posted October 29, 2007 04:25 AM
FINALLY...The evil clutches of Mercury retrograde are slackening- can you feel it?
Today was a great day...conversations seemed to flow just a little better, I felt full of energy and dare I say, optimistic.
I am on break right now- unemployed and homeless, yay for me!!- so its so very easy to just sit around and do nothing. There have been a couple of days in the past week where I did nothing but drink tea and surf the Net.
And you may ask- "Well, MK, then why weren't you entertaining us at LL?"
Mercury Rx makes me reticent to speak, and when I do its a mess.
But I swear, I can feel it- this tension like a low grade fever is slackening.
I realize, once again, that the world isn't going to end because I can't find the perfect handbag.
Anyone feeling this?