Topic: zala
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 06:31 PM
That pic, that wasn`t Ralph Fiennes, was it?Because honestly *gulps* he looks mesmerizing! However, I do NOT like Rufus SEwell. I just think his eyes are somewhat extraordinary, that is all. He`?s too much Virgo for me. A little bit is okay, but too much is too much.
Gerry? Well, I will admit it, from time to time, the old flame rises up again inside of me, but I`m strong and keeping it down. And I haven`t watched Phantom of the opera for months, because, well you know he has that voice, I mean, THAT voice. But in his case it is really a character thing; I enjoy the sight of him in a film quite a lot, but I can`t stand him in interviews.
And Stuart, well I just realized that my progressed Venus is only 1° from a square to his natal Mars, and his progressed Venus has moved into an exact square to my Pluto (in addition to his natal Pluto squaring my natal Venus) - mystery solved?
And Meta, you can`t talk me out of it. What you call ugly, I call interesting. At least I don`t fall asleep watching his face. I mean, that somehow came out wrong, didn`t it? lol Still, maybe I should give Mr Fienne`s Heathcliff a chance... only maybe. If it`s him, he REALLY looks handsome in that pic, not as appealing as Stuart to me, but very handsome.  I like Paul Bettany, too, since I saw him in "a Knight`s tale" - he`s cute and funny and lovely. Is he a Gemini? He looks like Gemini to me. And there is this name again - Paul. Musicman is haunting me. Hey maybe Paul has been born on 7th april like MY Paul - ha Iwished! I actually wished some years ago; not now, now I am delusional.  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 06:38 PM
Blue Moon,you crack me up. I have never heard someone use the words "knickers" and "tiles" in one sentence. ROFL So Mr Blue Moon sounds very interesting.  IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 06:38 PM
Ralph made a decent go of Heathcliffe.But in this version Hareton sweating and muddy in the garden was more my cuppa. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 10, 2008 06:38 PM
Mmmmm... was that Colin Firth I saw on the previous page?! Such a yummy englishman!!  Seriously, you British women have the most gorgeous men! I think I should prolly move there! Yeah!!IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 06:39 PM
DD,You SHOULD give Ralph/Heathcliff a chance. Go get in your car RIGHT NOW, drive to your local video store, and buy it. Don't rent it. Buy it. Yes, that was Ralph in that picture... and you called him handsome ^_^ ^_^ ^_^  I shall never let you live that down, you know that right. Anytime you call him yucky, i'm gonna quote your ass! Interesting frog... i'm sure that if you kissed him he wouldn't turn into a prince, he'd turn into Ralph. Maybe if you found a moldy old toad and kissed it you'd get your Stuart. Swamp creatures beware! DD is-a-comin'! And yes... Gerry's voice. Wow. What's wrong with him in interviews? IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 06:44 PM
He's good at mending things, I'll give him that. When Pride and Prejudice (the series) was on T.V I was at college and stayed between a shared house there and with my boyfriend of the time (same one I have now :yawn . I swear all of us were glued to the set, watching this show. Darcy fever was all over the papers. I don't know though, he looks like a miserable b@stard in real life, but maybe he isn't, he doesn't have to be happy about having to sit through interviews he doesn't want to do. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 06:46 PM
"Interesting frog" Actually I have just bought a nighgown, on which you can read: You have to kiss many frogs before you find your prince. lol "Maybe if you found a moldy old toad and kissed it you'd get your Stuart. Swamp creatures beware! DD is-a-comin'!§"" HEY!!!! That`s IT, I`ve had it now. NOw I`m going to go and erase that stupid silly comment I made concerning Ralph`s picture in a moment of momentary madness.
Well, I got it now, you must be secretly in love with Stuart. You can`t stop talking about him!  "What's wrong with him in interviews?" I don`t know. You should ask him.
Well, he`s kinda silly. I mean usually I like silly, but he is, he has the MErcury in SCorpio and not in Sagittarius, that sais it all, doesn`t it? Besides that is a strange mix all these Scorpio planets with a Mars in Aquarius. It`s like my parents in one person. lol My mum is Scorpio and my Dad is Aqua.
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 06:47 PM
Blue Moon, he's a Virgo. No wonder he's so... not-intriguing, shall we say? I don't know, sometimes i like him, and other times i don't ubderstand how anyone could find him attractive. In Girl With A Pearl Earring he had me. I had a crush on him in that movie... but ONLY that movie. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 10, 2008 06:48 PM
Oh, yes, I remember "Pride and Prejudice"! My ex-roommie and I rented it and we were sighing and sighing while watching it... He's a b@stard in real life?? How come?! He seems so nice . And he's got that whole family guy thing going on for him. I'm such a sucker for that... *sigh*IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 06:50 PM
Kiss the frog or the prince, your choice: This lad above looks like he's one of my sons though. I'd better check his dob first. Edit: '84. That's O.K.
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izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 10, 2008 06:51 PM
His Moon conjuncts our Venuses, BM. Could this be why we like him? This is the first thing that jumped out. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 06:52 PM
sorry, no I meant he looked like he was a bit grumpy. Otherwise he seems perfectly nice.I liked Pearl Earring. If it's got a cravat in it, I've seen it.  Taurus Moon. Could be. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 06:55 PM
DD,Yeah, he is pretty witty. But i like that. He's always saying that he doesn't want people to be so intimidated by him, and so scared of his intensity. SO, my guess is that he's always lighthearted in interviews so that he won't be thought of as another brooding leading man, which there is NOTHING WRONG with being a dark, brooding man. See, i just killed your opportunity at an insult, so bleehhH!!! He has Mercury in Scorpio...? Hmm... he shouldn't be speaking so lightly then... Again, my guess is that in real life he's very attracted to heavier topics. I read somewhere that he cried when he was describing the Phantom's loneliness. Wow. How intense, how passion. Shall i ravish him now, or later? Even if you DO erase it.... i will always remember ^_^ You're screwed!!!!! And if i was in love with Stuart, i think that i'd fall into a deep depression and period of self-loathing. I mean, who could love such a toad-ey toad?
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 06:57 PM
I liked Colin Firth in "Love ACtually", the only film I liked even Hugh Grant in. lolAnd I was surprised I liked him, Colin Firth, because he seems so normal, stable and nice. And I am usually more for the intense or bad guys in a movie; I guess that is the reason I like vampires so much, at least the dark ones with eyes that penetrate your soul, and a voice like velvet, but with a slight scratch, so you can sense the danger somewhere deep down. *Sighs*
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 07:01 PM
Blue Moon,"If it's got a cravat in it, I've seen it." -I hear ya! Which version of P&P did you like better- Colin Firth or Keira Knightley? Personally, the love stories were portrayed very differetnly. With Colin Firth, i felt that he wasn't AS standoff-ish or intense as Matthew was. The newer version truly is more intense, which i like. But the older version explains the love story better, and makes it more logical and reasonable to fall in love. If you think about it, Keira and Matthew fell in love without having spent much time together... or without Keira even "liking" Matthew. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 07:02 PM
Well, Meta, we can agree about Gerry.I DO feel the attraction, still, somewhere; maybe I just had a bad day when I was watching the interview. However, Stuart a toad? Well, if it makes you happy think so. You can take your Mr Boring back and I will keep my Lestat. I actually watched some videos of Heathcliff on you tube, and well, it was just the one pic, I didn`t like the videos a bit. No Ralph for me, so you can have more of him. Or any girl on a plane for that matter.  IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 07:04 PM
DD,I'm surprised you like such passion, and intensity when you have Venus in Cap and Mars in Sag. How can we both like Heathcliff men, when our Venus/Mars placements are so different? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 07:05 PM
I'll be back in an hour. DON'T GO AWAY!! >_<IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 10, 2008 07:06 PM
whoa! i go to sleep and you flood all this information. wowow!i love it. will have to reply later. dd
your mars and neptune sexual attraction question. for sexual attraction to a character or movie star - yes. mars - sexual attraction and neptune for the "illusion" - character or fantasy. i think it applies in this case. what do you think? IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 07:07 PM
Pearl Earring reminds me of the Ireland comments. When I was a kid my dad used to play the song nobody loves like an Irishman Yeah, dad, you reckon. But I don't know who else saw the smouldering performance on the Tudors? Then when he was photographed slurping on cans of special brew, wandering the streets of London unkempt and unwashed, after losing his mother, it did seem like there was a man of real feeling:
Well I must confess here I lived in Ireland as a teenager so let's say I know a bit about the passion of the Irishman. And as we mentioned Pearl Earring, that reminded me of, well, where else could this face be from?
Simply not an ugly man.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 10, 2008 07:07 PM
izo??? i just saw an appearance! damn, i don't have the time to look at all this right now. lol. later.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 10, 2008 07:19 PM
The Tudors - Jonathan Rhys Meyers, the guy with the perfect chart!  His Sun in Leo in my 8th house trines my Mars and ASC. HIs Moon in Sagittarius in my 1st house conjuncts my Sun and Mercury. His Venus in Gemini in my 7th house opposes my Sun and Mercury. His Mars in Gemini in my 7th house EXACTLY conjuncts my DSC and opposes my Mars. His Mars also conjuncts my SN. My Chiron conjuncts his SN. *Sighs* Looks not too bad doesn`t it? Sun - Mars Sun - ASC Moon - Sun Venus - Sun Mars - DC But my Venus isn`t aspected by his plaents, so it won´t work. Meta, the reason I like intensity in men is my Pluto squaring my Venus, and my Vertex and Eros in 8th house, and the ruler of 2nd house is in 8th house and the ruler of 8th house is in 2nd house, which is like a Venus-Pluto-aspect itself with emphasis on Taurus-Scorpio (not Libra-scorpio, as would the 7th house imply). Pluto also trines my DSC. So, it makes sense. PA, thank you, yes, it makes sense. attracted to a dream. That is Mars-Neptune, I got that now. I think I should go to bed now. *yawns* Goodnight, girls, have fun without me, (but not too much ).
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 07:22 PM
Mars Square Neptune ~>My husband's Neptune is conjunct my Ascendant, 1 degree orb, and thus Square my Mars. This is an edit of my first post in the place, which didn't really make sense. It says a lot about this aspect. In any case it links in with the whole chart so it is hard to take it out of context. But as we are married and have produced children along the way it is save to say that there is something sexual going on in the chart somewhere even if this isn't it on it's own. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 2886 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted July 10, 2008 07:29 PM
Which version of P & P, mmm, I think I am going to go with the first, though I did like the Keira and Matthew version, they did a good job.IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 10, 2008 08:20 PM
Mmmmm... Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Cillian Murphy.... Nice to look at.However, in the interviews that i have seen of Jonathan, he's too eccentric. I don't like that... at all. It takes away from the mystery and seriousness that i find attractive in the way he looks and the characters he plays. But then again, He has Moon in Sag and Venus and Mars in Gemini. Too much air and not enough water for me. No wonder i don't fancy him much. What is Cillain's info? Blue Moon, we share some of the same interests in men, what's your info? Where are your placements?? IP: Logged |