Topic: zala
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 03, 2008 04:26 PM
quote: What made you think that Christopher had a close Sun/Mars contact?
Just intuition. My family is full of Sun/Mars people: Dad ~ Sun Taurus Square Mars Pisces Me ~ Sun Gemini Trine Mars Aquarius Husband ~ Sun Aqua Opposite Mars Leo #1 Son ~ Sun Libra Square Mars Capricorn #2 Son ~ Sun Virgo Opposite Mars Pisces We can all get a bit stroppy when something annoys us.
#1 Son has Mars Cnj Ascendant in the 12th. I have Mars CNJ NN Sq Ascendant ~ in Scorpio. When he gets arsey and aggressive I don't get too critical because he sounds just like me. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 03, 2008 09:46 PM
I don't know who to start with... decisions, decisions...Ok, PA, I will have to go back a few threads and relive your RDJ synastry. For one reason or another, i haven't a clue about any of his placements. He's an Aries, right? So, personality-wise, it's RDJ... but you think that you and Siddig would reach new heights of euphoria under the sheets? Ha! That's great. But what's wrong with him being thin? No good? Is that your Mars in Taurus kicking in, wanting a sturdier man??? So let me get this straight, you think that Christopher Eccleston is intriguing, but you don't feel sexually or romantically inclined towards him? .. i can understand that.. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 03, 2008 09:49 PM
DD,WHAT THE HECK, YOU BACKSTABBING HO!!!!!??? Ok, i do believe that when we took the "Who is Your Literary Lover" quiz, that we both scored Heathcliff. So can you please explain to me why you like more of little Miss Peace Angel's lova-boys than mine?!?!?!?! I am confused! Oh the betrayal! Oh the agony! Oh what a rogue and peasant slave YOU ARE!!!! ... did i already call you a ho? If not, HO!!!
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 03, 2008 09:51 PM
Blue Moon,You made me laugh with your #1 Son comment about him being annoying. You're too much! So, enlighten me, is this aspect relatively positive to possess, or would you say no? Not to be nosey, but could you also tell me you're placements. I find the things you say and your input quite enticing, i wonder why that is... IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 04, 2008 04:54 AM
Well I tend to like Mars/Sun people, but I would say that, wouldn't I? It's aggressive energy in a upfront way, getting fired up about things. It isn't controlling or menancing. Which is how C.E comes across to me ~ I can imagine him having a couple of drinks and getting animated about something that annoys him, but not nasty. This is my chart, btw: I've put up a thread on 'know two are alike' where it is larger. That's a bit hard to read there. While we are talking about people who get wound up, I am going to slip in that I have a thing about Russell Crowe. I tend to like Arien men. Sean Bean, there's another. Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe, Russell Crowe as Jack Aubrey. I love both of those characters.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 04, 2008 05:02 AM
blue moonrussell crowe. i have it from a knowing source that he is as thick as a tree trunk and goes all night. do you like him more now? IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 04, 2008 05:23 AM
Yes. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 04, 2008 05:25 AM
Forgot to say that I think Sun/Mars tends to be good in a crisis. Acts promptly, good first aiders, last action hero. For some reason I forgot all about that when Russell's tree trunk got mentioned. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 04, 2008 05:28 AM
blue moon:i said: "do you like him more now?" you said: "yes" my response now: "who doesn't!" IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 04, 2008 05:30 AM
meta asked me earlier about my comment about alexander siddig being too thin. the reason this may be a problem in sexual matters is because, well, i do think that a man's body build reveals something about his penis shape and size. long and thin? umm, no. i'll just have what russell's offering.ROFL! ah, the girl talk returns. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 04, 2008 05:32 AM
blue moonbtw - have you decided between christian and aaron. or is the option of both preferable? or are you still lost on russell? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 04, 2008 05:32 AM
christian who? aaron who?IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 04, 2008 05:58 AM
Any of the three would keep me happy but if I had a choice it would be Russell every time. Tall and thin, now if you were dating Ewan McGregor you would know the technical term for this is "built like a streak o' pish". Having been favoured with the gentlemanly services of a Glasweigan in the dim and distant past, I can tell you that he was indeed built like a streak o' pish (that's fella from Glasgow, not Ewan whom I have never met), but had McGregor sized parts. If you think about it you get a handy bit of optical illusion, but I wasn't just measuring with my eyes. those were the days, my friend, I thought they'd never end IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 04, 2008 08:46 AM
now this is interesting. i've seen mr mcgregor naked (as has any woman who has seen virtually ANY of his movies as he doesn't seem to mind being without uniform in them). but, i have not been so impressed with his package. what have i missed? and, apparently, how did i miss it?are you suggesting that all glaswegians are built like a streak o' pish? do they have a reputation? being an aussie i don't know such things. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 04, 2008 08:51 AM
bm"Forgot to say that I think Sun/Mars tends to be good in a crisis." either that or they ARE the crisis. i don't know much about christopher eccelston. actually - i don't know anything about him. and sean bean. yeah - i get that. i really loved him as odysseus in troy. he was better than brad pitt and orlando bloom. BUT not sure about eric bana. he certainly got my attention in that movie. just loved his character. speaking of ewan before - something that put me off him recently - he said that he shaves his chest to look younger. no no no! leave the fur on! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 04, 2008 09:00 AM
ddanother ncis fan! yeahhhhhh! love that show. full of great characters. ALL the men are nice to look at in that show. perv value aside - i love the storylines, the humour - everything - great show. who is this guy? Richard Armitage. i've never heard of him before. i know we mentioned him so hundred posts ago. so agree about johnny depp - jip sex appeal. i do like that his acting is so so far beyond what anyone else has the scope or courage to do or try. where's stuart on your list? fickle. very very fickle. i'm glad we have another female who gets the virtues of alexander siddig. what a stunning looking man. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 04, 2008 09:28 AM
Meta,ROFL  PA,
I only replied to YOUR lists, I probably would have to inlude Stuart in mine, and yes, okay, Jude, too. And agreed, CIS has great humour, I also like the younger blonde guy, whoever that is. He`s funny. Richard Armitage. Someone posted a pic here, and I thought he was really great looking. Worth a sin or two. 
Johnny Depp - yes, definitely a stunning actor. And I LOVED what VAnessa Paradis said about him in an interview I read, and how much in love she seemed to be with him, stilll, after so many years. I thought it was so cute. And encouraging, that something like this is possible. But actually I think I have "changed" my body-type a little bit.  Suddenly it`s all about darkblonde hair, blue grey sparkling eyes and rather athletic strong build with broad shoulders and huge hands. LOL Okay, so I didn`t REALLY changed my prefered body shape, I think I only returned to the beginning. lol IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 04, 2008 12:30 PM
Richard Armitage: What thinks ye, Peace Angel? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 04, 2008 12:41 PM
Holy Shite, Blue Moon!No wonder i like you! I just looked at your chart and this is what i've found (well, this is under the assumption that our degrees correlate): Your Sun sextile My Sun Your Sun square My Mercury Your Sun trine My Moon Your Moon trine my Saturn Your Moon sextile My Venus/Chiron/Jupiter Your Mercury conjunct My Mars Your Venus conjunct My Mars Your Venus sextile my Venus Your... ok, let me just post my freakin' chart because this is becoming tedious: Did you notice that ASC conjunct that we also have? Yeah. That's awesome. I sound like i'm your groupie... :P IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 04, 2008 12:44 PM
" 'Forgot to say that I think Sun/Mars tends to be good in a crisis.'either that or they ARE the crisis." ..i have sun square mars... WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY THERE, PEACE ANGEL?!?!? HMM??? ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY I LIKE TO START STUFF???? DO YOU WANNA GO?! YOU AND ME, RIGHT NOW! RIGHT HERE! PUT 'EM UP!!! ... ^_^ IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 04, 2008 12:49 PM
I'm not attracted to Russell Crowe. Not in the least bit. I just can't wrap my mind around it. He's just... sincerely not my type. There is nothing about him that is alluring or intriguing. PA, You're not impressed with Ewan's package?!? *GASP* Wow... i'm... i'm not quite sure what to do with that information... I think somewhere, just now, a cat fell down dead. Like you've said, we've pretty much all seen his goods, and let me tell you, i wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers! And by the way, when you described how Siddig's body would match his.. umm.. member... well, i definitely choked on my cereal! LOL! IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 04, 2008 12:59 PM
quote: are you suggesting that all glaswegians are built like a streak o' pish?
No, but he was, and he had a big *ahem* too. It was just an example. It looks bigger, as well, because of the shape of the body. Small or medium is fine too, they all get results. I'm not fussy. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 04, 2008 01:12 PM
Meta4 !Your Moon is 2 degrees from my Mars, your Mars is 2 degrees from my Venus, your Pluto 2 degrees from my Ascendant, our Ascendants are 2 degrees apart, etc. sail away with me honey IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 04, 2008 01:14 PM
Holy Hell Batman!So... should we get married now? or Later?  IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 04, 2008 01:17 PM
Up to you, but maybe I should push the current postholder onto a train track first so we can get our paws on his insurance. The cigarette and alcohol route is taking a long time. Hilariously, this is our synastry chart ~ including fixed Grand Cross: IP: Logged |