too interesting to pass up on Lol!

Boy, even I didn't think things would go this far in the virtual world (and I am the guy whose part of this generation Lol!) The funny thing is, this is exactly what Val from the FDs predicted would happen.

Is a virtual affair real-world infidelity?

Or are in-game chats and animated sex just harmless experiments?


Sam had met someone, and it was getting serious.

It started out as a friendship, as many relationships do. But gradually Sam's feelings for Kat, a beautiful, smart and confident woman, had turned romantic.

Hang on — there’s a catch. Sam and Kat met in the virtual world Second Life. And although they shared all kinds of intimacies in Second Life, the real people have never laid eyes on each other.

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Posts: 330
From: some where far and forgotten
Registered: Apr 2007

posted May 21, 2007 06:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Highly_Inflammable     Edit/Delete Message

it is so strange to read the thing I think about .. and written so eloquently ...

My first and only husband so far.. VIRGO, I had the same need for 'emotional blanket' of 'teasing/ flirting/ mindblowing intimacy'... He was/is a great guy, cool, collected, clear, cutting, civilised, consciously responsible and all.... I mean I never talked abt this need to another soul, even my best of friends... wht would I have said.."I have everything, still there is something missing"... A sag is so afraid to fall in and out of committment tht we drag on relations for the sake of 'promises' we once made...

.... and a virgo is unable to read the unsaid.. on the top of it, there are people who keep on falling for you,,, I swear I never lied to anyone tht I have a husband, a good marriage and else... still I was never short of very eligible guys providing tht "unconditional attachment".. one guy after another, as if the forces of nature really want to test your limit of patience.. no jerks but real good guys.. not flirting but really caring ... the moment you say No and get over one,,, there comes another one...

till very very late, we seperated.. still at times I am uncertain as if there is ever 'monogamy' possible for humans.. wht if this detracking is not bad.. Monotony in long term relations lead to boredom and feeling of stale for-granted acceptance... wht if ups and downs are better than a static 'normal' life... ???

no disrespect to anyone,,, I believe it is all due to being a SAG... we are born with a NOMAD spirit... not made for settling down for long periods..

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Posts: 1699
From: Canada
Registered: Dec 2006

posted May 21, 2007 06:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Xodian     Edit/Delete Message
Oh there is no disrespect in that statement. I know a Virgo girl qho quite openly said that she will never settle down with one man for the rest of her life. Well gotta say she hurt quite a bit of egos Lol, but atleast she was being honest with her feelings. Its not a bad thing at all to stay in short term relationships so long as both partners generally know that it will be short term.

Actually... IMO some of these relationships end up having a better chance at success because the partners in question usually don't have the burden of expectations on their shoulders.

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Posts: 330
From: some where far and forgotten
Registered: Apr 2007

posted May 22, 2007 02:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Highly_Inflammable     Edit/Delete Message

I meant it as 'no disrespect' to sags... nothing doing with virgos... VIRGO are afterall Perfection Personified..

Sags are afraid to make roots, we take light years to finally decide when we want to settle with one... and we go through it very ideally... we want a person who is our friend, our partner and our lover... there is no one else needed but, him/her........... and then we are putting all efforts in building tht relationship... very very sadly, once we get over all the rough spots one by one, when we have tht person completely figured out... we are 'agitated'....

the drop of adrenaline level and routine life with no difficulties/ havocs makes us to go for "emotional infidelity"... and believe me by that time, our partner has a deaf ear and blind eye to our infidelities.. how we do it, I dont know.. but our long term partners are no barrier against this.. my virgo never questioned it.. he had more trust in me that I even had in myself.... this HURTS most,,, when someone puts his trust in you... and still you are not 100% faithful.. (I dont mean adultery by being unfaithful... just emotional infidelity)

perhaps all signs go through it and then they "rationalize & convince" themselves that this is due to "environment/ relationship problem" not me............. a sag will think it is not becoz of anyone else BUT ME..

what are your placement Xodian!

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Posts: 1699
From: Canada
Registered: Dec 2006

posted May 23, 2007 09:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Xodian     Edit/Delete Message
Well again I go back to the very defination of what one may consider as infidelity. Lol! Oh that's the main problem with couples today; They leave nothing to the imagination or end up sticking to a routinely life which leads to total loss of interest later on life.

My main placements are:

Asc: Leo
Sun: Libra
Moon: Leo
Venus: Libra

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Posts: 330
From: some where far and forgotten
Registered: Apr 2007

posted May 23, 2007 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Highly_Inflammable     Edit/Delete Message
Lol! Oh that's the main problem with couples today; They leave nothing to the imagination or end up sticking to a routinely life which leads to total loss of interest later on life

very interesting outlook... hmmmm, so wht do u consider as "infidelity" and how couples of yesterday kept secrets and had a life aside and away from routine..

I am seriously asking it..
*takes a note book and pen and waits for Xodian*

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Posts: 1699
From: Canada
Registered: Dec 2006

posted May 24, 2007 06:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Xodian     Edit/Delete Message
Well to me personally, Infidelity only occurs when every possible non-restrictive barriers were removed and even then the person ends up having a relationship with another person.

i.e. As I said before in this thread, I don't mind the act of flirtation at all as long as it stays innocent offcourse. If a person still wants to move on with someone else after that then its kinda obvious at that point that he/she just doesn't wanna stay in the current relationship and IMO I say let em. Yeah... not saying there won't be hurt hearts and feelings but crying over it won't do any good now would it.

And well how did the couples of the past dealth with it? Suppression offcourse Lol! The world have moved on from the soopable image of the "perfect subarban household" (i.e. working husband, stayhome house wife, etc.) Now that both men and women have a near equal role in the working world women and men now have more options to find a partner and settle down other than security and financial support (well... if we were to take the gold diggers out of the question Lol!) So with searching and experimentation we are boud to get more... conflict and breakups along the way.

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