posted September 15, 2007 11:18 AM
Choose Your Own Adventure
Can you survive one adventureous night out on the town?
There are 24 different endings to this one of a kind story that integrates questions into a short story where you are the main character. Let me assure you that the chance of dying in this story (~13%) is much lower than in the books series, parodied. My Results Were;
Your Score: A Good Night KissAfter the night was over, you had 65% health, $32 left, and were 75% appealing to your date.
While it was a treacherous night on the town, you managed to make the best of it, handing most of the night's situations seamlessly, and your date appreciated it. When you got back to their place, you two hung out for a while, and then you left, getting a peck on the cheek as a thank you.
Perhaps how much you did or didn't drink or smoke was the difference in not appealing more.
Understanding your scores:
Health: Good, Badly Hurt, Dead.
Money: Enough, Not Enough.
Appeal: Loved, Liked, Indifferent, Disliked.
Care to give it a try?
Sendin' love your way,
"your friend in spirit"
No clue what pop-up that guy just below me followed...
Obviously not the link to this posted adventure!