posted September 16, 2007 03:32 AM
Your Life After Death This is a JUST FOR FUN test to peer into your future and "predict" what kind of an afterlife you are likely to have. Think you'll be reincarnated or spend eternity in heaven? Not sure what to expect? Going to stick around as a ghost and haunt your friends? It's up to you ... take out this test and let your future be revealed! lol.
Please remember that this is experimental and just for fun. Don't take the results TOO seriously. Your afterlife is your responsibility. 
So check out "Your Life After Death"
My own results were:
What can you expect? You have a 41% chance of being a ghost, 40% chance of being reincarnated, 66% chance of going to heaven, 27% chance of going someplace warmer.
You have a chance of lingering around as a ghost or spirit, possibly to haunt your friends or just see the physical world from the spiritual side.
You have a chance of being reincarnated. Maybe you feel really connected to Earth and don't want to leave yet. Maybe you still have more learning and spiritual evolving to do.
You have a chance of going to heaven, where you'll spend time feeling close to your Creator and others.
You also have a chance of going to hell, where you'll have some time to think and reflect on your life and your choices.
Sendin' love your way,
"your friend in spirit"