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Author Topic:   zala

Posts: 1755
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posted September 13, 2008 10:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

...i KNOW you ain't makin' fun of my man...


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posted September 13, 2008 10:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message
LOL - you know - we refer to him as "rafe" so much that i just googled "rafe".


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posted September 13, 2008 12:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message

You make me laugh out loud!!!!

Why would you google "rafe"?!?! DORK!!

...why are you googling him anyways...? Is there something you wanna tell me, PeaceAngel? Is there something you want to ADMIT???

I knew it all along ^_^

Anywho, so you SHOULD like Colin but there's nothing there? DO explain. I don't really know his chart...

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posted September 13, 2008 12:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
(About my guacamole up your arss)

Hmmm sounds nice Make sure you put a bit of pepper or chillis in it too


I'll put what i damn well please it in, biatch! I plan on EXTRA-STRONG laxative. That'll fix you up! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAA!

.. ok i'm done...

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posted September 14, 2008 09:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

i don't know colin farrell's chart either. he has zero appeal to me on any level.

okay - got his details but no birth time.


his chiron conjunct my venus
his jupiter conjuncat my mars
his pluto conjunct my uranus & desc
his uranus conjunct my jupiter
his moon conjunct my IC
trine north nodes

i should be crazy about this one.

add a few asteroids:

his amor conjunct my saturn (there you go!)
now his moon, psyche, ceres and anteros are on my IC
his destinn on my osiris and jupiter
his pluto conjunct my isis
his juno is on my south node making
his juno opposite my north node, anteros, juno and amor
his osiris and vesta on my sappho
his isis trine my osiris
his sappho conjunct my ceres
his mars conjunct my vesta

plus a zillion other aspects.

well, i don't know what to say here - astrologically there should be sparks - but zip. even without astrology he should be interesting to me i think. he's some qualities that i usually find attractive in men - but it doesn't come together here, i guess. even in terms of looks he's unappealing to me.

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posted September 14, 2008 09:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

...why are you googling him anyways...? Is there something you wanna tell me, PeaceAngel? Is there something you want to ADMIT???

actually, i wanted to find his middle name and see what his full name would lexi.

did you know his middle name is "nathaniel"?

A Airplane Flesh Then Inn

A Anal Enshrine Pen Filth

if i lexi rafe's name with my real name we get:

Nipples - LOL

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posted September 14, 2008 12:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

I`m glad to see you here again.


LOL @ your lexi with Rafe.

But I donīt think your synastry with colin is very strong.

What I think is that there is possibly some motherly, nurturing care indicated.

- his Moon conjunct your IC (and his Moon could be off as his birthtime is unknown),
- Psyche and Ceres on your IC may also indicate rather caring feelings than attraction; and Anteros reflects whatever he aspects, so IC - another caring point.

"his chiron conjunct my venus"
I don`t buy into the Magi`s Cinderella-stuff. Chiron is still the wounded healer. Sure he can heal your Venus, but only if you let it happen (does your Venus need healing btw?)

"his jupiter conjuncat my mars"
Nice one, enthusiastic, encouraging, but more a "buddy" feeling who storm laughingly through the world, having a lot of fun together, not necessarily passionate in a romantic sense (even though it`s nice to have that one in addition to more romantic aspects)

"is pluto conjunct my uranus & desc"
Pluto conjunct DSC - looks intense and passionate, but Pluto is generational. Does his Pluto aspects other personal planets in your chart? Does your DSC aspect personal planets in his chart?
WEll, okay maybe this indeed is ONE hint towards some intensity.
So if you ever meet him, be careful, he could easily become your stalker.

"amor conjunct my saturn (there you go!)"
you freeze or block his love. (on a postive note there it could also mean serious lasting love, but without attraction I doubt it)

"pluto conjunct my isis"
Hmm, what if Pluto rules his 6th house? Do you want some guy`s 6th house ruler conjunct your Isis?
With Pluto it is SO important to know where he is located and which house he rules, or in what aspect configuration he is tied.

"his juno is on my south node making
his juno opposite my north node, anteros, juno and amor"
Maybe a past life commitment or marriage, but it doesn`t loook really hot, more platonic (Because of Amor).

"his sappho conjunct my ceres"
You nurture him and he wants to become sensual with you?
I told you he could start stalking you.

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Posts: 2727
From: Germany
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posted September 14, 2008 12:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
Funny enough,

I once was to a biorhythm side browsing for my best match and the best matches I got wewre

Giovanni Ribisi (99%)
Orlando Bloom (98%)
Colin FArell (98%)

I never had heard of either of them before.

And don`t feel attracted to Colin either, I guess.

But synastry oh, wow:

His Venus, Sun, and Moon all in my 7th house (Venus is technically in 6th house but conjunct DSC)

His Mars in my 8th house

His Sun exactly conjunct my SN and conjunct my DSC
HIs Moon probably opposing my Venus and squaring my Pluto
His Venus exactly opposing my Mars
His Venus also conjunct my DSC and widely conjunct my SN
His Mars trine my ASC and Mars
His pluto square my Venus (generational!)

There are several hmm, nice aspects, so why don`t I feel attracted to him? (Because he seems to be a dork, is the right answer, I guess; I donīt know if he really is, I jsut have that feeling. )

But astrologically there is an explanation and that is one word


His Mercury is in 25 TAurus in my 6th house.
Taurus Mercury is so not for me, especially not at that degree, because it just has NO aspects to my chart (Except for quinkunxes to Sun and Mercury, which I do not like either, the quinkunxes I mean; this MErcury-placement is actually also the reason, I am not completely crazy for Johnny Depp, even though I admire him and his GEmini Sun and Leo-ASC).

And my Sun and Mercury have just NO aspects to his chart.

But I WANT Mercury, I NEED Mercury, I YEARN for Mercury.

He rules my DSC, and if there are no aspects to my Mercury it means I just do not feel like the other one is relationship material.

And somehow I have the feeling he doesn`t have a Mercurial sign on ASC or DSC either. So he`s not for me.

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posted September 14, 2008 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message

Of course knew his middle name was Nathaniel! What kind of girl do you take me for? ...not knowing Ralph's middle name... Jeeeeezzzz....!

"Nipples"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!! I told you- a dark, abandoned warehouse somewhere. You would hang him from a leaky pipe and engage in some serious Nipple-Tugging!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

My Full Name & Ralph's Full Name:

Helpless (Can we say, "Internal Struggle"?)
Satanism (Oh great...)
Harmless (I hope not!)
Harasses (...on lindaland..)
Friskier (That's right )
Freakier (YEAH BABY!)
Parasite (Yummy)
Painless (Aww.. )
Selfsame (MUAHAHAHA!)
Fishnets (!!!!!!!)
Nymphets (Sweet Jesus)
Fetishes (GOOD GOD!)
Perishes (Romeo et Juliet )

Read it an weep b1tches. ^_^

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posted September 14, 2008 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message

What does his Moon conjuct her IC mean? Nurturing? Or more like Mother-child?

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posted September 14, 2008 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message

You sure you don't like Colin? I mean, VENUS EXACTLY OPPOSITE MARS makes one wonder...

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posted September 14, 2008 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

maybe it means both, nurturing and mother-feelings.
Especially with Ceres also there.

Moon - IC could also signify a very strong and close emotional bond (such as should exist between mother and child )

Well, no, I do not feel in any way attracted to Colin (but I have never met him, so who knows?).

Also, my best friend`s husband has his Venus almost exactly conjunct my Mars and also conjunct my ASC, and my Venus conjuncts his ASC.
Yet, we do not feel attracted to each other, other than we get along great.
We also have Moon-conjunct-Moon.

But never have I felt any kind of physical attraction to him. There was chemistry, alright, from the start, but a chemistry as such of "family", if you know what I mean.

And my Mars rules my 4th house, and his Venus rules his 4th house, so it was to be expected I guess.

Transferring that to Colin and me, his Venus opposing my Mars, is like his Venus opposing my 4th house ruler, which is more kinda Venus-Moon like than a real sexy constellation. It only confirms my belief, that it all comes down to the rulerships in synastry.

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posted September 14, 2008 03:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
That's really interesting that you don't feel anything for him, or your friend's hubby.

I actually have TWO friends who are both sincerely attracted to me, but i don't feel anything like that for them. However!! what has baffled me is that according to our synastry, we should be attracted to each other. When i discovered this, with both of them, it hurt me. For i hold a lot of value in astrology and synastry. So if it says i SHOULD like them but i DON'T... well, what does that mean?

I haven't checked the rulerships though... may be i should...?

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posted September 14, 2008 03:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
You definitely should check the rulerships, if Venus isn`t ruling the 5th, 7th or 8th hosue, she actually has only little say in whom you feel attracted to.

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posted September 14, 2008 05:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message

Holy Crap...

Now i have to do some investigating...

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posted September 15, 2008 09:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

i know that site you are referring to - i came upon it accidently one evening. it's called

david wenham is one of my top matches - 96%.

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posted September 15, 2008 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

my celebmatch compatability with rdj is physical 58%, emotional 90%, intellectual 65%, total 71%. that's so disappointing.

and dermot:
physical 99%, emotional 71%, intellectual 98%, total 89%.

LOL - i couldn't resist. with rafe:
physical 20%, emotional 97%, intellectual 14%, total 44%.

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posted September 15, 2008 09:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message
anderson cooper

physical 99% - LOL
emotional 97%
intellectual 50%
total 82%

i'm very disappointed in that intellectual compatability.

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posted September 15, 2008 09:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message
david wenham - wonderful aussie actor. humble, smart, not bad to look out, intense, funny, brilliant at his craft - he's just the package. love this guy.

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posted September 15, 2008 09:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
This site must be rudely incorrect. Look at my freakin' compatibility with Ralph!

"physical 46%
emotional 53%
intellectual 65%
total 55% "

How rude!!!

Oh... but look at Daniel Day-Lewis:

"physical 46%
emotional 100%
intellectual 72%
total 73% "

That literally made me go "heeeheee!!"

LMAO!!! With Gary Oldman everything sucks but the physical!

"physical 85%
emotional 43%
intellectual 42%
total 57% "

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Posts: 1755
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posted September 15, 2008 09:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

[quote]Giovanni Ribisi (99%)
Orlando Bloom (98%)
Colin FArell (98%)quote]

giovanni ribisi - outstanding actor.

nice score with orlando. but as you know, i don't like younger men (with the exception of christian bale).

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posted September 15, 2008 09:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
David Wenham, now there's an interesting specimen. I don't know how much i care for him, as an actor i mean. I found him really annoying in "Van Helsing". But maybe that's just me.

Aww... i was hoping i could make fun of you, but RDJ and i have sh1tty results:

"physical 33%
emotional 11%
intellectual 14%
total 20% "

And i would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you kids and your rotten dog too!

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Posts: 1755
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posted September 15, 2008 09:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

lol - your compatability. you think you got problems!!! did you see my physical compatability with anderson cooper? and he has to be gay, right?

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Posts: 1755
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posted September 15, 2008 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

Aww... i was hoping i could make fun of you, but RDJ and i have sh1tty results

HA! that'll teach you to attempt to intervene in the divine forces and energy between rdj and i. a match made in heaven (whether that be mythical heaven or real heaven or just the one that came up after a joint or two, i'm not sure).

ps - i don't do drugs - i have never done or tried any drugs - it's true.

and PLEASE - don't try this at home.

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Posts: 1755
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posted September 15, 2008 09:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message
my lexi with david wenham. wow - some of these are really really cool.

Marijuana - ROFL
Shriveled - now that could be a problem.

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