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Author Topic:   Happy Birthday Happy Dragon !!

Posts: 2251
Registered: Feb 2003

posted May 21, 2007 09:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 1scorp     Edit/Delete Message
I missed it.

Happy Belated. I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Scorpio sun, venus, mars, mercury and uranus
Libra moon, pluto and asc.

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taurus/gemini cusp

Posts: 647
From: London, England
Registered: Sep 2006

posted May 21, 2007 11:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for taurus/gemini cusp     Edit/Delete Message
So sorry I missed it! Happy Belated Birthday for the 15th, my fellow Brit!!!

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Happy Dragon

Posts: 2886
Registered: Apr 2005

posted May 21, 2007 12:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Happy Dragon     Edit/Delete Message
hiya ! .. .. howz things with U ??
figured my solar return chart resembles a fusion bomb .. on the edge ..
at the moment i've got t.Urns squaring my Moon .. read frazzled frying emotions ..
'n t.Neptune is about 2 deg off from squaring my Sun .. fogginess ..
separation (uranus) versus mergence ( neptune )
.. feels like being torn in two .. .. in a way ..
transiting Jupiter .. on the other hand .. has ensured the return .. conveniently ..
of a good supply of Haagen'Dazs and B 'n J 's tubs ..
.. but the strawberry-cake flavour remains ever so elusive ..

managed to find the manufacture date of my fav guitar .. i now have a chart for it .. :-))
it's a taurus sun - 29th april '83
.. we have cool synastry :-) .. but i've known that all along ..

~ T.G.cusp ~ .. ... ...
( t.g. cusps .. a new brand of tea ?? .. 12 different flavors ?? .. could it rival p.g. tips ?? )
*re: missing and belations ..* .. cheers ..
I'd miss it as well unless i were reminded ..

be well ..
~ HD ~

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Posts: 1887
From: blank canvas
Registered: Jul 2005

posted May 23, 2007 02:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lialei     Edit/Delete Message
Happy Dragon,
hope you have a fantabulous
new journey 'round the Sun.

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Posts: 2251
Registered: Feb 2003

posted May 23, 2007 08:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 1scorp     Edit/Delete Message
Things are doing pretty well with me.

You made me smile (as usual)... we do have a love of food in common for sure.

Good synastry with the guitar, eh? That's pretty interesting that you found it's birth stats. It shares a birthday with mom...
Scorpio sun, venus, mars, mercury and uranus
Libra moon, pluto and asc.

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Posts: 398
From: UK
Registered: Jun 2006

posted May 29, 2007 09:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Xena     Edit/Delete Message
Happy Belated!!

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Happy Dragon

Posts: 2886
Registered: Apr 2005

posted May 29, 2007 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Happy Dragon     Edit/Delete Message
Cheers Xena ..
( wondering to myself if this thread will continue 'till next May .. )
.. ok .. so it was my birthday .. maybe it gives me the right to pass on some belated advice ..

Keep at your MUSIC ..
Keep at your WRITING ..
YOU WILL MAKE IT .. I'm positive of that ..
and if you haven't sent a copy of your CD's to the right radio DJ ..
do so .. and keep doing it ..
'cause this this person is sure you have a unique talent ..
I want to see YOU on the Jules Holland show someday ..
thats My Belated Birthday Wish

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