Topic: zala
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 12, 2008 11:31 AM
Blue Moon, quote: Did you see him in the recent Beeb production of Jane Eyre?
It's one of my favorite movies. I've seen it approximately 8 times, and i love it more and more each time i see it. Toby as Edward Rochester... there are no words to how erotic that is. The only thing i didn't care for was the end. Not too keen on him going blind... Did you see it? What did you think? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 12, 2008 11:43 AM
quote: i don't personally have a distinct thing for actors or musicians in general.
I have a very, very distinct thing for actors. Very distinct. I have ACTOR 19* in Virgo. My ACTOR: -Sextiles my Venus -Sextiles my Chiron -Trines my Mars -Sextiles my Pluto -Trines my Saturn -Opposes my Nemesis -Opposes my Karma -Squares my Eros -Conjunct my Telephus -Conjunct my Aphrodite -Squares my Vertex -Trines my Vesta -Sextiles my Pallas Did i mention that i have a very distinct attraction for actors? And the British too. I don't care for American men. I don't much care for America either. In truth, i've always, always felt this pull to England. I've always felt like England is "home". I don't know why. My Grandparents are English immigrants, but that really doesn't amount to anything. I just... i can't explain it. Does any of this make any sense? But i feel i should state that my affinity for actors isn't based upon idle lust. It truly isn't. I may joke and say i'd like to lick the sweat off of Toby Stephen's brow, but if i didn't get an emotional vibe from him, i wouldn't want to lick any thing of his! It's more of a certain understanding i feel for them. It's a connection that is totally irrational, but still there nevertheless. For me anyways. I'm not really attracted to musicians, or writers, or really anyone else in a certain profession. I think i'm bound to end up with an actor, when it all comes down to it. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 12:27 PM
Meta,the real funny thing is, you see Jude has these astrological relations with Bosie? Well, I just realized that I have more than a fair s hare of connections to Bosie`s wife Olive Custance (apparently it was as stormy a marriage as Frida and Diego`s. I really know how to find those I guess). She has a Sun in Aquarius, which is exactly conjunct my Moon in Aquarius (just as Bosies Sun is exactly conjunct Jude`s Moon. ) She has Sun conjunct Mercury - so do I she has Sun conjunct Venus - in my case it is an antiscion conjunction She has Moon in an Air sign - so have I Her Moon opposes Neptune - the ruler of my IC (moon-point) is in 12th house conjunct Neptune She has a Venus-Pluto square - so have I she has a wide Venus-Saturn conjunction - my Venus is in Capricorn (her draco Venus and Sun fall into Capricorn closely conjunct my tropical Venus, Isis and Osiris in Capricorn) her Mars is in Pisces - I have Mar sin 12th house conjunct Neptune; her Mars also conjuncts my Draconic Mars and ASC in Pisces her Mars opposes Jupiter - my Mars in Sagittarius squares Jupiter her tropical Chiron and draconic Pluto conjunct my part of Reincarnation Her draco Saturn-Uranus-opposition conjuncts / opposes my Part of Karma Her tropical NN conjuncts my Draco Antivertex and my tropical Actor (there it is again - curiously it`s also conjunct Jude`s Draco Actor I think) Her name in my chart conjuncts my SN. (and Bosie`s name in Jude`s chart exactly conjuncts Jude`s Antivertex. lol) This is kinda funny; she`s been born exactly hundret years before me, and she even started writing poetry the same year I did! And she actually introduced herself to Bosie by writing him a fanletter, sending him her own poetry and sending him a bouquet of roses, to which he shortly replied, which was the beginning of a yearlong tumultous love-affair. I guess she must have been one very successful groupie then. LOL
Actually it was quite tragic, because her parents didn`t want her to be with him; they weren`t allowed to marry; well he then went to America to look for a rich heiress to marry, she was said to marry some other dude, and they basically wrote each other the whole time just to make each other jealous. But as it appears, they escaped her parents and ran away and got married secretly. Actually they were even happy for some time 9 or 10 years, but then separated, reconciled, separated, never divorced, but didn`t live togehter anymore. Even though they saw each other almost every day and he is said to have been sitting at her deathbed holding her. Jesus, that is so emotional, I cried several times when I read that. Someone should write a novel about them.  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 01:05 PM
Funny, I just realized that not only Jude`s Draco Actor is exactly conjunct my tropical Actor and Part of Marriage, but that his Part of Reincarnation falls onto the exact same place.We also have dw on Psyche-Actor and on Part of Karma - Moon. lol And yes, Jude is much too beautiful for a man on this pics. Just looking at those pics breaks my heart. There`s something almost unearthy, transparent about him, or is it just me seeing this? Is this the same man, who was so luminous as Bosie? Well, he is still glowing on these pics, but rather with a dark glow. Actually it`s one of the rare times that I can actually sense the Mars in Scorpio and Sun square Pluto in him (or maybe I`m just sensing his Pluto squaring my Venus. lol).
That stare is actually very unsettling. On Toby: I didn`t do our synastry, but judging from the chart you posted, it seems that we have following aspects:
- his Moon opposing my Sun and Mercury (and conjunct my Part of Karma) - his Valentine conjunct my Pluto - his Lust conjunct my Mars, ASC and maybe even NN  - his Mars is in the same sign as my Mars and Sun - his NN conjuncts my Draco ASC - his Venus / Eros falls into my 4th house and conjuncts my Part of Reincarnation and maybe even opposes my Pluto - his Sun conjuncts my 5th house cusp and opposes my Uranus - his Moon falls into my 7th house - his Mars falls into my 1st house But you, I mean look at this: his Venus and Eros and NN and Lilith all fall into your 5th house!
his Moon falls into your 8th house conjunct Vertex - wow, deep profound sexual, transformative, emotional, raw his Ceres, Psyche, Karma all conjunt your NN.  his NN and Lilith conjunct your Karma - the hands of fate? I also like that Mercury-Mars-conjunction in your 7th house, involving the old ruler of your ASC IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 12, 2008 04:21 PM
So, here is this "infamous singer", or my synastry with him. The connections between Draco and tropical are interesting,t oo.
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 13, 2008 12:14 AM
DD,Wow. I got a little carried away there when i read Bosie's love story. That should be made into a 6 hour long period piece romance! But i don't understand, if he loved her so dearly than what was Oscar to him? Was that not a loving romance? Or more so sexual? I had to do a double take when i looked at those two picture of Jude you posted. That is not the feminine sweetheart that i like to look at. No. That is someone else. Someone entirely different. He's so.. not JUDE in those pictures. He's dangerous. He's threatening and violent. Question, what aspects do Jude's Actor make to your chart? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 13, 2008 12:27 AM
DD, quote: On Toby: I didn`t do our synastry, but judging from the chart you posted, it seems that we have following aspects:- his Moon opposing my Sun and Mercury (and conjunct my Part of Karma) - his Valentine conjunct my Pluto - his Lust conjunct my Mars, ASC and maybe even NN - his Mars is in the same sign as my Mars and Sun - his NN conjuncts my Draco ASC - his Venus / Eros falls into my 4th house and conjuncts my Part of Reincarnation and maybe even opposes my Pluto - his Sun conjuncts my 5th house cusp and opposes my Uranus - his Moon falls into my 7th house - his Mars falls into my 1st house
YIKES! I'm jealous! His Valentine conjunct your Pluto! Talk about deep!!!! And, Oh my God, his Lust conjunct your Mars, ASC and NN (possibly). Wow, DD. Erotic. Tell me, how attracted to him are you? Like, have you always had a crush on him? Was it an immediate attraction? Explain please. I don't really know what to say about how synastry. I have this feeling that our relationship would be highly, highly, highly, HIGHLY sexual. Not so much emotional, or mental, but definitely sexual. I don't know why i think that, but i do. I always have. We'd be insanely turned on by one another, but i don't think that would form into a peaceful love. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 12:35 AM
meta quote: We'd be insanely turned on by one another, but i don't think that would form into a peaceful love.
that kind of "love" never turns into peaceful love. it usually burns out - so the longer you maintain non-sexual activity the longer the relationship will last - and then when that energy is expended - it's burnt - so there is no longer a purpose or energy to aspire to. boredom kicks in for one or even worse, loss of desire - which is shredding to the other partner. lust never turns into love - i don't believe. it could become compromise - but that's not love in any form. the other thing is it turns to hate. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 12:37 AM
have you ever noticed with tv shows - how the only interest (and ratings) are maintained is during "the chase" - courtship - the tease and then the second the couple finally get together no one watches anymore because all the mystery and suspense (the interest) has waned.IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 13, 2008 12:42 AM
PA,I can see that. I think Toby and i would manipulate each other and become jealous and possessive. But not in the romantic way that i dream of. In more of a "I need to to control you" type of way. I agree with what you said. That type of volatile relationship turns into hate. We would be Lust. We wouldn't be love. We couldn't be love. Not even if we tried. I don't think either of us would really be interested in having a normal relationship anyways. Have you ever felt that way about someone? Ever felt that sex would be all you or the other person would have to offer? That sex would be the entirety of the relationship? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 12:42 AM
ddwow! i LOVE that first picture of jude as hamlet. love the look in his eyes. everything. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 13, 2008 12:44 AM
quote: have you ever noticed with tv shows - how the only interest (and ratings) are maintained is during "the chase" - courtship - the tease and then the second the couple finally get together no one watches anymore because all the mystery and suspense (the interest) has waned.
That is so true. I wonder why that is...? What's so thrilling about the chase? Why do we find it so enthralling? Because of the feelings it arouses in us? Because of the guessing games, the sneaking around, the blissful torture? Sounds like S&M. ^_^ IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 13, 2008 12:51 AM
HOLY CRAP DD!!!Your singer's Adonis, Anteros, and Pluto are all sitting on your Sappho and Adonis, and possibly squares you Eros, Vertex and Destinn. You poor dear! You didn't stand a chance! I like how your Venus is trining his Mars, Jupiter, and Amor. It's a sweet attraction. Not aggressive, not hostile, not filled with tension. Is that a Mars sextile Pluto that i spy? Hmm.. is DD a bit sexually perplexed by somebody??? He has ASC in Pisces... i would have pegged him for a Leo Rising... hmm.. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 06:26 AM
meta quote: In truth, i've always, always felt this pull to England. I've always felt like England is "home".
lol. you and i are such a comedy of errors. i feel the same way. england just feels like home to me - it always has. people have always thought i'm english. my parents are both from greece. but i look and sound english apparently. ROFL. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 06:29 AM
quote: Jesus, that is so emotional, I cried several times when I read that. Someone should write a novel about them.
sounds like a job for dd. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 06:34 AM
dd quote: That stare is actually very unsettling.
it needs to be. i can't relate to the second pic though - as hamlet. somehow, to me, hamlet - the prince of denmark, has more hair. now, i know that sounds, well, fickle, but in my head, hamlet has longer hair and a not so receding hairline. he needs to wear a wig. that's my piece on that. the first pic with the intensity in his eyes - is just brilliant. did i mention that jude has really nice chest hair. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 06:37 AM
quote: Wow. I got a little carried away there when i read Bosie's love story. That should be made into a 6 hour long period piece romance! But i don't understand, if he loved her so dearly than what was Oscar to him? Was that not a loving romance? Or more so sexual?
maybe it was a can't live with you can't live without you dynamic. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 07:02 AM
meta quote: Have you ever felt that way about someone? Ever felt that sex would be all you or the other person would have to offer? That sex would be the entirety of the relationship?
no, i've never looked for that so i haven't felt it or thought about it. it's not enough. the sex comes from feelings so without that it's nothing - meaningless. it is physically pleasurable, to some degree, but not fulfilling. a relationship based purely on sex has less than zero appeal to me. it's empty. and empty sex isn't all that good because you're left wanting something else. i need a complete connection - on all levels - i'm very much an all or nothing person. it has to be because both people want to be there - completely. i can't even imagine a relationship based purely on sex - it's just - it would be like being a piece of meat. yuck! but i do like the bodiliness of sex - skin on skin. no props - just that one person. though, i do have a predisposition for handcuffs - but not for the reasons you think. LOL! got you thinking? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 07:15 AM
quote: That is so true. I wonder why that is...? What's so thrilling about the chase? Why do we find it so enthralling? Because of the feelings it arouses in us? Because of the guessing games, the sneaking around, the blissful torture? Sounds like S&M. ^_^
its the anticipation of what's ahead. the excitment of imagination. i think that all relationships contain elements of s&m.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted August 13, 2008 08:44 AM
i can't post the pic because i'm on the old slow computer at the moment and it would take an hour to upload from photobucket, so here's a must see link.,,20218755,00.html OMG! where did he get that bod? i'm not sure if its appealing or unappealing. it's just....... huge.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 13, 2008 10:32 AM
Meta,"But i don't understand, if he loved her so dearly than what was Oscar to him? Was that not a loving romance? Or more so sexual?" Bosie was a controversial character, as was the whole time-period I think. Actually Olive herself had a Lesbian relationship before she met Bosie, one she even resumed, when he was absent; it also seems that her girlfriend had suggested she - the gf- would marry Bosie (he was poor, and that girlfriend of OLive`s was rather wealhty I think), so they could live a happy life as a menage a trois. But Olive rejected the suggestion; instead she ran away and secretly married Bosie, against the will of her parents; she must have been really enarmoured with him, because later on her father completely controlled her life and was a most powerful influence in destroying her and Bosie`s relationship (probably their character traits were the other reason). Bosie himself had loved Oscar (as least as much as he was capable of loving another person; maybe he had a narcistic disorder, who knows?). But he was very young then, in his early 20`s. And after Oscar had written that accusing letter to him, and after Oscar had died, Bosie became very bitter and expressed strong loathe of his past and of Oscar (it was only later in life that he was able to look back without anger, but accept the love that "dared not speak its name", as he wrote himself). But however it may be, he fell in love with Olive. It seems they had great admiration for each other (both were poets after all), and strong passion. A whirlwind romance, that is how it is usually described. And evne though their romance and marriage failed (after over 10 years - so they had some happy years I guess), they remained on friendly terms, and apparently still had great love for each other and saw each other regularly even though they didn`T share a home anymore. Neither of them loved anyone else, as it seems, either. They also had a son, Raymond, who was mentally unable, having "brain thunderstorms". (For some reason it reminded me of my brother, who is mentally handicapped. Don`t know why I had to think of him. But maybe the reason for this is that Olive looks like a mix of my grandmother and my dad`s aunt. Funny.) And her dad somehow tricked her into allowing him custody over their son, while Bosie was away for a time, and even influenced his daughter to witness in a trial against her own husband. *Sighs* The father seems to have played a very negative, yet pivotal role in both their lives. Of course they separated, Bosie and Olive, but not long after that Olive called Bosie up (after the trial where she witnessed against him), and the biography sais that it seems to have been enough for him to hear her voice to take her back again immediately. It didn`t work out though. But yes, I think they couldn`t live with each other and couldn`t be apart. It`s so sad actually. They loved each other SO much, and yet, sometimes love isn`t just enough I guess. Maybe they were just incapable of sharing everyday life with another person, they had such dramatic personalities, both of them. They would have needed someone to "ground" them. I guess, Oscar had played that role for Bosie when they had their tumultous relationship, but Olive couldn`t provide that stability, because she was as insecure inside as Bosie was. I guess. I mean it`s only my assumption. But they surely loved the drama and romance tinted with tragedy. It reminds me of the song my mother always sang to me, when I was a little girl, and it resonated very much with me. "Once was a Prince and a Princess that loved one another so dear, each other they could not possess, |: too deep was the water clear. :|" WEll, maybe I`ll have a look at the synastry between Bosie and Oscar and him and Olive.  Yeah, Jude looks different in these pics. But I love that look. I think he`s absolutely wow in them. I mean sexy like in : "I think I need to lay down for abit. I feel so weak all at once."
HIs Actor is almost exactly conjunct my Psyche and opposes my DRaco Part of marriage (also trines my Adonis and conjuncts my Lilith and sextiles my Sun and MErcury). His DR Actor exactly conjuncts my tropical ACtor and Part of Marriage and ERos-Psyche-midpoint. His DR Actor also conjuncts my DR Antivertex and opposes my DR Eros. Funny enough his Part of Reincarnation falls onto my Part of Marriage, Actor and his DR ACtor. Maybe he has been an actor in a past life, too? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 13, 2008 11:45 AM
Meta,funny, I continued reading on their biography and stumbled over an interview with someone who had written a biography on Bosie, and in this interview he states that Bosie and Olive called each other "Prince" and "Princess"; so I guess my hunch and feeling about the song I quoted above was not so far off. "Tell me, how attracted to him are you?" Acutally I have never seen Toby before. The pic you posted was the first I have ever seen.
On love and lust that never turns to love. Can`t there be both? That you love and lust for someone equally? Also, I think lust isn`t something that can be sustained forever. The level of energy and tension would be too high. Too much adrenaline could kill you in the end. But I think, in some very happy fortunate cases, the lust may return from time to time. Even after the chase. 
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted August 13, 2008 11:46 AM
On "my" singer. Yes, Pluto-Sappho conjunction and Pluto - Eros / Vertex-square is EXACT. I really didn`t stand a chance! lol No Mars sextile Pluto though (but I have an exact Mars-Pluto-sextile with Jude, but then again, what do I NOT have with him in synastry?).But I do like his Sun-Moon conjuncting my Sun-MErcury. HIs Moon conjunct my Sun - I must be the woman of his dreams, at least for marriage. ROFL  NOt easy to spot, but his Venus also is on the antiscia conjunct of my Mars and conjuncts my DRaco Pluto. And his Draco Sun and Draco Moon conjunct my Draco IC and oppose my Draco Pluto. And my Draco Pluto also conjuncts his Juno. And my Pluto conjuncts his Draco Eros. I sense a little bit of Pluto here, don`t I?  Regarding his rising: He has Sun conjunct MC - maybe that is why we perceive him as a Leo. WE only know his public face after all. Also, his ASC in Pisces is maybe one reason for him looking different of all kind of pics, and being totally different in real life. Much more down to earth, vibrant, enthusiastic, warm and very sensual. Or is it my Sappho being under the spell of his Pluto?  BTW count me in as far as England is concerned. I always felt this was my home, too. Actually wehn my parents and me were at the Northern SEa in GErmany on holidays, I would often stand there staring across the see longing to go "home", even when I was little and didn`t even know that England was t here on the other side. lol
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 13, 2008 11:51 AM
PA, quote: the sex comes from feelings so without that it's nothing - meaningless.
I hope you didn't misunderstand me, because i feel the exact same way. I cannot, and WILL not participate in any sexual activity unless there are feelings there. Unless love is in the equation. I think that sex without love is not sex worth having. If sex is all you have to offer me, than i'm not interested. What i meant by what i said about Toby, was i have that feeling from him. That we wouldn't be able to share a long lasting love. So i asked you if you had ever gotten that vibe from someone. If you had ever felt that the sexual side of the relationship would dominate over the mental, emotional and spiritual sides. I wasn't implying that i have any interest in a meaningless, lustful affair. I hope that you know by know how much i need an emotional connection with someone in order to fall in love. I hope you don't think that i'm only after "great sex". IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 13, 2008 11:58 AM
DD,Don't you think it's creepy how you posted that song, and then seconds after you found out they called each other "Prince" and "Princess"??? SPOOKY!!! Yes, i think that you singer, from the looks of him, would give off a very Leo-like vibe, which... well, depending on HOW pretentious i thought he was, would either intrigue me, or seriously aggravate me. I may have Sun in Leo, but i don't see much fire in me. Water rules my chart, so i think that my first impression of your musician wouldn't be so great. Unless he is how you say he truly is, "down to earth, enthusiastic, and very sensual, etc". But then again, that could be your Sappho talking  IP: Logged | |