posted September 20, 2007 10:31 PM
...but for some reason I did tonight....In 1999 a meth head, speed freak, broke into the the apartment of two young San Antonio women, both dancers by profession, another young man was with them. The meth head tied all of them up and injected the women with cleaning fluid, intravenously then stabbed them while they, obvioulsy died a horrendous death...he spared the young man the injections. He then took their worldy goods and sold them for money for speed....3 hours ago he was injected intravenously....but as the nine minutes it took for his life to slip away....he fell into a blissfull, peaceful, sleep, unlike his victims....
I have never upheld capital punishment until tonight....
A young gay woman was in her new apartment only 6 days when some idiots broke in and vandalized her home...did not steal anything, just trashed her posessions, and painted hate slogans upon her walls...and the stupid apartment complex will not let her out of her lease!!!!
I just may go and picket this weekend those apartments....
Ok, so, tonight I was reminded why I do not watch the news...
At it's worst!