Topic: zala
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 12:45 AM
man with venus in leo - PUH! no no no no no no! get me out of here..........................IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 01:01 AM
metajji's eros and juno are conjunct my ascendant and chiron. my jupiter conjunct his adonis. does that mean if we were together i would make him feel more like a man? expand his manlyhood, perhaps? my pluto conjunct his aphrodite and vesta! hmmmm. i'm quite liking some of this. lol! my vesta conjunct his venus. lol - i'm jeremy irons's ideal woman! his amor conjunct my valentine on my mc. his destiny trine my north node and amor. oooh - his mars conjunct my aphrodite. HELLO! this is interesting - ironically, he was brought to my attention by linda goodman! and i've had this thing for him since my early teens. god, that's 20 plus years now. ah, he has been able to sustain something that no other man has. alas! wouldn't his ego like that! IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 12, 2008 01:01 AM
"omg-is that what you see in ralph fiennes too?" -Yeah. It is. I could tell you otherwise, but i would be lying. I think that i already explained my need for emotional vulnerability in a partner. The need to nuture, as a lover, not a mother. I want to become my lover's dairy, their priest, their sanctuary. To have their confessions and secrets invested in me, and only me. I want to have a private, passionate world that only he and i are part of, that only he and i are aware of... and i think that i'm attracted to ralph especially because i'm confident that THAT kind of love, the kind of relationship is what he would accept, would offer, would want. Weew... went on a tangent there. Sorry! Gasp- you said the magic word... *Lolita* "She was Lo, plain Lo in the morning. Standing 4 feet 10 in one sock. She was Lola in slacks, Dolly at school, and Delores on the dotted line... but in my arms, she was always Lolita. Light of my life, fire of my loins... my sin... my soul... Lolita" But my favorite is: "And i looked and looked at her. And i knew, as clearly as i know that i will die, that i loved her more than anything i could ever see or imagine on earth. She was only the dead-leaf echo of the nymphette from long ago.. but i loved her, this Lolita, pale and polutted and big with another man's child. She could fade or whither i didn't care... i would still go mad with tenderness at the sight of her face..." IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 01:02 AM
metai'll get back to your question about sex and mars and mars in taurus when i have more time to devote - later. i think it require my full attention. not the type that sean bean gave to blue moon in my little rhyme though. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 12, 2008 01:06 AM
"his amor conjunct my valentine" *chokes on water*... Wow.... That placement is like the IDEAL placement.You ***** ... "my pluto conjunct his aphrodite and vesta"- also very nice. Sincerely deep. An instant attraction that would linger, despite whether you wanted it to or not. "my jupiter conjunct his adonis"- Hmm... i'm not sure if you would boost his manhood on this one. I think that you would stroke his ego and feed his manhood, but if it's small, it's small! No astrology can help Jeremy in that department! XP IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 12, 2008 01:08 AM
I've got to go to bed you ho! Alright, i'll chat with you later. Sweet dreams... of a man with Venus in Scorpio hopefully!IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 01:09 AM
metai really found jji's lolita character repulsive - loved that he did that role - is there anyone else? but, the character was weak - and i don't like weakness in a man. i just don't. same as jude law's character in closer - weak. vulnerability and weakness are two different things. i can't respect a weak man. i would have walked all over hum hum and i'm not xena warrior princess either. also adrian lyne has this glossiness in his movies that doesn't really appeal to me - the movie, for it's content, was a bit glossy. but, then censorship, right? and it received a lot of criticism - just for being made. didn't really like the movie. love "the mission" - love jeremy irons in the mission. love his character - one of my favourite characters of all time. as is his tiberius from kingdom of heaven. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 01:10 AM
quick question, do you think it's small? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 01:15 AM
metasweet dreams about your venus in scorpio man. back to jji - for a moment - i think that he would truly NEED a really warm loving woman. don't know if he's got that but think that's what he'd need. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 01:31 AM
ddi really like that last pic of stuart. that's really really appealing. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 12, 2008 06:04 AM
PA,thank you.  I definitely find that appealing. I also find the whole metrosexual look in the concert appealing. Oh and I think I slowly come closer to resolving the mystery of this myasterious attraction. For example: his Mars, Draco Anteros and my Anteros are all on 20° Scorpio, only 1° before my 12th house cusp and 2° away from my Arabic ASC. The SAbian for this is: A WOMAN DRAWS AWAY TWO DARK CURTAINS CLOSING THE ENTRANCE TO A SACRED PATHWAY Whoa, that symbol gives me shivers! Really.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 06:23 AM
ddwhen you intrepret the sabian symbol in this context - that is deeply sexual. unless i'm seeing something you're not.... lol! in which case, umm, ignore me, maybe......... IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 06:59 AM
ddmaybe you are going through some kind of sexual awakening and this is the person that the universe is sending yoy to aid or facilitate that. i believe thats the way it works and that is why we find certain people appealing at certain times and then just nothing for them after that. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 12, 2008 07:17 AM
Why do you think this is deeply sexual?I mean, I had that VERY STRONG feeling myself, but can`t explain it rationally. It`s almost like I already experienced it, literally. I don`t know. But it`s funny you know, I came across him in Queen of the Damned, which is tightly connected to the Egyptian myhts, and therfore of course also relates to Isis and Osiris. When I first saw him I had such a strong OSIRIS-feeling, without even being able to explain this. I didn`t even really know the astrological implications of Osiris. However, it`s interesting if you look at our synastry. He has Osiris (8 Cancer) conjunct Valentine (9 Cancer), this is opposing my Venus (6 Capricorn), Isis (8 Capricorn), Osiris (8 Capricorn) and his own Destinn (10 Capricorn). HIs Osiris and Valentine are also conjunct my Draconic Juno (7 Cancer) - all of this is along my 7th - 1st house. And yes, his Osiris is actually EXACTLY opposite my Isis (and Osiris) - whoa. And these are exactly solstice conjunct his own Sun and Moon (like he is waving over through the shadow-veil ). Oh btw it`s also conjunct my asteroid Spirit on 10° Capricorn. Oh and I just accidentally noticed that his asteroid Aura is exactly conjunct my Sun (by 4 minutes of orb) and my asteroid Aura conjuncts his Moon widely and exactly opposes his Pluto.  But this exact Isis-Osiris-aspect really floors me, and it is tied to my Venus and his Sun and Moon. *gulps* And it`s interesting, as I said Jude is only 2 weeks younger, but his Osiris is about 4° from being opposing my Isis - really too wide for asteroids. 2 weeks - such a difference. That is something I love about asteroids -t hey are pretty fast moving. OH btw STuart and me have some kind of a Venus-Pluto double whammy. His Pluto squares my Venus by under 2°, while my Pluto is semisquare his Venus, but with a tad over 1°. Oh and his Pluto is almost exactly solstice conjunct my Draconic DSC and solstice opposite my Draconic Mars, Atlantis and Lust. There`s actually such a lot happening UNDER the surface that I will need to put some more work into it. Just one more notable connection.
His Draconic Mars is EXACTLY conjunct my Draconic Aphrodite and conjuncts my Draconic Pluto, too. Didn`t Mars have a very stormy affair with Aphrodite? This Draconic Aphrodite-Mars-conjunction falls exactly onto my inferior Sun-Venus-conjunction (relating to persons who played an important role in past love-karma). But it`s not all, all of this is EXACTLY solstice conjunct my tropical Valentine, which in turn conjuncts his tropical Juno exactly and conjuncts his tropical Venus with 2°. This Valentine-Juno-conjunction falls onto 28° Scorpio: THE KING OF THE FAIRIES APPROACHING HIS DOMAIN. One quote out of the explanation: "it can be related to the symbolism of the various creatures of a spirit world mentioned in some alchemical and Rosicrucian books. What seems to be implied is that beyond both outer nature and the realm of the proud ego, a spiritual world exists to which the intuitive consciousness of man can pay allegiance" "At this stage the presence of a spiritual unifying factor begins to be sensed by the individual perhaps weary of the outer shows of his culture." Since the Isis-Osiris-aspect is an opposition and not a conjunction, we share a common Sabian; but the Sabian for my Isis is: AN ANGEL CARRYING A HARP. While the Sabian for his Osiris is: A SMALL, NAKED GIRL BENDS OVER A POND TRYING TO CATCH A FISH. - Don`t know what to make of this though. Mmh this gets more and more interesting.  But not necessarily less mysterious. lol
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 07:43 AM
metain reply to your mars/sex question. the thing that resonated most with me in what you said was the being able to resist temptation and keeping control in that regard. i'm very much the same. kiefer could be BEGGING and i'd be saying no. i don't cheat. it's one thing - i've never done that - and i wouldn't. so i would attribute that to mars in taurus. i don't like one night stands either. and flirting - i like flirting but only with the intention and understanding that it is going somewhere - no teasing. i believe if you are going to flirt you should be prepared to take it all the way and close the deal. there is nothing sexier than brilliant conversation. i really like witty repartee. make me laugh out loud. verbal sparring, but not competitive - just clever. i like a man who is clever with words. that's foreplay. merc in aries. biting - not a big deal. sucking and dirty talk don't really hold much appeal. kissing - definitely - vital. i love kissing. that's really really really important. being grabbed doesn't do anything for me but being touched does. i like touch. anywhere. i love being touched on my face. that has to be very very aries. i like those subtle things that no-one else notices. like being out and he comes and puts his hand down my back or something that just connects energies - sends electricity running through each other - that no-one else would even know is there. i love that. my neck is a very sensitive area - so that's definitely mars in taurus. i get the sexuality of covering the mouth and when you watch ralph fiennes in end of the affair when he covers her mouth when her husband comes back and they're on the couch having sex - that was a great scene and i really liked that - but in real life - not much appeal - i like sound. it's one way that you know the other person is enjoying themselves and how much. and i think hearing someone enjoying it is very exciting. so that would be very taurean. plus the tones in a man's voice is the most appealing thing physically for me - very taurean. just hearing my name said in a particular way is.........unspeakable. i'm very connected to sound. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 07:51 AM
ddhow is that deeply sexual? the sabian: A WOMAN DRAWS AWAY TWO DARK CURTAINS CLOSING THE ENTRANCE TO A SACRED PATHWAY ummm...i'm stuck for words here. think about it - the parting of curtains - the female anatomy - the sacred pathway = vagina = opening to sexuality and penetration. drawing away two dark curtains - physically - the outside of it - opening up and letting him in. that's as diplomatic as i can state that. now that's real tact - a challenge for an aries - let alone a quad aries, girfriend. remove the raw sexuality from that and put it into transformative context - its the releasement and acceptance, facing your fears and divulging desire - giving in to them. being open and letting go. remove the physical act and make it an emotional and spiritual act - deep deep transformation and expression - deeply sexual. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 12, 2008 08:12 AM
Wow, PA,that was a very sensual subject you have been discussing there. And I can resonate with much of it. "the thing that resonated most with me in what you said was the being able to resist temptation and keeping control in that regard." I´m very controlled, too. But since I`m really keeping up a great deal of control, I`m not so sure, how I would react if someone REALLY got under my skin. I just don`t trust myself enough in that regard. Maybe that`s the reason I put up my high defences in the first place? "there is nothing sexier than brilliant conversation. i really like witty repartee. make me laugh out loud. verbal sparring" Yes, witty talk, even goodnatured teasing - I so LOVE this. Well, my Draco Mercury is in Aries, my tropical Mercury is in SAgittarius in 1st house. Maybe that`s why.
"t not competitive" What do you mean with competitive? I actually love som provocative witty exchange of words, not offensive though; But I remember once I`ve had a little conversation with someone that took a strange turn. He was totally not my type, but that little talk was,mmh, very appealing in a weird way.
"being grabbed doesn't do anything for me but being touched does" In a fantasy - yes. Being grabbed seems okay to me, but I doubt I would very much like it in real life, even though I must admit in real life I need some rather strong encouragement and persuasion. lol Too controlled for my own good.
". i like touch. anywhere. i love being touched on my face." Definitely. My Face and neck is probably next to my ear (like in HEARING a voice) the one most sensitive spot. I blame it on having Taurus on the 5th house cusp; don`t know about the face-thing though, I have ARies on the IC, but that doesn`t really relate to erotic feelings; I have the ruler of the 5th house in 1st house though, squaring Pluto. Might explain my preference for dark guys.
"just connects energies - sends electricity running through each other - that no-one else would even know is there. i love that." Definitely.
"it's one way that you know the other person is enjoying themselves and how much. and i think hearing someone enjoying it is very exciting." Sound - yes that can be very exciting definitely. And not only in intimate moments. The way a man speaks certain words just can send shivers down my spine. I don`t even have to know that man. For example, opposite to what Meta thinks, the way Stuart sais: "Come out come out, whereever you are" and looks directly into the camera, just takes my breath away, everytime, EVERY time I see it; seems I never get used to it. But if someone close to you, face to face, uses his voice in such a way - wow, so strong. I also like hands. I don`t know why, but that is something I tend to notice pretty quickly, the shape of someone`s hands and it`s very appealing and attractive to me. Could that be Gemini on the DSC?
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 08:39 AM
ddthat's interesting with the hands. i'm the same. i notice a man's hands. not only for what they say about the size of a man's hands correlating to the size of his penis - but because, i don't know - i've always noticed hands too. shoulders is another one i notice and the one thing physically that i can fault with clive owen (there's one for izo) - he has narrow shoulders which is very unmasculine. i like square broad shoulders - not thick - but just strong - manly, masculine. yes, the same with voice - it doesn't even have to be someone i know. i was talking with someone recently and he happened to call me by an abbreviation of my name - which i love - and this was the first time i'd ever spoken with him so he didn't know me at all - and i just melted with the way he said it. he has a very deep gravelly voice - which i always love. but he's an appalling public speaker - which is a put off. i can't really relate to stuart because i haven't seen him in any movies. i'm certain that if i do that it would make a difference to how i relate to him and to seeing what you are talking about and relating to that. yes, my neck is the most sensitive spot. but face too. i love a man touching my lips. with what you have said about temptation. i always wondered about that myself - whether i could/would resist - but it has been easier than i thought. you way up the significance of what you have to how you could lose it and it's an easy choice in the end of it. i mean competitive as in two partners really genuinely competing with each other for leadership position in the relationship. i have seen this many times and i can't relate to it - it doesn't belong in a loving relationship between equals. a provocative exchange of words is wonderfullly - the best foreplay - but that's different to the other thing. i like darkness in men. it is a very strange appeal. but it is a big one for me. the hands, for you, i would say it has to be gemini on the descendant - yes. can you post your natal and/or drac chart - with the relevant romantic/sexual asteroids that you usually use. also, maybe - sappho 80, anteros 1943, pan 4450. i'd really like to look at it - usually we look at it with the synastry but i think it would be interesting to see without all that and maybe look at what you are attracted to and why - but, of course, only if you want to do that. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 09:16 AM
ddjust to explain - the reason meta and i are having that discussion is because i happened to come across a really interesting post she made in the mars/sexuality thread in the astro forum. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 12, 2008 09:41 AM
Here is my chart, as you requested. I`m curious to see what you will find. Just a little adding of midpoints. Sun-Moon-midpoint: 21°31 Capricorn Venus-Mars-midpoint: 20°39 Sagittarius Venus-Pluto-midpoint: 22°36 Scorpio (it`s exactly conjunct Stuart`s Venus-Mars-midpoint, but I don`t know if that means anything at all) Eros-Psyche-midpoint: 07°31 Taurus Part of Marriage: 07°55 Taurus Part of Desire: 2°29 Aries Part of Love: 17°12 Sagittarius Part of Lovers: 09°42 Leo Part of Passion: 06°04 Scorpio
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 10:07 AM
thanks dd. i'm so daft. your birth information was right there - i could make up a chart myself! lol! so much for lightning fast mercury in aries! i am a shame to my sign. please - don't let my sun, venus and ascendant know that merc has let the rest of the team down. no use trying to hide it from chiron though, he knows what's up. damn!IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 12, 2008 10:30 AM
PA,I can`t believe that i didn`t get the Sabian immediately.  That is very, ummh, sexual. What do you think does Anteros mean? I mean he, with his Mars, so his male (sexual) self seems to reflect exactly what Anteros means in my chart. But I never really got this meaning. However it made me look into our name asteroids and the Sabians.
His name in my chart: 30° Leo AN UNSEALED LETTER. His Draco name in my chart: 20° Sagittarius IN AN OLD-FASHIONED NORTHERN VILLAGE MEN CUT THE ICE OF A FROZEN POND FOR USE DURING THE SUMMER. ROFL when you apply the sexual interpretation here. I mean I am old fashioned and you could see me as the iCe of a frozen pond - Venus in Capricorn in an absolute literal meaning here.
I also looked at my name in my chart, how I see myself.
My name in my chart: 17° Taurus A SYMBOLICAL BATTLE BETWEEN "SWORDS" AND "TORCHES." I seems to relate to "the seeker turning warrior". lol In a way that does relate to me, I`m constantly fighting a struggle, even though this struggle is hidden inside of me; it`s not a struggle with the external world, but between forces INSIDE of me. My Draco name in my chart: 07° Virgo A HAREM It does have some sexual implications, too, een though I am certainly not a Harem-type. I can relate to the waiting and passive scenario, though. EVen though this is of course about me and my insides, I checked our name asteroids in HIS chart, too. My name in his chart: 20° Sagittarius A CHUBBY BOY ON A HOBBY HORSE At first I could relate to it, because I am really chubby, so very literally. But in the interpretation there was this: "The horse has always been a symbol of power and, in many instances, of sexual energy" "Mounted on his hobby horse and experiencing the to-and-frow rhythm of its motion, the well-fed boy unconsciously, and perhaps nowadays half-consciously, may anticipate the rhythm of the sexual act." "We see here the FORSHADOWING of the mature experience of man/womanhood" There seems to be a theme here.  My Draco Name in his Chart: 08° Pisces (another of so many men who have my name in their chart in these degrees of Pisces, 7, 8, 9 are most wanted) A GIRL BLOWING A BUGLE
With my thoughts turned into that certain direction, this one really made my face go scarlet. ROFL In the explanation it sais it relates to womanhood (mostly the woman`s liberation) and to rebirth. WEll, since there is a common theme I looked at the composite for the Sabian for Karma: 16° Virgo IN THE ZOO, CHILDREN ARE BROUGHT FACE TO FACE WITH AN ORANG-UTANG. KEYNOTE: A direct confrontation with the "wild" power of primordial nature within oneself. Its symbol speaks of KARMIC CONFRONTATION. The connections with the name asteroids are quite interesting:
in the natals: his name in my chart: opposes my LIlith sextiles my Union exactly his Draco name in my chart: opposes my Karma
my name in my chart: opposes the synastric Mars-Anteros-conjunction on 20° SCorpio! also exactly sextiles SAturn and Juno and squares Moon my Draco name in my cahrt conjuncts Lilith exactly in his chart: my name in his chart conjuncts his Sun opposes his DRaco Chiron (and his inferior Sun-Venus-conjunction) conjuncts his Lilith
my Draco name in his chart: opposes his Anteros conjuncts his Union There seems to be a tight interlink between the names, Anteros, Lilith and Union.
in the synastry:
his name in my chart: conjuncts his D Saturn exactly (the "Unsealed letter") and also conjuncts my D PoM solstice his Draco name in his chart his Draco name in my chart: conjuncts his Sun conjuncts my name in his chart (4) opposeis his DR Moon conjuncts his DR Pluto solstice his Osiris, Valentine and Destinn my name in my chart: opposies his Mars and D Anteros trine his NN exactly conjunct his D Union solstice his Isis
my Draco name in my chart: opposes his Draco Sun conjunct my Dr name and Dr Anteros in his chart opposite his DR Lilith his name in his chart: conjunct my Moon sextile my Chiron exactly trine my Sappho conjunct my DRaco Uranus and my Draco Union solstice my Vertex, Pan, Eros and Sun-Moon-midpoint
his draco name in his chart: solstice his name in my chart and my DR PoM solstice my Lilith my name in his chart: conjunct my Sun (and also Circe, Merlin, Mentor, Dr Hekate and DR Lilith. lol - remember our talk about these?) solstice my Venus and Dr Juno
my Draco name in his chart conjunct my chartruler Jupiter and my D Anteros opposes my Dr name in my chart Oh one more Sabian is left: his name in his chart conjuncts my Draco Union on 20° Aquarius (isn`t the transiting NN somewhere near?) A LARGE WHITE DOVE BEARING A MESSAGE. ""Mission accomplished." In that sense it becomes interesting that his Draco Jupiter is exactly conjunct my Draco ASC (and Lust ). Jupiter is the ruler of his Sun, and probably also the ruler of his tropical DSC and Draconic ASC: All that in 27° Pisces: THE HARVEST MOON ILLUMINES A CLEAR AUTUMNAL SKY. KEYNOTE: The light of fulfillment
"This symbol brings us the message that the time has come to reap what we have not only sown, but also cultivated — or failed to cultivate." "new moon having now become full moon, indeed the fullest of all full moons. The Keyword is CONSUMMATION. But in this consummation — this "karmic" moment — the seed of the new cyclic manifestation is already latent." IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 10:52 AM
ddthis is what i have on anteros - "answer to love's waiting, love returned, love avenged" IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 12, 2008 11:05 AM
Yes, I read that, too.But what does it mean? HOw would it play out in real or even in imagined life? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 11:17 AM
ddEDIT - this was an analysis of your chart - which has been up for a little while. i've taken it down because i'm not sure if you've read it or not - and i thought it was too personal to just leave here without knowing. IP: Logged | |