posted September 04, 2008 05:35 AM
Something I must share....This is a BBC that was moved to prime time due to its popularity, and has now had several series. In the current, Jerry Springer's episode is still online to view, but you only have a few hours to go. html
If you are interested but can't view the recording, there is a full synopsis. It gets repeated on other satellite channels here, maybe in other countries too.
In it, Jerry says: this isn't just family history, it's world history.
He was talking about this:
Jerry asked his sister Evelyn what she knew about their parents' flight from Germany to the UK. Evelyn had in her possession an old registration certificate and passport belonging to their mother Margo. It was stamped with the telling phrase 'Refugee from Nazi oppression' and the registration certificate from the UK was dated 9 August 1939.
In a previous episode of the show, Stephen Fry visited the place from which his grandparents were transported to their death. He says: it's that effin' word, Aushwitz.
The next day I read some viewer's comments on the Beeb's website. Someone was complaining about the swear word as they would no longer be able to watch a recording with their grandchildren. It boggled my mind.
Jerry also visits the place from which his grandmother was transported. He doesn't swear, he whispers a prayer. But understandably, he was visibly and vocally upset. But he wanted to do this show for closure. At the end, there is a nice twist that changes his feeling about the experience a little. But I won't give it away.