Topic: zala
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 05:02 AM
metaone for you and your love of effeminate men.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 05:06 AM
ddlol - vampire thing. yes would have to agree about the leather. what is that about!!?? i think women in leather pants look sexy too. don't agree about the long leather coat though. i think a nice crisp white shirt over leather pants looks hot any day. even in leather jude still looks effeminate. i don't think he's as gentle as it implies. you expect a certain vulnerability in effeminate men. but i think jude could be a real pr1ck. (and there is definitely NO pun intended in that). IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 05:06 AM
if we have a "thing" then i definitely also have a guitarist thing.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 09:57 AM
metahere's something for you and "rafe" from the mars/sex thread in astro forum - talking about capi suns (hey, i just typed sins instead of suns - lol!) "Capricorn and Sex Behind that cool Capricorn exterior lies a white-hot interior waiting to be discovered by a worthy lover. Splendor beneath the sheets is likely to be a straight-ahead affair for the Sea Goat, since this practical Earth sign doesn't need anything flashy or fancy to get aroused. The arousal here is from being happily in love, since love and sex do go hand in hand for Capricorn. The Sea Goat is a persistent, passionate and loyal lover, so whoever is on the receiving end is in for a guaranteed good time. While Capricorns abhor being dependent on their lover, they would certainly like to be nurtured by them and exposed to new levels of delight. There is no doubting that the frisky Sea Goat can explode with an understanding, strong and libidinous partner."
some things even the imagination shouldn't see - ie. ralph fiennes involved in ANY sexual activity. actually - can't imagine he'd be any good, really. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 10:03 AM
dd & metathis is another bit from the sex/mars thread in astro forum: "Oh, and one of the best um.. sweetcake licking experiences I can remember is when the guy said beforehand.." This is going to be the best you've ever had..."" - he must have been a leo! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 10:56 AM
where is everyone? anyone? why do you people sleep? it's 1am here and i'm bored. someone.....anyone.......... [deep sighs of defeated recognition of the obvious]. my poor aries ego is deflated. and my aquarius moon is in it's lonely 11th house of friendship. you have foresaken me aqua moon. why, oh why! i will now depart for some serious inner dialogue. or i may just go to sleep and dream about ralph fiennes. oh yeah - like THAT'S gonna happen!IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 11:12 AM
i sat here till 1 waiting for some fun but my friends had other things to do like dream about a man or two - hundred and while they slept i sat and wept alone in front of the keyboard alone, and well, simply, just bored. but then the pictures came alive while izo danced with clive and i sat here talking quietly with rafe he told about the problem with his chaffe... oh, too much information i said so i sat and talked with ewan instead jude came in wearing his black leather pants and a floral shirt he'd borrowed from robert plant looking for a date for some party so i told him to come back later and get dd but it was getting late and blue moon hadn't had a mention so i thought that sean bean should stand at attention (think about it) have i forgotten anyone, oh, stuart, gale and probably some others who we wish could be our lovers oh, i've forgotten meta-4 yeah, she's out lusting after that effeminate bore.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 11, 2008 12:28 PM
ROFL PA, you`re killing me with your great sense of humour!  I almost fell off my chair laughing. Sorry to have been away all day, but my parents wanted to see me again. They swear they have forgotten how I look. Strange thing, somehow Jude has fallen out of my mind - but I agree, I guess he can be a real ******* , but strangely that isn`t really appealing to me; I want my men rough on the outside, soft(er) on the inside not the other way round. But right now, crazy, crazy, crazy, I only want Stuart. I WANT STUART! Why can`t you all see HOW hot he is? I don`t get it. Well, I probably should talk to Charlize about it, or rather not?  IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 11, 2008 01:31 PM
Oh, I do get Stuart's appeal!! He's... mmmmmm... intriguing. Cute bad boy, with a twist. Though a bit too metrosexual for me. I can like effeminate men, as I have Cancer DC, but I think Mars in Aries gets the best of me. I think I'm sticking with Mr. Rough Owen heehee. [URL=] IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 11, 2008 01:38 PM
PA, you're killing me too! This makes you a mass murderer. Or are you a serial killer?!DD, I'm with you on the vampire fetish. I've even wrote a vampire novel too. Well, I started it when I was in my teens and left it unfinished or threw it away because it was mediocre. I wasn't able to focus on one thing for too long back then. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Hell. I brought cookies! Registered: Oct 2006
posted July 11, 2008 02:08 PM
Personally, I wish I could have studied some human anatomy on Becks. Aries Mars likes football players. They have the best legs!! Keep the effeminate actors and pass me the hot, sweaty pieces of muscle! 
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 2727 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted July 11, 2008 02:16 PM
Izo,FINALLLY, someone who gets this. And why am I not surprise that it would be you?  BTW I just realized that you share some personal sign placements with Paul - Sun in Aries, Mercury in Aries, Venus in Taurus (he has a Pisces-Mars, Taurus-Moon and Pisces ASC though). But that is not important now - need to focus, need to focus. However, yes, I admit as Lestat Stuart is very metrosexual, which I absolutely LOVE In that movie, but if you see him in interviews I don`t feel like he is. He actually comes across as a rather,mmph, normal man, not saying that metrosexuals are no real men - oh I better shut up now. But as I said I don`t know why I am SO infatuated with him now and then. I checked, last time around I was obsessed with him in 2007, and before that when I saw Queen of the Damned. SEems, like he kinda always steals back into my mind. lol It`s so hard to understand with our mediocre synastry. Maybe I should apply my own DRaconic theory to this synastry, see what is there? Well, I know that the ruler of his SN (Moon) is opposite my 12th house ruler, and the ruler of my SN (Mercury) is conjunct his 12th house ruler - IF that Virgo-ascendant is right for him. But it fits him definitely amazingly well. And if it is right, his Moon conjuncts my IC, while his Sun (and Lilith) conjuncts my IC. And his Venus-Mars-conjunction falls into my 12th house - actually Mars is still in the 11th house but conjunct the cusp, and his Venus conjuncts my Valentine (in my 12th house), while his Valentine falls into my 7th house, only 3° from my 8th house cusp, and opposes my Venus. I`m gonna do this analysis now. I won`t feel calm anyway, until I have done it. Watching him as Lestat or even as Guy in "Head in the clouds" or in anything else is almost painful; I mean it`s absolutely enjoyable, but it leaves me somehow, I don`t know, craving. Like in that story I wrote. Whenever I see him that feeling comes very strongly to the surface. It`s actually the reason I had to turn away again and again, because at a certain point it becomes unbearable and slightly dangerous. Not because I would slip into illusions, I don`t, but I`m not very good in bearing this ache. Did you ever experience something like this? You also wrote a vampire story? (I actually wrote some other stories, too, not only vampires). Do you want to show me your story and I show you mine? Well, I would LOVE to read what you have written, even if it`s unfinished. (Isn`t everything in life like an unfinished song? Oh I am being melodramatic again. lol). BTW my Mars in Sagittarius in 12th house conjunct Neptune and my DSC in Gemini could be a reason that I have a slight tendency to like metrosexual men. Or what do you think? Also, Moon in Aquarius as ruler of 8th house, Aquarius likes to dissolve polarities in a way, and since it rules the 8th house, the house of sexuality among others, maybe that is another reason. My Saturn in Cancer in 8th house is somewhat contradictory here I guess. Saturn likes bondaries and probably also polarities, because they are so nicely conventional. DD IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Moderator Posts: 7133 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted July 11, 2008 09:00 PM
Awwww, PA -- you hadda go and put up McGyver!! Love that Aqua dude  (**swoons**) IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 09:09 PM
ZAAALLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAyou're here! oh, yes, love that aqua man above. gorgeous. didn't like him as macgyver (what was with that hair????) - but love him as o'neill. i don't say this often - but he's just dead sexy. just look at that picture. i'll join you - swoon swoon. izo
"cute bad boy, with a twist" - for me, that's paul bettany. i have to run out the door - the kids are (literally) waiting for me. back later. damn the time difference. i wish the world were flat. or square - or heart shaped and on one time zone.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 11:20 PM
oh, izo! really great pics of becks.problem with him is that he is sooooo good to look at that when he opens his mouth and speaks it kills ALL illusion and fantasy. for some people it should be illegal to speak. he's one of them. kirk hammett from metallica is second on my list. now usually i don't go for pretty boys. my favourite part of the male anatomy is the bit below the navel, above the pubic hair line. i don't know why - but it has always been. i love that line of hair - i think it's the suggestion of where it leads - not sure - lol! but becks is nice - keanu is another who is nice in that particular area - watch point break and you'll see it when he's laying in bed. i'd rather look at that on a man than see him naked. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 11:25 PM
izoif aries mars likes football players - what does taurus mars like? my adonis is in libra in 7th. by all accounts i should really like your beloved clive, a whole lot more than i do - shouldn't i? but i seem to like aries type men a lot - but i also like scorpio influences - and you can't have aries sun and scorpy venus!!! damn - who designed this universe?????? obviously not a woman! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 11, 2008 11:45 PM
blue mooni am a HUGE rolling stones fan. i think i can safely say that there has never been anything elegant about ronnie wood. he has his problems - very sad for him. love a lot of his art work that i've seen. btw - i have always had a fascination - thing - something - about brian jones - even though he died before i was born. turns out his south node is conjunct my north node - vice versa, obviously. which is interesting. always felt a really strong connection with him. paul kossoff too - but i've never looked at a chart - should do that. i'm disappointed with my syanstry with sean bean - it should be sizzling - and it's not - maybe i just haven't used the right asteroids. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 12, 2008 12:14 AM
PA,I loved Damage. Love Jeremy Irons. Love Jeremy Irons IN Damage. Very intense, sexual movie. It made me gasp in more than one scene!! Did you like it? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 12:18 AM
metayes, but i do have a "thing" for my irons - i'm not sure what it is - sexual, romantic, somthing other - but just something. he's very very interesting but what puts me off him is that he oh so KNOWS it. damage - yes, love the scene where they cover each others' eyes. thought of that scene when i read your post in the mars/sex thread. i also loved the scene in the doorway where they have sex standing there. just that they had that intensity of passion that it had to be there and right then. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 12, 2008 12:27 AM
About Ralph,I know that i read in an interview with Rachel Weisz while she was promoting The Constant Gardener, that the two of them went to The Kit Kat Club. She said he's a fantastic dancer, and likes Jazz and Swing music. I don't know what he listens to regularly, but he knows how to sweep ladies off their feet- literally. In a woman, he hasn't bluntly said what he wants. I know he hates children, and doesn't want them in the least. He doesn't like immaturity or someone who is attention seeking. He wouldn't want someone who would tell his secrets, or seek publicity. I know in many interviews he said how much he disliked Jennifer Lopez because she was such an attention ***** , and how she needed the media like a crutch. He said that's a total turn off. He wants complete privacy. Plus with his Venus in Scorpio, and looking at his past love choices, we can see what kind of woman he likes. He was married to Alex Kingston for a small time, and then left her for Francesca Annis, who is 18 years older than him. He began an affair with her while he was married, and after the death of his mother. THEN he cheated on Francesca with this dark, seductive Romanian singer. So he and Francesca split, then got back together, then split because he cheated again... It's not looking very good for him in the faithful department. Mind you, he and Francesca were together for 7 or 9 years. So... yes... what do you think of him now? I know you have kids, so that might be a bit distasteful... but still, you can't deny attraction. If you are, you are. If you're not, you're not. I may poke at you, but no one can make you feel something that isn't there. Just as no one can make you NOT feel something that IS there. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 12, 2008 12:32 AM
OH YES, i feel your pain, PA. I have something aweful for Mr. Irons. I can't even describe it. I don't like him as a person. At all. He's vain, he's presumptuous, he's moody. He's what i find most unattractive in human beings. He has even stated that acting isn't a passion for him. That he does it for the money. Now, because i find his acting inspiring, that truly breaks my heart... ******* .But in Damage, there's this scene where he comes over to her apartment after they all dined together, and he's on his knees in front of her and he says "All through dinner i just wanted to touch you". GOD! The way he says it... he's completely enslaved by her and his lust for her. He says it like a confession, like an urgent whisper... Wow... the intensity speaks to me! He has Venus in Leo by the way. I know how much you LOVE that sign! IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted July 12, 2008 12:35 AM
Oh, and i read your poem...HA HA! You think you're so funny... hadnfisdhsdkfeibfcl.... But i did quite enjoy the effeminate picture of him you posted. ^_^ Meta likey. I read your post about the trail of hair from a man's navel heading south, and i must confess i also find that quite attractive. Must be the Mars in Taurus acting up again! Speaking of the post i left on the Mars sexuality thread, did you identify with anything i wrote? Like, was any of it similar to what you like/dislike? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 12:40 AM
metarafe not liking children is offputting to me. i can understand if someone doesn't want to have them, but not liking them is something else entirely. also i don't like a history of cheating - that puts me off big time. i don't feel i could ever trust that person no matter their declarations or displays of love - you'd always be wondering when you're not around - what are they up to. i completely understand rafe's dislike of j-lo and all the reasons - she has NO appeal to me - zero - just like liz hurley. yes, i've read an interview with jeremy irons - and stating he isn't passionate about acting. i still like him - but like you said - find him very very vain. but i think it's all born out of enormous insecurity. something you'd like to fill perhaps? i can see that appealing to you. deep inside jeremy irons is a very lost, sad, lonely boy. omg - is that what you see in ralph fiennes too? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 12:42 AM
jeremy shows that kind of desperation in lolita too.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 1755 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted July 12, 2008 12:43 AM
i loved jji (jeremy) in kingdom of heaven. he is asked, "what are you looking at?" to which his character replies "a dead man" - but just the WAY he said it - with his fabulous voice and exquisite tone. could listen to him talk for hours - but, alas, he'd talk about himself for hours..... lol!IP: Logged |