posted August 10, 2008 12:45 PM
James Purefoy, interesting.There is a French musical actor, Jerome Pradon, who shares his birthdate 3rd june 1964.
and Jerome kinda played a pivotal role in the direction my life has taken.
I remember the exact day (12th feburary 2001), when I saw him. It was in the DVD of "Jesus Christ Superstar" - I actually just wanted to have a short glimpse at it(I had totally turned my back on musical at this time) and when I came back to my senses, it was 2 hours later, the musical was over and my life had completely changed.
I had just shortly before bought a computer with internet access (I always avoided this before), and I used it to search for the name; I stumbled across Jeromè`s forum and to make a very long story short, I fell in love with the internet, with the forum and got very much infatuated with the man himself. And in a way he opened me up to many things, For once it was then that I first started to realize that there is nothing bad in having dreams, infatuations and little obsessions.
I started listening to musicals I would NEVER have looked at twice (Killing Rasputin, Napoleon, Martin Guerre and others).
I started writing again, not poetry like I had done in my youth, but real stories, short stories, novels (I actually completed some kind of fanfiction novel about "JCS").
One year later I even went to Paris to see him live on stage in a musical show called "Delit d`Ivresse", and I don`t speak one single word French. But I met up with some people I had met across the forum there, it was the first time that I ever went on a trip on my own, to a country whose language I don`t speak to meet people I had never seen in all my life.
Transit Uranus was conjunct my Moon back then, maybe that explains it.
And after the show, when the others wanted to see him, I was just standing in the background, only observing, when he came up to me to say hello and asked me who I was and where I came from. I was so surprised, and he was so nice.
In a way this meeting was so encouraging that it gave me the courage to talk to my longest lasting musical crush, whom I funnily met one month later (the very same one I bumped into last year), and it also led me to be able to approach Patrick, after he had played "Jesus" in Jesus Christ Superstar. It almost feels like a cycle has been completed, and it started with Jerome. So I only have the most tender feelings towards him.
Ah yes the synastry is REAL challenging with several Grand Crosses and T-squares and such things. Wanna have a taste?
Grand Cross
His Sun conjunct my SN and Kaali
my Npetune and NN
his Uranus and Pluto
opposing his Moon, Vesta and my Jupiter and Ceres
(it`s a big Grand Cross )
his Mercury and Mars
his Neptune
my Moon and his Psyche
Grand Cross / T-square:
his NN and Venus
my Venus and Vesta
my IC (and his draconic Venus)
my Pluto and MC
Grand TRine
his Chiron conjunct my Juno (the Magis would love this one)
my Saturn
his Neptune
his MOon sextile his Jupiter quinkunx my pluto
WE also have several Double Whammies:
his Moon conjunct my Jupiter
his Jupiter widely squares my Moon
his Moon squares my Neptune
his Neptune squares my Moon
his Venus trines my Ceres
his Ceres c onjuncts my Venus
his Mars sextiles my Saturn
his Saturn squares my Mars
his Uranus squares my NN
his NN trines my Uranus
his Uranus opposite my Ceres
his Ceres sextiles my Uranus
his SN conjuncts my VEsta
his Vesta squares my nodal axis
his Amor opposes my Nessus
his NEssus opposes my Amor
his Ceres conjuncts my Vesta
his Vesta conjuncts my Ceres
(btw the day we met Transit Jupiter was exactly conjunct his Venus and exactly opposing my Venus)
Other aspects including Draco`s:
his Eros trine my Psyche
his Pluto opposite my Ceres
his Chiron conjunct my Juno, dr VAlentine and dr Amor
his Karma conjunct my dr Eros and dr Vertex
his VAlentine oposite my Chiron
his Amor conjunct my Sun
his ERos opposite my Sun
his Psyche conjunct my Moon and trine my Karma
his Juno trine my Eros
his draco Sun conjunct my Jupiter and Ceres
his DRaco Moon conjunct my Neptune, NN and ASC
his Draco Venus conjunct my IC
his DRaco Mars conjunct my Moon
his Draco Saturn conjunct my Amor
his Draco Uranus conjunct my DRaco Moon
his DRaco Pluto conjunct my SN, DC, Kaali and Draco Moon
- no wonder he had such a transformative influence on me
his dr Chiron opposite my Karma
his draco VAlentine ocnjunct my Saturn
his draco Karma conjunct my draco Chiron
his draco Amor conjunct my Dr DC
his DR Eros conjunct my dr Mars, dr Amor and dr AC
his dr Psyche conjunct my dr Eros
his dr Vesta conjunct my Mars, asc, Neptune and NN
his dr Vesta opposite my dr Moon
Sorry that it has become so long.