Topic: zala
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 14, 2008 10:06 PM
Peeeeaaaaccccceeee Annnnnggggggeeeeeeeellllll!!!!!!!! Where be ye????  IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 14, 2008 10:18 PM
I'm gonna wait til 12 for your butt, and if your not here i'm gonna post another shameful pic of Kiefer!!!!IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 15, 2008 01:37 AM
Meta, quote: Oh God, IZO, did i offend you?!?!?! Please, i am so so so sorry. I am. Please, i didn't mean to put words into your mouth, or make you sound heartless, or fickle. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
No need for an apology. You didn't offend me. That line you wrote previously triggered something in me, that was similar, in a way, but you are right, our emotional involvement with these actors is slightly different.  It's not that they're not people to me, because they're obviously not aliens LOL (though I might be wrong about this one ). It's just that I take them for artists making art, for my pleasure (and everyone else's), hopefully moving something inside me, if they're any good. I can apreciate them for whatever they have to give to our collective consciousness, whether it be an extreme theatrical skill, beauty, originality or the like. But at the end of the day, I am just an observer, who, although can relate to some (sometimes too passionately), eventually remains detached. I don't consider myself neither heartless, nor fickle for this. It's just my personal reaction to the movie world. It might be different than yours or other people, but that's alright. No need for any of us to apologize. I can respect our differences. Now, I am sorry, I'm going to do another one of my disappearing acts. I'm scheduled for surgery today. Please, DO have fun without me, coz I doubt I shall LOL. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 05:43 AM
metaso intrigued that you listed denis leary. i love this guy. i can't say he's made an impact on me in the movies that i've seen him in but in terms of stand-up comedy - oh, man - he's genius. i can laugh out loud until it aches. totally agree with you re: jeremy irons and his acting - scene stealer yes. for a long time i wondered why sean penn wasn't getting the acclaim that he should as an actor but his personal life and antics therein shrouded that and i'm glad that his brilliance is shining and acknowledged now. and yes, jeremy irons has a - there are no words for that voice - it is haunting and it is just........................ something else. umm, ralph fiennes - great actor? good actor - yes. perfect! - no. ummmm......... i did really like the end of the affair - and did like his character and performance. honestly, that is the most memorable performance by him for me. i know i've seen him in other movies but i just can't name them or recall his performances or roles in them. sir ian mckellen - i have one word to describe his acting - "sublime". btw - i didn't say i like vincent d'onofrio - i was just commenting on his "bigness". that's all. but if we are talking about great actors - he is definitely on the list. he's outstanding. and another that uses his voice brilliantly. just not a johnny depp fan but glad he gets recognition for what he gives to his roles - and i love that he's fearless. i'm a big kevin spacey fan. oh, jennifer connolly - she is just so so brilliant. love her husband too. he's got a lovely voice and tones. emma thompson - oh, she's just amazing - really - everything she does is brilliant - outstanding. perfect. she's the perfect actress. i'd never seen kate winslet in anything before until i saw "the holiday" and i sat there during every scene with her with my jaw hitting the ground and throughout the whole movie just saying "she is so good" - i had to watch it again and again - she's just brilliant. i also think: ewan mcgregor is a fantastic actor. laura linney - i love her - brilliant brilliant brilliant. helena bonham-cater is another personal favourite. i have a real soft spot for joaquin phoenix. he is brilliant. i love his roles. love his acting. think he's fabulous. we talk about the bad guys - in gladiator - he was downright sinister - evil, pure evil. hilary swank. i think jim carrey is a really good serious actor too. robert downey jr. oh, i can't leave out james spader - he is so so good. my favourite female actress of the younger ones is maggie gylanhaal. wonderful. one more - one more - can't go without saying heath ledger - i really loved that guy - thought he was going to become one of the greats. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 15, 2008 05:50 AM
PA,have you seen "Quills" with Joaquin Phoenix and Kate Winslet? That movie was just outstanding, and the scenes between Joaquin and Kate were so intense. Okay he is making love to a corpse so it was meant to be intense I guess. But also the scene before when she visits him in his bedroom and he is fighting this attraction. WHOA, so damned strong. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 07:17 AM
hi ddi've hired quills a number of times but have never seen all of it. i think joaquin is just intense in himself. i really like him. the first time i saw him was in inventing the abbots - but he was also in parenthood which i didn't realise until later on. thought he was really fantastic in to die for, but then, he's just really good in everything he's in. he doesn't just play the bad guys - he plays the really really sicko guys. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 07:19 AM
okay meta - gloves offyou post a shameful pic of kiefer (like i haven't seen them already!) and you fill force me to do something i really don't want to do....... three words, sweetheart "maid in manhattan" don't go there, girlfriend IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 15, 2008 07:37 AM
Yes, Joaquin IS intense. But are you surprised:Sun, Venus, Mars conjunct in Scorpio (all conjunct my Uranus. lol) Moon in Aries All that darkness, intensity and passion is just leaking out of him and he can`t do anything about it. And don`t forget what a great Johnny Cash he made in "Walk the line"; I never was a Johnny Cash fan before, but that movie made me one. Certainly. Or maybe more a JP fan? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 07:40 AM
ddyes - he's very heavy scorpio. actually, i'm going to look at his chart. he's a very interesting man. such a tremendous vulnerability about him. he kind of fascinates me a bit. it's another one of those things - can't explain it. you get the feeling that he's really personally fragile. another that just puts himself into the role. another one where the roles speak loads about the actor. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 07:47 AM
ddstrange synastry with joaquin. his moon is precise conjunct my chiron my mercury conjunct his chiron eros conjunct eros his eros conjunct my karma and sun his valentine conjunct my aphrodite his mars and uranus conjunct my adonis his aphrodite and anteros conjunct my pluto there's some really serious placements there - heavy. well, that wouldn't be a fun, laugh a minute relationship, woud it? nothing light at all there. EDIT just noticed his sun conjunct my jupiter IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 07:50 AM
how is it that leo di caprio hasn't had a mention yet?or matthew mcconnaghey (forgive spelling) or matt damon? afterall, he was voted sexiest man. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 07:56 AM
izothat pic of hayden - he still looks boyish - a little bit of facial fluff does not maketh a man. but the brow furrows make him look a little older and therefore, a little more of a man than a boy. still too boyish for me. sure, great looking guy - just not manly. though - i'm sure physically he's every bit and quite, the man, but his face is too young looking. too boyish. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 07:59 AM
izooh, my - orlando!
i think he would just be a really really nice guy. i think hayden would be too. alas - both too boyish and too young.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 15, 2008 08:01 AM
Sorry, they are not my cup of tea. Especially MC and MD; I kinda "like" Matt Damnon, but he`s very uninteresting to me on a more emotional level.Leo is different though. I DETESTED that he did Titanic. But I think he is a really good actor. No, change that to "amazing", if he puts the effort into it. How he played against Robert De Niro in "This boy`s life" - woah that was just STRONG. And how old was he? 15, 16, 17? He was outstanding in "What`s eating Gilbert Grape?". I have a brother who is mentally handicapped, and I know a lot of his friends, so yes, Leo did an amazing job there. But I only like him from a strict professional point of view. Not personally. Again someone who doesn`t get my interest. He`s got Sun, Venus and Mars in Scorpio, Moon in Libra, Mercury in Libra and ASC probably in Libra or end of virgo. I donīt really know what is lacking there, but something IS. And MC - MAJOR disinterest on my part. Even more disinterested than in Rafe. (This one was for you, Meta.) LOL
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 08:03 AM
ddso so agree with you. not my cup of tea either. just that they are voted so often as the hottest guys and yet no mention between any of us. lol! not so hot maybe! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 08:09 AM
ddagreed about leo too. i think he's going to be one of the greats actually. he is such a fine actor. but not into him. something about him makes me think of river phoenix. i think it's the potential - that river was going to be outstanding too had more time here. leo really surprised me in blood diamond - wowow! he was so good in that! and looked very grown up. the movie with matt damon and jack nicholson that i can't think of the name of - he was good in that too. actually matt damon surprised me in that too - he was really good. he was good in syriana too - when the prince asks him "what are they thinking?" - the way his voice cracks when he replies - fantastic. i really thought that movie was intriguing - for the characters - they were all interesting. i like movies and tv for the characters - i rarely watch for storyline or any other reason. and the only actors i'll watch the movie because they're in are ewan mcgregor and joaquin phoenix. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 08:11 AM
omg - i just realised i didn't mention de niro in my best actors list. lol! how did that happen? i particularly love him in comic roles - and meryl streep too. she slayed me in kramer vs kramer. and dustin hoffman. wow! one of my other faves that has somehow lost momentum is timothy hutton. thought he was great.EDIT timothy hutton was just soooooo goooooooood in ordinary people. great great movie. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 08:19 AM
ddi just an astrotheme search for males with aries sun, taurus venus and aries mercury because i thought that would be a good match for me. this is what i got: marlon brando hayden christensen christopher walken james franco warren beatty zach braff oh - lol!
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 08:22 AM
jamie foxx is also sagi sun, sagi merc and scorpy venus.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 15, 2008 08:26 AM
Well, we seem to like the darker, more intense and deep typ I think, and some of us like boyish.Hmm interesting dark and deep vs. boyish and bo---eutiful. Did you think I would write boring? Not me, I like boyish myself, but I just LIKE boyish, nothing more. BTW I did a report on ADZE for you know who and me. Just quoting some of the interpretations. Skip them, if you`re bored. 
Composite: The powers of attraction that drew the two of you together are very strong. "For better or worse" describes the two of you.
Knowing each other could be a most disturbing, irritating and stimulating experience Somehow, the two of you could be in a relationship that is radically different and socially unconventional Feelings and sentiments run high. It is not easy for you to understand the true nature of this relationship. Perhaps it's more spiritual than physical There is strong attraction here Don't be surprised to find yourselves transformed by the extreme passions, pleasures and experiences you share. This is anything but a casual relationship and cannot be taken lightly. You two will dredge up deep emotions in each other. Anything but status-quo, this relationship has a strong, unconventional tone. Unexpected, uncommon and unpredictable turns of events will guarantee that the two of you will be anything but bored with each other. If you're looking for routine and stability, look elsewhere. # Before this relationship can work, there are serious obstacles to be overcome This relationship will be marked by powerful transformations and strong physical drives SYNASTRYWISE At heart, you are two of a kind. Sometimes you feel like soul mates; other times, you just leave each other confused. This relationship features harmony, diversity and a touch of obsession. It is anything but typical. You two can turn each other on in rather original, non-conforming ways. Stuart can enhance the mystery and bring out the power of Kerstin. As a couple, you have your share of weird coincidences and auspicious encounters. Stuart knows how to please Kerstin. Stuart can sway Kerstin with natural charm and style and maybe even a song. Stuart's genuine respect and compliments are effective and can have miraculous effects on Kerstin. To Stuart, Kerstin may be social, warm-hearted and affectionate This relationship has some strong physical attributes. It can be hot-blooded, vigorous, vital, and competitive. Stuart can energize and motivate Kerstin. Kerstin might find Stuart to be a might impulsive, rash, and pugnacious. There's some volatile and explosive energy here. Daring action and healthy sexual appetites can drive you two fast and far. Stuart can literally spur Kerstin to reach new levels of stimulation. Kerstin may find Stuart to be a bit of a pain. Like a bolt out of the blue, there is something brilliant, unexpected and original about this relationship. Individual bursts of initiative could spice your life together like hot pepper Marriage is challenging, to say the least. Stuart could feel that Kerstin is an eccentric. In fact, Stuart could also be quite a "character." Before you become lovers, see if you are friends. This could become an unusual relationships between two outstanding characters. It could start fast and turn wild.
There is a deep connection here In this relationship, physical as well as psychological desires are strong. This relationship is volcanic. Kerstin may need to "compromise". Together you can take up a cause. You can right some wrongs. You can fight some injustices. You can change yourselves and the environment. If anybody can begin again and restructure for change, it is you two. (Yeah, let`s rule the world! )
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 15, 2008 08:35 AM
The two of you can fire up each other's imagination and have need for contact. Stuart can get Kerstin "out of the shell." Kerstin can nurture Stuart's creative side. In this relationship, paradoxically, security is tied to risk taking.You two feel comfortable together. In this relationship, non- verbal communication is strong. Kerstin and Stuart are often empathetic to each other You certainly arouse strong feelings and stir up a bevy of emotions in one another. The emotional conflict between Kerstin and Stuart is sure to be hot. Quite a bit of energy is also roused between you This relationship includes its share of mood swings, things imagined and a genuine interest in the spiritual world. The two of you could be made to share romance, make-believe and fantasies The two of you could share a spiritual vision. You could show up in each other's dreams. Stuart could be drawn by Kerstin's aura and mystique This relationship has its share of sympathy, compassion and secrets. Stuart and Kerstin can form a close, psychic link, perhaps sensing each other's feelings and moods.
Feelings between Kerstin and Stuart run hot and cold. Emotions are polarized. This is a classic case of opposites attract. You might turn each other on and yet not really get along. Kerstin may find Stuart to be rash and abrupt. Stuart may find Kerstin to be unmotivated. A very physical dynamic wants to play out in this relationship. It might not last forever, but it can be a hot time. The two of you are very different and yet inhibitions are quickly overcome when you're together. Call it what you want: wild and crazy energy, strong attraction and excitement or party time. You two are more wired than stable. Sparks will fly. Looks like love at first sight There's something very deep going on here. Intense attraction is indicated. Romantic and physical energies are in effect. This is not a casual, superficial or shallow relationship. Issues around jealousy and possessiveness are also possible, so you had both better be sure of your intentions. The power of your love together can have a tremendous transforming effect. Stuart feels genuine affection for Kerstin, and the feeling is mutual. You two can enjoy each other's company, have fun and share pleasures together. Romance is indicated There's something very deep going on here. Intense attraction is indicated. Romantic and physical energies are in effect. This is not a casual, superficial or shallow relationship. Issues around jealousy and possessiveness are also possible, so you had both better be sure of your intentions. The power of your love together can have a tremendous transforming effect. Robust, magnetic appeal draws Kerstin and Stuart together. Passion and compassion fuse. The force of fantasy is strongly at work/play here. You two can share a strange openness. Quick inspiration, potent psychic vibrations, and stimulating spirits give this relationship a major romantic lift Deep commitment to each other will result in increased confidence, zeal and courage. Physical and psychological energies intertwine here. Vigorously intense love play and power plays will combine when Kerstin and Stuart get together. Very powerful and passionate energies will transform the two of you. When the chemistry is just right, your love for each other is superhuman and unstoppable. There is a robust physical side to this relationship. There's something hot-blooded, vigorous, vital, energetic and competitive to your alliance. Learn to deal with rash, impulsive and pugnacious energy. I know I am walking in a world of illusions, dreams and "potential" here. But it feels good to read something like that anyway.  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 08:39 AM
ddi love the adze venus report. that one is brilliant! wowow! most of that is brilliant. i like that he'll find you eccentric and that he may be a bit of a character himself. lol! i love the genuine affection stuff and all the something deep going on here. perfect. the one that stands out the most is the two of you are different yet inhibitions are quickly overcome when you're together. ooh la la! do you feel that you're different? do you know enough about him to know - interests, etc?
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 15, 2008 08:52 AM
I don`t know much about him.But I know that I immensely ADORE his political attitude,t hat he is making films about it, that he speaks his mind so loud and clearly, that anyone will hear. It just gets that fiery glint in my eyes. I wished I was like that. SO straightforward WITHOUT actually hurting anyone. He is a lot more demanding when it comes to his philosophical views than I am. But deep inside I feel such a profound resonance to what he sais, how he sais it. Something that makes me want to say: Yes, let`s go change the world for the better. And if it will be the last thing we try to do. Some of the zeal, that i feel inside, but don`t really express outwardly. I don`t know about his taste in music (except that he thinks most of it nowadays is crap, but sometimes there are gems shining through, which is exactly what I think). And he liked his film "Head in the clouds" which is just one BRILLIANT and SAD and DEEP piece of work. Not as superficial as it looks on the surface, quite the opposite. Stunning iconography or how it is called. I am in awe before his ability to really let himself fall in the darkest characters. No he didn`T only play Lestat. HE played a much much deeper and darker and more vicious character. Victor KElly in "Resurrection man". KElly was an Irish Loyalist, someone who was killing just for fun, or I don`t know I think he just killed to kill. And most cruelly. I hate such films. I hate such cruelty. Actually I only watched that film once, and it made me want to throw up. But it is a great film. If you can skip through the cruel passages it is a real amazhing piece of work. And STuart was just so dark and vicious and real evil, and not the romanticized version of it like in Lestat. (And I am VERY ashamed to say that he still turned me on a lot. lol). I would never have dared to go THAT deep into a character. I would have been afraid, I might never surface again. HE said himself that this character haunted him for weeks, even months afterwards, and that sometimes, after he said or did something, friends would say: "Oh that ****** is still around." So, yes I think we are VAST different. He`s not half as calm and inhibited as I am. And yet it seems he has a strong vulnerability too, an ability to love someone (at least if you believe Charlize`s gushing about him), a depth,w hich leads into the darkest corners of the soul but also into the bright and gentle ones. Oh my I think I got carried away a little bit. Even without knowing him he challenges me to "come out of my shell". Or how he said so pointedly as LEstat: "come out, come out, whereever you are." lol EDIT: Or something he said. He actually said that he was glad for "George Bush". Now everone is entitled to their political opinion, and mine is definitely I am NOT glad for Bush. And when I read that sentence I could feel my blood beginning to boil. And the next sentence he sais is something like: "AFter all Bush managed to `politicize' a lot of people, made them interested in the subject again." And I could feel my anger just disappear. with the Surprising realization of He is right. Noone ever criticised, I mean, really thought about American presidents or politics before, not publicly at least. This only changed with the beginning of the Bush-era. I still don`t know what his particular view on Bush is, but I strongly assume, he`s more democrat than republican. lol I don`t know, I thought that was a VERY clever way to transport a message. And he challenged me to think again. DD IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 08:59 AM
ddfunny that you mention resurrection man. actually, funny that this happened at all actually. i was in the video shop yesterday and i just walked over and randomly picked up a movie and turned it over and it was resurrection man. so i brought it home but reading the back cover tonight i said to myself that i didn't think it's my kind of thing and that i probably won't watch it. interesting. it doesn't sound like something i would want to watch - at all. but i'm curious about his acting - you have tweaked my interest. i have never seen him in a movie - that i'm aware of anyway. i wanted to see him as your beloved lestat but i couldn't find it. i think i'll wait for that one instead. EDIT: i kept writing running man instead of resurrection man. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 15, 2008 09:10 AM
ddif you haven't already seen it - have a look at the eros thread in the astro forum. IP: Logged | |