Topic: The US' meth problems-bad spiritual vibes
tuxedo meow Knowflake Posts: 878 From: Texas Gulf Coast, USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 17, 2007 12:05 AM
Our country has a terrible problem with methamphetamine misuse and illegal manufacture and addiction. i think it is one of if not the biggest spiritual problems. The manufacture leaves toxins in homes and apartments where innocent children and others move in and get sick-People seem to lose their sense of "soul" when using it-when combined with alcohol violence against children, others, and selves ensues. The vibrations put off by meth addicts attracts unevolved spiritual entities like suicides and sociopaths. Addiction to this substance has become noticable everywhere; every small town, every city, everywhere...i have been blessed/cursed with seeing some entities sometimes and when I see the aforementioned around I know meth is involved. These meth products have names like crack, rock, ice, etc. It ravages bodies and has the effect in the part of the brain that nurtures causing folks to neglect their children and worse. What could we as people in different stages of striving for spiritual evolvement do to counteract this soul destroyer? This stuff knows no boundaries based on poor or wealthy, race, age, gender...Its use opens doorways to places better left alone. After years of codependency with a few loved ones I finally realize I cannot stop them from using and that only they can decide to stop. However the negative entities and vibrations and toxins are very real- Kind of a downer-frowner topic but I believe a necessary one for discussion and sharing. What are your ideas, experiences, protections? Tuxedo MeowIP: Logged |
yourfriendinspirit Moderator Posts: 2528 From: California, USA Registered: Oct 2006
posted September 17, 2007 12:27 AM
I agree 100% Wow! Awesome subject material, Thank you  ........... Tuxedo Meow, I'll be back 
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Dervish Knowflake Posts: 328 From: California Registered: Nov 2006
posted September 17, 2007 02:24 AM
Hmph, I thought meth was mostly a white trash and biker drug. And that most organized criminals won't even mess with it as it's just too much trouble compared to other drugs (including crack, heroin, etc). They might deal with it peripherally (like selling the chemicals and pharmaceuticals to makers), but that's about it. It's been years since I had any direct relations to the drug culture, but rock and crack are NOT the same thing as meth, unless the slang has changed without my knowing about it. One thing to do is stop with the worthless (even counterproductive) feel good measures. That, at least, will prevent stupid problems to those not involved with meth at all, like those who had to give up their cats because they can't afford allergy meds anymore because of stupid feel good legislation that didn't do a dang thing to stop it. And is it worth mentioning that I consider government going about its lawful duties in general to be more harmful and deadly to society and children than the illegal drug trade? Or the fact that the government has lied so much about drugs, that they have absolutely no credibility with me? No credibility to describe it, let alone to stop it. That said, I agree I hate that drug with a passion, and I am inclined to hate those who make it. And coming from me, whose generally inclined to let people poison themselves with whatever they want as long as they take full responsibility for their actions (they kill someone accidentally, eg, that's manslaughter as far as I'm concerned, and intentionally harming others is definitely foul, as is the deadly & damaging waste left by meth makers), that's saying something.
A guy who used to sell drugs told me how to make it and was absolutely amazed that people would put that in their bodies AND having done so, would survive doing so even once. I've never had the urge to try it. I've experimented with other drugs out of curiosity, but that's one I won't have anything at all to do with, nor will I willingly form close bonds with anyone who does it. I had a friend that turned to meth and I cut all connections to her when she did so. My one friend that turned to meth, though, she had been anorexic before she gave that up and started giving herself permanent burn scars and drinking a lot. She WANTED to harm herself. Meth, and the guy who got her to do it, were just brand new ways to seek her own destruction. Her life did suck, and she had some genuine bad breaks, though so have many other people and they don't do stuff like that. Point being, I just don't understand it. I don't say that to express my moral outrage or anything, just that I completely do NOT understand the appeal of it. Given that's the case, I have no idea what to tell you. Quick things that also come to mind: found a milk carton that was toxic, and a threat to children. One meth lab had puddles on fire in their yard. I once shared a fridge at a boarding house (single rooms for rent anyway) who was on meth and the jerk ate all my groceries in one day (after sleeping for 2 days straight, and being a pain & threat & bringing in thieves--long story, that, point is, he was always a jerk when awake, which he usually was), groceries that were to last me no less than 2 weeks (really ticked me off because I was there to SAVE money in order to have deposit money for the next place to rent and ALSO because I was there as I had just left my former roomies which stole my share of the rent money and blew it on drugs and then tore up my stuff to find more money, so I was NOT in the mood for that). I did interview a former meth addict once as part of a fic I was writing with a meth product in it. Fascinating and informative, IMO, but even she couldn't explain the appeal of it to me. In fact, the more she talked about it, the less I understood the appeal. But it's my inclination to guess it's seeking self-destruction. IP: Logged |
Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5378 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 17, 2007 08:09 AM
I would have to say that anyone that takes these drugs is wanting to NUMB ALL their emotionals & pain, to not feel or deal with life's many problems any more, giving up. There just not getting it, to much pressure & confusin to deal with, feelings of hopelessness, what's it all about??? Who really cares??????? They think no one does, what's there to live for???? Thats why cutting will usally be there in some form or another, before or darning these drugs. trying to Numb ones emotions, so not to feel, so they think. To escape a life that one once denied themselves of, because they don't know how to cope with all the stresses and not having any self-help tools, and now does not want to see, feel or deal with these issues anymore. To much pain, mental stresses. Can't cope.Desparate, despair, the making of lost souls!!!!! Very Sad!!!  IP: Logged |
Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5378 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 17, 2007 08:10 AM
Where Angels fear to tread, because one may not be able to come back????IP: Logged |
tuxedo meow Knowflake Posts: 878 From: Texas Gulf Coast, USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 17, 2007 10:39 AM
Yes, self-mutilation including picking, cutting, and burning one's earth skin very often acompanies use. Theft, moral disintegration, disease, severe dental destruction, suicidal tendencies are part of it. Then there are the vibes the folks who are affected by the users put out. like Dervish's tale of having his very and only meager substanance taken when he was already struggling-and there are worse stories-so, the vibes sent back to the users are not healthy healing ones either. I, too, think folks have a right to choose. Someone told me about a place in Amsterdam (this may be urban legend) where folks can shoot up or use any drugs they want and every morning a death wagon comes through looking for and removing bodies. Too sad but fine by me as/if others choose this. Here in the US this drug is big bucks quick for manufacturers and made with truly horrible ingredients. it is the impact on those neglected, abused, robbed, beaten, and left in despair or illness that is more my concern-but again the theft of spirit, what I perceive as soul theft and, as i wrote above, the doorways opened to undesirable entities and such that is capturing my attention. I have tried to cut off contact with known users for my own safety after losing many valuable things on many levels but the overall impact still affects all of us. i do attend an outdoor Church a few times a month where i ask for group prayer about this spiritual problem but am unsure which words to use when asking. any ideas about the wording would be appreciated. At one time it was thought our government had something to do with the crack epidemic part of this-you know, pot smoking was the drug of choice in some decades and brought all sorts of folks peacefully together talking and munching that otherwise would not. (I AM NOT ADVOCATING DRUG USE OF ANY KIND) Those decades were times of protests for peace and against injustice. Some thought crack was brought in to keep people disinterested in anything but getting more crack-no discussing world peace or green earth or revolution or voting rights with people who will trade their kids for another pipe of rock...Sort of scary to write that in these times tho. please share more as this is a topic that needs to be open and aired i think. thoughtfully, Tuxedo MeowIP: Logged | |