posted January 29, 2008 01:28 PM
Check out the similarity of traits of people who are gifted and people with ADHD. Also people that are both Gifted and ADHD. Heck..when I read stuff about gifted and how it overlaps with ADHD. I am not even sure if I have ADHD or the traits are more from the gifted..even ADHD overlaps with Dyslexia,Dyspraxia traits. I do have Dyslexia,Dyspraxia which required special education.
I feel that a lot of Gifted children and Gifted LD children are being misdiagnosed ADHD and being put on medications.Characteristics of Gifted and ADHD
Research indicates that in many cases, a child is diagnosed with ADHD when in fact the child is gifted and reacting to an inappropriate curriculum (Webb & Latimer, 1993). The key to distinguishing between the two is the pervasiveness of the "acting out" behaviors. If the acting out is specific to certain situations, the child's behavior is more likely related to giftedness; whereas, if the behavior is consistent across all situations, the child's behavior is more likely related to ADHD. It is also possible for a child to be BOTH gifted and ADHD. The following lists highlight the similarities between giftedness and ADHD.
Characteristics of Gifted Students Who Are Bored
* Poor attention and daydreaming when bored
* Low tolerance for persistence on tasks that seem irrelevant
* Begin many projects, see few to completion
* Development of judgment lags behind intellectual growth
* Intensity may lead to power struggles with authorities
* High activity level; may need less sleep
* Difficulty restraining desire to talk; may be disruptive
* Question rules, customs, and traditions
* Lose work, forget homework, are disorganized
* May appear careless
* Highly sensitive to criticism
* Do not exhibit problem behaviors in all situations
* More consistent levels of performance at a fairly consistent pace
(Cline, 1999; Webb & Latimer, 1993)
Characteristics of Students with ADHD
* Poorly sustained attention
* Diminished persistence on tasks not having immediate consequences
* Often shift from one uncompleted activity to another
* Impulsivity, poor delay of gratification
* Impaired adherence to commands to regulate or inhibit behavior in social contexts
* More active, restless than other children
* Often talk excessively
* Often interrupt or intrude on others (e.g., butt into games)
* Difficulty adhering to rules and regulations
* Often lose things necessary for tasks or activities at home or school
* May appear inattentive to details
* Highly sensitive to criticism
* Problem behaviors exist in all settings, but in some are more severe
* Variability in task performance and time used to accomplish tasks.
(Barkley, 1990; Cline, 1999; Webb & Latimer, 1993)
People both Gifted and Learning Disabled are a paradox and very misunderstood. I know what it's like to be in a special education class with mentally retarded in 1st grade, but end up being recommended for a High School Humanities Program by my 8th Grade English teacher for being gifted. I ended up barely graduating from high school.
Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities
* High abstract reasoning ability
* Good mathematical reasoning ability
* Keen visual memory, spatial skills
* Advanced vocabulary
* Sophisticated sense of humor
* Imaginative and creative
* Insightful
* Exceptional ability in geometry, science, arts, music
* Good problem-finding and -solving skills
* Difficulty with memorization, computation, phonics, and/or spelling
* Distractibility and/or disorganization
* Supersensitivity
* Perfectionism
* Grasp of metaphors, analogies, satire
* Comprehension of complex systems
* Unreasonable self expectations
* Often, failure to complete assignments
* Difficulties with sequential tasks
* Wide variety of interests
(Baum, Owen, & Dixon, 1991; Silverman, 1989)