Topic: zala
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 05:03 AM
meta quote: Oh, c'mon! You know you like 'em too! You want a straight nancy boy! Mmm Mmm Good!
ROFL. no such, i'm sorry. there's something distinctly disappointing and unappealing about an effeminate male. i like a manly man - it's not about having bits and pieces in the right place and right size - it's about knowing what to do with them. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 05:06 AM
metadefinitely like that last pic of toby stephens as hamlet. the rest not appealing. LOL - i love hamlet. funny we can agree on everything else except men. though, possibly we have found some balance with christian bale. funny too that we can look one person and see and be attracted to totally different aspects of them. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 05:10 AM
bm quote: The JM picture is from Dangerous Liasons. He's a weird guy, but I do find him attractive. It's probably because he's a bit of a weird guy, and he has an intimidatingly intelligent aura. It's not something I come across very often.
yes, i think that is so spot on about malkovich. especially the intimidating intelligent aura. it's because of the characters he plays though - because he plays that type/role so well - you can't help but wonder if somewhere inside there does there lurk a serial killer? same with christian and batman - can't help but wonder how much is in there too. jeremy irons is the same for me - some of his characters - wonder how much of himself he reveals in them. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 05:20 AM
okay - so tell me that this isn't pretty stellar.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 05:34 AM
BM,I completely agree on John Malkovich. He definitely is on my top-list, even though I find him a little bit intimidating. He radiates such a sharp intelligence and yet there is something boiling underneath, as it feels to me. Dangerous. Mmh, maybe I should give the synastry a look. PA,
this isn`t pretty stellar.  I just lied. You know, I did, didn`t you?  Seriously, you and RDJ - he certainly is your celebrity soulmate. Period. And noone else can ever take his place in the celebrity playground. Or do you disagree? I like him myself, very very very much (my Moon in his 7th house, my Sun, Mercury, Venus in his 5th, my Mars, ASC and NN in his 4th house - I think; his Aries Stellium in my 4th house, his Moon in my 5h house, his Venus and Sun trine my Neptune and opposing my Pluto), but yours is just wow. Just look at this Moon-mars-conjunction, hot, hot, hot. And I just picked ONE out of all the constellations. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 05:49 AM
ddLOL - my synastry with john malkovich. his union & asc. conjunct my south node. his amor conjunct my eros & mc. his mercury & adonis conjunct my neptune. his saturn conjunct union & aphrodite. his neptune & mars conjunct my vertex & adonis. his aphrodite, sappho, destinn conjunct my uranus & desc. karma conjunct karma. his karma conjunct my mercury. his desc. conjunct my north node, anteros, juno. his anteros conjunct my ic. a zillion trines and squares - it looks more red than blue. well, that's just some really strange conjunctions happening there. i don't feel attracted to him at all. certainly find him interesting. i think he'd find me more interesting that i would find him, oddly enough. now that's funny. his saturn in my eighth house on top of some serious asteroids speaks loud. the nodal stuff is interesting - union conjunct south node is funny - past life experience as partners? EDIT: funniest thing. i've never thought about it before - but i can see us having a past life together. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 07:34 AM
PA,yes, funny enough, I think I would be probably more interesting to him than the other way round. Talk about being seriously arrogant, the two of us.  My synastry with him is a bit scary: his Sun exactly sextile my Moon his Sun opposite my Karma his Venus exactly conjunct my Mars!  his Venus conjunct my ASC his Mars conjunct my Sappho his Uranus conjunct my Eros and Vertex his NPetune conjunct my Sappho and ADonis his Pluto exactly oppoiste my Psyche his Pluto exactly opposite my mean Lilith  his SN conjunct my Destinn, Vertex and Eros his Vertex exactly conjuncts my Psyche and mean Lilith his Sappho conjunct my Pluto his Juno opposite my Psyche and mean Lilith his Aphrodite conjunct my Pluto his mean Lilith exactly conjunct my Pluto (0°02)  a DW on Lilith - Pluto, no wonder he is rather intimidating to me his DC exactly conjunct my Juno his MC exactly conjunct my Karma IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 07:34 AM
And in the DRaco the Lilith action continues: his Sun exactly opposes my Draco True Lilith his Venus opposes my DR Moon his Mars opposes my Dr Venus  his Saturn exactly conjuncts my Dr Saturn his Uranus conjunct my DR IC his NEptune exactly opposies my DR Venus his SN exactly conjunct my DR IC his MC conjunct my DR Psychehis DR Sun exactly conjunct my Psyche his DR Sun conjuncts my mean Lilith his DR Moon exactly opposite my pluto his DR Venus exactly conjunct my DR Sappho his DR Mars conjunct my SUn his DR URanus conjunct my DR DC his DR mean Lilith / Sappho / Aphrodite all oppose my Karma and dr Psyche and DR mean lIlith  his dr Vertex conjunct my dr Venus his dr ERos conjunct my Mars, ASC and NN his dr Psyche conjunct my Psyche and Lilith his dr Amor conjunct my Juno Oh btw my Sun, Mercury and Venus all fall into his 4th house and my Moon falls into his 5th house. His Sun falls into my 1st house and his Mercury and Venus fall into my 12th house. FEeling a little bit dizzy now.  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 07:37 AM
dd quote: Talk about being seriously arrogant, the two of us.
ROFL you know though - dissecting it further - he's just a man. the rest is all hollywood legend. that's rather neptunian, isn't it?
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 07:38 AM
ddjust a thought - you seem to really connect very seriously/personally with a lot of actors - a lot more than the rest of us, i think. where is asteroid "actor" in your chart? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 07:43 AM
ddthe beauty of having actual birthtimes - his vertex conjunct your psyche! plus the sn conjunct destinn - whoa! hey, we must all have past lives together! seriously. his mars conjunct your sappho - how does that convert - insanely passionate or incredibly violent? lol - i didn't even think to do draco. quote: FEeling a little bit dizzy now.
oh, god - you've now been sucked into the malkovich vortex. must admit - i don't know a thing about him - know his roles - but NOTHING about him. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 07:45 AM
ROFL Nice of you to ask for "actor".It`s in Taurus in 5th house, merrily joining (conjuncting) EXACTLY my Eros-Psyche-midpoint and Part of marriage (opposing my Draco Saturn though). And of course it is also on the antiscia of my Psyche and mean Lilith. lol It`s also almost exactly trining my Venus, Isis and Osiris in Capricorn, quinkunxing my Mars, ASC, NEptune and NN and also quinkunxing my MC and pluto (it is the apex of a Yod). It`s quite a little bit interwoven into my chart. Yes, I sometimes am a bit taken aback how many actors seem to have strong connections to my chart, or rather hte other way round. lol IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 07:56 AM
ddthat's interesting because we must all have dynamics like that - even that we are not aware of. it could be anything - from a particular sign to career or sct or any one distinct feature. i don't personally have a distinct thing for actors or musicians in general. i'm not sure what my "thing" or dynamic is. chironic is possible. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 08:00 AM
ddmy natal actor is in sagi. it's trine mercury, square pluto. pretty boring really. i suppose the more asteroids added the more possibilities. i suppose i'm more into characters than the actors. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 08:02 AM
well, quick reading on malkovich at imdb doesn't change anything for me. i think he's..... interesting, but not fascinating like other people seem to find him. its his characters that give him that mystique. like most actors. EDIT: two actors i find much more interesting are jeremy irons (though always feel that this man is very very vain and that's really off-putting) and kevin spacey. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 08:07 AM
Well, no I`m not going to get sucked into THAT vortex.  After all it`s HIS Venus conjunct my Mars and ASC not the other way round. lol Seriously though, this one of the cases where I suspect that the house rulers may play a role to explain where there is NO attraction on my part (at least not the kind of attraction that you would act upon, given opportunity). I have ruler of 7 in 1 - so I need a bit of Aries-Mars-action in a man. He doesn`t have anything in Aries, 1st house and Mars is in Libra watered down by a conjunction to Neptune (which I also share). I also want intelligence, Mercury as ruler of 7 conjunct Sun. He definitely has that. Chartruler Mercury in 3rd house. Ruler of my 5th house is in Capricorn in 1st house. So I here need Capricorn - Aries or Saturn-Mars-mix to be romantically attracted. He doesn`t deliver that. There could be some attraction on 8th house level though. My cusp of 8th house falls into Cancer (he has sun in 4th house), ruler of 8 falls into 2nd house (he has Mars in 2nd house). My Saturn in 8th house would feel drawn to his 2nd house Saturn, probably. So I better go not onto the 8th house level (especially not with all these Lilith / Pluto-aspects). There are no strong aspects to my 7th house ruler (only a sextile to his Mars). No very strong aspects to my 8th house ruler Moon (except for an exact sextile to his Sun) No aspects to my Venus, which rules my 5th house (except for a sextile of his 5th house ruler Saturn). On his side of the equation he has Pisces DC (I have Neptune conjunct ASC). Ruler of 7 in 2nd house, so he is seeking for a Venus-kind of woman (I have Venus in 1st house and Moon in Taurushouse, the 2nd). Cusp of his 8th house falls into Aries - I have Mars conjunct ASC. Ruler of 8th falls into his 2nd house, my ruler of 8th also falls into my 2nd as well as the other way round (HUGE emphasis on Venus-Pluto, Taurus-Scorpio-theme - fatal attraction like). Ruler of his 8th conjunct Neptune - Neptune ocnjunct my ASC. His 5th house in Capricorn - my Venus in CAppy. his ruler of 5 in 2, my Venus in 2. BUT he also has MOon in 5th house, I don`t have such a strong Moon.
Ruler of his DSC only has an exact sextile to my Sun and Mercury. Ruler of his 8th house only has an sextile to my Sun and Mercury. Ruler of his 5th house only has a sextile to my Venus. So, this would be only a sextile-connection. Nice, something there, under the surface, but not strong enough. Interestingly I fit better into his chart, than he does into mine. Given the strong Plutonic synastric theme, I wouldn`t really want to cross his path though. lol IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 08:13 AM
dd quote: Given the strong Plutonic synastric theme, I wouldn`t really want to cross his path though. lol
do you think then that in some way - actors attract or take on characters that really do express or reveal something about themselves. i mean, it's no coincidence that they play these types of roles so well - it has to come from somewhere within them where they understand them to that degree. do you know what i mean? it'd be really interesting if we could find natal details about an actor and also a character they play/played and do a synastry.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 08:13 AM
I`m not mesmerized by him either. He has an intimidating, interesting aura and is a great actor (as the other two you mentioned), but htat pretty much sums it up for me.Well, I think it`s a bit of funny that the asteroid Talent is almost exactly conjunct my Psyche (and mean Lilith) and so both are on the antiscia of asteroid actor. And of course I always find many many connections between my Psyche and those actor`s planets. It gets interesting, if there are also connections to THEIR Psyche.  Well, with NEptune conjunct my ASC, NN and Mars I think I am very prone to fall to the allure of actors and singers. It definitely is a recurring theme in my life. I even felt drawn to "real" boys / guys mostly if they were creative, acting, singing or playing an instrument. what can I say? I love actors! And in some cases the pyschic lines get a bit blurry (like in Jude`s case for example). IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 08:18 AM
quote: what can I say? I love actors!
yeah - i know what i can say - "groupie!" IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 12, 2008 08:22 AM
i just realised that my natal adonis is opposite my venus. i don't normally look at that because i only use it in synastry. but talking about what type of men we are attracted to i thought it logical to look at adonis. LOL - opposite venus - precise orb.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 08:24 AM
I think, there is always a connection between actor and part they play. You can see that in the differences when two different people play the same part, just it`s not the same part anylonger. There seems to be a mystical merging of part and actor,which creates something new.And to express something, you have to have it inside, as little as it is. Of course I don`t think that anyone who plays a serial killer, has the tendency to become one, but he has to touch a very dark place in his soul, where a deep anger, fury, frustration, rage and even hate lies. But of course you can`t do an equation actor = part. it`s not that easy, if oyu know what I mean? But seriously, I once read an interview whith John Malkovich, where he told how someone wanted to rob him and he, JM, beat him up badly in the end, he turned the whole thing around. And somehow that really startled me (I mean good for him that he cna defend himself), because there seems to be a lot of potential violence inside him. Of course probably ther eis is in all of us. But most of us never go that deep and touch such dark places or have to. DD
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 08:47 AM
But you don`t like effeminate men!But wait, is your Venus in Aries? Intersting my Adonis is opposing my Draco Venus. lol I´t also conjunct Sappho and Union.
BTW most of those actors have at least some connections to my "Actor". Paul`s Karma and VEnus were conjunct it and his Pluto trined it. Judes`s Sun exactly trines it. Patrick`s Mars-Jupiter-Amor-his name-conjunctin trines it; his Eros - my name (in his chart) exactly sextiles it. Actually my "actor / PoM" is on the midpoint of his Mars-Jupiter-Amor-his Name: his ERos - my name- opposition. Even more interesting his Draco name in my chart conjuncts this point and his tropical Lust almost exactly opposes it. (his own Actor is not far from opposing my Actor, too; his Chiron is also conjunct my Actor, but Chiron is pretty slow, so I don`t know how important that is).
Oh did I already mention that my Draco Antivertex is only 3° - 4° away from Actor / PoM?  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 09:56 AM
PA,you inspired me to look at a comparision between an actor and his role. I chose Jude and the Russian soldier he played as well as Bosie (Oscar Wilde`s lover). With the Vassilij (the Russian sniper):
V hs Sun in Aries - Jude has IC in Aries both have a nearly exact Sun-Pluto-square in cardinal signs! Both have Moon in Air V has MOon conjunct Saturn - Jude has MOon in 10th house V has Mercury in Pisces - Jude has DRACO Mercury in Pisces  V has Venus in Aquarius - Jude has Draco Venus in Aquarius V has Venus conjunct Uranus in Air - Jude has MOon conjunct Uranus in Air V has Mars in Pisces - Jude has Mars in water widely conjunct Neptune and in the 12th house V has Mars conjunct Jupiter - Jude has ASC in Sagittarius V has NN in Aquarius - Jude has NN square Uranus V has MOon conjunt Saturn - Jude has Draco MOon in Capricron and the synastry: (first Vassilij`s Planets) Sun conjunct Jude`s Draconic chartruler and DR Destinn Mercury conjunct Draco Mercury and Draco Karma Venus conjunct DRaco ASC Venus conjunct Draco Lilith Mars square AC SAturn conjunct DRaco Chiron Uranus conjunct Draco Mars NN conjunct DR Venus and DR AC Chiron conjunct DR Sun Karma conjunct chartruler and NN Destinn ocnjunct Uranus NN exactly conjunct Actor! The comparision with Bosie gets really creepy, beware: both have Moon in Libra B has Mercury in Libra - J has MErcury conjunct Venus B has Venus in Libra - J has ASC conjunct Venus B has Mars in 4 - J has Aries-IC B has ASC conjunct Jupiter - J has Sagittarius on ASC B has Gemini ASC - J has Gemini DSC and MErcury in 1st house exactly conjunct Karma B has DSC conjunct Saturn - J has Saturn in 7th house opposing Venus B has NN in Cancer - J has SN in Cancer (this one gives me goosebumps for some reason) B has Sun sextile Saturn - J has Capricorn Sun B has Sun sextile Mars - J has Sun in 1 both have MErcury conjunct Venus B has Venus opposite NEptune - J has Venus conjunct Neptune B has Mars trine Neptune - J has Mars in 12 conjunct Neptune both have the ruler of 7 in 1st house B has Aquarius-MC - J has Uranus in 10 B has Pluto square MC - J has Pluto conjunct mC both have Chiron in Aries (now, that one is generational, but since both births have been centuries apart, it is interesting) For the synastry first Bosies planets):
Sun exactly conjunct Moon Moon conjunct pluto and MC MErcury conjunct Pluto and MC MErcury oposite Chiron (On MY part of Reincarnation, oh GREAT) Venus conjunct Uranus Mars square Mars NN conjunct SN (his present is Jude`s past?) SN conjunct Chartruler Jupiter ASC conjunct DRaco Chiron (on MY part of Karma and opposing my Sun and Mercury exactly, even GREATER. lol) MC conjunct Dr VEnus and ACTOR!!!  Mars opposite DR Venus Mars conjunct DR Saturn MC conjunct DR NEptune Moon conjunct DR VErtex Chiron oposite DR Vertrex Lilith opposite DR Karma Chiron conjunct DR Destinn Moon oppoiste DR Destinn Sun conjunct DR Sappho BTW Bosie`s Sun, MErcury and Venus all fall or fell into Jude`s 10th house. This is a little bit spooky, especially if you look at these Draconic placements and if you consider that Draco`s often signify past life-ties. Woah.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 10:09 AM
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 12, 2008 11:24 AM
DD, quote: Did you do a synastry with Toby?
Nothing particularly great, in my opinion. *sigh* Oh what a rogue and peasant slave am i!
You love it when they hold themselves too?!? Well, i suppose it would make sense that YOU would, since we both got Heathcliff as our Literary Lover. You and i, we're cut from the same cloth when it comes to what type of personality we're drawn to in men. You like 'em girly too right? I saw "Wilde" a while back and i thought Jude looked HOT as a nancy boy. In those pictures you posted of him, wow, just wow! IP: Logged |