Topic: We Can All Support One Another Here at FFA and LL
Mirandee unregistered
posted September 08, 2007 02:18 PM
We can all support each other with the positive and spiritual through all the things happening at FFA at this time. We can boister each other's spirits. We can lean on each other for support. We can all counteract the negative things by posting inspirational reminders to each other and positive things. Many are leaving and many are talking about leaving right now due to the negative atmosphere here lately with judgmental and angry posts tearing down the character of others. It's a very heavy and negative atmosphere that does weigh us all down. We need to counteract it with the good and positive and support each other and keep each other from allowing the negativity to affect our well being. Please stay and help us do that and help us fight the good fight. The only way to fight the evil of anger and hostility is to counteract it with love. That's the good fight. IP: Logged |
SattvicMoon Knowflake Posts: 2282 From: Registered: May 2007
posted September 08, 2007 02:22 PM
one for all............ all for one...... ...... together we stand...... No one knows for sure who inspires who, it is a little spark that can get people a long way, and being pro-active is the key for togetherness. ------------------ SattvicMoonz Home Page and Blog IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted September 08, 2007 02:23 PM
Don't have time to explain it right now but the strangest thing happened to me this morning. I opened my email box and there was an email in it from Rainbow/Ginny. I checked and it did come from her yahoo email address. It contained a valuable message that I feel Rainbow is trying to relay to us in an explainable/unexplainable way of comminicating it to us. Will give you the details later as I am real busy around here right now. But the message and the way it came to me was just, well, just soooooo Ginny/Rainbow. And just so very timely with all that is happening around LL lately. IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted September 08, 2007 02:31 PM
Yes, Sattvic, all for one!!!
I absolutely adore you for the person that you are, Sattvic. You wonderful, beautiful man!!!! The world could use a billon more just like you!!!  IP: Logged |
ListensToTrees Knowflake Posts: 5106 From: Infinity Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 08, 2007 02:39 PM
That is so strange!  But these things do happen! I look forward to sharing the message later, Mirandee.  IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 12911 From: CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted September 08, 2007 03:42 PM
I'm intrigued.IP: Logged |
aquaspryt69 Knowflake Posts: 1571 From: Arizona Registered: Feb 2004
posted September 08, 2007 04:08 PM
You have my attention. IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 08, 2007 05:00 PM
Whoa.IP: Logged |
SattvicMoon Knowflake Posts: 2282 From: Registered: May 2007
posted September 08, 2007 05:24 PM
------------------ SattvicMoonz Home Page and Blog IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted September 08, 2007 06:37 PM
Okay, here's a picture that my husband took of my email box. I cropped it so that I didn't reveal names of people who have emailed me, but couldn't find a way to rid the picture of one name and I apologize to the much loved friend of mine for that. I just wanted to post the picture to let you all know that I am not pulling your leg. To follow the picture I will post what happened. Hope you can see this clearly because it is kind of dark. Maybe one of you more computer knowledged folks can lighten it up or work with it to improve the date and time etc. IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted September 08, 2007 07:50 PM
I freaked out when I opened my email box this morning and right up on top was this email from Ginny/Rainbow. I checked the properties and yes, it came from Rainbow's yahoo email address. I opened the forward and I recognized it as the email that Ginny sent to me last Oct.,2006 just 4 months before her death. I called Rainbow's son, Tommy and told him about it. I asked him if he was in his mom's email box early this morning ( the email was sent out at 4:25 AM EST ).
Tommy told me that yes he was. He said he couldn't sleep and decided to go into his mom's email box and clear it out and send some emails she had kept to close friends of hers to them as a keepsake memory of Ginny. As we talked and I told him the content of that email and that I remembered having gotten it very well and what it said we laughed about it. It is soooooo Ginny and he said yes, it is. So that's the logical explanation for the email. But both Tommy and I said we just knew that Rainbow was behind the inspiration for him to go into her email and behind him selecting that particular email to send me at this time. I feel that Ginny/Rainbow is communicating a message to us from beyond because of the content of that email to me. She sent me that email at a time when she was under attack at GU regarding a post she had put in. Without dredging up things from the past which have long since been forgiven, suffice to say that Ginny got hurt badly by words. This happened at a time in Ginny's life when she knew something was very wrong with her health. She was very worried and frightened by the symptoms she was having and we know what happened in the ensuing months. Ginny died from a cancerous brain tumor. That is why I connected receiving this particular email at this particular time from Rainbows email box as a message from her to us with all the personal attacks, judging of others and arguments going on right now at FFA and LL in general on other boards. The email is a reminder to us to be careful about what we say to others because we don't know what is going on in the lives of others we personally attack. We especially don't know that on the internet. It's a reminder of how very hurtful our words can be to other people. It may be a computer screen we are looking at when we write our posts here at LL but there is a feeling human being on the other side of that screen - a human being who can be hurt very badly by our words. That's what I got out of all this anyway. It kind of just all connected. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 12911 From: CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted September 08, 2007 08:07 PM
Wow! That's pretty neat.IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted September 08, 2007 08:11 PM
quote: That is so strange! But these things do happen!...LTT
Ginny knows me and she knows I am frightened by certain things regarding the supernatural. For that reason, LTT when she does wish to communicate with me ( and she often does ) she does it in ways that she knows won't frighten me. Like she did with the hummingbird she left me in memory of her on Brody's picture. Sometimes it is through a song that pops in my head or someone else shares with me which is timely and the lyrics apply to something I said to her. I still talk to Ginny and she still responds. But she knows to do it in ways that don't scare me.  I think that Rainbow has been assigned the job of being my spiritual guide or if you will, my guardian angel. Poor Ginny. She has to work overtime on my behalf. LOL IP: Logged |
Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5392 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 08, 2007 08:56 PM
The Armor Used By The Spiritual Warrior!!!!!The third path also offers lessons in Armadillo medicine, or boundaries, which shows us how we feel when our own boundaries are not honored as well as why we should honor the boundaries of others. If a person does not feel comfortable being asked to discuss personal information, that boundary should be honored without any comments that could make the person feel ill at ease. If we are actively embracing our own healing process, there are times when we may feel vulnerable or ultrasenitive. It is totally inappropriate to force anyone who is feeling that raw to interact with others in LOUD or BOISTEROUS activities. On the third path we are asked to develop our intuitiveness and sensitivity to the degree that we can respectfully observe the boundaries of others in this manner. These boundary lessons are a part of honoring the Sacred Spaces of others and respecting our physical and emotional boundaries as well. As we learn more about what is appropriate for us individually, we gain more of ourselves through the healing process. We are then asked to extend the same compassion and understanding toward others. I observed one woman years ago who was very sensitive when she was experiencing personal trauma or hurt, but who acted loud, rude and inappropriate when someone else in her circle of friends was vulnerable or hurting. She was swept away with the high drama of the situation and gossiped about the person, who was already traumatized. She never realized how hurtful her lack of boundaries was to those of her friends who eventually heard the intimate details that she dished out without thinking. When she was confronted with being the source of these hurtful rumors. she would say only that she heard it from others, and she refused to be accountable for having passed the information on. This woman would scream and yell and slam the phone down when confronted with her behavior, laying BLAME outside herself. This behavior pattern is far more common than we would like to think and is an example of another way we held accountable for our THOUGHTS, WORDS and USE of AUTHORITY. If we GOSSIP, we are missing our AUTHORITY and we RAPING ANOTHER'S PERSONS BOUNDARIES. When the TABLES ARE TURNED and WE ARE RECIPIENTS, we RECIEVE THE FULL IMPACT of HOW that BEHAVIOR FEELS. FROM TIME TO TIME, ALL of US are DRAWN into COMMENTING on something that MAY NOT BE ANY of OUR BUSINESS. The lessons can be VERY PAINFUL if something WE SAID is TWISTED BY ANOTHER or is REPEATED in a RUMOR that HURTS OTHER PEOPLE. LEARNING WHO to TRUST with CONFIDENCES can take time and SOME HARD KNOCKS. Learning how to be CAREFUL with statements of OUR PERSONAL OPINIONS requires that WE be FULLY PRESENT when we are SPEAKING to ANYONE. The fact that today's media will misrepresentfacts and misquote people's statements in order to get a SENSATIONAL STORY is a SAD situation and SHOWS that INTEGRITY is a RISK in ALL SEGMENTS of HUMANITY. WE are not ASKED TO POINT FINGERS but RATHER to LOOK at OUR OWN BEHAVIOURS and TO CORRECT the PATTERNS that WE DO NOT LIKE. During the third path we often meet up with others lessons regarding boundaries. Crow Medicine is Native American concept that teaches US about DIVINE LAW. Crow shows US that if WE FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE, WE are given more POSITIVE EXPERIENCES. IF WE FOCUS ON THE NEGATIVE, the SHADOW SIDE of HUMAN NATURE will be FED by OUR NEGATIVIITY and WILL COME ALIVE, FEEDING our EXPERINCES with FURTHER NEGATIVITY. These lessons can APPLY to INTERNAL MENTAL CRITICISM or to EXTERNAL VERBAL REBUKES that DEMEAN OURSELVES or OTHERS. There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between ACKNOWLEDGING what is IMBALANCED or INAPPROPRIATE and then WORKING to CHANGE that BEHAVIOUR, and BEATING OURSELVES UP with SELF REVILEMENT or SELF-HATRED. It is just as INAPPROPRIATE to ALLOW OUR SHADOW NATURE to STRIP US of OUR DIGNITY or SHAME US into HOPELESSNESS as to ALLOW it to CONVINCE US WE are SUPERIOR. IN ALL SITUATIONS , WE FEED OUR LIFE FORCE to the POSITIVE or to the SHADOW and GIVE OUR AUTHORITY to ONE or the OTHER, HARVESTING EXACTLY what WE HAVE FERTILIZED with OUR LIFE FORCE. The set of lessons that Crow brings into our lives may ask us to FIND POSTIVE THINGS or THINK or FEEL ABOUT ALL PEOPLE AND ALL SITUATIONS. WE do not HAVE to JUDGE ANY PERSONS'S SHORTCOMINGS, but INSTEAD WE can LEARN to SEE any SITUATION OR PERSON as a MAGNIFICENT TEACHER. ANY PERSON WHO is MISBEHAVING can BE SHOWING what we do not wish to BECOME or HOW NOT TO BE SOMETHING. Through THANKING the PERSON FOR the LESSON, WE can LEARN to HONOR the FACT THAT EVERY HUMAN BEING is a MESSENAGER or TEACHER for US. WE are also asked to USE DISCERNMENT, or OWL MEDICINE, and we are given the CHOICE to FORGIVE and TO LET GO OF PAST PAIN. It is OUR CHOICE whether or not to ALLOW the OFFENDERS, WHO have BEEN FORGIVEN, ACCESS to OUR SACRED SPACES at ANT TIME in the FUTURE. I would like to say, however. that it is not necessary to LET COYOTEBACK INTO YOUR HEN HOUSE to ATTAIN SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT!!!! Taken from " DANCING THE DREAM " By Jamie Sams IP: Logged |
Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5392 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 08, 2007 08:56 PM
" The Value Of Observing The Obvious " Jamie Sams On the third path we learned that the VALUE of looking for something to ADMIRE in OURSELVES or in another PERSON, STRENGTHENS OUR BOUNDARIES in the DREAM WEAVE and DETERS NEGATIVITY from ENTERING OUR THOUGHTS or FEELINGS. This PREVENTS those NEGATIVE THREADS from ENTERING OUR physical LIVES by BEING SPOKEN as WORDS. My teachers called these kinds of BOUNDARIES SPIRITUAL or DREAM WEAVE BOUNDARIES. By PROTECTING the parts of OUR SACRED SPACES that are SEEMINGLY UNSEEN but that contain thought, feeling, energy, and dreams, we are using a spirit form of PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. WE are REQUIRED to USE VILGILANCE in MONITORING ALL that WE ALLOW INSIDE OUR SACRED SPACES. We are asked to FEEL EVERY EMOTION that influences our HUMAN EXPERIENCE and to move those FEELINGS through US and RELEASE them as NEUTRAL ENERGY. In this MANNER WE are BEGINNING a fourth-path lesson, which ALLOWS US to EXPERIENCE ALL OF LIFE with EASE. GRATITUDE and COMMUNION with the CREATOR continue to be intergral parts of the third path as WE ALLOW SPIRIT to ASSIST US in PURIFYING OUR THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, BEHAVIORS, and ATTITUDES. WE are asked to RETURN THANKS for EVERY BLESSING IN LIFE and to HONOR the STEPS of OUR PERSONAL HEALING and the HEALING taking place in the LIVES OF OTHERS. We LEARN to PRAY for the WELL-BEING of ALL HUMANS BEINGS no MATTER how they are living THEIR LIVES. We send LOVE to those who together who have HURT US, and we DRAW OUR STRENGTH from that same LOVE. We gather with others who will PRAY WITH US, and WE SHARE OUR HEALING EXPERIENCES. We ask for GUIDANCE and the STRENGTH NECESSARY to STAND TALL in a LOVING MANNER, EVEN in the FACE of OUR GREATEST FEARS. WE LEARN to BECOME the ONE WHO WATCHES, OBSERVING ALL that COMES into OUR EXPERINCES from the VIEW POINT of an UNBIASED WITNESS.
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Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5392 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 08, 2007 09:00 PM
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Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5392 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 08, 2007 09:03 PM
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lalalinda Moderator Posts: 3616 From: nevada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 08, 2007 11:54 PM
Lovely story MirandeeI was rereading old posts and ran across a few of Rainbows. She is truly missed Mirandee. Thanks for sharing. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7440 From: Grafenwohr, Germany Registered: May 2002
posted September 09, 2007 01:08 AM
It is very odd.. the other day I saw the thread about Knowflakes that are MIA. I saw a few posts by Rainbow and thought about the past, the communications and some old wounds.My words were the ones that were responsible for her hurt in GU last October. Our exchange was heated- both said things that were eerie in nature and somewhat on target. My surgery was proof in point and after my lastest news from the dr..well.. we'll see what happens. I will be taking a break from LL... this is all too much and just when I thought hurt couldn't get worse.. here it is. IP: Logged |
SattvicMoon Knowflake Posts: 2282 From: Registered: May 2007
posted September 09, 2007 02:11 AM
a very intriguing incident. Wheather one is a believer or a sceptic - this incident is so meaningful in many ways. ------------------ SattvicMoonz Home Page and Blog IP: Logged |
ListensToTrees Knowflake Posts: 5106 From: Infinity Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 09, 2007 02:19 AM
 I'm sure Rainbow wouldn't want you to be feeling this way, pidaua  IP: Logged |
naiad Knowflake Posts: 1645 From: Registered: Sep 2006
posted September 09, 2007 02:24 AM
dear Pidaua ~wishing you healing and happiness....and please just remember that doctors are fallible too. have faith in miracles and keep believing in what is strongest in your heart. and wishing for your dreams of a beautiful family to come true. the old wounds will heal, and so will your body, and so will your heart. breathe deep and easy while you are away, and let the deep love that you and Bear share sustain you. stay positive and light....and let the negative stuff all dissipate. be safe...and may nurturing and healing energy surround you. IP: Logged |
silverstone Moderator Posts: 2999 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted September 09, 2007 02:47 AM
Pid You are a good person. Nobody's perfect. Take care, I'll miss you, and please be back soon~ ------------------ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost IP: Logged |
Mirandee unregistered
posted September 09, 2007 02:56 AM
No she wouldn't Pid and neither do I. I deliberately didn't go into all of that because I know how badly you felt about it. It was not my intention to dredge up the past and open old wounds. It was not just you on that particular thread. It was Rainbow, it was me and others too. We all said some hurtful things to each other. We all have grown and learned from that experience and you are not held to what happened anymore than I am or anyone on that thread. It's all in the past and it's all forgiven. Please forgive yourself too, Pid. You made Rainbow very happy in the end when Tommy read the post on her thread that you put in for her. She forgave you. And you made her smile when she most needed it. I think that your words to her meant more to her than anyone else's words did. I have come to know you better, Pid and I know you to be a good person with a good heart. I admire you, respect you and have come to love you for the beautiful person you truly are. We all make mistakes. You got hurt on that thread too. So did I. I think everyone involved got hurt. That's the problem with those types of threads. That is the only point I see in this email. I'm sorry Pid that I hurt you and I was trying so hard to word this in a way that would not do that. I guess I didn't do too good a job of presenting it. But I am truly sorry for hurting you. I probably should have never mentioned this email or at least not mentioned that one part but I felt the message needed to be heard with all that is taking place at LL and FFA right now. But no way was it directed at you or really anyone in general. It was as much a reminder to myself as everyone else. You are not held to the past and what happened in the past, Pid. None of us are and what we say or do at any given time in our lives does not represent the person we are on the whole. You are truly a beautiful person, Pid. I cherish your friendship a lot because we were once adversaries who hit it off on the wrong foot. Had you not been the forgiving and good person you are who does not hold grudges we could have never breached that gap between us and come to know what we now know about each other. Hopefully others can follow your example regarding forgiveness and not holding grudges and make an attempt to bridge the gap. You have set a very good example for LL and we would lose a lot if you go. I'm sorry, Pid. Truly I am. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted September 09, 2007 03:59 AM
. quote: The email is a reminder to us to be careful about what we say to others because we don't know what is going on in the lives of others we personally attack. We especially don't know that on the internet. It's a reminder of how very hurtful our words can be to other people. It may be a computer screen we are looking at when we write our posts here at LL but there is a feeling human being on the other side of that screen - a human being who can be hurt very badly by our words.
And all the more hurtful when one knows another is going through a hard time or ordeal, and does it anyhow. Take the time to ask, to communicate before making assumptions, thinking you know what the other was feeling and thinking. Don't project what you may be feeling or thinking, assuming they think like you do. Don't take offense when none was intended. You can be wrong about them. When in doubt do not assume...ask.  ------------------ "Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over and start a rehab for the damned!" ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ ~ if you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got.~ Everything changes. Fear not the changes. "My body is physically disabled, but I am not my body nor am I its disabilities!" }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged |