posted September 17, 2007 08:27 AM
Reflections on Reality and Consciousness
What is consciousness, and what is the unconscious? Can we really judge who is conscious and who isn’t? Is it possible that a yet higher level of consciousness, unknown and unfamiliar to our own, envelops itself around our unconscious selves? And could we venture to say that unconsciousness is a necessary dormant and inactive state of consciousness waiting to be activated? Or, could it be that what we’re calling "unconsciousness" is, in fact, the other side of consciousness, its antithesis? In other words, if consciousness is an active agent, does it not need a receptive and passive medium upon which to operate that could, indeed, be called an "unconscious" state of being?
Regardless, it is the function of consciousness itself that is important, for if we accept that consciousness is an attribute of Being, then it follows that it is also that part of the psyche that makes us discover and reveal to ourselves and others our own truth and creativity. It does that by expanding and exhibiting every minute detail on which our thoughts and feelings focus, and by helping us unravel our own ever-changing vision of reality.
Moreover, as well as helping us discover the meaning of our personal lives, consciousness also assists us in unraveling the profound mystery of our own essence and our relationship with the infinite and eternal aspects of God, or the unmanifested Light of Pure Being. Indeed, consciousness is the guiding tool that unravels this mysterious and amazing process. Hence, we could add that consciousness projects continuously on the screen of our receptivity (or unconscious state) an ever-changing world, a world that mirrors back to us our own experiences of it. However, these experiences are always directly connected to our own individual level of perception and understanding, both of which are connected to our level of consciousness.
Let us further propose that the unconscious state is also related to primordial matter. Now, we have already seen that the unconsciousness is inherent in primordial matter and appears to be the antithesis of awareness and consciousness. In other words, it is its own shadow, a complementary and formless part of Being that could be likened to a receptacle in which are subtly exposed the various spiritual archetypal ideas of the higher levels of consciousness. By this, we simply mean that consciousness and unconsciousness are two sides of one unique essence. This essence, or awareness, is obviously related to Being, since only Being can become aware, hence conscious.
Now, as conscious beings, we are part of creation itself and because of this, our center of consciousness is the same as the Center of Pure Being. Moreover, we understand that we can only go as far as our level of consciousness allows, so to go beyond this level means that we must first have reintegrated with the Center of Pure Being. This, in turn, means that our Center of Pure Being and that of the Unknown God (or unmanifested Light) coincide and unite absolutely, merging and blending completely into the unmanifested Center of Pure Being.
Reintegration means the re-absorption of the self-conscious essence of our being into its own center, the unmanifested Center of Pure Being. But how many could claim to have reached this Center that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time, and still be living? While still incarnated in a world governed by the Law of Duality, we cannot possibly "know" about reintegration, so it is impossible for us to speculate about it.
We have seen that consciousness and unconsciousness are two opposite poles, and paradoxically, we could add that they need each other to project and express the Divine qualities and attributes of Being. Thus we could say that consciousness and its counterpart, unconsciousness, complement each other and belong together in the world of duality, which is the world governing all of creation.
What does this show us? That consciousness and unconsciousness are the two ethereal and invisible tools that the soul uses to imprint in us and reflect the infinite and incredibly rich variety of expressions of its own unmanifested essence back to the Center of Pure Being. Hence everything that is not yet manifest and that remains hidden or dormant in creation will be revealed at the appropriate moment through the light of consciousness.
Gradually, consciousness is awakened in unconscious matter, and with the unfoldment of the spirit in consciousness, then consciousness awakens in primordial matter. And when spirit is totally incarnated in matter, they both surrender all their powers, letting themselves melt into the ocean of the unknown Void. Formless once more, but united again, they become one unique essence. And so, the Law of Duality has no further dominion over them. Having taken the final leap, reintegration into the unmanifested Center of Pure Being is within reach eternally.