meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1279 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 18, 2008 10:04 PM
23,I am sorry. I was joking. Just joking. I didn't mean to cut something naked in you. I understand you are a private person, and i know how you feel about the "Rafe" situation. This goes back to me not understand why you are so harsh about thoughts like these. "What are the chances of this ever happening?" - that hurts me, seriously, even though it's not directed at me. You, nor i, nor anyone, KNOWS the chances. But the negative outlook hurts YOU. It does. Who is to say that you won't come into contact with JT? Who KNOWS that? No one. SO i don't understand how you can dismiss the thought, or act like something like that ever happening is absurd. It's not. If you feel something from the synastry, if you feel something from him, or his chart, then you can't deny it. You can't dismiss it. It's there, and you know it. Maybe some of it could be wishful thinking, but if it is, you'll know it. You'll know whether you would get along or not. You'll know whether there wouldn't be an attraction, be it romantic, mental, emotional, or not. So who are you trying to convince here, me or you? 'Cause i'm not buying. Let yourself breathe. Let yourself think. Let yourself dream. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 3239 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 18, 2008 10:11 PM
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1279 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 18, 2008 10:44 PM
23,I read your post. If you took it down because you didn't want anyone to know, i understand. Believe me, i understand. I am perversely private as well. I just want you to know that what you said wasn't a "rant". I empathize. But you're hurting yourself, even if you can't "help it". Even if it is only natural for you to be a realist. There's a difference between being honest with yourself and punishing yourself. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 3239 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 12:18 AM
Don't worry, 23 is ok, thank you for listening and caring She's snapped out of it. quote: Maybe some of it could be wishful thinking, but if it is, you'll know it.
Yes exactly, how much is it wishful and fanciful? The synastry is weak and strong. From what I can see, he won't love me BUT I suspect it's hatred from both sides (even though my Venus is highly aspected to him - which is the love bit). That's why I wouldn't want to meet him. I suspect we would hate each other. We have for example his Mars/Eros square my Saturn. I've experienced Mars square Saturn and I was Mars. I HATED this girl with a passion, it was a burning fury and and I wanted to do some serious damage to her. I'm the Saturn person in the JT case and I can feel almost as if I'm being overpowered by looking at him. His Mars is awfully powerful, my Saturn is awfully weak. My Sun squares his Mars. My Sun is in Aqu, his Mars is in Aries. He loves to give orders and execute, I don't like take orders from anyone. He'll love the fact that there's a girl that doesn't listen to the orders at first, then it'll drive him nuts. He'd challenge my ego and my controlling aspect of my Sun, I don't think I'd like it. I saw him get dominating and ordering in a clip once and it really annoyed me, his forcefulness. His Saturn also squares my Moon, Pluto and Jupiter. Bad Karma. I find it dangerous, it's an attraction because of that, on the basis of dislike I think. That's why I don't like dreaming about what would happen. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 04:38 AM
Meta,"Seriously, DD? I would have thought Mars/Pluto to be HIGHLY sexual." Yes, Mars / Pluto is highly sexual, it is even PURELY sexual. But there is no romance and no love in it. You`d need Venus, Moon or even a bit of Neptune for that. Mars / Pluto would just throw you on the bed, rip off all your clothes and so on. The challenging Mars-Pluto-aspects are also said to relate to the possibility of violence, rape and murder. It doesn`t have to be that way, of course not. This energy can be expressed differently, but Mars / Pluto is very powerful and intense, even in the soft aspects, but it is not a sign of romantic love. Now, if you have Moon or Venus somewhere in the brew.... "But i do agree with you on the Venus/Mars opp- strongest attraction indicator between Venus/Mars." Thanks. It`s good to see you agree with me. Actually I alsmot counted on you to do that. "You is so damn smart, DD." Thanks again. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 04:45 AM
Meta,"Oh hey, i was just watching Reign of Fire (for the first time) with Christian and Gerry-" I remember that film. I loved Gerry in it, especially his accent. I also liked Christian very much, couldn`t care less for Matthew though. Oh and of course it is always a delight to see Sid. "Christian is DEFFFFF a Scorpio ASC. Def. No doubt in my mind. I might suck at guessing ASCs, but he is Scorpio Rising, or else i'm a duck." Absolutly agreed. That is why I gave him a Scorpio rising in my He MUST have Scorpio ASC,or at least Pluto exactly on his ASC. "He's also... kinda... good looking. In a way.. almost.." Exactly my thoughts. Kinda good looking. Almost.
"i read that, something happened to me physically. It was like a jerk throughout my body. A jolt. My throat feels sorta tight." No you are not insane (or I am there with you). It is what I very strongly felt when I first came across the Draco, and what I still feel every time I look at them. It`s like every fibre of my being senses the raw truth in the Draco-chart. Well, it is not the oldest zodiac for nothing, is it? Did you know that Edgar Cayce saw in his visions the Draconic placements and interpreted them rather than the tropical? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 19, 2008 04:46 AM
I would take those sexual aspects over the romantic ones. If there are other compatability factors and there is connection in other ways, I'd still take Pluto-Mars aspects over Venus-Mars aspects. I'd rather love expressed deeply sexually than platonically or even romantically or verbally.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 04:50 AM
Well, PA, there is not a chance Venus-Mars would be expressed platonically I think. The nice thing about Venus-Mars is that you have it both, but I agree with you there may be that transformational very deeply passionate note of Pluto missing. I`d like to have a multiple aspect of Venus, Mars and Pluto alltogether for the allconsuming passion. The platonic or purely romantic ones would be rather something like Moon-Venus, Moon-Neptune or Venus-Neptune. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 04:53 AM
Oh one more thing, I think Mars-Pluto-aspects can be wonderful IF there are other aspects with Venus for example, too.But If you only have a Mars-Pluto-square and no basic compatibility nor other Venus or even Moon-aspect that show an emotional or loving connection, Mars-Pluto could turn out very far from being a nice aspect. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 19, 2008 05:01 AM
DDWhat if the Mars-Pluto planets are in "soft" or "romantic" signs - eg, Libra, Pisces, Cancer. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 05:11 AM
Meta," read your aspects with Christian Bale- I didn't know you were that hung up on him." I am not. " How much do you feel for him? What is the nature of your relationship (romantic, sexual, emotional, mental, etc)? I`m not really attracted to him. At least not on a romantic or sexual way. But I am not really indifferent either. There`s something about him, that triggers some emotional response in me, pretty deep down. It`s not sexual or romantic attraction, and I would never fall in love with him or something like that. So I think it must be something emotional, mental or even spiritual. Maybe just plain old karma. lol He`s got something unsettling, in a completely different way than Jude for example. The warmth is completely missing. It`s almost like a "cold attraction" if you know what I mean. I mean, how should you? Not even i can explain it to myself. There`s nothing much in the tropical synastry, at least nothing to be proud of or to enjoy. lol But it seems there is quite some rumble under the surface (Draconics). "The Saturn opp Lust and Nep might damper it a bit. And Saturn on DC." Well, I`d say it dampen it pretty much, especially since it is an opposition. Saturn opposite Lust literally means that he would kill my Lust, maybe that is the reason I do not feel erotically attracted to him the slightest bit.
Which brings me to the question, what does it mean then that my Lust exactly conjuncts Jude`s ASC? Oh no, please do not answer this. I donīt want to hear. "But wait, you have a lot of Pluto going on here- do i sense some darkness festering underneath the wound, DD????" Yes, he is very very dark to me. I am not sure I like this kind of darkness.
23, "I often wonder how people get so many conjunctions in synastry." I ususally don`t. I was actually very very surprised to find that in Jude`s and my synastry were so many conjunctions. It almost looked like the heavens liked these placements so much that they spread it onto us two. Even though there are some polar aspects involved. Like his Sun in Capricorn, my Sun in Sag. his Venus in Sag, my Sun in Cap. So, it`s not literally the same, but nicely spread between the yin and yang planets. lol ", do you want me to keep it to hard aspects only because I noticed that is was you did with Christian." I limit the analysis to conjunctions and oppositions within 3° only. And don`t worry usualyl you do find many of those in the Draco`s. And you look at three synastries. Draco - Draco Draco - tropical tropical - Draco
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 05:14 AM
PA,well I would only look to the Mars-sign. So a Mars in Libra or Cancer or Pisces would of course express that energy in a softer gentler way, but it still is Mars and not Venus or Moon. Mars does not tell you about how you love, but about how you go and get what you are attracted to. In a soft sign you will be more diplomatic and gentle. Of course. But honestly I think in most synastries if ther eis a Mars-Pluto-aspect you will also find some nice Moon or Venus aspects.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 19, 2008 05:25 AM
DDWhat do you make of Pluto and Juno conjunct South Node? Also, Chiron conjunct NN? I won't say who it is yet. I'll post a chart later. Dinner time now. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 19, 2008 05:28 AM
quote: Mars does not tell you about how you love,
Mars does also reflects the qualities a woman likes in a man and how (and where) a man expresses himself sexually and actively. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 05:32 AM
Meta,I wanted to give you an example on how to interprete Draconics (at least "my style"). Your DR Juno and Pluto conjuncts his tropical Sun. 1st thing to know is that usually the DRacoperson (you) feels like there is a special meaning to a connection, while the tropical person (him) feels it just in the "normal" everyday way. The Draconics are calculated from the nodal axis, therefore they relate to the past lives (SN) as well as they relate to this life`s lifepath (NN), the purpose. Since the nodal axis is a meeting of Sun and Moon, you could even say they relate to the soul of a person. Maybe it`s like this; you experience something in a past life, and that somehow shapes your soul and your perception of things and therefore becomes part of your life again. In your case with Draco Juno and Draco Pluto you might have experienced a passionate marriage or total commitment and so you are searching for it again. Now Ralph is walking along and puts his tropical Sun onto that "soul-need" of yours. It means that the way he generally is (his Sun) triggers that deep need of yours. And you react to him on the soullevel very intensely. With your Draco Pluto conjunct his Sun there could be even a note of obsession and your deep felt wish to transform him, maybe to heal him. On the other hand, your tropical Venus conjuncts his Draco Venus. So the way you are as a woman in this life (Cancer) triggers in him the image of a perfect woman, as it lives deep in his soul (his Draco Venus in Cancer). You may not even be his CONSCIOUS ideal woman, but you are on the soullevel. The only question is, how much he is aware of that.
Bu I think the Draco-connections to tropical planets WILL be sensed, even if it hapens in some sort of uneasiness and feeling like there is "something underneath the surface", which it actually is. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 05:38 AM
. PA,"Mars does also reflects the qualities a woman likes in a man and how (and where) a man expresses himself sexually and actively" Yes. But it still doesn`t has anything to do with love. I think if someone`s Pluto was aspecting your Mars, he would be a huge turn on for you and you probably would get along great sexually. If your Pluto positively aspected his Mars, you would probably make him feel like a "real man", which of course is something very positive for the sexual relationship. But if this was all there is in a synastry, it would not be enough I think. BTW not all astrologers agree on Mars relating to the ideal image of a man for the woman.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 19, 2008 05:47 AM
quote: BTW not all astrologers agree on Mars relating to the ideal image of a man for the woman.
LOL - you hit the nail right on the head with that because there are so many interpretations for EVERYTHING that it is never black and white and very hard to find a definitive truth. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 05:53 AM
PA,I don`t think we can find the definitive truth. But I try to find the system that works for me, because I think it`s logical. But of course what i think is logical,d oesn`t have to be this way for you or others. But I do think there is a sense in the symbolism of the planets, and we can`t simply change it. You know Mercury symbolizes mental things and we can`t just go and say it relates to emotions. The planetary symbolism is something that is the ground on which astrology is built. If we c hange that, we are not doing astrology anymore as we know it. (of course we can still change it, but we should be aware of what we are doing then). Personally, I still like the theory on Mars relating to the ideal man for a woman. It kinda fit with my chart. But I also think that women will express their Mars actively, depending on how strongly it is woven into their chart of course. In my case I definitely express it, as it is on my ASC.
Do you express it? Well, it is in Taurus and you have all those Aries-planets. So maybe you choose to project the Mars onto a man? Or do eht Mars-ruled planets help you expressing your Mars yourself (in a Taurus-way of cousre)? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 19, 2008 06:10 AM
DD quote: Do you express it? Well, it is in Taurus and you have all those Aries-planets. So maybe you choose to project the Mars onto a man? Or do eht Mars-ruled planets help you expressing your Mars yourself (in a Taurus-way of cousre)?
I think when you think about Mars in Taurus that really does reflect the kind of man I like to a certain degree. I very much like masculine men. But then also, I like humour and quirky a lot - they rate very highly on my list of ideals and that's not reflected in Mars in Taurus. I think I'm more Uranian than Martian. But then again, I can be very Mercurial too. I'm also very Neptunian - so where does it end? It's just a balance of the all - and different moods at different times. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 06:13 AM
I couldn`t resist but had to put up the Draconic synastry with Sean Bean here.Did anyone else notice that Moon-Pluto-thingy? PA,
yes, I think Mars signifies to a certain degree our ideal man, but not completely. You can`t just ignore your Moon-needs or Venus-needs or 5th house needs or 7th house needs. It all comes together. Why do you think you need a mercurial man? I`d think Aquarius / Uranus would bring enough quirks and humour and intelligence. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 06:15 AM
Oops sorry, you wrote you ARE Mercurial, not you are looking for that. Well, Mercury in your 1st house gives you that vibe, definitely. Also, the ruler of your 7th house is in your 1st house (at least I think I remember that right), so you would definitely need someone who is like you (I have the same connection interestingly, just in my case it is over Mercury, not Venus).EDIT: That Neptunian vibe: Interestingly your Draco Moon falls in Pisces. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 19, 2008 06:25 AM
DD quote: Why do you think you need a mercurial man?I`d think Aquarius / Uranus would bring enough quirks and humour and intelligence.
Hmm, maybe not so much Mercurial. Not sure. I like wit - not necessarily clever or good - but quick. I appreciate the swiftness of the reply more than the quality of it. I can let a really bad joke or line pass if it is delivered at lightning speed. I love movement/motion - especially mentally. I enjoy mental stimulation. So I think that's Mercurial. But I love quirky. RDJ has quirk - and loads of it. Who else do I like that's quirky? I think Christian has quirks - but they're a bit darker. I think Alexander Siddig is quirky - not obviously though. I like someone who would wear Converse shoes with a suit and take me somewhere unusual for a first date. I'm just not a dinner or candelight dinner girl. It has to be fun - I love the movies so that's standard, but ten-pin bowling is a great first date for me, or ice-skating or roller-skating, the zoo or an animal park or a theme/fun park. I also like going for walks through the city late at night. I love that. Just walking and talking/laughing. The best fun. I hate it when a man uses his position/wealth/ego to try and impress me. A real turn off. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 19, 2008 06:26 AM
DDWhat do you think of this? There is no birthtime. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 19, 2008 06:32 AM
DD quote: That Neptunian vibe: Interestingly your Draco Moon falls in Pisces.
I think of Neptune as the highly spiritual planet. That's how it translates to me. I know people describe it as illusion, deception, blah blah, but I like to look at it's higher principles. Same as Pluto - I love Pluto - it's self-mastery. In tropical my NN is in Pisces in 12th house. I have a very bubbly demeanour so it's easy for people to miss that I'm actually really deeply spiritual. I can't see that it translates when I speak and I don't think it's apparent about me. I don't adhere to any religion - there are wonderful qualities in most of them - but I have a distinct distaste for religion collectively. There's nothing there for me - but I'm very very devoted to my spiritual beliefs. I think, more than most people who consider themselves religious. My faith carries the rest of my life - it's who I am and colours everything.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 19, 2008 06:42 AM
PA,how you described your ideal date - that just screams Aquarius to me. And yes, I definitely agree. I could imagine such a date, too. And quirks are definiteyl Uranian things, too. mercury makes jokes, too, but they are usually witty and clever and smart and rather superficial, but they lack that unconventionality I love about Uranus. " think of Neptune as the highly spiritual planet. That's how it translates to me. I know people describe it as illusion, deception, blah blah, but I like to look at it's higher principles. Same as Pluto - I love Pluto - it's self-mastery." I basically agree. I see Neptune as spiritual, too and Pluto as transformative. BUT every planet has a darker shade, too. And the transpersonal planets seem to bit more lighter and darker than the every day planets.
Neptune can be indicative of lies and illusions,b ut if you are aware of it, I believe there is a good chance you can avoid this expression. Same with Pluto, Pluto can be very destructive, especially in people who are living pretty spiritually unconscious. They tend to underestimate the power of Pluto and then get hit by it. But if you know it, you can go along with it, and benefit from this planet A LOT. "I don't think it's apparent about me" It`s apparent HERE:
". I don't adhere to any religion - there are wonderful qualities in most of them - but I have a distinct distaste for religion collectively. There's nothing there for me - but I'm very very devoted to my spiritual beliefs. I think, more than most people who consider themselves religious. My faith carries the rest of my life - it's who I am and colours everything." Yes, I am definitely the same. IP: Logged | |