posted June 15, 2007 02:35 PM
Hello all!I was wondering what do you think it takes to be a true friend? I have many that I hold dear to my heart. My definItion would be someone that is there for you when you need them and even when you are not in constant contact both of you know the other cares and loves you.
I am wondering because I have this friend that I love so very much. I've considered her a sister, but we go through these periods in our friendship where I sense she thinks Im not there enough for her. It's very hard to constantly wonder if you're doing enough to be her friend. I havent spoken to her for some time now and miss her, but at the same time, why would I always have to prove that I am "friend enough" to have her be happy w/ who I am as a friend? If she called me needing anything I would (and have been) there for her in a heartbeat. Sometimes I feel that is when she only really needs my friendship, but then I tell myself that isn't fair to her to have those thoughts. So with this I hope to hear what you think a true friend is so I can gain perspective. Love to you all!