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Author Topic:   zala

Posts: 2727
From: Germany
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posted July 18, 2008 08:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
Yes, I think your explanation of my feelings concerning the dream fit perfectly. I`m feeling better right now. It`s just that I have to accept that there IS actually a connection, even if it might only exist in my subconsciousness.

Regarding the asteroids, I am just trying out a system looking at following points / asteroids:

for closeness / caring / intimacy:
- I`m not sure Juno really fits there, but she is about marriage and commitment, so definitely a part of intimacy

for romantic love:
Venus, Amor, Valentine, DC

for (sexual) chemistry:
Mars, Eros, Anteros, AC

I would also look at following "couples":
Isis - Osiris (soulmates)
Siva - Kaali (soulmates, but with a more erotic emphasis, as Kaali represents tantric sex I believe)
Amor - Psyche (the Roman soulmates, but in a more platonic sense)
Eros - Psyche (Roman soulmates, in a more erotic sense)
Adonis - Aphrodite (for irresistible attraction and infatuation)
Adonis - Venus (adoration and infatuation, even though maybe not as URGENT as Aphrodite; Aphrodite seems to represent more urgent desires than Venus)
Mars - Aphrodite (like a form of Mars-Venus, with a slightly more intense desire)

So far my thoughts on this.


Oh I almost forgot:

for karmic connections:

NN, Karma, Destinn, Vertex

(I thought it was rather "beautiful" to have in each area one planet, one angle and two asteroids, it looks so symmetrical somehow,e ven though technically speaking NN is not a planet I know. )

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posted July 18, 2008 08:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

wow! thank you for listing those. that is so brilliant and i am so grateful.

yes, north node is not a planet - but it is such a vital placement.

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posted July 18, 2008 08:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

with the connection thing - sometimes even when we meet someone face to face - the connection is one sided - so whether you relate that back to someone famous that you intuit or feel a connection to or to someone you have met in person i suppose is irrelevant in the sense that it's all about you and your learning and growth.

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
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posted July 18, 2008 09:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
I have done this analysis or listing for the synastry with Patrick and limited myself only to conjunctions and oppositions (and will keep the trines in the back of my head) within 3°.


his Moon conjunct my Sun
his Moon opposite my DrCeres
his dr MOon opposite my Dr Pluto
his dr Moon conjunct my DR IC

his Ceres opposite my Pluto
his Ceres conjunct my IC
his Ceres opposite my DR Karma
his dr Ceres conjunct my Dr Saturn

his Juno conjunct my dr IC
his Juno opposite my dr Pluto
his dr Juno conjunct my Psyche

his IC conjunct my dr Ceres
his dr IC conjunct my dr Pluto
his dr IC conjunct my dr MC

14 aspects

my dr Moon opposite his dr Chiron

my Ceres opposite his Mars
my Ceres opposite his Amor
my Ceres conjunct his Eros
my dr Ceres opposite his Sun
my dr Ceres opposite his Moon
my dr Ceres conjunct his IC

my IC conjunct his dr Amor
my IC conjunct his dr Ceres
my dr IC conjunct his Juno
my dr IC conjunct his dr Sun
my dr IC conjunct his dr Moon
my dr IC conjunct his dr MC

13 aspects - how nicely balanced

for romantic potential:

his Venus conjunct my dr Pluto
his Venus conjunct my dr MC
his Venus opposite my Destinn
his dr Venus opposite my Psyche

his Amor opposite my Ceres
his Amor conjunct my dr Anteros
his dr Amor opposite my PLuto
his dr Amor conjunct my IC
his dr Amor opposite my dr Karma

his Valentine conjunct my Anteros
his dr Valentine conjunct my Karma

his DC conjunct my DR DC
his dr DC conjunct my Chiron

13 aspects

my dr Venus conjunct his dr Saturn
my dr Venus conjunct his dr Vertex

my dr Amor conjunct his AC
my dr Amor opposite his dr Psyche

my dr DC conjunct his Saturn
my dr DC conjunct his VErtex
my dr DC conjunct his DC
my dr DC conjunct his dr Psyche

8 - not so nicely balanced

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
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posted July 18, 2008 09:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
for potential chemistry:

his Mars conjunct my dr Anteros
his Mars opposite my Ceres
his dr Mars opposite my Pluto

his Eros conjunct my dr Anteros
his Eros conjunct my Ceres
his dr Eros conjunct my dr Karma
his dr Eros conjunct my Pluto

his Anteros opposite my Chiron
his Anteros opposite my dr Venus
his dr Anteros opposite my Eros

his ASC conjunct my DR Mars
his AC conjunct my DR Amor
his AC conjunct my dr AC

13 aspects

my Mars conjunct his dr Chiron
my dr Mars opposite his Saturn
my dr Mars conjunct his Antivertex
my dr Mars conjunct his AC
my dr Mars opposite his dr Psyche

my dr Eros o pposite his Chiron

my Anteros conjunct his Valentine
my Anteros opposite his dr Pluto
my Anteros opposite his dr Anteros
my dr Anteros opposite his Mars
my dr Anteros opposite his Amor
my dr Anteros conjunct his Eros

my AC conjunct his dr Chiron

13 aspects - that`s better

I only wonder what this emphasis on Anteros is supposed to mean.

And for some of the "couple-asteroids"

Isis / Osiris

his Isis conjunct my SN
his Isis conjunct my DC
his Isis conjunct my dr Moon
his dr Isis conjunct my Venus
his dr Isis conjunct my Isis
his dr Isis conjunct my Osiris

his Osiris conjunct my IC (and trine my ASC)
his osiris opposite my dr Karma

my Isis / Osiris conjunct his dr Isis

my dr Isis / Osiris conjunct his dr Vertex

Siva / Kaali

his Siva conjunct my dr Pluto - Venus de India said that could be like a Venus-Pluto-aspect
his dr Siva conjunct my Parvati (Parvati was the first beloved wife of Siva)

his Kaali conjunct my Mars
his Kaali conjunc tmy NN
his Kaali conjunct my ASC
his Kaali opposite my dr Moon
his dr Kaali oposite my Venus

my dr Siva conjunct his SN

my dr Kaali conjunct his Karma
my dr Kaali conjunct his DEstinn

And for Adonis - Aphrodite (Venus):

his Adonis conjunct my Adonis
his dr Aphrodte conjunct my dr Venus

his Adonis opposite my dr Venus
my Adonis opposite his dr Aphrodite
my Aphrodite opposite his dr Mars

my Adonis conjunct his dr Antivertex

his Aphrodite conjunct my dr DC


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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
Registered: Aug 2006

posted July 18, 2008 09:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

yes, you are right, this sort of connection is all about MY growth and transformation, at least at the moment. And therefor he - Jude- still seems to be somewhat important to me, otherwise I wouldn`t dream of him, I guess.

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Posts: 1755
From: Australia
Registered: May 2008

posted July 18, 2008 09:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

thats a WHOLE lot of conjunctions (and oppositions) happening there - i mean, a REAL lot. and it doesn't just cover one element - it goes (and well balanced) throughout each - it's all covered - spiritual, physical, mental. and, also, you've got that balance of being connected on earth level and spirit level.

that's pretty stellar.

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Posts: 1755
From: Australia
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posted July 18, 2008 09:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

yes, what do you think jude is trying to tell you - or awaken within you - or even release. i would more say awaken but it could be anything and your intuit is the best source and guide for that one. i'd say once you learn what you need to or bring to consciousness what you need to the attraction or drawing will just naturally dissolve. unless, of course, you are actually destined to meet - which - do you think could (even slightly) be a possibility?

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
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posted July 18, 2008 09:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
On a quick glance there are even some Double whammies in the tropical:

Sun / Psyche:
sextile 0°
sextile 3° - okay this one is a tad wide, but I thought since we have Psyche-Psyche-conjunct it still counts

Saturn / Valentine:
trine - 2,5
sextile - 0

NN / Amor:
square - 1
square - 0

Vertex / Valentine:
trine - 1,5
sextile - 0

Valentine / Juno:
trine - 0
trine - 2,5

AC / Eros:
square - 1
trine - 2

AC / Destinn:
sextile - 0
trine - 0

Adonis / Sun:
sextile - 0
sextile - 1,5

Adonis / Psyche:
trine - 2
trine - 0

So there is actually a chain of double whammies between Adonis - Psyche - Sun with Sun conjunct Sun, Psyche conjunct Psyche, Adonis conjunct ADonis.
Looks interesting.

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Posts: 1755
From: Australia
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posted July 18, 2008 09:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message
omg - that's an ENORMOUS amount of double whammies!

i'm going to disappear for a few minutes. having problems with computer that will try to fix right now. hopefully back soon. if not - it means i stuffed up and will see you tomorrow.

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
Registered: Aug 2006

posted July 18, 2008 10:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
Gotta go for a couple of minutes too.

HOpe to catch you later,n if not, good night.

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
Registered: Aug 2006

posted July 18, 2008 10:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
Yes, I think that`s a pretty impressive list of double whammies, even though they are "only" with asteroids.

I didn`t even include the Draco`s here. But I noticed that we have a very symmetrical DW on Ceres / IC.
The Draconic Ceres is conjunct each other`s IC. It looks like the chart of two people who could really care for each other.
If we remember that the IC is the deepest core of one`s personality and related to soulmates and karma and that the Draconics also say something about past lives, it could mean that we have been part of the same family in a previous life. Since Ceres makes the connection, and Ceres is THE mothergoddess, I suspect it has been a mother-child-relationship. The high emphasis on the IC`s would further confirm that.

Also, his dr Ceres / my IC trines my Mars, Neptune, AC and NN.
My dr Ceres / his IC opposes his Sun-Moon-MC-conjunction and sextiles his NN.

It is quite remarkable, that both Ceres / IC-aspects connect to important planets and to the NN in both cases.

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
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posted July 18, 2008 01:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
I just looked up our Egyptian signs.

My birthday is the 18th december, the last day of OSIRIS
His birthday is the 19th december, the first day of ISIS

Additionally his Draco Isis is exactly conjunct my Osiris.

Whoa, doesn`t something like this gives you the shivers?

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
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posted July 18, 2008 04:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
I think I got fascinated with my own idea again.

So I checked Jude`s and my synastry for the same set of planets (to have a better comparision)


his Moon opposite my dr Venus

his Ceres conjunct my Anteros

his Junjo conjunct my Mars
his Juno conjunct my Amor
his dr Juno conjunct my Moon
his IC conjunct my IC

6 aspects

my Moon conjunct his draco Juno
my dr Moon conjunct his DC

my dr Ceres conjunct his dr Chiron

my Juno conjunct his Eros
my Juno opposite his dr Valentine
my Juno oppoiste his Anteros
my dr Juno opposite hisSun
my dr Juno conjunct his Valentine

my IC conjunct his IC
my IC conjunct his dr Antivertex
my dr IC conjunct his Vertex

11 aspects


his Venus conjunct my NN
his Venus opposite my Karma
his dr Venus conjunct my Psyche
his Venus opposite my dr Psyche

his dr Amor opposite my dr Saturn
his Amor conjunct my Psyche

his VAlentine oppoiste my Venus
his Valentine conjunct my dr Juno
his dr Valentine opposite my Juno
his dr Valentine opposite my dr Valentine
his dr Valentine opopsite my dr Amor

his DC conjunct my SN
his DC conjunct my dr Moon

13 aspects

my Venus conjunct his Sun
my Venus oposite his Valentine
my dr Venus opposite his MOon

my Amor conjunct his Juno
my Amor opposite his drEros
my dr Amor conjunct his dr Sun
my dr Amor oposite his dr Valentine
my dr Amor conjunct his Eros

my Valentine conjunct his Mars
my Valentine conjunct his dr Anteros
my dr Valentine conjunct his Eros
my dr VAlentine conjunct his dr Sun
my dr Valentineo posite his dr Valentine
my dr VAlentine o pposite his Anteros

my DC conjunct his DC

15 aspects

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
Registered: Aug 2006

posted July 18, 2008 04:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

his Mars conjunct my Valentine
his dr Mars opposite my dr Chiron

his Eros conjunct my Juno
his Eros conjunct my dr Valentine
his ERos conjunct my dr Amor
his dr Eros opposite my Mars
his dr Eros opposite my Amor

his Anteros oposite my Juno
his Anteros opposite my dr Valentine
his dr Anteros conjunct my Valentine

his AC conjunct my NN
his AC conjunct my AC
his dr AC conjunct my Psyche

13 aspects

my Mars conjunct his Juno
my Mars opposite his dr ERos

my Eros conjunct his Vertex
my dr Eros conjunct his Psyche
my Eros opposite his dr Psyche

my Anteros conjunct his Ceres

my AC conjunct his AC
my dr AC conjunct his dr Destinn

8 aspects

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Posts: 1755
From: Australia
Registered: May 2008

posted July 19, 2008 10:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

did you see the "rafe" jealous of the rain thing?

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
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posted July 19, 2008 11:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
No, didn`t see it. What`s it all about?

Jealous of the rain because it can touch someone? Or why would someone be jealous of rain?

Would that be a Pluto-Neptune-symolism. Pluto - jealousy, Neptune- water, rain?


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Posts: 1755
From: Australia
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posted July 19, 2008 12:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message
yes yes, jealous of the rain because it can touch her.


yes, very pluto - neptune isn't it. pluto intensity and passion to neptune idealism and romanticism.

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posted July 19, 2008 08:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
"I'm jealous of everything that moves".

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posted July 19, 2008 08:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message
ah, she has returned.

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posted July 19, 2008 08:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
Did you miss me?

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posted July 19, 2008 08:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
See, even when i'm not here you all can't help but talk about "rafe". Tsk Tsk. Should i say Told You So now? Or later?

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posted July 19, 2008 08:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
Alright, time to back track... where to begin.



In all honesty, after we had that conversation about how we love and the type of men and relationships we are attracted to, i felt sincerely guilty. I almost felt like you were inadvertantly saying that my type of romance is immature, naive, and unstable. Which, you are entitled to your opinion and if that is the way you think and feel then i respect that. As i respect you. But, in truth, i have no control over the way i love. Who i love. And all of the above. It's just natural for me to want and love and express myself like that.

And when i said competition over who loves who more, and yada yada yada, i didn't mean it in a sick way. But then again... maybe it is sick. Maybe you're right, and all of this is destructive and unhealthy, but... i like it. I wouldn't change this aspect of me for the world. Even if it is potentially harmful, it's passionate. It's in the moment. It's raw and real and magnificent. I don't really care for stability. I'm probably not made for marriage. I don't want a family. I only want a spouse. No children. No settling down into a "normal" life. I just want to be violently in love with one person for as long as humanly possible.

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posted July 19, 2008 09:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
You described to me the perfect relationship for you... and i wasn't attracted to that. I mean, i honor the way you feel and i understand why you would like that, but it did nothing for me personally. I wouldn't want a relationship like that. I was actually in a relationship with a young man who was looking for that. Needless to say, the romance was short lived.

I wonder if his Venus was in Aries...

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posted July 19, 2008 09:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
Speaking of Venus in Aries, the Gothic guy that i mentioned to you a few pages back... remember, he has his Venus in Aries and i'm horrible stunned by him...?

Well, you asked me "but as you are talking about a man it would show the type of woman he would be attracted to. as a woman it shows how you love. so how compatable are those two factors? is he what you need him to be? and - are we talking about happily ever after or lets take this to where it can go? what are you looking for with him?"

Hmm.. yes, the type of woman he's attracted to. But that would also speak for the way he loves and shows affection... correct? That was always my understanding.

And of course i'm not in love with him, or looking to have his babies. My loyalty lies elsewhere, as you know. I simply meant that the attraction that i felt toward him-instantly-was aweful. Just God aweful. It was overwhelming. I didn't want to talk to him, or smile at him, or even look at him. I just WANTED him. Immediately.

Then we did begin to talk. And he's interesting. I do feel a warm affinity for him. In fact, i have a fear that if we spent more time together, and got to know each other better, i'd be in trouble. Deep. Deep. Deep. Deep. Deep. Trouble.

His Chart

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