Topic: Court case on behalf of Jesus Christ
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted September 20, 2007 12:15 AM
I guess you don't have much respect for men, I do!LOve to ALL. ... IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:19 AM
I do see your point, Isis. Fanatic may not be my first choice of words ( ), but yeah, I do hear you, and this is something I've been accused of on this before.When I first discovered this, I was 17. It was the most devastating thing... All my confidence, everything, shot. I became obsessed - I wanted to disprove it so, so badly... But the more I researched and applied my own personal experience, the more I realized I couldn't. For 4 years now, I've read everything I could find on this subject. It's consumed literally thousands of hours of my personal life. Please don't take this as arrogance on my part, because that's truly not where I'm coming from, but every argument you and Xodian and Dulce Luna are presenting, I have read reams of material on, I have gone over dozens of times, on the Internet and in print and with doctors I've talked to. Nothing here is new to me. I'm not closed-minded so much as I'm just really informed. Again, not arrogance. I hate this issue. But it's been a defining force in my life, and nothing anyone has presented so far is new to me. So, if you're looking for a debate on this, I'm probably the wrong person to talk to. But I have a huge amount of information ready to go, and I'm happy to share it. Don't mean to sound hard-headed, because I'm generally not. But on this, I know my facts.
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Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:25 AM
quote: This is from a while ago but here goes anyways... Circumcision may offer Africa AIDS hope:Procedure linked to much lower rate of new HIV infections
And again, why not just condoms? Why the surgery, which is proven to remove tens of thousands of nerve endings, lead to keratinization of the penis, etc.? I mean, if you're an adult man and you want this done, more power to you. But don't force it on babies when there are other, better solutions so readily available. IP: Logged |
Isis Knowflake Posts: 1922 From: CA Registered: Jan 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:26 AM
Problem is that for all the point Xodian can bring up, you can refute, and all the points you bring up, Xodian (or anyone for that matter) can go online and find refutations from equally legitimate sources. To me, that illustrates clearly that there is no "right" on the subject, just personal choice depending on one's xp and PoV. All one can do is read all the data, weigh the pros and cons, and decide for themselves. I can understand how someone who's had a bad xp can feel compelled to speak out...loudly, against it, but just as there is your side to the subject, there is the other side, for which there is plenty of data supporting, I guess I just don't see a right or wrong here. IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:29 AM
Let me make offer a further comparison, Isis. Let's say you're a woman, and you've been raped. You've been physically violated, and you don't think your life will ever be the same. But let's say you live in a society were rape isn't seen as such a bad thing, generally. Sure, some people are against it, but the majority says "What's the harm?"Would you be interested in hearing people who have never been raped offer their opinions on how rape isn't that bad? What if you can prove medically that it's harmful? The analogy may offend you at first, but consider - circumcision is performed without consent on millions of men, many of whom later resent it. It has medically proven harmful effects. And society seems, by and large, to think it's not such a huge issue. I've had probably hundreds of women, who have no idea where I'm coming from on this, tell me that I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Should I just accept their opinions as equally valid as my personal experience and knowledge? IP: Logged |
Isis Knowflake Posts: 1922 From: CA Registered: Jan 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:33 AM
Why not just condoms?Because people don't wear them consistently. They're expensive in some countries and difficult to obtain? Their religion might prevent it... And often, a guy just wants to feel the full effect, and in the heat of the moment is willing to take the risk. I mean, come on, seems like you live in this fantasy land where everyone does "the right thing". If that were the case, AIDS would have been nearly eradicated already. If that were the case, men would clean their foreskins, and their toilets, and whatever else women complain about they don't clean. LOL Seriously, the only guy I've ever known with a foreskin who was super conscientious about cleanliness was a Virgo...and non-poorly aspected Virgos are usually very clean about everything... IP: Logged |
Isis Knowflake Posts: 1922 From: CA Registered: Jan 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:35 AM
quote: Should I just accept their opinions as equally valid as my personal experience and knowledge?
No, but you should respect that they have a right to their opinion, regardless of how shocking to you that may be, and that you don't have a right to shove your differing opinion down their throat. For example - I find people who belong to the KKK to be completely friggin ignorant. But you know what, I'd fight for their right to have an opinion, even if I completely disagree with it. I won't debate people like that, it's a waste of time, and I don't want to hear their opinion (then again, I wouldn't solicit their, but they sure as hell have a right to it. So long as they don't act on it, which is against the law. IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:37 AM
quote: Problem is that for all the point Xodian can bring up, you can refute, and all the points you bring up, Xodian (or anyone for that matter) can go online and find refutations from equally legitimate sources.
If that's true, than I'd challenge you to find me one valid refutation for the fact that we don't cut off infant girls' breats without their consent to avoid breast cancer, but penile cancer is used as an excuse for circumcision. Find me a valid refutation of the point that girls are more likely by far to get urinary tract infections, but we treat them with antibiotics and not surgery. Find me ONE legitimate, medical source that says that the foreskin is just a superfluous flap of skin. You won't be able to. You can find religious sources touting circumcision as a sacrifice mandated by god, you can find medical sources that will offer various "pros and cons" and ultimately tell you it's the parent's choice (and again, why should the parent's dictate the man's future sex life?), but you can't find a valid source to dispute the information I'm presenting. Do you think I haven't tried? There are a lot of sources out there offering claims that have been long debunked by the AMA and the AAP. They're offering contraindicated information! Again, I offer these quotes from highly respected pediatricians: quote: In all of biology, the nonengineered individual is the strongest. All of his parts are there for an excellent purpose.- Ronald Poland, MD (American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force Committee on Circumcision) We ... cannot allow females or any group of patients to be mutilated. I'm afraid that this is even more basic than religion. - John C. Nelson, MD, AMA Trustee (in American Medical News, Vol 39, no. 40, October, 1996) Whatever is done to stop the terrible practice of circumcision will be of tremendous importance. There is no rational medical reason to support it. It is high time that such a barbaric practice comes to an end. -Frederick Leboyer, M.D., author, "Birth Without Violence"
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Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 4598 From: The Asylum Registered: Mar 2006
posted September 20, 2007 12:39 AM
quote: And again, why not just condoms? Why the surgery, which is proven to remove tens of thousands of nerve endings, lead to keratinization of the penis, etc.?I mean, if you're an adult man and you want this done, more power to you. But don't force it on babies when there are other, better solutions so readily available.
Again, its not being is up to the parents to decide. That was just an article to show the positive side of circumcision.
And I don't see condoms working considering that AIDS is still on the rise in Southern/Eastern Africa and alot of people there still have a nun's mentality where even wearing one is considered a sin (ask my Roman Catholic mother). And while I think it would be great if everyone started wearing one...lets be realistic here.
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Isis Knowflake Posts: 1922 From: CA Registered: Jan 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:39 AM
As you said Johnny, you don't debate this subject, you feel strongly about your opinion, and that's fine, but I won't debate with someone who self-admitted can't really debate the subject. Plenty of people here had made points that I myself would have made had I thought that it wasn't a waste of time, including a refutation to your breast cancer argument. I have my opinion and I'm aware of your points and I just disagree.... IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:44 AM
quote: No, but you should respect that they have a right to their opinion, regardless of how shocking to you that may be, and that you don't have a right to shove your differing opinion down their throat.
Hm, well I hope you're never raped, but I think you might change your mind if you were. You cannot know what it's like to have ignorant, misinformed people shove their opinions down your throat, tell you to shut up and sit down, tell you that your pain is meaningless. Opinions are fine, as long as they don't hurt anyone. But when ignorance masquerading as 'individual truth' or 'viewpoint' threatens to violate the rights of helpless children, I'm going to do my best to speak up, and stepping on a few toes isn't going to be my primary concern. quote: I mean, come on, seems like you live in this fantasy land where everyone does "the right thing".
Let me assure you that I do not live in a world like that. quote: Seriously, the only guy I've ever known with a foreskin who was super conscientious about cleanliness was a Virgo...and non-poorly aspected Virgos are usually very clean about everything...
Want to talk about offensive! That attitude really galls me - 'men can't take care of themselves, so we better get them 'fixed' so they don't offend us.' Maybe give that a little consideration, huh? Women get a 'feminine hygiene' industry with spunky ads and frilly pink packaging, men get a razor to their genitals at birth. How about this for an 'opinion' - mind your own business! A man's body isn't for you to carve up however you see fit! The UN can and does supply condoms to much of the 3rd world. If a man wants to get himself cut, that's fine, whatever. But don't inflict it on babies - their future sex life is no one's business but theirs. Seriously, I just don't get what is so hard for you about this. All you want to talk about is opinion and dialogue and debate; how about a little old-fashioned truth? IP: Logged |
Isis Knowflake Posts: 1922 From: CA Registered: Jan 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:48 AM
quote: shove their opinions down your throat, tell you to shut up and sit down, tell you that your pain is meaningless.
Nobody here has "shoved" anything down your throat. Unless someone saying they disagree is "shoving". Really, read back through here and look at who is shoving what. I don't see how your rape comparison is apples to apples, I was with ya until you tried to totally equate the two. Rape is illegal in our country. When circumcision is illegal, and generally accepted as a bad thing with absolutely no redeeming qualities (unless you can give me the redeeming qualities to having been raped), get back to me equating the two. I just don't see how you can't see that other people have a right to disagree without them being ********* . LOL IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted September 20, 2007 12:49 AM
You're certainly making me think, Johnny. Seriously.IP: Logged |
Isis Knowflake Posts: 1922 From: CA Registered: Jan 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:50 AM
You want a little "old fashioned truth"?You can't debate with people that have an agenda. You have an agenda. I like to debate. And people like you make it impossible because you don't want to debate, you don't want to hear people's ideas and opinions, you just want to push an anti-circumcision agenda. And that's fine, except when it ruins debate. And on LL a lot of intelligent debate gets ruined by people who claim their opinion is "truth". And that's a bummer to me... of course we all think our opinions are right, or we wouldn't have them. But when you forget that people have a right to think differently, even intelligent people...and that maybe we're not always right...I dunno, it's, well annoying for lack of a better word. IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:50 AM
Well, I'm glad to know some people are capable of it, AG.Immature, but jesus. IP: Logged |
silverstone Moderator Posts: 2620 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted September 20, 2007 12:50 AM
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SolarJustice Knowflake Posts: 159 From: USA Registered: Sep 2007
posted September 20, 2007 12:53 AM
OK..... Johnny -im back! just wanted to point out your wonderful resource that you "know personally" alreadyCurrent Information on Paul M. Fleiss Department: Division of General Pediatrics Specialty: General Pediatrics Address: 1824 N. Hillhurst Ave.Los Angeles, CA 90027 Phone: (323) 664-1977 Fax: (323) 664-0870 Certification: Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics Medical School: University of California, Irvine Residency: California Medical Center/Los Angeles, Pediatrics; LAC/USC Medical Center/Pediatrics, Pediatrics; Tucson Medical Center, Rotating Internship Physician Type: Community Paul Murray Fleiss M.D. was born on the 8th of September in 1933 is a pediatrician at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles, and an anti-circumcision activist.
He earned his B.S. in pharmacy from Wayne State University, his M.D. from the University of California, Irvine, and his M.P.H. from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of several articles and numerous letters published in medical journals. Fleiss was also convicted of money laundering in connection with his daughter Heidi Fleiss's activities in running a prostitution ring. He was sentenced to one day in prison, three years of probation and 625 hours of community service. Fleiss appeared in an episode of Penn & Teller: ******** ! on circumcision in 2005. In 2006, the California State Medical Board opened proceedings against Fleiss, accusing him of gross negligence in his care of several patients, including the daughter of AIDS dissident Christine Maggiore. important references; The State Medical Board accuses Dr. Paul Fleiss of gross negligence. published in the Los Angeles Times on September 16, 2006;By Charles Ornstein ^ Complaint from the Division of Medical Quality, Medical Board of California. Accessed September 14, 2007. guess you already know all this stuff though, huh? GREAT resources buddy, lol! -kyle ------------------ yes, im new -please be kind. IP: Logged |
Isis Knowflake Posts: 1922 From: CA Registered: Jan 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:54 AM
Perhaps you're right about the whole media thing w/ women vs men and hygiene.I think it's a matter that they market personal hygiene products to women...because we buy them. You can fill in the other half of that equation. IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:54 AM
quote: Rape is illegal in our country. When circumcision is illegal, and generally accepted as a bad thing with absolutely no redeeming qualities (unless you can give me the redeeming qualities to having been raped), get back to me equating the two.
Public opinion ain't the decider of truth, Isis. quote: You have an agenda.
My agenda is human rights. I don't debate rape. I don't debate child molestation. I don't debate involuntary genital mutilation. I learn the facts, and I do my best not to hurt anyone. I know this well enough to know that debate is pointless. Your opinion or my opinion means nothing to the millions of babies each year who are mutilated. I'm spreading facts, that's all. IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 12:58 AM
Kyle, character assassination and ad hominem attacks are worthless and fallacious as means of rhetoric. No, I know nothing about the man's personal life, and I hardly care to. That you want to attack the man instead of the facts he presents is the most interesting thing about your post.Science and history give not a sh*t who present them, they just are. Don't like that resource? Take a look at the several hundred-thousand more. And if you could, reformat your links to two separate lines, so as not to break the page-margin? IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted September 20, 2007 01:01 AM
quote: I like to debate. And people like you make it impossible because you don't want to debate, you don't want to hear people's ideas and opinions, you just want to push an anti-circumcision agenda. And that's fine, except when it ruins debate.
I wouldn't think that Johnny would characterize this as a debate, but rather an attempt at educating. That he's studied the subject isn't a matter of dispute as far as I can see. If you were teaching a child, and the child had the wrong opinion would you just accept that you are wrong? Would you consider yourself to all of a sudden "have an agenda" just because you know what you're teaching is actually correct? Certainly the pupil can ignore the teacher if that's the pupil's will, but there is really no viable dispute or debate between the learned and the unstudied. IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 01:01 AM
quote: I think it's a matter that they market personal hygiene products to women...because we buy them.You can fill in the other half of that equation.
Yes, men are dirty and don't care about hygiene, so there's no market. I can see the stereotype you're presenting, and, like I said, it's offensive. Gosh, for someone so ready to attack me, you don't seem to care much about the effect of your own words. IP: Logged |
Isis Knowflake Posts: 1922 From: CA Registered: Jan 2004
posted September 20, 2007 01:02 AM
No, I just know that in a capitalist society, if Proctor and Gamble thought they could sell as many superfluous personal hygiene products to men as they do to women, they sure as hell would. That would increase their market for those items by nearly 100%....Me attack you? That's laughable. I'm not the one implying that people who don't see my PoV are sexual predators and bad parents  IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted September 20, 2007 01:03 AM
LOve to all the baby boys born, and their parents realizing the hood is okay, No Worries!God made us just the way we are for a reason.. no doctor is God! LOve and Reverence to ALL. ...
Ggod Night! IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted September 20, 2007 01:06 AM
quote: Me attack you? That's laughable.
Well, you did all but call me a zealot, imply that I was closed-mined, etc.. Not that I'm offended, it's just a point. I certainly wouldn't start spouting stereotypes about women to justify female-circumcision. You know they say it makes sex better for the man? Is that not offensive? How is what you said about hygiene any different? IP: Logged | |