posted November 14, 2007 08:23 AM
How do you know of a room is relaxing? When you enter the room tension seem to dissipate from you. If this does not occur, close the door of that room, then you ask, before you go into that roomI am asking lightbeings
and lightbeings of beauty and pleasure and joy.
I am asking beings who are my friend
who can come and purify the room,
so that it has all discomforting energies removed from it
and is completely relaxing and comfortable to me.
Give them 20 minutes or so
Lie on a flat surface on your back, hands by your side, palms down and slightly away from your body—preferably three hours after eating and before you go to sleep, but it works anywhere, anytime. Remove any metal buckles and take coins or metal keys out of your pockets. Do not cross your legs or feet. This position allows you to get used to being open in your most receptive area.
Say out loud (if possible):
“I am asking gold lightbeings, Earth gold lightbeings,
lightbeings who can work through gold lightbeings
and lightbeings who can radiate or emanate to gold lightbeings,
to disentangle me from all my discomforts and their causes.”
Squeeze your eyelids shut and then focus on the light patterns—don’t think. If you catch yourself thinking, gently bring your attention back to the light patterns and continue.
Do this for twenty or thirty minutes or for as long as you feel you need to do it or until you fall asleep. This can be done twice a day.
After a few weeks, make a list of every person and event in your life that makes you feel uncomfortable. Say the above statement and add,
“I am asking to be disentangled from the discomfort and pain of …”
reading one or two names or events from the list. Do each name for two–three days or until you feel clear with the person.
Living prayer allows you as an individual to give to the Earth. So many of you ask, “What can I do for the Earth? What can I do for the animals? What can I do for people suffering in other parts of the world or in my own town or family? What can I do?”
If people are suffering on the other side of the Earth, you can say, “May the people be nurtured and know they are loved. May their hearts be healed and may they find what they need, or may it be brought to them in a benevolent, beneficial way for all beings.”
Say this key phrase —
“I will ask”, or “I am asking” —
out loud, though perhaps softly. This way it is understood that what you are asking is about physical things. In the case of a war on the other side of the world, you might say, “I ask that everyone’s heart be healed and that they find peace together in the most benevolent and beneficial way for them.”
Let’s say you are driving through the forest and there is no one else around. Suddenly your heart hurts. It is a dull ache. When you get used to this living prayer, you will look around and say, “I will ask.” The moment you say that key phrase, Creator knows that you are saying a living prayer. “May the heart of the forest be healed. May the hearts of all the trees, plants, rocks, animals and spirits who like to be here be healed. May they enjoy their time in the forest and feel welcome.”
Then go on. Your heart will probably feel better. If you get the feeling again farther up the road, say it again without looking at them, “May their hearts be healed. May they feel welcome wherever they go or where they are.”
Remember, you have to say these blessings only once for each place, person or group of people. You are more sensitive now, and the plants and the animals and the stone and maybe even other people are more sensitive, too. You all need each other more now than ever, and here is something you can do to help others and feel better yourself
Many of us have strong needs to do something about our present world situation and feel frustration about what we can do to influence the world. Recently Reveals the Mystery, knowing of humanity’s needs and frustrations, speaking through Robert Shapiro, came through with a Living Prayer, below, for each of us to say
I am asking that the Souls, with our infinite wisdom throughout all times and many places, of the Explorer Race in our now guise as Earth Human Beings, pull together our full knowledge and wisdom of what has gone on in the past for us — our trail of education to this place and this point in time — going to ask us now to come together as if as a single being to resolve conflicts, difficulties, worries and cares of the Human demonstration of life and to recognize the value of each and every human in the world in which we live.
I know we can do it and I believe in our capacity and desire to bring it about while supporting each other and creating the world we know we want to live in.
I am asking that this be so now.
You can say this once or several times. This is especially for those who have read the Explorer Race books but it can be said by anyone. Some of the language referring to the Explorer Race won’t mean much to those of you who haven’t read the books or the articles in the Sedona Journal of Emergence!, but it is not necessary to have read the books in order to say this prayer to bring about the most beneficial results that Living Prayer can do.
Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do, how to do it in the most supportive way for each other. That’s the key. To bring about resolution for yourselves now, you can do a great deal for yourselves individually using Living Prayer and Benevolent Magic. But to do something that affects the global population, human beings, plants, animals, everyone, you need to work together, and this is a Living Prayer to help you to unite in a moment and also to support, encourage and nurture that unity by simply desiring that it be so. The purpose of the living prayer, then, is to request, never demand, to request that that come about in the most benevolent way for all beings. And specifically to the point, for those beings that are in the guise, now, of human beings, your selves on Earth, the Explorer Race, which includes all humans. And as a result, I believe that this will help you not only to come together in a unified way, but also to remind you gently, very gently, that your guise as Human Beings on Earth is only a guise. You are more than that. You have many faces throughout the Universe, many before you got here and you will have many more after you leave here. It is a gentle reminder then, that you are of many cultural strains and of many cultural hearts and yet, you are ultimately one being. And this moment in time is to show a practical application of what you can do, no matter what guise you may be demonstrating yourself as at any moment
You say the Living Prayer because it is a creation «device.» The prayer itself is not an «Oh, please help me» prayer. It is a creation. Living Prayer is a creation. «I am asking» is a creation.» (These comments from Zoosh through Robert Shapiro.)
For those who want something shorter and simpler, we offer the Living Peace Prayer, also by Reveals the Mysteries through Robert Shapiro:
«I am asking that the hearts of all beings
come to love peace, cherish it,
and involve themselves in its creation»
We were told that all of us could create a beneficial result if just 10% of the thousands of you who are receiving this email would actually say the words of one of these Living Prayers with feeling. And perhaps you could share this with your friends.
"We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself."
Carl Sagan
"As bad as bad becomes
It's not a part of you
And love is only sleeping
Wrapped in neglect."
life seemed to be a fault of grace but it's okay.
- marian gold