Topic: zala
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 12:24 PM
What about these historical drama leading men?:Mr Darcy (played by Colin Firth) John Thornton (played by Richard Armitage) IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 12:26 PM
And my personal favourite.....Richard Sharpe (played by Sean Bean) If Sharpe isn't man enough for you and/or English idiots aren't your thing, what about the ultimate bad lad, James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell (played by Kevin McKidd):
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 01:49 PM
Blue Moon,WOW! You know that you drove me close to a heart attack, no? No kidding, when I saw the pic of Richard Armitage, my heart actually missed a beat. He`s GORGEOUS! Who IS he? And where has he been all my life, even though I feel I might have known him somewhere, just can`t remember where. Wow, this man is PERFECT. He`s insanely attractive. PHEW; it`s gotten rather hot in here. Can you feel it too? DD IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 02:08 PM
In the name of reasearch I went onto the ArmitageArmy website where he has appealed for calm amongst the forum members:
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 02:12 PM
This is from a T.V teatime kids' show of Robin Hood where he plays Guy of Guisborne. Think the leather is for us mothers:
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 02:22 PM
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 02:37 PM
Oh Blue Moon THANK you, I want to hug you so much right now.  Even though with one glance I see, the synastry is not as outstanding as I wished it to be.  Still His Sun and Venus are trine my Sun and Mercury and exactly opposite my Black Moon Lilith. His Mercury trines my Venus exactly and squares my Mars and ASC. His Mars and NN conjunct my Moon on 17° Aquarius. His Mars and NN also trine my Karma. His Saturn conjuncts my DSC and opposes my Mars exactly. Ouch! His Pluto squares my Sun and Mercury. But Curious me did a little progressed chart of him and me and these are the connections I found:
His progressed Sun exactly conjunct my MC and squares my Venus his progressed Venus and Uranus exactly conjunct my Aphrodite.  his progressed Venus is also running into a trine to my natal Moon over the next years. his progressed Mars is also moving into a conjunction to my natal Moon, closing the distance. my progressed Mars trines his natal Sun and Venus. Nice, but still it could be stronger. 
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 02:43 PM
I think I have to watch the kids channel more often.  Men in Leather - oh no, oh please no, I just remembered of whom he reminded me. *sighs*Paul was actually resembling him more than just a little bit with his dark wig and the black leather trousers, which he had to wear in his role as the Sheriff Nottingham in the musical "Robin Hood". ROFL But Richard looks really awesome on his own. 
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 02:52 PM
Richard's Mars is 14 seconds away from mine and moving closer (as it's retrograde). Let's rent a room. btw Someone mentioned Vincent D'Onofrio. He is excellent in Law and Order: Criminal Intent. Intensity, depth, and the DVD has french subtitles. Handy as I gave it to my FIL once I finished it, he liked it too. VD'Of reminds me of a big bear. In a good way. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 03:08 PM
Blue Moon,I hate to disappoint you, but his Mars has changed direction and is in direct motion again, directly onto my Moon, which rules my 8th house. So, maybe WE should rent a room, after all Moon is a Yin energy, while Mars is a yang energy.  Besides his Venus likes to play with my Sun.  IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 03:15 PM
I get the impression there is a queue forming outside his hotel room already. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 03:25 PM
Yes, could very well be, but luckily Ì`m INSIDE the room, while you are waiting out there.  BTW what do you think about this fellow here? Sun: Scorpio Moon: Virgo Venus: Virgo but conjunct Pluto Mars: Capricorn
Hey, his Mars is conjunct my Venus by 1,5° and his Sun sextiles it exactly. LOL There`s something about his eyes, that`s just, I don´t know, strange or hypnotic? But in the end there`s just too little fire for me, all water and Earth, no thanks Mister. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 03:38 PM
Rufus Sewell ~ nice green eyes. Played a good Charles II in a T.V series a while back. Did you notice the Uranus Trine his Mars in Aqua ~ just hope he didn't spot that glimmer of possessiveness or he will have run off. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 03:45 PM
Well, the good thing is that my Moon in Aqua doesn`t like to be posessed either, so I guess we`re getting along greatly - without any rules and conditions.Just having very nice and friendly talks; of course talk could also include a bit of bodytalk.  And who said we were alone in here all the time?  IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 04:51 PM
ah, there's only one Richard for me: quote:
Your closest match is Richard Sharpe Aren’t most men such pushovers? Well, you clearly think so – as your ideal man is rough, ready and up for adventure. You’re not out for perfection – you want someone unpredictable, sometimes arrogant, sometimes sweet, but always exciting. And that’s why you need Richard Sharpe, the swashbuckling Napoleonic hero dreamt up by Bernard Cornwell. He’ll shoot your ex, plonk you on his horse and ride off into the sunset – though he might not wash as often as you’d like.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 05:07 PM
I took the test.Your closest match is Heathcliff It’s not just romance you’re after – it’s fire, passion and lashings of angst. Nice guys just don’t register on your radar, and you firmly believe that arguments (and thrown plates) spice up relationships. For that reason, your ideal man has to be Heathcliff, the swaggering, brutish hero of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. He’ll make you feel like the only woman on Earth, but your friends and family will absolutely hate him. Good luck with that. ROFL, this is maybe what I fantasize about, but I think I wouldn`t want that in REAL life. 
I liked the description of your man, too. What Sign would the character be? Something in Fire mixed with a bit of Earth, probably Taurus? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 05:49 PM
Holy hell, did i laugh my ass off reading the last 3 pages!!!!I looooovee Richard Armitage. I first came in contact with him through watching North and South. He looked so stunning! I don't think our synastry is all that great, if i am remembering correctly. I did our chart right after i saw the movie, and i saw it 6 months ago... DD, You're absolutely correct, it was meant in good fun. Most everything i've said to you that was the least bit negative was meant in jest. Except that you're delusional. That was just an accurate observation! We have a Mars/Venus trine?!?!?!? GOD NO!!!! Well... perhaps you're right, the certain attraction that would possibly exist would be coming from him, not from over here. I'm straight, i don't like girls XPPPP Ralph put the boring in boring, huh? Mmm Hmm... i see... well then, what did Stuart do? -Put the ugly into ugly?! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my... i'm too good. You're synastry probably IS why you like him so much. Why you're defending him and why you are so amazed by his acting. I looked over your aspects, and i can see where you are coming from. You can keep him. Seriously, keep him- locked up and hidden away from the rest of decent society. Btw, what does Actor tell you? PA, Liam Neeson is good looking. Wow, we like a lot of the same guys, why is that? I don't uderstand how you don't like Ralph or Gale, since we are similar in that arena and i'm very attracted to both of them. Hmm.. it's a mystery. But then again, i'm not fond or Ioan, or that other guy who you posted about. I forget his name. You wanted to know what we thought his ascendant was. He was tan with smokey eyes and a scruffy goatee... remember? PA! I just re-read that you have Mars in Taurus- so do i! Ha! I solved the mystery! *does happy dance* But you said you LIKE manly men... i don't. At all. I like girly men actually. I like men that are sort of effeminate. I mean, if you watch Robert Plant's gestures, he's very feminine. He's quite delicious. And men that are very emotional. Like i said, a Venus in Scorpio man would smack me right on target. Did someone say GERARD BUTLER?!?!?! You said the magic-freaking-word! Holy moly, i'm having hot flashes. I don't know why i like him, because he is very manly.. hmm... perhaps it's because his Sun and Venus are in Scorpio. I don't know, but he just makes my mouth water. How could you two dorks drop him? My God, you must be on crack-cocaine!!!! That's alright, Gerard, come to Meta. Meta will take care of you. Aww... poor sweetheart, let Meta hold you... Aww... isn't he soo lucious?!?!!? Paul Betany is cute. I loved The Heart of Me as well. He was lovely in The DaVinci Code. I like pale-ness, so his demented albino characted hit the spot!!! Alright, that's long enough. Eat it up, ho-bags!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ... alright, i'm done... IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 05:51 PM
That's all i have to say about that... XP IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 06:00 PM
Your closest match is HeathcliffIt’s not just romance you’re after – it’s fire, passion and lashings of angst. Nice guys just don’t register on your radar, and you firmly believe that arguments (and thrown plates) spice up relationships. For that reason, your ideal man has to be Heathcliff, the swaggering, brutish hero of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. He’ll make you feel like the only woman on Earth, but your friends and family will absolutely hate him. Good luck with that. DD,
How are we so alike and yet so different? Ya know... Ralph Fiennes played Heathcliff ^_^ I told you YOU WERE IN DENIAL!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's almost as funny as you liking Rufus Sewell. Weeew, did i ever get a laugh from that! IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 06:00 PM
There you go, love: Edit: must stop doing this telepathy thing, that was for DD, but hey, if you both like it, enjoy.
Or what about: /newstopics/politics/labour/2276428/Gordon-Brown-'I'm-just-like-brooding-Emily-Bronte-character-Heathcliff'.html Not sure girly is the word I'd use to describe Robert Plant, he's built like a brick sh!thouse.
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 06:05 PM
p.s the description of Richard Sharpe does sound like the real life Mr blue moon. Very. Though really he is M. La lune bleue ~ which covers arrogant and Napoleonic. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 06:08 PM
Blue Moon,You crack me up. "Built like a brick Sh!thouse!" Yeah, that'll do. Watch this: If you watch his gestures, watch his hands, you'll see how perfectly girly he is. He sways, he sweeps his long hair, he twirls his fingers, he staggers... ahh... yes.... *Shivers* Oh, and thank you for the Heathcliff picture. What a man! IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 06:10 PM
"p.s the description of Richard Sharpe does sound like the real life Mr blue moon. Very. Though really he is M. La lune bleue ~ which covers arrogant and Napoleonic."Elaborate please... IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 06:20 PM
What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man.... ^_^ IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 06:25 PM
Sometimes the thought of a boring boyfriend is quite appealing. But I think I will always have problems fathoming why women waste their time on men who dither over relationships. Sharpe isn't going to stand around pontificating, is he? You know he will rip your knickers off and get on with it. Then fix the tiles, or whatever is the 18th century equivalent. IP: Logged |