Topic: zala
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 12, 2008 11:34 PM
PA,"- but when you look behind that image there are some REAL serious issues there. WAAAYYYYY too much hard work for me." That doesn't turn you on?!?!? Why is it that we both like the same guys- sexually- but personality wise we're polar opposites? It's all of your AIR-NESS!! Well, you keep that over there honey, with your Hayden. Actually, i read somewhere that Geminis are the most likely to have much younger partners... Hmm.. And you don't care for Ewan either!?!? Aww... poor baby... You're just a big, ol' heartbreaker, aren't ya? You just love 'em and leave 'em. These poor guys aren't gonna know what hit 'em! One minute they're being cleverly seduced by wit and charm, then they're in the back of a rusty hippie van being shagged to death, THEN they're standing in a telephone booth in the pouring rain, dialing fiendishly the fake number you gave them. Tsk tsk... where did i go wrong in raising you? -_- IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 11:48 PM
meta....and that's the way it should be....... lol!!!!!!!!!! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 11:50 PM
metamaybe one man can't meet all of my needs/desires. truly. i've never lived under the illusion that one person can fulfil you. it's a nice fantasy - but i don't believe it's possible. that's too much expectation from one person. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 11:54 PM
metaas for rafe - yes, the choice was obivious and i get the connection and how it will be after but what i want to know is - how does that function within the confines of the ordinary world - you still have to have ordinary lives of some kind - so on a day-to-day basis - how does that love fit into life - in a functional way? is it bliss forever after? or do you encounter problems along the way? and if so such as? do you make babies? and doesn't that affect the dynamic? or do you not? what happens after the magical coming together (in all senses)? and, what if the connection is there - but it doesn't transpire to the sex - and there's no magic there? do you stay or move on? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 12:01 AM
metano, gary oldman has REAL problems that go beyond any sense of romanticism of "saving" someone. it doesn't turn me on at all. i have no romantic inclinations or illusions there. i'm not interested in looking after a man-child. i just want a man. an equal - on all levels. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 13, 2008 12:13 AM
It's interesting that you ask whether or not i move on if the relationship hasn't been established physically... that's the exact situation i am in now. And have i moved on? I think not.So that answers that questions. Of course we'd have problems. Who doesn't have them? To say that there would be no troubles or struggles or "GOD, what did i ever see in you!?!?!" kind of moments would be comepletely unrealistic.. not that this is realistic, but you get what i'm saying. I'm quite certain that we would bother each other. I'm a Leo, he's a Capricorn. We have virtually nothing in common. No similar tastes on the surface. So, really... we might not even like each other in all actuality. How would that relationship function on a day-to-day basis? Well, of course we'd live our lives. I'm not saying that we would sew our flesh together and lock ourselves inside the house... though that sounds quite romantic But it's like that saying, "home is where the heart is"- If that statement were true, then i would reside anywhere and everywhere he would be. And he would feel the same. There would be no other place either of us would rather be than with one another. A consuming love. An unhealthy love. That's what i'm looking for. A possessor who wants to be possessed. When you wrote about liking being touched, you mentioned subtle touches. I instantly agreed, but i thought of something better. More powerful, in my opinion. Subtle looks. Like when you're in a group conversation, and all either of the two of you is paying attention to is each other. You're watching each. So many words are being said without either of you opening your mouths. That sort of circumstance reminds me of a Ralph-induced fantasy. You probably think i'm a wack-job don't you? Wanting something like this. Wanting such a sick, unrational, impossible relationship. I'm sorry... IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 13, 2008 12:18 AM
PA,"i'm not interested in looking after a man-child." I literally loud my ass off out loud!!!! Elaborate on Gary. I actually read this book about men and their Sun/Venus signs and what the combination means together. It said that a man who is a March-Aries with Venus in Aquarius is a NIGHTMARE. It says, quite seriously, that this is the absolute worst man you could ever, ever, ever get involved with. If i remember correctly, Gary has both Venus AND Mars in Aquarius. Aww... but... but... i WANNA save him, mommy! Pllllleeeeeaaaassseeeee! Just a teen-cey, ween-cey, little bit...!!!!??? He's just bewildering. What an actor. What a lovely creature to look at. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 13, 2008 12:23 AM
NOW tell me that you don't like feminine men. Can't, can ya????????? Mmm mmm... i love a man in uniform ^_^
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 12:40 AM
metagary. that he is - or was - a wonderful actor is established. i doubt that he'll ever get the dream role to re-establish himself to prove the potential that once was. robert downey jnr is stealing his thunder there. of course, as you know, i have no issues with that. so as far as dealing with men who have had very public battles with their personal demons, i think it's safe to say that rdj takes poll position. gary just doen't appeal to me. especially in that pic. oh, so so bad. he used to be better to look at. funny with the venus in aqua on march aries men. my son has 5 planets in aqua so i know what it is like raising a seriously aquarian child - literally. i don't need the metaphorical man. i would have thought cancer men would have rated as worst? or pisceans? and i'll be biased and say leos!!! lol! in some respects it is reasonably safe to say that all (well, most) men are babies anyway. with rafe and the day-to-day life. i guess where i was heading with that was that once you have saved him and you have found true love, yada, yada, yada, and the challenge of discovery and self-discovery and the unveiling of his feelings, etc, wouldn't you possibly be bored? there's no fire left in the relationship after that. in that situation - after you've had sex a few times - where's the fire - the aniticipation has gone. so where's the sparks? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 13, 2008 12:54 AM
Hmm... interesting point there PA... about the being bored after so much transformation and passion and blah blah blah... I don't really know what to say to that. Touche. You've got me. I would like to say that i wouldn't feel that way after i had, indeed, saved him... but i don't know. ... that actually might be the reason why i ended my two year relationship with my ex. Because i got what i wanted, i got the all-consuming relationship. And don't get me wrong, i loved it. I loved it, and him completely... but somewhere something went wrong and he became seriously, seriously depressed and suicidal. Yes..Robert Downey Jr can eat my mother's underwear. *sticks out tongue* You want him.  Oh, but have you ever seen Velvet Goldmine? I LOVE Ewan in that movie. Besides him being gay, the way he acts on stage, and how nancy boy he is... oh, and the blonde. He is a killer bleach blonde heroin addict. Oh my... IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 13, 2008 12:58 AM
I'll take two please! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 01:07 AM
metai'm sure that once upon a time rdj would actually have attempted to eat your mother's underwear. sad about your ex. very difficult situation. and very difficult to exit from too. i've found the link between what i like in these men - it's quirk. if you look at the pics of ewan - he's wearing a suit with his converse shoes. i love that. rdj married dressed like that. i love that they have no inhibitions like that - they don't care what others think - take me or leave me - love me or leave me - like me or not - i don't care - i'm so comfortable in myself and my skin and being that i just don't give a **** what you think. and THAT's what i like in a man - he's secure in himself. and a sense of humour akin to mine. i'm very quirky so i like really quirky people too. someone really straight bores me. oh my - you're suffering these delusions again - that i want someone when i clearly don't. alas - first ralph and now gary. out of all of them - i'd take rdj. i think he's the one that is most like me. and i need someone like me. he's probably not the one that is best for me - dare i say - that i think someone like clive would be someone who would make the most stable relationship for me - just wouldn't do. i'm not looking for a father figure either. i think rdj would be a good match - of energy, mentality, on a lot of levels. i think in real life we'd really really get each other. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 13, 2008 01:09 AM
Where are you.. *tear*...Well, it's 1:06 AM here... so i guess i best be leavin'... since your aussi but isn't around to keep me company. Nice. Real nice. What kind of a relationship is this?!? You don't call, you don't email, you don't even look at me anymore. Did you even notice i got a new haircut?? No. Did you notice my new earrings??? No. All you care about is your damn football. >_< I feel so unappreciated!!!! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 01:14 AM
metayes, i like what you said about the subtle looks too. very very good. the things that you talk about in terms of intimacy are only things that can exist between two people who trust each other. just thinking about rafe and rdj. i think with someone so wired like rdj the ride never ends whereas the whole uncovering of ralph thing does - so at some stage some kind of boredom would set in because the energies would settle and the passion wouldn't be there after some time. omg - great pic of ewan. love that. i like him with a beard. apparently he's quite hairy and has to shave a couple of times a day. he shaves his chest hair too. i like a bit of chest hair - very manly. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 01:28 AM
meta[wiping away tears] you don't bring me flowers, you don't sing me love songs...... i must seek consolation in someone else. it will be the only way to get over you quickly and less painfully. [knock at the door] well i wonder who it could be at this hour? hmmm......... OMG!!! it'''s........ rafe! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 13, 2008 04:40 AM
Gary Oldman,hmm, I don`t know; there`s something wrong with him. Some days I like him, some days I really don`t. But having said that, maybe Venus and Mars in Aquarius is too much for me. I mean, having a Moon in Aqua I should love it, but my Venus in Cappy square Pluto is highly suspious of these Aqua-placements.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 04:43 AM
hi ddi'm back now. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 04:45 AM
hi ddyes, i agree - there's just something wrong with him for me - something really unsettled and - unstable i think. i think being with him would be like this horrible rollercoaster ride. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 13, 2008 04:46 AM
That`s great.  How late is it at your place, I just got up. Well, talking of Ewan - how could I not like someon with Sun in Aries, Moon in Gemini, Mercury in Aries and as my Cappy Venus demands it, Venus in Pisces and Mars in Cappy. And that 1st house Pluto really speaks to my Venus-Pluto-square.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 04:48 AM
ddit's nearly 7pm here. i'm in between things at the moment. yes, interesting with ewan and especially the pluto/venus but you get the feeling that he just doesn't have that type of intensity - just in who he is. he might but it would be well hidden or private. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 04:51 AM
ddi really want to respond to your messages from last night (my time) but i'll do that after the kids go to bed and i can just sit and concentrate on that. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 13, 2008 04:53 AM
I agree, I guess we rather see his Moon in Gemini; after all it`s exactly placed on his MC and what we get to see is his public persona.Even though having said that, Jude has Pluto near his MC (maybe not near enough? 4°), and I don`t get a particular plutonic vibe of him. Or maybe we rather see the signs on the MC (Libra in his case) than the planets, unless they maybe are real real close? EDIT: i think I let you go now and hope for a message later today. I really want to know what you think about what I had typed. I sometimes can`t believe what I`m telling you here and how I bare my soul in such a public place like the internet. I also wanted to have a closer, and more structured look, at Stuart`s and my synastry. *sighs* Maybe it will reveal some more mysteries to me, and besides it gives me an excuse to think of him. Hey I don`t have anything else to do on a lazy sunday. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 09:10 AM
ddi wouldn't write jude off in terms of pluto. i think that it's there. he speaks softly but there's something cold in his eyes. i just can't take to him. the word callous comes to mind with him. i just can't take to him at all. stuart has really lovely smokey eyes. i had never really registered him before but with your talk over the last few days i looked at some pics of him online and he has really interesting eyes. which i think draw you in. his mars conjunct your anteros. he awakens those sexual feelings because they make you feel loved - love returned - not that he awakens them because they are within you just that you feel loved enough to express them. his uranus conjunct your sappho. sappho [passionate, sexual attraction, artistic, genuine appreciation, poetic] so he would evoke these in unusual ways - through his characters - unusual characters - you respect that he would play these types of characters and also the way he does play them and it evokes passionate feelings in you. his juno conjunct your valentine - so strong emotional bonding - mutually. that would be immediate. especially in your 12th house - it would be an instant connection - one of those where eyes meet and overwhelming feelings of familiarity and excitement. magnetic attraction. his mercury on your amor - the way he communicates to you (through his characters) evokes feelings of deep love and through also the other placements - somehow something about him makes you feel like he's everything you want and desire - a sense of feeling that he completes you. his neptune conjunct your mars - straight up his characters make you feel something sexually - combined with the other placements you feel sexually drawn to him. i've seen this before -where people don't actually have to experience something directly to learn from it or ascertain certain things - like feelings - and that that is actually their reality or way of actualising this part of themselves. i say indulge in it - go for it - it seems more like a necessity than an indulgence. if it doesn't harm you or anyone else - flow with it. this is where the goddess conversation comes in now - and funny, i'm in the same place right now - the inner goddess emerging - showing itself. i'm a bit of a tomboy - i always wear pretty tops but i'm always wearing cargo pants or jeans. partly for practical reasons in day-to-day life but also because it's how i feel comfortable. i keep hearing and seeing goddess names in front of me all the time so i know they're trying to tell me something. i think it's about being more feminine and in touch with that energy - even the vulnerability and sexuality of that. opening up and flowing with it and maybe wearing it a bit more openly on the outside. not sexed up - but - just feminine. his saturn conjunct your karma - if that's not past life, i don't know what is. so in a past life you were very sexual or there was high sexual energy between you - whether it was acted upon or not -and when you see him - particularly his eyes - it evokes ALL those erotic feelings inside of you. definitely past life - definitely. amor conjunct moon - oh and not just a sexual connection - but an emotional - heart to heart connection too. a great love. THE great love? his sappho trine your pluto - so the feelings that he causes you to feel bring great personal transformation to you - help you grow. eros on eros - compounds the romantic/sexual attraction. plus both retrograde - definitely from a previous lifetime. his moon conjunct your chiron - he helps you to heal by making you feel safe to do that - you can open up to him and trust him with everything you could not trust anyone else with - sexually too - he gives you the sense of security to be free and open and vulnerable with him. each one confirms or compounds or supports the other placements. it's like a big circle of connection - this massive cycle. definitely past life recognition - what you are sensing. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 09:12 AM
ddmy take on this is that you should follow this - just let go of your mind and let him take you places that you need to go - through your imagination and fantasies. i think it's happening to awaken all sorts of things inside you - for what reason - i don't know - it could be because you need to be in a certain place to welcome someone in the future or because you need to be in a certain place - for any number of reasons - or just for your own growth and development. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 13, 2008 09:15 AM
ddeven the types of characters he plays appeal to you - probably allow you to openly see those parts of yourself that others may deem unacceptable. we all have a dark side - shadows - things that need to be healed, faced, accepted, channeled into other things. everyone. anyone who denies this is being dishonest. so his characters give you permission to be your own truth -without judgement - because he (in his characters) is the same. IP: Logged |