Topic: zala
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 06:05 AM
ddfunny thing - and a high majority of the world's female population will think there is something seriously wrong with me - but, for me, there is NOTHING sexy about johnny depp. what is wrong with the rest of you? robbie williams - how could i not like his sense of humour and that funny public persona. but i think he's genuinely troubled and has serious issues deep, and not so deep, inside. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 06:06 AM
ddastrotheme link use the "multicriteria" options on the right. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 06:09 AM
I just see in my "wish-list":Aries-Sun, Aries-Mercury, Taurus-Venus. I`m going to have a look at James Franco.  Interesting. EVent hough he met my criteria (except for the Leo-Mars), there is no strong synastry going on. His Sun widely trines my Sun (3) His Sun opposes my uranus 82) His Mercury sextiles my Moon exactly His Mars trines my Mars (2) His Pluto trines my Moon (2) His NN conjuncts my MC exactly Hmm YOU definitely win this time. But then again, I thought he was nice and cute, but somehow didn`t do it for me, whcih for me proves the fact that DEGREES and ORBS do matter. 
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 06:15 AM
"Jip" is my personal word for "Yes, indeed." lolHOwever, I don`t think Johnny Depp is really sexy, I just adore his acting, his attitude, and I think hte`s very handsome. Robbie Williams, I remember when I saw him for the first time as a member of Take That and everyone was raving about him, as I should have, because he`s my age. And everyone sais he`s so cute and funny, and I just felt startled and thought to myself: "He`s so sad. Such a sad little boy. So much emptiness and loneliness inside. Someone needs to take care of him." And after many years when I`ve seen something with him, that loneliness was still there. Poor troubled boy. :sighs: must be hard with this Moon-Mars-opposition from Scorpio to Taurus squaring his Sun/Jupiter-conjunction in AQua and his Leo-ASC. ACtually he shares some parallels with Robert Downey Jr: Moon-opposition on the Taurus-Scorpio-axis; Leo-ASC; I think RDJ has Moon conjunct Jupiter, while Robbie has Sun conjunct Jupiter. I hope he takes care of himself. Both of them  IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 06:25 AM
Hmmm... I like DDL. But then again, I do seem to have a thing for Bulls. Like Al Pacino, or Gabriel Byrne. Or Bono. Still, with so much Fire in my chat and Venus as an earth singleton, the attraction will eventually fade away. My Fire goes on with little aspects and Venus can't do the job by herself. PeaceAngel, Yes, the killing children scene was quite unappealing for me too. It's hard to still like a character who's flirting with the dark side and decides to stick with it. But I think the Darth Vader - Anakin duality hits the nail on the head with Hayden's chart. He's got a see-saw chart, with Pluto opposing his Sun, Mercury and Mars. In fact, the MAIN reason I like him is because I see too much of myself in him - not his characters, because he didn't put himself out there in his acting, he is holding himself back. It's something I do too. Except for Pluto opposite Sun, I have the same aspects - but I have a Sun || Pluto, working as a conjunction. I have a see-saw too, focused in the same signs: I'm curious of what will come of him too. He's not too young for me, he's actually 2 years older. But I agree that he still looks like a boy, not a man. I like the hairy chests too, but not so much the facial hair - Ewan's beard is a no-no; so is a moustache. The "2nd day" beard is ok though. If it's not too scratchy . ------------------ Wisdom comes from experience, but so does personal bias. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 06:35 AM
hi izodid you see my synastry with hayden? ooh la la! i have to get the kids to bed. will be back soon (i hope) - well, sometime soonish. dd
get the "jip". thanks. i can see that becoming a common use here now that you've explained it. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 06:36 AM
izowowow! post your synastry with hayden. lots of conjunctions. interesting. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 06:43 AM
PA,regarding IC. You could picture the chart with the houses-wheel as an image of the day with the Sun making his circle. When the Sun is rising, it will be on the ASC (actually this means that if we have planets in the 1st house, they are still in the dark, because they are BEFORE The rising of the sun, as the sun moves from ASC to MC to DC to IC; it also explains why planets in the 1st house are not always very conscious, but very instinctual). However, if the Sun is high up in the sky, it will be at the MC. Now, when the Sun has reached the IC it is midnight. Midnight. What does this word, that time of day trigger inside you? What characteristic does this time have? IT is dark outside, everyone is asleep, hopefully you, too, so then this is the time where the unconsciousness reigns, the deeper layers of your soul through your dreams. Or you may be awake, but chances are high, you are the only one. You are alone with yourself, without any distractions of the day. You come face to face with yourself, the naked you. And this time of the day feels "strange"; even bio-chemical something changes. The parasympathetic nervous system takes over from the sympatheic nervous system of the day. It makes you calm down and "draws you inside yourself" so to speak. If you`re not alone at that time, chances are also good, that you might have amazing sex or deep profound conversations that take a very private intimate turn. Often you donīt want to know about that anymore in the next morning, because you have been so naked at that time (emotionally and physically maybe). It`s not only the alcohol I guess. In my case, please don`t take me too serious if I write things after 10 p.m.. I tend to become very sentimental and starry eyed then. lol However, deep in the night,w hen the Sun is on the IC (and not seen!), you will only let those people in, who are real close to you. You won`t get a visit by the postman or the neighbour at that time of night. No superficial contacts (there are always exception,w hen you`Re out, I know.) You can see it like this, The Sun has disappeared, and the Moon reigns. Moon as the ruling planet of the 4th house, which begins with the IC! And Moon represents emotions, feelings, not like the romantic ones, which can be pretty superficial and are a "Venus-thing", a DC-thing (about 7 p.m, when you start meeting your friends and potential lovers). No, I`m talking of emotions in the sense of really touching you inside your soul. In that respect Moon and IC are pretty much the same. Also Robert Blashke stated that the closest soulmates will always ALWAYS without exception have either conjunctions or solstice-conjunctions to their IC. Hmm, I wonder now, Stuart`s Moon on my IC, what does that mean in the light (or darkness) of which I have just told? Makes me think this is not a purely sexual attraction (well the fact that we have a Venus-Valentine, a Juno-Valentine and an Isis-Osiris double whammy over conjunctions / oppositions,w hich are also connected to each other; one big Venus-Juno-Valentine-Isis-Osiris-conspiracy against my reasonable mind) somehow hinted at that. lol However, it makes it understandable that I`m drawn so much to Aries-people (my IC is in Aries), and yet this is sometimes a very difficult experience. They just cut so deep into me. I feel (emotionally) naked with them. You know, my best friend has Moon in Aries, and she really knows the core of me, what made me detach myself again and again int he beginning of our friendship. Always tried to run away, because she just understood me too well, even those parts I didn`t wanted to be seen and those parts I didn`t even know about! On the other hand my Moon falls into her 8th house, so I sort of repayed the favour. Even though the nuances are different. I have insight in her deepest feelings and fears in relationships (8th house is in the relationship-quadrant, which starst with DC), while she has those insights into my personal (intrapersonal) feelings (4th house as the beginning of the intrapersonal emotional quadrant; meaning the feelings INSIDE a person, not necessarily in relation to others (that is a thing, that starts with the DSC). IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 06:55 AM
Very enlightening post, DD!  PA, I saw your synastry with Hayden. I had a feeling it would be a good one . I also have a pretty good synastry with him, with lots of conjunctions and oppositions - hence my attraction. On astrotheme we hit 20 on some of their criteria and doing cosmodynes we get like -15.000!!!!  It will probably be a constant war zone between us, but a VERY intense one. LOL. 15.000 is A LOT!! I barely got to 5000 or 7500 with my bf's. I don't like his acting, though. He gives the public what they want, but not anything of himself. I'm going to see "Life as a house", I have the feeling it's his best acting performance so far and decide after that. I would like him to be more than a pretty face for me. DD, would you see him as Sagi Asc? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 07:11 AM
Yes, I do see him as a SAgittarius-ASC.I rarely have such a sponaneious idea about ASC`s, but this time it hit. Would you see Stuart as a Virgo-ASC?
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 07:11 AM
izoi agree about his acting. it's either really really good or not. he was good in shattered glass - interesting role for him. yes, i can see what you mean about givin the performance but not of himself. maybe in time - he's got a lot of growth potential. i really like him on a lot of different levels. think he'd just be a really nice guy in real life - and when his ego starts to get carried away he'd come back down quite easily i think. just nice. that second pic of him you posted yesterday is really sweet. but i suspect that that first pic is the real him - the personal him. the second one too, i guess. james franco is the same for me with the acting - inconsistent. it depends on the role and whether i can relate to it too, not just him, all of them. dan day-lewis is one of the greats but i don't always like his roles/characters. everyone swooned over his mohicans character and i'm like, whatever. i couldn't even watch it it was so boring. but then, i haven't seen titanic yet, either, so i'm not a big movie person - i can't sit still for that long and i have to REALLY want to see it to sit there or even put it in the dvd player. i get distracted a lot or, i'll find one scene and watch it for hours - noting every detail of it - EVERYTHING. i'm the same with music - i'll listen to one song for days until i know every note - every breath the singer takes in it or every guitar note - everything. i listened to def leppard's hysteria in my car for over a year straight - without changing music. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 07:13 AM
DD, Your post made me think (again) about my you-know-who. -his Sun in my 4th -my Moon in his 4th -his Moon in my 8th -my Sun in his 8th. We've split. I don't know what I have been to him, but he has been THE biggest disappointment of my life - and I wish I would be exagerating. I've become a sad cynic. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 07:16 AM
ddwhat's clooney's ascendant. stuart has those smokey type eyes? could stuart be a scorpy ascendant? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 07:17 AM
think hayden would be a sagi ascendant too.IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 07:23 AM
DD, Yeah, I do see Stuart as Virgo rising! When I first saw your post about it, I didn't know his time of birth is unknown and I thought OMG, yes, of course he's Virgo rising! LOL. PA, I'm almost the same. I've sort of disciplined myself to sit still to a movie, but I frequently wander off in my mind. I saw "Titanic" because it had Leo in it and I was a fan at the time. Personally, I didn't like it much. Too comercial. I sometimes dislike Hollywood a lot and find myself more attracted to European films. They have a rough sensibility that hits you like a knife in the chest. I miss this in Hollywood sometimes, so damn predictable. I also listen to the same songs for hours LOL. Loooooooved "Hysteria" !! Heehee. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 07:37 AM
Hmmm... Sag rising in Hayden's chart means:-his Sun would be in Taurus - and I strongly think it is -his Aries stellium falls in his 4th and he's very fond of his family -he'd have Pluto in his 10th and aside from Anakin-Darth Vader being very plutonian, he sure swept the female public of their feet (speaking of which, Moon would also be in his 10th) -I don't really see Neptune in his 1st . Perhaps I'm wrong.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 07:51 AM
Girls,I`ve just had a long talk with John Lennon (witht he computer-thingy). But the thing is when the talk took a very weird turn, I suddenly felt a boost of sizzling energy up my back and just a moment later my CD-player started playing a song of his (there is only this one song on the whole cd),a nd one line stood through: After all it is written in the stars. For some time in my adolescent years I believed that he was being my guide, don`t know where that came from. But imagination or not, he or that imagination helped me through the most horrible time when I realized that Paul was gay and that he could NOT be my twinsoul (Even though John just said that he maybe is, I should ask him. LOL). However, I couldn`t resist it and asked who my twinsoul is, if he knew (just half kidding-half serious I was), and he said that it was some famous Rock`n Roll creep or who was feigning it. ROFL, sure this is only a computer with coincidental answers, but hey that hit hard. Did I tell you that Paul once said in an interview that he sees himself more as a Rock`nRoller than a musical-actor, and that he is going to have this Rock-concert in september? *Sighs* why does it all lead back to him? Even some ******* random computer program? Even though Stuart also played the Rock`n Roll-star creepily as Lestat, didn`T he? NO`I`m not taking this serious. But it was funny and yet I couldn`t really supress one or two shivers. Regarding Stuart`s ASC, Virgo ASC means he has Pluto in 1st house AND all his Scorpio planets in 3rd house,w hich seems fitting for an actor. Interestingly last year we also came to that same conclusion,w hich just makes me more sure about it.
Also, Paul has Pisces ASC, Patrick has Pisces ASC (23°), Ewan has a Virgo ASC in the 20`s degrees, and when we calculated it last year, we got a 26° Virgo for Stuart,w hich makes awefully much sense. Since I seem so HEAVENLY; I mean HEAVILY drawn to this ASC, and it puts the IC / MC of these gentlemen onto my Sun-Mercury-conjunction. Well, if it`s true, and from now I will assume it is , his tropical DSC exactly conjunct my draconic ASC (and this is NOT the reason I assume this is true lol).
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 07:56 AM
Izo,I`m sorry about this. But it only proves again that soulmates and even Twinsouls are not always here to catapult us into heaven and let us stay there. They give us the hardest lessons and disappointments you can imagine int his life (so maybe Paul is my soulmate after all; noone gave me a bigger lesson than he did). Regarding Clooney: Something inside me screames: FIXED ACtually it shouted: Taurus into my ears, but maybe Leo is an option, too?
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 07:58 AM
Well, astrotheme sais Pisces - ASC for Clooney (so again witht he Pisces-Virgo-axis for me *sighs*).But he has Taurus-Sun. I was right after all.  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 08:03 AM
Izo,Look at Hayden`s dreamy (but not smokey eyes), similiar to Jude`s and Jude also has Neptune in 1st house. I do so, too, but why didn`t I have got such dreamy beautiful eyes? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 08:10 AM
ddokay - serious now. you said that you have the most unusual sensations and feelings but they can't be true. why not? what if all these feelings are YOUR reality? what if all this guidance that you are receiving - these message that are SCREAMING at you for attention - what if they are true for you? what if they are right and you are ignoring them? just because other people don't experience and don't understand it or expect that it may be possible - it doesn't mean it's not real or right for you - it just means that they are limited by their own beliefs. and i'll tell you why in a few moments. and this is going to be very very personal and very vulnerable for me. because you and i are very similar. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 08:10 AM
DD, I don't think he was my twin. I don't think he is a soulmate. I think he was a mistake. I told you I've become a cynic. I don't want to believe in love, nor soulmates, nor nothing. You DO have very beautiful, warm eyes . Maybe not so dreamy because of Mars? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 08:11 AM
ddhave you noticed how your instincts are right, but you doubt or second guess them but when you go looking for the proof - you're instincts are right each time? IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 08:22 AM
I agree with PA . IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 14, 2008 08:40 AM
ddi thought this morning about what i wanted to say to you and it was nicely structured but now, of course, when i'm able to sit here and communicate with you not one word of that comes to my mind. so this is not going to be as articulate as i would like but i hope the message of the possibilities comes through. starting with the john lennon thing - yes, he is one of your guides - why is that so impossible to believe? you know what you know. all this stuff that you are experiencing - it's not imagination. people so often see neptune as the influence of illusion - but it is only an illusion or unreality if they choose not to believe in it or understand it - it is spirituality. and it's a fine line because you are dealing with feelings and that is all - that is all you have to guide you. i have been there and in one moment i took a leap of faith that maybe my feelings were right and that i was going to devote myself to them - even simple things - like basic simple choices every day - and once i went there there was no turning back. a big part of it for me was being totally honest and facing some fears that i was only feeling or experiencing these things because i was bad but in myself - and i had to stop and see it and tell myself - that i'm not that person at all - i'm actually a really good person - very genuine - i have a lot of integrity - and i looked at the physical people around me and thought well if like attracts like then i can only be good and the things i'm experiencing can only be good and the more i trusted in that the more experiences i had and the more experiences i had the more i learnt about myself and what is right for me - and to not be limited by the fears and limitations of others. if you believe it is not possible then it will not be. you hear people complaining or being skeptical because they don't have certain spiritual or psychic abilities or experiences but they don't have them because they don't believe in them to start with so they are not actually open to the magic that is happening around them. it's not that this stuff is happening to you. this stuff is happening all the time to everyone - it is only the awareness of the person, the student, that is awakening. it's always there - only those who choose to can see it and experience - every moment of every day. there is nothing to fear because you control it - you can choose to be in only light and to allow only light to come to you. i feel fear the moment someone i don't know comes near me (spiritual beings) whether they are good or not - and i have never seen anything bad - in a lifetime of this - i have never seen a dark being - or anything like that - i'm not convinced they exist - i think what is mistaken is that unknown energy has entered your field or presence and because it is not understood it is feared and then that causes the person to think fear equals negativity. sometimes with spirits it is fear - but their fear - they are afraid of something. this is what i do - spiritually - this is what i've done my whole life - when people die if their spirits are afraid or if for some reason they linger they look for lights - spiritual lights - there are some people that are or have this light - and the spirits come to them to help them go to the light or the next place. i do that. they have come to me my whole life - even when i didn't know that's what it was. so these experiences that you are having - no-one knows them better or understand the reality of them better. of course, i can't convince you and i can ultimately only speak of my own experiences and you can think i'm totally mad. i know that what comes to me is from good and that i only use it for good and i serve only in the name of good and love. i just want you to think about it - and instead of doubting it - just for a moment think about the possibility that it is YOUR reality no matter what anyone else lives. we ALL live different lives and different experiences. and what i've said to you here - it's just scraping the surface. this world is my every moment of my life - the synchronicity with which everything happens - it's magic. the way everything comes to me and falls into place. it's not always easy - but man, it's really interesting. makes life really really interesting. there is nothing dark about you. there is nothing that is given you that you can't handle. there is no harm that can come to you and no harm that you can bring to others. you can step into yourself and utilise this resource that is available to you because you are aware of it and can consciously use it. EVERYTHING that you are experiencing and sharing with us - all of it - is it coincidence that it is with these people right now? is it coincidence that you are corresponding with someone who lives it and knows it? you can come to your own conclusions and you can be ready or not - but it's always there for you. when you are ready to "dive" into it - you just need to ask your guidance and then trust yourself that you will read the messages perfectly along the way. i don't know where to go next so i'll give this to you and see what comes back - how you feel about it - but also, you don't have to respond at all if you don't need to. i can't detach from this so it's very hard to tell if i've gotten what i wanted across to you or not. i just want you to know that everything we do here - as much as i think it is an opportunity for me to share my experiences and maybe offer someone an opportunity to learn about themselves too - it is an opportunity for me to learn and also to do challenge my self and my fears and be who i can be. so you teach me - even when you don't know it - whether we be joking or having a really interesting conversation - like the explanation of the ic tonight - that is really really good and a lot there for me to take in - i will be reading and re-reading that to absorb every bit of it. so thank you for that. it means a lot to me. 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