Topic: Happy Canada Day!!!
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 913 From: Durham, NC, USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted July 01, 2007 12:41 AM
Happy Canada Day to my wonderful home country; may you have many more years of continued prosperity!! IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 913 From: Durham, NC, USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted July 01, 2007 12:44 AM
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sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 913 From: Durham, NC, USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted July 01, 2007 12:47 AM
National Anthem of Canada O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. The History of the National Anthem "O Canada" was proclaimed Canada's national anthem on July 1, 1980, 100 years after it was first sung on June 24, 1880. The music was composed by Calixa Lavallée, a well-known composer; French lyrics to accompany the music were written by Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier. The song gained steadily in popularity. Many English versions have appeared over the years. The version on which the official English lyrics are based was written in 1908 by Mr. Justice Robert Stanley Weir. The official English version includes changes recommended in 1968 by a Special Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Commons. The French lyrics remain unaltered. IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 3944 From: Calm Blue Ocean, Calm Blue Ocean Registered: Jun 2003
posted July 01, 2007 12:48 AM
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay Canada.IP: Logged |
Motherkonfessor Knowflake Posts: 1140 From: Registered: Oct 2003
posted July 01, 2007 01:20 AM
sooooo... if things get really bad, can someone sponsor me to come to Canada?? Yay for Canada!!!!
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 01, 2007 01:31 AM
You can come live with me Mk!oh.. and thanks, sunshine! Happy Canada Day!!!!! IP: Logged |
Motherkonfessor Knowflake Posts: 1140 From: Registered: Oct 2003
posted July 01, 2007 01:44 AM
Yaaay!I will watch the chillins while you go play for awhile... fun fun... MK IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted July 01, 2007 01:46 AM
hehe, My dream is to buy 1000 acres in Canada, and build a Village, I miss Canada!Thanks Sunshine! IP: Logged |
SattvicMoon Knowflake Posts: 2282 From: Registered: May 2007
posted July 01, 2007 04:28 AM
------------------ Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak, sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 913 From: Durham, NC, USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted July 01, 2007 09:52 AM
I've gots to wear me some red & white today, in honor of my 'home and native land'! Don't forget, that's right, red and white today, baby!! IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 1699 From: Canada Registered: Dec 2006
posted July 01, 2007 11:17 AM
Hey. I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader... and I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled... and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I'm certain they're really, really nice. I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, NOT American. and I pronouce it ABOUT, NOT A BOOT. I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I believe in peace keeping, NOT policing. DIVERSITY, NOT assimilation, AND THAT THE BEAVER IS A TRULY PROUD AND NOBLE ANIMAL. A TOQUE IS A HAT, A CHESTERFIELD IS A COUCH, AND IT IS PRONOUCED 'ZED' NOT 'ZEE', 'ZED'! CANADA IS THE SECOND LARGEST LANDMASS! THE FIRST NATION OF HOCKEY! AND THE BEST PART OF NORTH AMERICA! MY NAME IS X! AND I AM CANADIAN!
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Mirandee Knowflake Posts: 4812 From: South of the Thumb - Taurus, Pisces, Cancer Registered: Sep 2004
posted July 01, 2007 11:30 AM
Say "About" Xodian and Sunshine. hahahahahahahaThat is a sure test to distinguish Americans from Canadians. Solane Star is Canadian too. So is another very dear friend of mine in Edmonton. I am almost Canadian. I live right across the river. Happy Canada Day to all you Canucks!!!!!!! IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 913 From: Durham, NC, USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted July 01, 2007 11:54 AM
Mirandee dear, I'm not quite sure what you're talking a-boot, we Canadians talk very normally, in fact, we talk English the way it was meant to be spoken, eh? > MY NAME IS X ... Oh, come on, "X"!! You can do better than that - you were building up to something truly grand. That was a nice ditty by the way, a nice little present to our home country on its 140th birthday. Sunshine, the nutty Canadian North Carolinian, wondering where Solane Star's gotten to, and some of our other Canadian knowflakes - Canada represent here!! *hoping that folks won't catch on that she's not truly comfortable with slangy talk, being a polite little Canadian at heart* IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 1699 From: Canada Registered: Dec 2006
posted July 01, 2007 11:57 AM
quote: Oh, come on, "X"!! You can do better than that
Fine... Malcome X then Lol! Sorry folks, but Mr. X has to stay on guard; Really bad past experiences with online communities (stalkers, wierdos, etc.) Nothing personal obviously; You are a great bunch of forumers ; Just that one can never be TOO careful . IP: Logged |
Mirandee Knowflake Posts: 4812 From: South of the Thumb - Taurus, Pisces, Cancer Registered: Sep 2004
posted July 01, 2007 12:06 PM
I love Canadians!!! In fact, my first love was a Canadian. We took an across country road trip from Michigan through Canada to Edmonton Alberta in 2004 and found that Canadians are all very, very friendly people. I just wish that I could spell Sacastwan( and I know that isn't even close to the spelling hee hee ) IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 1699 From: Canada Registered: Dec 2006
posted July 01, 2007 12:09 PM
Just say Sasquatch Miree and then place an -"uwan" after it .IP: Logged |
SattvicMoon Knowflake Posts: 2282 From: Registered: May 2007
posted July 01, 2007 12:31 PM Your score: 40% (2/5)! ------------------ Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak, sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go IP: Logged |
Mirandee Knowflake Posts: 4812 From: South of the Thumb - Taurus, Pisces, Cancer Registered: Sep 2004
posted July 01, 2007 09:56 PM
Oh, I'm telling on you, Xodian. Next time I am in Moose Jaw. LOL Incidently, I won over $300 playing the slots in Moose Jaw. Saskatchewan. I looked up the spelling. Now if I can only remember it. There is a place there called Apple Valley that is like an oasis in all the otherwise bleakness of that province. As you are driving down the road you come to a rather steep hill. You think oh, it's not all flat and farms here. But when you reach the top of that hill you see the most beautiful sight. Two lakes, one on either side of the highway, trees and grass. It is truly like an oasis. Beautiful. I will never forget that sight. We were a little late arriving at our friends house and Hetty's husband said they probably turned around and went back home after seeing Saskatchewan. LOL Nice trip through Canada. I have seen Ontario many times as I live right across the river and have driven through there often but we got to see what the western provinces look like from Michigan to Alberta. Over 6000 miles round trip. Next time I am flying there. Love Canada. Would not mind moving there except that I would be way to far away from grand kids. IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 4598 From: The Asylum Registered: Mar 2006
posted July 01, 2007 11:37 PM
quote: Say "About" Xodian and Sunshine. hahahahahahaha
LMFFAO! Me and my sis were commenting on that one time after watching a show that is based in Canada. It sounds like they're sayin A-boot. It kind of sounds Scottish???. But then again, us RhodeIslanders are outcasted in the U.S. by our own accents: Just ask us to say car. IP: Logged |
Mirandee Knowflake Posts: 4812 From: South of the Thumb - Taurus, Pisces, Cancer Registered: Sep 2004
posted July 02, 2007 12:31 AM
Hee hee DL. In Michigan we say "ay" after we speak because we come into contact with so many Canadians living on the border. We have picked up the jargon. Those of you old enough to remember back to the years when some Americans were being held hostage a group of Canadians slipped them out to freedom by saying they were Canadians. I told my husband it just showed how stupid those terrorists were. All they had to do was ask all of them to say "about." LOL That was wondeful though. We placed a big sign facing aross the Detroit River by the Ambassador Bridge saying "Thank You Canada!!!" Every time I saw the sign I choked up and cried. Those guys risked their lives to save Americans. That just really touched my heart and the hearts of all Americans. I love the Canadian accent. I love to listen to Solane Star talk and my friends in Edmonton. Though I like to tease them about it too. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 02, 2007 01:36 AM
As my English friends would say; WE don't have an accent, YOU do! It's different depending on where you are in Canada, of course. I don't say a-boot. If I were in Newfoundland or Cape Breton, I probably would. I probably have a bit more of one than I know though.. but I can throw it on depending on who is around I guess. I tend to be very British inspired in my terminology. I say 'eh' occasionally. and X, I love that commercial! IP: Logged |
Mirandee Knowflake Posts: 4812 From: South of the Thumb - Taurus, Pisces, Cancer Registered: Sep 2004
posted July 02, 2007 02:46 AM
"As my English friends would say; WE don't have an accent, YOU do!"Very true!!!! Just like in Canada, depending on what part of the U.S. you live in the accent varies.
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Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 4598 From: The Asylum Registered: Mar 2006
posted July 02, 2007 08:04 AM
Mirandee, In Rhode Island we rarely pronounce our "r"s (Kind of like New Yorkers, but a little different). Actually, I don't know if I can that we are not pronouncing our "r's" or the rest of you are just over-preonounciating your "r's". Its all in perception I suppose. Like Pix just said....
quote: As my English friends would say; WE don't have an accent, YOU do!
And I couldn't agree more. IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 1699 From: Canada Registered: Dec 2006
posted July 02, 2007 08:29 AM
quote: Oh, I'm telling on you, Xodian. Next time I am in Moose Jaw.
Lol! Oh they already have insults and qualks ready for us Torontonians. To them, I am just a Starbucks weaned city boy Lol! Oh Royal Canadian Airfarce... What would I ever do without you. quote: and X, I love that commercial!
Oh it became a virtual pop-culture overkill when it first came out. I remember our High school student committee candidate use it for her own little purposes and I was thinking ATM; "Gosh... Why must politics taint everything cool and daring." Lol! IP: Logged |