Topic: zala
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted September 15, 2008 07:22 PM
Why is everyone doing their compatibility with Ralph??? Me No Understand. Has it not been expressed that meta's name is branded on his tight, white arss???? You know what, why don't you chew on THIS!!!!!!!!! : Me & Jude Law "physical 7% emotional 33% intellectual 84% total 41% " Don't say anything... WAIT! Stuart Townsend & Me "physical 92% emotional 94% intellectual 72% total 86% " MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!! Me & Christian Bale "physical 68% emotional 22% intellectual 79% total 56% " Mediocre is better huh? Well suck on that one!!!! Me & Kiefer Sutherland "physical 85% emotional 85% intellectual 5% total 58% " I almost p1ssed myself... Ewan McGregor & Me "physical 58% emotional 22% intellectual 84% total 55% " ...Damn it... Whatever...! Screw you guys! I'm going home!!!
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23 Knowflake Posts: 2458 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted September 15, 2008 07:28 PM
I don't have to hear a bunch of hippy freaks living in denial?I got 0% emotional compatibility with Richard Hammond . I got a good compatibility with James May. I think I'd choose him out of the bunch anyway. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 2458 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted September 15, 2008 07:33 PM
BM - here's an example of Stuart Littlemore, its 1997 so it's been a while that he's been on the show. He strikes me as Virgo rising.Btw - Fairfax, Murdoch and PBL all are rivals in newspapers. The late Kerry Packer owned the then PBL and Channel 9. His son is James Packer. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 15, 2008 11:10 PM
ddoops! sorry! my compatability with stuart townsend: physical 99%, emotional 62%, intellectual 98%, total 87% IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 15, 2008 11:12 PM
23 quote: I got 0% emotional compatibility with Richard Hammond . I got a good compatibility with James May. I think I'd choose him out of the bunch anyway.
lol. i love top gear and i have a thing for each of the guys. they each have a quality that i love in a man. i'm quite relieved though that i have very very poor physical compatability with captain slow. the best was with jezza and even that was really low. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 15, 2008 11:18 PM
kiefer:physical 96%, emotional 78%, intellectual 58%, total 77%. very disappointing. let us not speak of this one. moving on...... christian bale:
physical 85%, emotional 99%, intellectual 33%, total 73%. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 15, 2008 11:20 PM
i haven't mentioned this before - and will surprise some of you, but i really really like chris rock.omg!!! physical 100%, emotional 97%, intellectual 89%, total 95%. he has aqua sun and aries moon & asc to my aries sun & asc and aqua moon. should be interesting synastry, actually. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 15, 2008 11:34 PM
chris rock's natal chiron and psyche are conjuct, as are mine. we both have aries rising and reverse sun & moon signs.his destinn is conjuct my north node and his pluto is conjunct my south node. his mars is conjunct my pluto. his vertex conjunct my descendant. his adonis is conjunct my aphrodite. his jupiter is conjunct my mars and destinn. his moon conjunct my venus. his ascendant conjunct my mercury. his north node is trine my vertex and (in mutual 7th houses). what orbs do we use for MC and IC conjunctions/aspects? his MC looks around 5 or 6 degrees from mine and, of course, ICs too. well, that's interesting. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 2458 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted September 16, 2008 01:23 AM
Chris Rock is your man and he probably could make you laugh too! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted September 16, 2008 03:09 AM
I like Chris Rock.So PA, you can fight with Meta for Stuart, I`m okay with it. I`d be content with Patrick anyway. With whom I have probably real bad compatibility regarding biorhythm. But it never fits anyway. IP: Logged |
writesomething Moderator Posts: 2135 From: meet me in montauk Registered: May 2006
posted September 16, 2008 03:12 AM
pregnant much?IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted September 16, 2008 05:36 AM
pregnant?  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 16, 2008 06:46 AM
pregnant pause.......IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 16, 2008 06:52 AM
NCIS is on right now - what's the opinion on this one? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 16, 2008 06:55 AM
actually, what do you think of him? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 16, 2008 06:55 AM
plus a gratuitous post for meta IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted September 16, 2008 10:34 AM
Gratuitous??? Pictures of Ralph are neevvvvvveerrrrrr gratuitous, my dear. You are very much so mistaken.OOOOOO. David Duchovany. What a topic. What a man. I think he and i both have Sun in Leo and Moon in Aqua. I really like him as an actor and i do find him attractive, but if i remember, we have sh1t for synastry. You like David PA? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted September 16, 2008 10:39 AM
PA,Holy snap! Look at you and Chris Rock! Adonis conjunct Aphrodite??? Get it girl! I hear that's a fiery one! I was also reading on DD's Romance and Synastry post that we are VERY attracted to people who share similar aspects with us in their own charts (ex. Jim has venus conjunct pluto square mars and Sally has venus opposite pluto and both square mars). So, seeing as you both have Aries ASC and reverse sun and moon, that could also add to it. I never would have thought though. You really like weird ones. First RDJ, then Kiefer, now Chris? Such inconsistancy! You oughta be ashamed of yourself!!! How dare you like a wide variety!!! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 16, 2008 10:44 AM
meta quote: You like David PA?
funny thing about dd (no, not darkdreamer) i used to dream about him ALL the time. though i never fancied him. i was never an x-files fan either. but i do like him. he is rather attractive in interviews - seems to have an intelligence that doesn't translate onto screen (for me anyway). there's another one like that - from northern exposure and numb3rs - rob morrow - couldn't think of his name for a moment. like reading interviews with him too. but david has come to grow on me over the last few years. he certainly did himself some favours in my view in my dreams in that regards. if i didn't fancy him before he was sure going to make sure i did in some way. but in all my political incorrectness and, well, directness - i have to say that since the sex addiction news broke - suddenly mr duchovny is more interesting. a bit like rafe and the airstewardess thing. if i had known before i would have put myself in david's line of vision. damn. oh well, we'll always have amsterdam, new york, paris - my dreams. now i'll probably dream about him tonight. lol. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted September 16, 2008 10:44 AM
NOW WHAT?!?!?! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 16, 2008 10:45 AM
they give birth to a mini me version that pops vitamins and sucks your blood.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 16, 2008 10:46 AM
metawho is the "female" in the relationship? stuart or rdj? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 16, 2008 10:47 AM
metahold on! what!!!?????? how dare you make fun of my beloved rdj. oh well, whatever. i'll take dermot over rdj anyway. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted September 16, 2008 10:53 AM
You know what`s funny?I was just on a shopping spree, and I went straight into a shop, I usually don`t stop, but I felt magically drawn to a certain place in that shop (actually two places: the one made me leave with the book called "Horus" - oh my Egyptian gods and goddesses ), but after that short stop I went straightforward to the corner with the CD`s and DVD`s. And even though they had a buncch there, I saw only one: Jane Eyre with Toby Stephens. Didn`t we talk about him some time ago? WEll, that is funny, isn`t it? I have never seen anything with him in my life, but since I always wanted to watch Jane Eyre, I bought it.  BTW Toby`s and my compatibility is not too outstanding physical: 92% could be better, couldn`t it? emotional: 85% intellectual: 42% - now that is a REAL disappointment. lol EDIT: Oh btw I kinda like Michael WEatherly, he`s cute.  David Duchovny, never had a crush on him, even though I have seen some episodes of the X-files (not a real fan though), but he is nice I suppose. But hey what can I say, Leo`s are not for me, I guess. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted September 16, 2008 10:54 AM
meta quote: I never would have thought though. You really like weird ones. First RDJ, then Kiefer, now Chris? Such inconsistancy! You oughta be ashamed of yourself!!! How dare you like a wide variety!!!
it takes more than one man to meet my needs. what can i say.......... i do like "unusual" people. my uranus is conjunct my descendant plus the aqua moon. so uranus is also opposite chiron, which is conjunct ascendant. IP: Logged |