Topic: zala
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:24 PM
ROFLI just checked my TALENT and it`s conjunct my Psyche in Aquarius by 1°05.  So you make a good wife, and I make a good, what, soul? LOL
BTW Paul`s ACtor exactly conjuncts his Sun and is Talent conjuncts his Mars by 1°, so he makes a good man? LOL Jude`s Talent is conjunct his Moon by 12 minutes of orb! He makes a good MOTHER????? HIs Actor actually conjuncts his Amor and my Psyche and Talent. ROFL. And his NN, Destinn and chartruler Jupiter exactly conjuncts Shakespeare. (He is MEANT to do this ******* hamlet-piece, isn`t he?)
Let me see what is Stuart`s Talent beside driving me crazy: Oh btw my Talent is exactly solstice conjunct my Actor. 
Oh, Stu`s ACtor actually conjuncts my Psyche and Talent, too and is solstice point my PoM and Actor, too (the Actor-PoM is exact by 5 minutes of orb. Jude`s is well out of orb actually). And Stu`s Talent is conjunct his Uranus by 49 minutes of orb (actually trine my Psyche-Talent-conjunction). Uranus - the politician; ruling his 5th house of creativity. He just di´rected "Battle in seattle" a deeply political film if I got that right. SEems this ASC is absolutely right for him! BTW and NOW it gets far far far beyond CREEPY: In the Dracos he has Stuart on 2°31 Taurus Actor on 5°24 Taurus, this is almost conjunct my points in Taurus, isn`t that funny, and it is definitely opposite my Uranus on 1° Scorpio. And these are sextile my Draconic name in his chart on 7°12 PIsces (and also his own Draconic Sun). Add to that that our names are tied to Union in each chart; his name in my chart tied to Union in my chart, my name in his chart tied to Union in his chart, and int he synatry both names are conjunct Union (including Draco`s).
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izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:31 PM
Behold, the boy has turned into a man!!! And has facial hair to prove it!! OH, happy day!! Oh, and PeaceAngel, if you must post pics of men and dogs, please, PLEASE, pick this guy:
I'm pretty sure DD will agree with me . ------------------ Wisdom comes from experience, but so does personal bias. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:34 PM
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izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:38 PM
quote: So you make a good wife, and I make a good, what, soul? LOL
Lol. Why not? A talented psychic, I'd say . Or psychologist. I have Psyche on my MC in Scorpio and guess what I'm gonna be! [hint: not an actress ROFL] IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:44 PM
Oh yes, when I saw the Hayden pic I had to think of Orlando, and voila there it is. He`s so beautiful.  I have Pluto on MC, but I don`t have intentions to neither become a serial killer nor a vampire. even though if a particular vampire would bite me, well, I`m only human, and we humans just don`t have the strength of will needed to resist.  IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 14, 2008 01:45 PM
DD,"You`re filling your mind with all these different thoughts or men (celebrities in my case) just to not think about the one guy, you really should not be thinking of? And then you wake up and realize it doesn`t work. He`s still there in the back of your mind. And he`s tellin your in your dreams to finally get that damned horoscope for him finished. lol" Some people are meant to be forgotten. Some people are meant to enter your life and test you. Tempt you. Try your patience. Try your will. Some people simply want to own you. He's one of them. He won. I've been conquered. But you know what the best part of all of this is?- every single obstacle possible is set against me. Is set against the idea of "us". So what am i to do? What is left? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So i'm just going to **** and moan and dwell, and attempt to clutter my thoughts with beautiful, emotional men. Sorry. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:46 PM
I just coincidentally checked Andy`s chart, and his Mars, Destinn, Actor are all conjunct he name Paul in his chart. I guess they were really DESTINED To be together. I just wonder what is MY Pluto doing there in exact conjunction?Their being together, also on stage, were the reason for my deepest transformation? Could we say that? BTW Andy`s Talent exactly conjuncts my DRaconic ASC by 7 minutes: his talent was to lure out my spiritual self? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:50 PM
Sorry Meta, I didn`t want to upset you. I was actually talking about myself. Come on, don`t be sad, life is BEAUTIFUL.  IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:51 PM
I think it's safe to say so, yes. Both Paul and Andy had a deep impact on you. Pluto on your MC huh? How r you using it? You could hypnotize the hell out of a crowd, you know that? Hmmm... well, actually, thinking only about LL, which could be related to 10th house matters (or perhaps 11th?), you influenced a great deal of people with your posts and teachings.  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:54 PM
I don`t feel like I`m using it at all, or maybe on a halfsubconscious level.But I`ve become a teacher in real life, so I guess maybe there you can see it a bit. But it`s in Libra, and I try to be manipulative only in a diplomatic way.  BTW my 11th cusp is on 1° Scorpio with Uranus sitting exactly on it. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 14, 2008 01:55 PM
PA,You seriously don't like DDL? Wow... what happened to you? Where did everything go so wrong?!?!?!? And you like that yucky guy from Law & Order: Criminal Intent? My goodness, this is like a sick joke! Wow... i really would have thought that you'd find him irresistible because of all of his Taurus placements on your Mars. But, like you said, you can see why he's attractive, but he's just not for you. He is a great actor. No. Great isn't even the word. Excellent. An excellent actor. He's so, so, so, so inspirational to me personally. I don't know if you're familiar with acting or acting methods, but Daniel Day Lewis is a method actor. That means that he more or less becomes his character, entirely. For the movie "The Ballad of Jack and Rose" he plays a sick man dying of heart failure. SO, he basically became anorexic to attain the same body type of his character. Wow.... i just can't even explain how magnificent that is to me. I've wanted to be a method actor since before i knew what method acting was. I've wanted to transform into someone else so completely like that since i was little. I just didn't know that there was a term for it, or that anyone else felt or did the same. So when i became interested in Daniel a couple of years ago and started reading about him, i realized that he and i shared something special, sort of, that others thought was quite queer. Therefore, he has a special place in my heart... IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 01:55 PM
Meta, I feel the same. Retreating in this thread and your other thread has been similar for me. I'd rather think about actors and their characters instead of my messy love life. But that is alright. That is their purpose. They are at our disposal, we can do whatever we want with them in our fantasy. I wouldn't want any of these men in real life. But talking about them and joking around with you guys is surely better than a glass of wine or antidepressants. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 14, 2008 02:00 PM
Hugh Grant.. hmmm... not deep enough for me. Not serious enough. Not sentimental enough. I notice that in all of his roles he never plays someone who is truly, truly aching. He's never empty. He evokes light pity. Simple sympathy. You said you think he looks like a good kisser. I disagree. He gives sweet kisses, but not passionate ones. He would make a nice, charming boyfriend, but not a spiritual lover. No thank you. You can have him! You keep saying that these men aren't manly enough. That they are weak, or too feminine. And i'm not saying i don't agree with you, but it makes me wonder... who, or what would the perfect man for you look like? What would his qualities be? What kind of relationship would you have? IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 02:02 PM
DD, In equal houses, I have the same placements, Pluto in the 10th and Uranus in the 11th. They do fit, I think. However, I decided recently to stick with the tried and tested Placidus. It's not the default house system for nothing, I suppose. I think those are interesting placements. They make me think of interesting, transformative exchanges with large groups of people, if considering them both, together. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 02:02 PM
WEll, Izo, Meta I understand your reasons (I am only bored), and I agree with you completely; I don`t really want to have those persons in my life.Having said that there are two exceptions: Paul and Stuart. I really would LOVE to sit down and have a discussion with Stu about his thoughts about work and especially his political and philosophical views. The more I hear from him in interviews, the more intrigued I get. This man has an awesome brain and the guts to tell what he thinks very straightforward. That`s a bit strange, since usually I am pretty quickly bored, when I read or hear interviews with "stars" (and that includes dear Jude, too).
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 02:21 PM
Oh my God, YOU; yes IZO I am talkint to you, it`s all YOUR fault, YOU made me do it! Do what you ask? Don`T ask so innocently You know what I did, don`t you?
I wrote that ******* mail to Paul, and worse than that, I SENT it. I feel like I need to lay down a bit, just after I have found my legs again, which seem to weak to carry me anymore. I didn`t write anything bad I hope. Something silly, yes, I did that. But not too bad. I just asked if the concert in september will take place, and then I said that I loved to have seen him last year on that concert, and that he always makes me smile and feel good with his performance. Oh GOD I can`t believe I have written THIS. I can NEVER show my face again, NEVER NEVER NEVER You made me do it, it`s not my fault, I am the victim here. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 02:29 PM
I'm not sure I understand?I'm sorry if I said something that has caused you turmoil, DD. It was never my intention. I merely wanted to encourage you to get in touch with your feelings for him. I still don't understand what it is that is so out of place in your message?! He probably receives a marriage proposal daily. Why would you feel embarrased by what you wrote?? Again, I'm sorry if I have upset you. And I hope to God you were joking! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 02:38 PM
Of course I was joking.No, just the mood here made me do it, and you reminding me of that unfinished business. NO I don`t think it was anything too bad (he won`t answer anyway I guess), but it`s not easy for me to leave my shell, you know? Even if it is just a little step like writing a mail to a complete stranger. I don`t like to picture myself as a fan, too. But I guess I have to accept that that`is what I am. A fan. His rather devoted and loyal But I really wanted to know about the concert, so I had to write this mail, and I was procrastinating (sp) for weeks and weeks and weeks, but I`m glad I did it. Maybe I should look into the chart of the moment I sent it, what exactly it is what I did,a nd how it affects me? lol IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 14, 2008 02:42 PM
PA,As a thespian, i would say: (in order of whoever comes to mind first) 1. Jeremy Irons; even if he's not passionate about acting, he's an amazing actor. Amazing. He's completely in control of the scene. He is a scene stealer. I've seen him in dozens of different films, and when he is on camera, whether speaking or simply in the background, i can't take my eyes off of him. He has this aura of intrigue and wonder about him. He also has one of the most beautiful voices known to man. The raspy, haunting tone of his voice is simply bewildering. His facial expressions and gestures are so natural. He truly embodies whomever he's playing. 2. Sean Penn; He possesses such passion that it positively leaks out of him. I remember in The Weight of Water, there is one scene when he is reciting "And Deah Shall Have No Dominion" by Dylan Thomas... he's in a dark bar and he's smoking a cigarette, and let me just tell you, that scene was 10 times more poetic then most American films you can find. He's so alluring, and he doesn't even know it. That is greatness. 3. Ralph Fiennes; Don't get mad at me. Don't throw your bowls and plates at your computer monitor. You must realize, that, if i didn't love him as an actor, i wouldn't love him as a lover. I think you all pretty much understand what i think of Ralph's acting, so i'll keep this one short. He's so intense, and he evokes sincere empathy from the audience. He makes you feel exactly what he is feeling. Any emotion. He makes you hate him when he hates himself, he makes you sigh when he's hurting himself. He is the perfect actor. For me at least. 4. Toby Stephens; I haven't been able to get a hold of a great deal of his work, but from what i have seen, he is totally underestimated. I watched "Jane Eyre" the BBC version about 6 months ago, in which he plays Edward Rochester, and he REALLY stole the movie. He made that role. He's just wondeful, and i'm glad that he hasn't become a Hollywood ***** , but sad that i he's overlooked. 5. Daniel Day Lewis; i already posted about his loveliness. 6. Hugh Jackman; He's been in a lot of Hollywood stuff, which is a turn off because i like Indie and British films. I hate Hollywood. It's all shite. It's not about art, it's about money. But ANYWHO, he's truly talented. He's another underesimated talent. He's just looked at as a pretty face, but he's got real intesity. He's dark, and brooding, and spellbinding. 7. Ian McKellen; He's masterful. Just plain brilliant. I can't say enough about him. I'm infatuated with his abilities. When you watch him, you're watching a work of art. He's painting you a portrait without even trying. 8. Johnny Depp; I loved him before Pirates of the freakin' Carribean. He's TALENTED. Not goregeous, or out of this world awesome. But talented. Have any of you seen The Libertine? Oh man... what a performance. Or even movies like Sleepy Hollow and What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and Blow... he's admirable, and subtle and marvelous. 9. Denis Leary; Love him. Just love him. Passionate, serious, hilarious, and also cast aside. His genius lies in how much he seems like he's not acting. He's natural, and normal. He doesn't overdo it. He doesn't do over the top, which is why people don't think he's so great. BUT THAT'S THE POINT! It's not supposed to look like work! You're supposed to be fooled into believing that these people are people they have MADE UP. Jeez... 10. Gary Oldman; Sorry, but he is. He's good. I'm not talking about how cute he is, or how troubled. I'm espacially not talking about the shite films he's made like "Lost in Space" or "Air Force One". I'm talking about "Sid & Nancy", "Prick Up Your Ears", "Immortal Beloved", "Dracula". Even when he had a small role in "True Romance" he was superb. He's just full of overwhelming passion and intensity and sensitivity. He's a raging actor. He's not shy, and he leaves nothing out. He's got it. He could have been great, he could have been legend.. but instead he had dollar signs in his greedy eyeballs. I'll post the ladies in a second. Sorry that i wrote so much!!! I get carried away.. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 02:46 PM
I just had a look into the SAbians of the angles of the moment I sent that mail.ASC on 1° Capricorn (btw this is exactly Andy`s Sun-position and it`s still conjunct pluto, oh yeah): AN INDIAN CHIEF CLAIMS POWER FROM THE ASSEMBLED TRIBE. KEYNOTE: The power and responsibility implied in any claim for leadership. DSC: 1° Cancer ON A SHIP THE SAILORS LOWER AN OLD FLAG AND RAISE A NEW ONE.
KEYNOTE: A radical change of allegiance exteriorized in a symbolical act: a point of no return *gulps*
KEYNOTE: The conquest of separativeness through group-cooperation. Oh Jesus, I told you you were part of the decision, the group-cooperation.  BTW the 6° TAurus remind me of something, ohy yes, coincidentally we talked about a degree near to it today, didn`t we? lol
KEYNOTE: The passionate search for new values which, at any level, promise a more abundant life. And the Moon on 14° Sagittarius THE GREAT PYRAMID AND THE SPHINX. KEYNOTE: The enduring power of occult knowledge and of its quasi-divine Custodians, "Seed-men" of a previous cycle of existence. Oh well, of course the Moon had to be in my 1st house opposing my Karma and Kaali, didn`t she? *sighs* Venus, as ruler of this IC, the root of it all: A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, IN HER LONG HAIR FLOWING OVER HER SHOULDERS AND IN A BRA-LESS YOUTHFUL GARMENT.
KEYNOTE: The will to meet the challenge of age in terms of our modern society’s glorification of youth. OOOKAY There is actually a Karma - Venus - Eros-conjunction in the beginning of Leo at the moment in my 8th house.
Karma being on 5 Leo: ROCK FORMATIONS TOWER OVER A DEEP CANYON. KEYNOTE: The structuring power of elemental forces during the long cycle of planetary evolution. Oh and accidentally Transit Sun has just moved over my natal Eros and Vertex opposing my Sun-Moon-midpoint. LOL AH btw there is a Mars-SAturn-conjunction on 6° Virgo trining everything I mentioned today, did you know that? IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 03:54 PM
PHEWWWW!!!!!You really had me going there!! So you wrote the e-mail! I'm so extremely proud of your 12th house Mars!!! Coming out of the shell like that! I know you wouldn't want to consider yourself a fan. And I understand why that is. But in the reality plane that is what you are to him and probably the only thing you could become. On a soul level it is different, but... unfortunately for you, him and all us spiritual beings, we can't live on that level. *sigh* I wonder if they think about us in such terms. Do you think Hayden is thinking right now (what time is it in Canada? Morning?!): "Oh, I have a soulmate there in Romania with whom I share this very special bond! Oh, I must find her and tell her and have blue-eyed darth vader kids together! Oh yeah!". Maybe they do think there is a special person out there for them (but with all the crazy raging fans screaming how they'd have their babies, how could they tell?!), but like most of us, they don't really wait or look for them. Besides, they're probably too vain to hook up with a common person anyways. Though some have. (though considering Paul's words in his songs/interviews, he might be different. but he had to be gay!!...) To us, they are special. To them, we're not individualized. We might be special, but how could they see us from the crowds? Btw, I was thinking just today to write to Hayden. I didn't find an adress, though, and I don't think I would have written him anyways. I don't wish to be another fan drooling all over his pics and desperately wanting him to impregnate me. I shall consider this temporary insanity and move on.
------------------ Wisdom comes from experience, but so does personal bias. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 14, 2008 03:57 PM
DD, I think you might be using the wrong Sabians. I might be wrong. But for instance, the symbol with the rock formation is for Leo 4-5, not Leo 5 (as in 5-6). If that's what you mean, then it's ok. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 14, 2008 04:14 PM
Ladies:(in order of whomever comes to mind first) 1. Cate Blanchett; my favorite actress. Firey. Hypnotic. She could sell milk to a dairy farmer. She is by far the most dangerous, poignant actress in film today. 2. Annette Benning; Fabulous. Fabulous in "Being Julia", "American Beauty", "Running With Scissors". She's great at planning characters who are going through a downward spiral. 3. Mary Louise Parker; She's magnetic. Have you seen "The L Word" or "Boys on the Side"? She's heartbreaking. 4. Jennifer Connelly; She's actually right after Cate Blanchett on my favorite's list. She has a way of explaining thousands of things with just a look. She's very real, and human. Because she's beautiful one might think that she's perfect, but the way she plays the character, she likes to make their flwas very evident. And she doesn't hold back. 5. Emma Thompson; I love Emma. She's always left out in the rain without an umbrella, so to speak. Her characters just always end up putting themselves out there and getting hurt. In "Peter's Friends", "The Winter Guest", "Sense and Sensibility", and even "Love Actually", she ends up hurt, and she plays it so well. 6. Kate Winslet; She's just sweet. She reminds me of Rachel Weisz, who i like a lot. 7. Rachel Weisz; I like her a lot. ^_^ She's a go-getter. She's sort of adorable even when you want to hate her. In "Stealing Beauty" she plays this selfish wench, but when it blows up in her face, you can't say "i told you so!". You have to feel bad for her. 8. Naomi Watts; She was fantastic in "21 Grams". Blew me away. She's fiesty, and hard, but she makes that beautiful. Even in "The Painted Veil", HATED her character, but she played that role to a "T", so to speak. She just commands the roles she chooses. 9. Hillary Swank; If you haven't seen "Boys Don't Cry", shame on you. She's so enticing. She reminds me a lot of myself with her power and ability to grab the audience by the balls. Wow.. that was arrogant of me. But yeah, she's gripping. 10. Kristen Stewart; I've only seen her in one role in this TV movie, in which she played a rape victim. But she made such an impression that i think she will go on to do great things. She's quiet, and moving. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 14, 2008 04:27 PM
I actually believe that i wouldn't be attracted to any of these men if they weren't good actors. For example, is Orlando Bloom cute? Sure. Is he a good actor... i wouldn't hold my breath. If i can't respect you, then i can't find you attractive. To have the ability to break your own heart as an actor suggests a great deal of emotional control, and emotional instability. It's marvelous. So when i see a man playing a scene in which he should be dying inside, but he just can't physically or emotionally show it... i'm turned off. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 14, 2008 04:39 PM
Izo,Karma is at 4°37 Leo at the moment, so the SAbian is right. You know it is funny, that this "mail chart" relates to Andy`s natal chart in some way. ????? With that Venus-Karma-Eros-conjunction being conjunct his Jupiter-Karma. The ASC / Pluto conjunct his Sun and trine his Moon. My name asteroid and Paul`s exactly sextile in the sky (seems fitting for a fan-relation). and Paul exactly conjuncts Andy`s SN now and is almost exactly conjunct my name in my chart and opposing his name in his own chart. But of course this chart mostly relates to me:
Pluto and Sun on my Sun-Venus-midpoint; Moon opposite my Kaali and Karma. Mercury exactly opposite my Venus (and conjunct Paul`s Venus-Pluto-midpoint activating this Kite-formation in our synastry). Venus and Karma trine my Mars and IC, while they square his Venus. Sun conjunct my Vertex and opposite my Sun-Moon-midpoint (also trine Paul`s Mars) Mars / SAturn-conjunction falling onto Paul`s Pluto and my draconic name trining my PoM, actor, Venus, Isis and Osiris and his Karma and Venus. Also opposing his Chiron and my name in his chart. IC is tied in, as it conjuncts his Venus and Karma and my Actor and PoM. Valentine conjuncts my DSC, SN and draconic Moon. Destinn conjunct my Part of Reincarnation exactly. Uranus conjuncts his Mars and my Draco Amor, and trines my Vertex and Eros. NN / Chiron have just started conjuncting my Moon and his SN; they are also trining my Karma. Neptune conjuncts my Psyche and Talent. Transiting Paul conjuncts my name in my chart and opposes his name in his chart, also conjuncts his Moon and squares my Moon. My Transiting name conjuncts my Juno and his Amor and sextiles my name in my chart and his name in his chart. And if you see it like a horary. 3rd house cusp is in Aries, exactly conjunct my IC. Destinn is in the 3rd house.
Mars is in the 8th house in Virgo conjunct Saturn, actually it already has separated. Mars is on 7°51 Virgo Saturn is on 5°50 Virgo But Mercury on 6°30 Cancer in 7th house, may transfer the light (how fitting). Saturn rules the first house and Mars the 3rd house, I wrote a mail. lol Mercury rules the 6th (and intercepted 8th): a mail about work. Moon,a s ruler of the 7th house, is in Sagittarius on the cusp of the 12th house; for me it is a spiritual thing. For him it is his turned 6th house and therefore work. The asdteroid Paul is in my 4th house btw. If we turn the chart and look from his perspective. Libra is on the 3rd house with Venus in Leo in his 1st house. It`s all about him, him, him. Venus conjuncts Karma and trines ASC. Moon as his ruler sextiles NN and is still exactly trine Destinn. But of course we don`t use asteroids in horaries. However it`s not readable anyhow with 0°34 Capricorn on the ASC - it`s too soon. LOL So, Hayden it will be? Good choice. Very beautiful and deep. 
DD IP: Logged | |