Topic: zala
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 04:55 AM
metakevin kline. i find him VERY attractive. but not in french kiss, oddly enough. lol! i've always had a thing for him. a very fine actor. there must be SOMEONE we can agree on! lol! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 04:57 AM
metahere's someone just for you
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 08:38 AM
ddhow much weight do you place on the arabic parts? how valid? how true? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 09:01 AM
metai don't really have a "type" of man like, i don't have a preference for particular features. but i don't like "boys". i don't mean i like rugged men like, say, russell crowe. but i just like - men, as opposed to boys. the guy in the pics two pages back is not very manly, for me. it could be anything that gets my attention - the way one word is spoken - a beautiful facial feature - something expressed in some certain way that just reaches me - anything. sometimes if i'm watching a movie it can just be an accent. i'm highly attuned to sound so voices - particularly tone - is something that really registers with me. i can't stand watching al pacino in movies. there is something really grating about his voice. it really truly irritates me. but he's such a wonderful actor. there is this scene in carlito's way where she's teasing him - she's in the apartment and he's outside the door which is slightly ajar and he can see her through the mirror where she's naked - and the way he just desires her in that moment - i love that scene - of course, last time i saw it it played out better in my memory than onscreen. but that's the way it goes. the man on page one - alexander siddig - he's THE one i find most attractive. more than any other actor or famous person. he has these really beautiful tones in his voice - really lovely. and he has the most beautiful eyes, ever. i love robert downey jr and there is something indefinable about him for me - the fact that he's nice to look it is a huge bonus, i think. but you know, these attractions are cyclic too. as in real life - these people have a time and place in our lives when it is served, we move on. it's just the way it is. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 09:24 AM
metai can't really offer an honest opinion of rafe's acting talents or performances. i know i've seen strange days, but don't remember it, or him. i've borrowed the constant gardener a couple of times but haven't watched it. honestly - i borrowed it because i thought i would probably find his character appealing. but can't say yet. could be. but i LOVED the end of the affair. i loved his character and i loved his love for her character and the way it was expressed - jealousy and all - maybe even in particular through his jealousy - the part where he watches her walk into the room - and she greets all these men - his misconceptions through the eyes of jealousy - i LOVED that. i ADORED him. can't remember if his acting was any good - i just remember his character and julianne moore - is just - such an astonishing and beautiful woman. she stole every scene - because i remember her - not him. it's like watching julia ormond in a movie - everyone else pales next to her beauty. who cares that brad pitt, aiden quinn, anthony hopkins and anyone else were in legends of the fall. she was amazing! julianne moore and also laura linney - for me - have that presence. i'm going to re-hire the end of the affair at the end of the week and will pay more attention to his acting. i want to see it again. you know, in the list of actors, i didn't mention jack nicholson. he just gets better and better with every movie - if that's possible. loved him - well, in everything i've seen him in - who else could be satan (withces of eastwick) and loved him and diane keaton in something's gotta give. just then i couldn't remember the name of that movie - and i had to look it up at imdb - and going down his list of movies - they're all fantastic. and he's fantastic in all of them. i promise i will give an honest opinion about rafe after i re-watch the movie. i'm sure i'm going to be swooning - damn. i'm pretty sure i was the first time too. damn! but not at him - at his character. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 11:17 AM
metahow about this? you still want his man love? huh?
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 11:19 AM
metapubic hair all the way down the inner thighs........mmmmmmmmmmm IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 16, 2008 12:46 PM
meta,no, your "real" vampire doesn`t do anything to me. Actually I find him slightly disgusting. Sorry.  I guess I like the metaphorical aspect of those artistic vampires.
And actually there is onle ONE vampire I REALLY like. Weird thing: I am with my parents here and have spent the day in the city and am far away from any DVD`s, and I feel like I am having withdrawal symptoms, as if I actually MISS him. Can you believe that? I must have slid into a slight addiction. Please call a Doctor. Please? PA, honestly I am not sure about the arabic parts. But it feel like they are worth investigating as well as the arabic chart. Will have to put some work into it. What do you think of them? BTW that pic above: I AM DISGUSTED. LOL
Like Kevin Kline; I even had a minor crush on him for a few weeks many years ago. But am over it now. Now I think he is just a great actor. BTW tonight they are showing "restoration" with Robert Downey Jr. Haven`t seen this film for a long time, but hopefully I can persuade my parents to do so. DD IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 16, 2008 12:54 PM
Peace Angel,... I think a large vein just burst in my neck. WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY!!??!?!?!?!?!? BAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... ok... i'm done... ANYWHO, i feel your pain. The End of the Affair was almost too perfect for me. The jealousy, the possessiveness, the anger, the desire... God, it was all too gorgeous. It's funny that you liked Julianne in that movie, because i found her quite annoying. She was meek, and submissive, and yet he gave her SO much power. She wasn't worthy of such passion. Blehh. I suppose that was her character though. So i didn't like her character. I think that Julianne could have painted a portrait with that character, but instead she drew me a messy picture with Crayola crayons. Oh well.. Yes, we definetely DO NOT agree on most anyone. RDJ is... eh. Kiefer is a NO. And Ewan is alright, but you said you don't even really care that much for him. AND WE ALL KNOW how much you don't fancy any of the guys who i desire. This is sad. We are shaming astrology here. Do we have Mars conjunct? Or just both in Taurus? What are your degrees? Mine is 16* in Taurus, i do believe... IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Moderator Posts: 7133 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted July 16, 2008 02:06 PM
Ladies ~Finally, an actor I can agree with several of you on (not Darth )  (for chart see: ) DD ~ Glad to see you at psycom  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 16, 2008 02:23 PM
Zala,I am at Psycom? I never got a confirmation email. Hmm, mysteries.... IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Moderator Posts: 7133 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted July 16, 2008 05:50 PM
DD ~I saw your name on the member list the other day..... Just go to the sign-on page and resend the activation email to yourself  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 08:42 PM
ddnot sure about the arabic parts. i guess the only measure is to how much you relate to them. and i haven't explored them at all. so i was just wondering about your experiences or relating to them. i'm very interested in the asteroids and have found a pot of gold in those. must admit, i resisted at first but i kept being shown back to them. and there's a wealth of everything in there. i just can't find enough information about them. i'm like that - when i find something i immerse myself completely until i know it inside out - then i go to the next thing. pity the poor men in my life - they are the same! lol! NOT! it is the ONLY area of my life where i'm consistent. ridiculously loyal i am. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 08:49 PM
metamy mars is 18 deg. so....... i would just put it down to age. even astrologically a whole lot of other factors. i mean if you look at the people i find attractive they are ALL different - there's not one type - kiefer, rdj, anderson cooper, alexander siddig. my adonis is in libra in 7th house. which other asteroids would denote "the perfect male" for you? as i have said all the way - the man/character who is absolutely perfect for me is OBI-WAN KENOBI. he's the ONE. if he were real - ahhhh!!!!!!! he's wonderful.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 16, 2008 08:53 PM
zalaglad you're here. yes, love kevin kline - so fabulously talented - just brilliant. flawless. on quick glance he has a really interesting chart. would not have picked him as a scorpy and with so much scorpy. leo (i have resigned myself) is a given in most actors. i always thought of him as being rather aquarian. he gives off real humanitarian/compassionate/sensitive vibes. where's his moon? aha! aqua moon. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 17, 2008 12:10 AM
PA,Shite... my Adonis is in Libra, in the 11th House... but we DEF don't have similar tastes. I have Valentine in Scorpio. Apollo in Leo, Eros in Gemini, and Orisis in Aquarius... I'm not really sure if they tell you anything... i don't think they do, because i might find an AIR/FIRE guy interesting, but not ROMANTICALLY interesting. I really think that your ASC has a lot to do with it, actually. You have an Aries ASC right? And i have a Scorpio ASC. I think you have said before that your cup of tea would be an Aries man... or maybe i'm just imagining that..? And i KNOW i have admitted that a Scorpio man is exactly what i'm looking for. Someone who has qualities that mirror our deepest feelings, thoughts, wishes, wants, and ideas. But i don't know. It's a theory. What asteroids would tell you about your "perfect mate"? DD, Don Henrie freaked you out?? Hahaha, alright. I understand. Do you not like gothic boys either? Should i put away the 20-hundred pictures of pale, scrawny lovers that i have? Darn... IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 17, 2008 12:43 AM
what do osiris and anubis tell you? about yourself or in synastry?IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 17, 2008 12:58 AM
metai like the excitement of an aries man - the energy - the sponteneity - the it sounds like fun lets do it attitude - the wake up in the morning and go for an unplanned adventure. i also like the scorpio intensity. but where i'm highly unpredictable someone like me is probably not good for me - i need an anchor. but i can't stand to be suffocated. i can't stand having my freedom restricted. i want the love itself to be intense. but not my actions or my expressions restricted. i'm not fiery at all - but i'm very - but i'm fairly high energy. i can't sit still - very hard. more than anything i really like to be stimulated mentally - so someone who can make me laugh and exchange thoughts with is the absolute ideal for me. that's my attraction to anderson cooper - always feel that there'd be high mental energy between us. oh, i've got it bad for him. lol! i must be such a nerd. star wars, computers, anderson cooper! lol! that intensity that you talk about - where you bascially inhabit each other - that SOUNDS nice to me - but i don't think i could LIVE it - i need a lot of stimulation - the stimulation is more important than the person sometimes for me -so i really don't think one person could meet my needs. i think one thing from one person and other things from other people. i hold no illusion that one person can gratify all of my needs nor i theirs. i'm not really made for marriage, but then, i'm very very very very loyal. so..... i'm made for one person - but i need the differnt stimuli - not necessarily on a sexual level - i mean, i can get my mental stimulation from friends or every day encounters with people - it doesn't have to be from a romantic/sexual/life partner. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 17, 2008 12:59 AM
Well, Isis and Orisis are soulmate indicators... SO, i figured that since Orisis is the "Male" mate, then it may insinuate the type of man i am looking for in a soulmate. Same with Eros. I've never heard of the other asteroid you mentioned... elaborate?I don't know, what asteroids do you like, in the natal chart, would point to the type of person you long for? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 17, 2008 01:09 AM
PA,That is so interesting. That you like the SOUND of that kind of romance, but you know once you got it, you wouldn't want it forever. So what i got from your description is that you don't feel like you could be completely engulfed in another person. Not only do you think you wouldn't, but you wouldn't want to. Wow... i don't think i really realized how much you like your freedom until this very moment. Is that an AIR thing? Because i know that fire signs are very loyal, like you stated you are... but... well, then again, i don't think that FIRE, nor Aries, is all that into All-Consuming Love. They want love, and loyalty, but not dependency or sickness, or a Romeo and Juliet situation. So basically, we're looking for different types of passion. I like spontaneity as well, but not happy-go-lucky spontaneity. Not, "oh, let's get up and go on a nice hike and a picnic". I like more, "Get up, i'm going to show you where my last girlfriend told me she wasn't in love with me and show you where i was going to hang myself in her backyard". ... Wow... i've got problems... Anyways, Yes, i've noticed that you're all about connecting with someone on a mental level. If you don't think that the conversation would be challenging and witty then the guy, regardless of how good looking he is, turns you off. There's just a pattern in the men you like. They all have many, many, many wild stories to tell, and i'm sure they'd all tell them without bitterness in their voices or a tear in their eyes. They'd all have a sense of humor about it. You say you're not cut out for marriage... does that make being married difficult for you? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 17, 2008 01:11 AM
PA,You also said that you don't think you could fill another person's needs, nor do you think they could fill yours. Would you WANT someone to? Would you WANT to fill someone's? I mean, what would you do if you met someone, whom you really, truly cared for and liked... but they turned out to be someone like me. Someone who was looking for THAT type of relationship. Someone who loved you like that...? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 17, 2008 01:25 AM
metalooks don't mean that much to me. i mean, i'm not going to go out with someone who repulses me - no matter what other attributes they have but also i'm going to go based on feelings - that connection of energy. in real life i rarely notice a man in terms of looks - i usually see people - but every now and then someone will grab my attention. not often - it really is rare that i'll see someone and have a "perve" - really really rare. it's not the wild stories that the men have to tell. in all honesty - it's the honesty with which they speak about them. if you read an interview with kiefer or with rdj then you'll see that. no matter how much they've f*cked up - they say it - they know it - and they have the humility that a lifetime of being really really humanly flawed permits them. its the honesty and humanness factor more than anything. i like being with one person. i like being mutually committed to one person. but at the same time i find it very restrictive. i need a lot of time to myself. i need other stimulus. i'm well aware that throughout your life you constantly meet people that you are attracted to for different reasons. when you make those vows you commit yourself to a life time of not following or exploring those opportunities. it's a huge decision. and love isn't everything - it's not the only factor. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 17, 2008 01:27 AM
one thing i will say to any woman considering marriage or long-term partnership - is - put as much as you can in your own name - property and possession wise. not for divorce purposes. purely for your own support and opportunities. truly. it's the best advice you'll ever get. for your own freedom.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 17, 2008 01:35 AM
it's part of the factor - i would see those qualities. if someone tells me on the first date that they love me - that's not romantic - to me that says possessive-obsessive - run run run as fast as you can.the more you experience the faster you get at sensing and seeing those things. i went out with a guy - one date - he was so boring. i couldn't wait to get away from him. he spent the whole night telling me about his roomy. every time i said i liked a movie or music he commented that so did his roomy. by the end of the night i wanted to ask for an introduction to his roommate. i got rid of him - or, i thought i did - by taking him to a bar after dinner and getting him drunk on opal nera (black saumbucca) shooters - ah, it only took two - i knew for sure he wasn't for me. and i don't even drink. lol! he called the next day and told me what a wonderful time he had and could we go out again. umm, NO! he was an accountant and wore a light grey suit to our first dinner date. even simple things like that - you learn - grey suit = no. it's everything - you have to be honest and open and see everything that is being presented to you - particularly what's not being spoken. everything counts - everything is a sign. when you're TOO ideal you let those slip and those are the things that come up later when you've been married for whatever amount of years and you're hating them - it's those things that you let go, that you thought you could accept. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 17, 2008 01:42 AM
if a guy gets drunk on the first date no matter what else about him - it says something that you can't let go.if he talks about his ex the whole night. move on quick. if he talks about himself all night. move on quicker. if a guy turns up looking like a slob - guess what he's going to be like to live with? and guess who he expects to pick it up? either the girlfriend, or the mother that comes over ALL the time. take EVERYTHING you see - especially the stuff you think is "cute". it ALL means something. don't ignore those nagging feelings - no matter what else - no matter the astrology, how cute he is, any of it. and be mindful that most guys - really are after sex. they really will try it if they can - and man, they'll promise you everything they think you want to hear so they can bed you. before i start sounding jaded - i must say that i love men - and in the feminist argument i ALWAYS take the men's side. you have to be real. love is such a hard thing because there is so much idealism attached to it - especially to the idea of finding THE ONE. IP: Logged |