posted July 02, 2007 04:47 AM
Love Heals Everything!
Dreamtime Message in May 2000On July 17, 2007, we are all being asked to participate in Firing the Grid of the Earth. If you aren’t aware of the Full Story and request, it is all here. And here are the main details:
The intent is to pulse healing energy into the center of the Earth and regenerate the core, or the heart of the planet. The time has been set for 11:11 am Greenwich Mean Time. That is 7:11 am EDT, 6:11 am CDT, 5:11 am MDT and 4:11 am PDT. Be sure to adjust for your time zone. The idea is to simply sit and pray or meditate for one hour during that time. Hopefully, with your help, we will amass a union of humans, such as the world has never seen. Loving humans with one intention - to heal our planet and awaken our souls to our true purpose… to become one with our Source of Light.
For those who are choosing to participate with Firing the Grid, I have included information throughout the July Timings on working with the Violet Flame and Invocations, etc…as a few suggestions intended to inspire additional ways to meditate or pray at this time. July 1, 16 and 17 have the most concentrated information. It turns out that on July 16, we have a Moon occultation over Saturn, and on July 17, we have a Moon occultation over Regulus assisting us in activating and anchoring the light codes of the Earth and of ourselves in physical form. This is a beautiful demonstration of As Above, So Below…
Bringing us to the fact that Regulus is moving further into the spotlight this month with Saturn moving within 4 degrees, catching up to Regulus next month, and Venus is exactly conjunct mid-month, and then stations Retrograde within three degrees on July 28 on Archangel Uriel’s feast day. So I have also included new information about Antares, Archangel Uriel, The Book of Enoch, and of course Regulus.
This diagram shows the constellation of the Lion. The head of the Lion looks like a sickle or backward question mark that is easy to spot in the night sky. The ecliptic, the path of the planets including the Sun, is just south of Regulus about half a degree and is where we will be seeing Venus and Saturn over this next month.